
I'll Have Her Home By 2am



4 Years
Extra large
04-17-2015, 11:36 PM

It had been far too long since he had seen his star-spangled friend. He had made the long journey from the Moontouched Cliffs to see her, and he had a surprise in mind as well. There was an amazing thing that he had found, and it was just for her. Grasped in his jaws was something that he had found and crafted for her himself, with the help of a friendly monkey of course. Glee filled him as he came close to the borders, stopping as his toes touched the scent marker. Ah, it would seem that Voltage had held true to his word and had claimed himself a pack. He felt oddly proud for the bright marked male, his head nodding in silent agreement. Giving it a moment to all sink in, like he did for everything, he tipped back his head and let out a call for his little star-gazer.

When the large man's song came to an end he lowered his head, dropping his present on his paws. Gazing fondly at the object he let out a soft hum, dark brown eyes looking up to scan the dark beach. He longed to see Astrea, and he shuffled on his paw. The urge to cross the border to find her himself was tempting, but he had respect for the new alpha of these lands. He would not trespass just to try and see her, he knew that she would come. Seerten couldn't help but glance up at the starry sky, only a few clouds dotting the endless plains. Of course he had come here at their favorite time of day, the dead of night.

Speech Thought Others

Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.



5 Years
04-18-2015, 12:57 AM

Astrea traced the stars, her eyes turned toward the sky but she truly was not seeing them. It has been a extremely eventful week. First Volt said they where in a pack then in a crisis of identity Astrea was told that not only did her older brother care for her beyond anything she was viewed as a treasure to the pack. She may not have the most important rule in the family but she was going to prized for her skills, for her wisdom... She tilted her head. She was not fully sure if that in itself was the wisest move that Voltage and Glacier made, making her and her closest siblings the rule of guiding the pack... She closed her eyes, dropping her head from the sky. How was she going to be Relicus? It was such a odd thing to think about, how was she going to guide her older siblings? What if they needed help with a problem that she did not know how to solve? Stress grew as she just thought about it. She was about to brew further into that simple issue in a sea of concerns that seemed to pledge her every day now, but instead a howl split the air.

She immediately perked at that song for it was a howl she knew well. It was the one being in this world that she knew understood her fully. Her family may try to understand and maybe get close to it but it was he that saw her deepest self.

She hopped up at once and raced down the path from her perch and ran to where his howl came from. it did not take her long to make it to the boarder for the pack lands was quite small. She stopped in from of him her tail wagging lightly. She was about to advance to press her nose to his cheek but stopped when she glanced down at his paws and saw he was hiding something. She immediately stopped and zeroed in on it. "Ten? what do you have there?" She did not know what it was, he was hiding it with his paws to well but she had a feeling that it was for her, for why else did he hide it?

Excitement filled her at the thought that he would have gotten her something, she had never gotten a gift before... Well not a physical gift, she always got gifts of love and affection.



4 Years
Extra large
04-18-2015, 01:37 AM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2015, 01:43 AM by Seerten.)

He certainly did not have to wait long.

The sound of shuffling sand brought his head all the way down to peek at her dark face. A beaming smile spread across his black lips, and he was about to move to embrace her when she zoned in on her gift. He giggled, dipping down to grab the delicate gold chain with his massive teeth. Lifting up the necklace high the stone that was clinging onto a gold band that wrapped around it. The stone was a raw opal, as bright as a fallen star. It glowed with greens and purples, almost as if Seerten has reached out and plucked her very own star out of the sky. Slowly he leaned forward, trying to drape it across her neck. Letting it go, he leaned back to inspect the lovely gift. "A piece of a star for my lovely star." He said softly. He leaned forward again and nuzzled against her cheek, a soft hum leaving his maw. "Now you will have a piece of the sky against the darkness of your chest, you own personal star," Ten's voice was soft, his slow, thoughtful words filling the silence of the night. "and with a little piece of me, right against your heart." He murmured, leaning down to place a soft kiss on her chest.

Seerten pulled back again, chocolate eyes inspecting her pale ones. "I've missed you." He said after a few heartbeats. Lowering himself to his rump, his wolf-like tail curled around his spotted form. It had been far too long since he had seen her, and it felt like a part of him was missing when he wasn't with her. "I... I don't think I can walk away from you this time, Astrea. My star, my brilliant goddess, I can't..." He broke off, head turning to the side, away from her. His chest felt, heart pounding. "You're the closest thing I have had since family since... since I lost my own. Would it... do you think..." Ten coughed, peeking at her from the corner of his eye. His speech was even more drawn out than usual. "that I could move in and join your brothers pack? I... I need you."

OOC: Necklace has been purchased by myself and has been credited in Astrea's name. The necklace looks like this. HERE

Speech Thought Others

Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.



5 Years
04-18-2015, 02:48 AM

Astrea watched as Ten chuckled and lean down to the thing between his paws. Her eyes fallowed him the whole way and widened when the item came into view. Her whole world stopped when her eyes locked on the star in his jaws. She stopped breathing as it swayed on the chain, and as he moved to place it over her head her eyes filled with tears. It was like he reached into the sky and plucked this very star from the heavens, and she felt it. It was not a star indeed but it pulsed with its own kind of power. It calmed her. She closed her eyes, but it was more than the calming wave of peace that filled her she also felt the warmth of Ten next to her heart. She hummed happily as she opened her eyes and looked at the male that seemed to call to her, even when he was not with her. He called to her much like the stars did and that was a large pull.

She did not hear his words but she felt the meeting behind them. She came back to herself when she felt his soft touch on her chest. She hummed as she felt his warmth, both from the stone and from him. He moved to put distance between them but she did not want the distance, she moved forward spurred by the warmth. She dug her face into the fur of his chest needing the closeness of him. This was new to her, she always felt the need to be with him, even going out of her way to look for him when she should not; and when she was not able to go to him she always looked up and thought about him and their time together looking at those very stars. But this was different, she needed him now. She felt that growing need since he faced up against Voltage on her behalf. He was everything she did not know she needed; a soft presence that understood her quite nature and brought out the best of her. "I'v missed you too." She dug her face further into his fur, needing to get closer to him, the gift humming softly against her now pounding heart.

Her heart skipped a beat when he not only told her that she was like family to her, and that he needed her. She never felt so needed as this moment, with this male who not only gave her the best gift he could but gave her his heart. Her white knight. "Yes, I think my brother has known this day was coming." She moved her head slightly from his chest for when she howled it would not be in his fur but not so much that she lost contact from him. She then lifted her head and gave a call for her dearest older brother.

She stopped singing after her message was clear and moved her head back to the original spot deep into his fur. She murmured softly, but if Seerten where to listen closely he may hear her tell him that she thought she loved him.



6 Years
04-18-2015, 03:08 AM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2015, 03:15 AM by Voltage.)
One could say Voltage had some very skewed morals, especially when it came to his family, but others...they could easily blame it on his care and love and devotion. But, really, it was just because he was a snoop.

The second he had heard a call for Astrea his ears had perked within his den, stormy eyes glittering with curiosity. Who'd be calling for his youngest sister? With a small hum he'd pull himself from his and Serefina's den, shaking the dust from his furs. He quickly went over the list of people his family seemed to know (which was quite minimal) and instantly zeroed in on the big spotted man that he had met some time ago. Yes, that sounded like him. With a smirk he'd trot in their direction, being sure to avoid the coastal breeze that would carry his scent right too them. They were talking, and heavily interested in the others presence or something else...Voltage couldn't see. So he smirked and moved to press himself against the cliff wall, out of sight but luckily not quite out of sound.

He could hear their voices, but it was so light. They were so close together that it was natural that one wouldn't yell, but he had wished they would. He heard a few things, star, goddess, his name somewhere in there. The one thing he could just make out was Seerten asking to join the pack. And he grinned a wide toothy grin. Oh, he knew this day would come. But he quickly made note of his family, and how many there were, and how little of a space they had. Yes...they would have to make more space, that's something he would have to talk to Glacier about.

When Astrea called for him he jumped, eyes wide, caught like a boy with his hand in the prey pile. He gulped slightly before he took a few steps back, stretching and counting the seconds, wondering how long he should wait to make it look like he had just walked there. But...Voltage was impatient, and he waited maybe ten seconds before he stepped around the bend, walking towards them with a very telling smirk upon his face. With...terrible results, he tried to wipe it away, yawning to look natural as he gazed at the couple. "You called, my princess?" He asked, giddy with emotion that vibrated in his voice. He loved romance, and loved when his family seemed happy. Clearing his throat he looked at Seerten, finally managing to wipe the grin from his lips. "You may join.." He said, forgetting he hadn't officially been asked yet. "if you'll take up hunting. Having another mouth to feed puts a strain on a half hunters.."

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
Extra large
04-18-2015, 03:56 AM

He didn't miss the tears that gathered in her eyes, but knew that she wasn't upset. She would have said something if he had upset her, but it still made him hesitate for a moment. Her humming filled his ears, and he slowly closed his eyes and could almost feel her vibrating against his own chest. Soon her warmth followed, the space that he had created was swallowed up by her darker form. He gazed down at her with adoration, the coldness of her stone shocking against the heat that they had created. Her face was pressed into his chest and he lifted up a massive leg, wrapping it around her and holding her close to him. He didn't say anything, there was no need to. No words could describe this moment, even if they both tried. It was... rather perfect. He hummed back at her softly, his nose tipping downwards to lick the top of her head in a few, smooth motions. She was his own star goddess, and now she had a very own piece of the sky. There were things that pranced in his head that he wanted to say, but he just couldn't mull them over enough to say them out loud. It didn't work, they didn't all match up.

Astrea said that she had missed him too, but she didn't need to say it. He knew that she did, that both of them were drawn to each other like fish to water, moths to flames. Their need for each other had grown since their first meeting, the impulse to be at each others side was almost pliable. He let out a soft 'oof' as she dug further into his chest, chuckling softly. It was as if she couldn't get close enough. Seerten tugged on her ear softly, before he pulled back and gazed at the top of her dark head. Eyes roamed to the stars that decorated her backside, and now she had one at her chest. His raised leg dropped from around her, but it paused to poke at the stone against her flesh and fur.

Ten couldn't help but feel shocked when she said that her brother had expected this. Oh, had he now? A brow rose, but he hardly had enough time to answer before she pulled back and called out for him. His one raised ear pulled back slightly at the loud sound. She couldn't pull away, it would seem. He let out another laugh as she replaced herself at his chest. He would have caught her words if Voltage hadn't bounded up, far too quickly to have been at a distance. His brows both rose, his nose tipping downward to take in the smile. "Catching a few words on the wind?" he asked slowly, softly as he pulled away very slowly from his dear Astrea -- if she would allow it of course. He nodded his head when Voltage agreed, his large tail swinging behind him. "I can hunt, yes. It is not something that I would name my specialty, but I will do all I can." His excitement was pliable, his chocolate eyes alight with it. "But I would like to run something by you, Voltage. Alpha? Sir?" He rambled slightly, a smirk on his face as he spoke in his slow manner. "I would like to ask your permission to court your sister, Astrea." Eyes flickered over to his star-dusted beauty, a slight blush tainting his pink skin. He did not know if a father was around, and Voltage seemed to be the protector part. And his soon-to-be-alpha/sir, he was the best to ask in his mind.

Speech Thought Others

Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.



6 Years
04-18-2015, 04:32 AM
Ah, so he had been found out already. With a boyish grin he'd shrug his shoulders gently, a small laugh on his tongue. "You never know what you might hear, if you listen carefully." He said with a gentle smile, dipping his head to the man before him to welcome him to their packlands. Seerten's specialty wasn't hunting, it seemed, but Voltage didn't much believe the rank you held was where you were destined to be. They were a small pack, a small family, and each would learn every job and help out when they can. "What are your skills?" He asked softly before he paused, smiling and shaking his head. "Never mind. Once you are settled, we shall talk then." He said with a gentle smile, looking to his sister that seemed to refuse to move away from the big spotted wolf. He hadn't seen her so happy, so content in quite a while.

But it seemed that this wouldn't be just a simple "welcome to the family" or...well, it could probably still be called that. Seerten's next words were nothing like what Voltage would ever expect, he had never believed he'd face such a thing. And yet....Stormy eyes would grow so wide, staring at Seerten and his sister before they began to mist, water. A warmth coursed through him before he closed his eyes, dropping his nose towards the ground and chuckling. It was like, well, no, there was no way to describe it. With a small shake of his head, he felt giddy, happy. Slowly his eyes would open again, a few moments had only passed, and he looked up at Seerten. He had always been the big brother, the protector, but never had he really felt like he was put in the position as a father. And for some reason...he didn't much like it. He wasn't out to take the place of his parents, no, he was merely there to guide. "Isn't that something you should ask her?" He whispered so softly, stormy eyes soft as the calm after the storm. With a small smile he looked towards Astrea then, gazing upon her. "It's not my place to decide where she belongs, I just hope you will both remain close to us." He would dip his head to Seerten then, a respectful bow to the man that seemed to have one his littlest sister's heart. "And Sir...nah. It's Volty or nothing, brother." And with that he'd welcome the man into his family, regardless of whether or not Astrea accepted him.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
04-19-2015, 02:34 PM

She felt him pull her closer that was soon fallowed by his warm breath and his tongue. She smiled as he kept silent, she knew he needed time to think, he was never one to just blurt out words and that was one of the tings she liked about him the most. He was thoughtful and polite. And such a sweet guy.

She was content to stay like this for now but as she hummed her happiness but he tugged on her ear and pulled away. She beamed as he came into her line of sight to only look down when he played with her new star. She hummed again, closing her eyes. Life it seemed was just falling into place. but when he spoke she pulled away. She blinked as Voltage come from the shadows. She blinked she had only just called for him, he should not have been able to get here so fast. She frown as she tilted her head at her brother. He had been spying on her it seemed. Which is not shocking but still a bit annoying, she was an adult after all she didn't need her older brother watching her every move. She glowered at her brother, not willing to let this go. She was about to say something when he said that Ten could join. She sighed, letting it go for Volt already said that Ten could join the pack!

She wanted to bound to him and hive him a great big kiss on the cheek but didn't get a chance to because Ten stopped her in her tracts with his words. She stared blankly at her brother as the conversation seemed to go on around her.

Seerten wanted to court her? Like in become her mate? Joy filled her mind at the very though of him and her. She snapped out of it after bowed to Ten. She smiled brightly as him, it was no question about what she thought about Ten, he was her white knight. There was no way she was going to let him get away from her. "There is no need to ask Seerten. I have already accepted you." Her smile brightened as she looked up at her big silly charmer. "You are my white knight after all."

She then turned to her brother a smile bright on her face. "Of course I would stay. This is my home and family." She smiled at her brother and then up at Ten.