
You sort the tunes and I'll bring the beers



5 Years
04-21-2015, 04:13 PM
The plans for this festival had been in the works for a while now. First the delay had been ensuring that she was definitely getting better and then it had been put on hold for Frith, Aslan and Varda's trip North to visit Glaciem. They were home now, had shared the bad news and Novella was certainly disappointed to learn of Odette's disappearance, she had liked the woman, was certain they could have become good friends. They were back home, safe and sound and settled back into the pack now though and it meant there was no use in delaying things further. It was time to begin this festival at last.

No formal invitations had actually been extended to any of the packs, Abaven she of course hoped to see, it would be nice to see Fiori as well though the rest of the packs were rather unknown to her right now. Perhaps this would be a good way to form relationships between them all. Certainly a little optimistic about it all though not fools in the slightest. Anyone not looking for trouble was of course welcome to join in the festivities though they wouldn't all be traipsing around the lands of Threar, with her family and children calling the place home she didn't want to run the risk of anything happening to them. Hecate too, still so timid deserved somewhere to be able to hide away from it all.

Redbud Nook seemed like a good spot, it was local to her home and so with Frith at her side, it was time to officially welcome everyone to join them. Lifting her head she let out a call, summoning her own pack of course though others who wished to join them. Now it was time to wait and see who would show.

ooc: So packs and loners are of course welcome to join, there will be things happening for each skill and even something for the pups and of course everyone is welcome to have their own threads mingling throughout the events or even just passing through to see what the fuss is all about.

Anyone wanting to spar, please sign up OOC here
Healer's have a thread here
Anyone wanting to join the hunt, please sign up OOC here
Anyone with pup's wanting to join in the fun sign up for a Scavenger hunt activity here

There is no posting order or rounds required for this thread, it's just sort of a big welcoming thing, an initial see who is about I suppose. If you're going to have a particularly long and detailed meeting with someone, it's probably best for everyone that you move it to it's own thread.



5 Years
04-21-2015, 05:10 PM

Frith would follow his wife to the Nook, excitement bubbling in his belly as they made their way towards the rogue lands. They made the decision to keep the festivities away from the pack lands, just in case anything they hadn't planned for decided to happen. He was fully recovered from the wound the goat had given him at the beginning of summer, he still felt a bit of stiffness where the hole had been but after it was all said and done he might as well of not even gotten injured. Sorrel really knew what he was doing.

He was excited though, a tournament competition.. he couldn't wait for the participants to show up. He would stop as Novella did, his features lifting as hers did to help call for those that might come and join them here. He couldn't help but let the excitement shine through his voice, he was ready.




2 Years
Extra large
04-21-2015, 05:19 PM
His parents hadn't exactly been the most vocal with their plans for the festival apparently choosing to surprise the world with it's announcement and that they would certainly do. The howl certainly led for the boy to be very curious about what was happening, outside of Threar's lands and not even for the pack alone, a very unusual concept. This clearly wasn't a traditional meeting, but then what was happening? There was only one way to find out and so Aslan would lead the way for the rest of the pack to follow making his way towards the Redbud Nook.

His parents were stood alone when he arrived, they certainly looked rather pleased with themselves though they their appearance didn't exactly shed any light onto what was happening. The young Destruction would settle himself down to wait, a rather long wait was ahead of him he assumed if they weren't simply waiting for the rest of Threar. What were his parents planning?



4 Years
04-21-2015, 05:43 PM

ooc: since some of sonticus wolves signed up for the spars xD I'm gonna throw arian in as "gave them permission" thingy. Plus she needs to flaunt herself around :,D -be more social-

She had caught wind of the festival since she made Sonticus. With Odette's vanishing, she was the whole reason why the pack was here. The new pack of the north could not go unnoticed, but they couldn't cause trouble either. They were lightly alligned for the most part, she prayed to the gods she didn't have a panic attack in front of a crowd of these wolves. Moving herself to the crowd, Threar sort of reminded her of Song, the white wolf. Though she pushed the thought away as she gave Novella a grin.

"Hello, my name is Arian Adravendi, I am the president of the new pack Sonticus we recently formed in the north. I'd like to thank you for having us." The cripple would dip her head rather respectfully, before finding a spot away from the three wolves. Near the edges ever so nervously. She wouldn't be participating in the fights, she was far too nervous of strangers and would rather get her skill for fighting back from her own members. However as a healer she would also look forward to seeing any loners here.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



5 Years
04-21-2015, 06:08 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2015, 06:12 PM by Frost.)

Frost would hear the howl from the Threar territory, a nice spar would be good for her. She knew how to fight but she hadn’t had many chances to put her knowledge to the test, Velex had taught her the ropes of fighting and it would be interesting to see how much she remembered. As she arrived in the nook she spotted the two alphas and Aslan, there was another wolf she didn’t know as well. There would be a lot of wolves she wouldn’t know coming here, she hoped she would be ready to handle the crowd when it came. She would walk up to the unknown wolf who had a limp leg and some face scars, Frost would introduce herself to the wolf ”Hello, I’m Frost, I can see you bear some face scars as well.”

[Image: V140qFa.png]
[Image: frost_by_reflectedmemories-d8kgz78.png][Image: mOf6wyP.png][Image: cb5d7e52a9afe4eb62f9acc9360938aa-d96nk17.png]


04-21-2015, 06:15 PM
Trying to work out all of her issues by herself had not been going as fast as she had hoped. She had kept herself secluded but had managed to teach herself how to hunt to a decent standard. This 'standard' was on par with most other full grown adults, but for her, this was huge. When the call rose out, her ears perked up curiously. What was going on? Quickly the russet woman would run through the trees and off of Threar lands. When she arrived to the gathering, she found wolves whom she had never interacted with. She dipped her head to Frith and Novella, greeting them alone. "Hello Lady Novella and Sir Frith." The titles had come with a certain stiffness as she tried to hold mannerisms of a normal wolf. She felt as if she was failing.



1 Year
04-21-2015, 06:19 PM
The young child who was fast growing would follow his mother and father through the territories to the gathering. He was bouncing with excitement, eager to meet other wolves from other packs. Perhaps he'd meet other princes and princesses! When his mother's call rose up, he eagerly asked a question per his nature. "What are we gonna do today, mum? Hunt? Fight? Explore?" 'Secretly' he was leaning on the last one. Exploring with other kids his age sounded fun! Golden eyes would blink under the chocolate brown mask of his face. The white fur on his back wavered little in the soft autumn breeze.



9 Years
04-21-2015, 07:28 PM
Kreft had heard from Arian that there would be a spar festival hosted by Threar, Kreft was delighted as the thought of fighting rose to the surface of his mind. Even if it was only for sport it would satisfy him enough for the feeling of enjoyment to arise in Kreft’s heart, for a while now Kreft had been holding back the monster that dwelled inside of him. Once released the monster would wreak havoc on anything it was allowed to touch, he reveled in the rush that he got whenever he released it. The only thing that he regretted about harboring such a monster was the end result, blood always showed in one way or another. He could easily get carried away with his monster, It wasn’t something he was proud of but he lived with it just the same. As he arrived in the nook Kreft saw that Arian was already there, there was a bunch of other wolves that were unfamiliar to Kreft. Kreft would hang to the back of the group looking at everyone, deciding who he would fight with that would give him a challenge. Kreft’s monster was already starting to show.
[Image: Gqk3pLr.png]
[Image: xfrNNFt.png]



4 Years
04-21-2015, 07:31 PM

Although her recent trip to the North with her father and brother had turned out to be a disappoint, her mother was oddly determined to change that fallen mood. Varda clearly didn't feel like having another festival or pack meeting, if that was what her mother planned to hold. However, her parents led the pack to a nearby area outside of Threar's borders where her mother let out a howl. Who was she calling for? Obviously the pack, but why were they away from their homely territory? Was this another trip to make up for the previous one that hadn't gone according to plan? It seemed her younger brother had as many questions running through his young mind as she did, but she fought the tempt to ask the Authors anything. Everything was better as a surprise, right? By the time she proudly showed her presence, other wolves bearing unfamiliar scents had gathered beneath the blooming trees. If it wasn't just Threar, who else was invited?




7 Years
04-21-2015, 10:40 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal was languishing in the late autumnal warmth that still persisted in the West, ensconced in the widened area of the ravine leading to the den. The litter was kicking vigorously. So close to coming into the world. She’d be glad to be able to run again. A smile pulled at her jowls at the thought of seeing them for the first time. She wondered what they’ look like. However, a distant howl called to all of the land, inviting all to come and revel in life, it seemed. The voice wasn’t familiar, but perhaps she would see some she did know.

Surreal heaved to her paws and stretched, preparing her muscles for a long walk. She called into the den for Regulus to follow, then padded out of the ravine, knowing that he would follow. With her being so heavy with her litter, he’d been keeping particularly close. He was every bit the protective male type that her family seemed to breed. Honorable, ladies first, and her will was his life sort of male. She hadn’t seen that in any other male she’d met save for his father. No wonder Falk fit in so well. She chuckled softly, then tossed her head into the sky, jaws parting in a call for the rest of her clan. It wasn’t a command to follow, but if they wished to come along, she would be happy to have them at her side.

The trek felt far longer than it had the last time she’d headed east. As they reached the river, Regulus close at her side, she followed the northern shoreline eastward. Finally, She, Regulus, and whomever if her family who may have followed, arrived at the call. Already, several others had arrived, mostly pack wolves. As she scanned the wolves, she spotted Arian among them. She would have to talk to her; She’d heard the claiming call in the north. Did that mean something had happened to Odette?

But first, formalities needed to be made. She padded toward the two that she guessed had called the festivities, dipping her head in a graceful nod of respect. ”I am Surreal Adravendi, and this is my eldest son, Regulus. Thank you for calling this festival. It isn’t everyday the whole of Alacritia gets a chance to gather at one place in peace.” She smiled, tail waving amiably, before stepping back, eyes turning to Arian. ”Arian--” She stuttered to a halt as she saw the crippled leg and the scars. Arian hadn’t been injured the last time they had met, and those wounds were old. A quick yank of the leash on her emotions settled her sudden surge of ‘who did this, and may I kill them slowly’ protectiveness. ”We’ll have to speak of what happened to harm you at a later date, but Congratulations on claiming a pack. But, pray tell, what happened to Odette?” The question was asked as she stepped close enough to Arian for the conversation to be mostly between just the two of them, her voice held at a regular level.

She gave Regulus a nod for him to do his own thing as she settled onto her haunches. She watched the huge red male pad away, with Cinder at his heels, amused at his slightly confused expression. He had never been exposed to so many wolves at one time. It would be a learning experience for him. Perfect for when their future pack was strong with a good population. She scanned the crowd, hoping to see any others that she knew.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



7 Years
04-21-2015, 10:57 PM

All the scents, some carrying the same strain and others carrying different. Packs, and different ones. Normally he'd have given such things a wide berth, however his paws carried him towards the gathering anyway, and the dark male slipped out from the brush right onto the outskirts of the group. Faces, unfamiliar, scents entirely unfamiliar, save Surreal. He caught her milk-scent first, silver gaze finding her through the crowd. Curious... Korr rumbled in the back of his throat as he sat, turning his attention to scanning the rest of the crowd, one ear tilted back behind him, listening for any sign of approachers from behind.

As for what was in front of him.... Korr was content to watch until he understood what was going on. Common speech was spoken, and his ears pricked as Surreal spoke. He only caught and understood a few words, and those woulds could have barely filled a curled leaf-bowl. So, since the language provided no interest or information, he returned to watching the people, silver eyes sharp in a badly scarred face.

"Normal Speech"
"Irish Speech"



4 Years
04-21-2015, 11:07 PM

Arian wouldn't have really been surprised if her mother showed up, it would give her a chance to speak with her anyway. Although, one face she didn't think she would see was Surreal's. It had been so long since she had seen the lass, in fact it was before Neo had maimed her. Perfectly healthy, and now well that was a huge story. Arian had been through so much sometimes it made her stomach churn, just thinking about it made her nervous. Suddenly she wanted to go crawl back into her hole. Recoiling from Surreal, her ears would nervously pin to her head. Luckily Cypress wasn't here, he would probably make the wrong assumption. The woman tried not to seem so shaky, but she felt it coming on and her breathing quickening. She clamped down on her jaw, and tried to calm herself down taking deep breaths. The world around her was closing in so she tried her best to answer Surreal's question, looking at the wolves around her. This was no way for a alpha to act, what would they think?

"I'm not sure, I haven't seen her around it's like she vanished honestly." Arian said rather quietly. She tried to distract her own self from her problems. Taking in a big breath, she held it for a few seconds before letting it out. Denki save her now, she really did wish Cypress would show up soon. He was like her bridge to reality in the first place. She had been getting better at being alone, but when she got out of control having him not here was like a piece of her was missing as she felt like. "Surreal.... you know if you and your family don't have a place to stay. My pack is low on members, we'd love to have you. You wouldn't have to stay permanently if you didn't like it." Arian tried to give a grin, surreal probably noticed her small start of a fit. Yet Arian was getting it under control, or at least she thought. It would be stupid to freak out in a crowd, even if she had been doing good earlier.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



12 Years
Extra large
04-21-2015, 11:39 PM

Regulus had been napping with one eye open, and one ear trained on his mother, while Cinder dozed beside him, her sandy red belly exposed to the world, front paws kneading the air. Suddenly, he jerked to full awareness as a distant wolf call filtered to his ears, followed shortly after by his mothers movements and voice calling him to come along. He was on his paws in an instant, sleep falling away quickly as he loped out of the den and down the natural stone steps into the ravine. Cinder gave a sleepy squeak then charged after him. He caught up with his mother, amazed she wasn’t waddling with how big her belly had gotten.

"Áit a bhfuil muid ag dul, Máthair? An raibh a fhios agat go bhfuil guth?" She smiled at him, but didn’t really give him any answers, and as she called for the rest of the family, he fell into step at her side.

It was a really long walk. He was on overdrive in the unfamiliar landscape they passed through as they went east. And then… He stuttered to a halt and stared around at all the wolves. There were even some who were close to his own height, though none he saw bore his bright coloring. Cinder flocked close to his hocks, sapphire eyes peeking out at all the wolves. He looked at his mother, who was greeting a few of the wolves, introducing him. Following his mothers lead, he dipped his head to the two she’d greeted first, then as she turned, nodding to him to shoo, he wavered uncertainly. Then wandered through the strangers, Cinder sticking close. So many strange faces, none of whom he knew. But! He saw and smelled some wolves who were his age!

This could actually be a great thing. New friends! He meandered, slowly relaxing. His mother had said peace. So nothing bad could happen to her while they were here, right? These other wolves would keep her safe if something did? She was a pregnant lady; she deserved protection. His eyes landed on a large brown male of his own age range, with mismatched gold and blue eyes, like his mothers, only reversed. He noted the male, before his eyes scanned the crowd again, falling on another of his own age, a small-- to him, with his height of forty-two inches -- female colored white with interesting markings around her eyes. He looked between the two, trying to decide whom to meet first. Or maybe he’d be lucky, and they’d choose for him. Or someone else would approach.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
04-22-2015, 03:53 AM
The first stranger to arrive certainly looked as though she had lived through her share of hardships. She wouldn't hesitate in walking straight up to the two Authors and offering them an introduction. Adravendi, it appeared to be more popular a name than Novella had previously realised though she wouldn't enquire into such things now, instead offering her own introduction to the fellow alpha. "I am Novella Destruction, this is my husband Frith we are the Authors of Threar. Thank you for joining us." She'd look forwards to speaking more with the other alphas at a later date but for now there were others to welcome as they arrived.

"This is a festival" She explained to her confused looking children as they arrived. "Meet new people, have some fun. There will be events as well at some point. You don't have to just stick around here." Hopefully they too would find some enjoyment in this, new friends surely wouldn't do them any harm.

"No need for such formalities Hecate, Novella and Frith will do just fine." She'd never had much of an ego and as a leader that hadn't changed. Yes she had more responsibilities, did deserve respect but the fancy titles just still didn't feel right to her. "If it gets too much for you don't be afraid to head back to Threar for a while, I'm sure you won't be the only one taking that option."

Next to arrive was a rather pregnant female, another Adravendi it seemed as she introduced herself. "It's nice to meet you both. I'm Novella Destruction, this is my husband Frith." Surreal certainly got the idea of the hope of peace here for the festivities. It was a team-building, relationship-strengthening that had brought forwards this idea, hopefully others would see it that way too. Such a heavily pregnant state, Novella could sympathise, the last festival Alacritia had seen she had been expecting her first litter. She'd try to keep an eye on her, make sure she was ok and still included in some sort of manner.



7 Years
04-22-2015, 09:05 AM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2015, 11:30 AM by Surreal.)
Surreal Adravendi

The lady, when she spoke, was obviously the one who had voiced the call. The tones were the same. She introduced herself as Novella Destruction. Oh! A Destruction! Surreals ears perked. ”My mother met a Song Destruction, back when she was Queen of Valhalla. Song was the alpha of Ludicael at the time and having her litter with a little difficulty. My mother was Erani Adravendi. An experienced healer, as well. It is a pleasure to meet you, both. I’ve heard great things of your family. ” There was no sarcasm in her eyes or voice, nor in her posture; instead, she radiated honesty. They had even had a Destruction in Valhalla for a short time, not long before the challenge that ruined everything (again). Bass, she thought it was.

Arian, when Surreal spoke to her, recoiled faintly. It didn’t surprise Surreal, whatever had happened to her adopted niece must have been horrific. Surreal didn’t try to coddle her niece, instead waiting patiently for Arian to handle herself and get under control. A small smile of pride pulled over her silver and black features as Arian pulled together while answering Surreals inquiry about Odette. It was common in the family. However, it was a given that they would come back eventually, or descendents of themselves would return. She nodded in response, then cocked her ears forward as Arian made an offer of refuge in her pack. Leave the Plains? The north had never been a place Surreal truly wished to go, especially to live.

So, she shook her head gently, giving her answer honestly. ”Arcanum has been exterminated. The Plains have been freed. Myself, Falk, and our son and remaining daughter have settled in, and I hope to raise Valhalla from the ashes under a new name. Hopefully by the end of Winter or sooner. I would, however, love to form an Alliance with your pack in the future.” A grin sent her tongue lolling slightly, her eyes sparkling. A familiar coat caught her eye through the different wolves around them, and she looked over to see Korrs familiar scarred face among the strangers. She caught his eye long enough to not issue an accidental challenge, but to catch his attention and offer him a spot next to her. She had long since guessed that he understood very, very little of the Common tongue. If he needed, she could translate for him. She enjoyed such things.

Her eyes cast around the crowd. Regulus, it seemed, had paused to stare around at the crowd. She hoped he would make a friend or two. Meanwhile, she didn’t see her mate, or Zuriel yet. She did hope both would come. Of course, with Falk being blind and still adjusting, they might be a little longer.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



7 Years
Athena I

04-22-2015, 09:28 AM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2015, 09:33 AM by Zuriel.)

"No no, see this one is motherwort and this one is watercrest. Maybe you can distinguish them by feel or taste instead of smell?" she suggested as she sat across from her father who was sniffing between the two small bundles of herbs she had brought him with his brow creased in thought. He had come to her a few weeks ago to ask about teaching him some things about healing, but hadn't wanted to tell her mother about it just yet. He seemed to almost be embarrassed by the fact that he had to learn a whole new trade to keep being helpful... but she wouldn't question it. She gladly helped him in any way that would get him out of the den and active doing something. He wasn't a natural healer by any means, but he wasn't doing poorly at learning either during their secret little training lessons.

She heard her mother's call and her head quickly turned toward the sound and her ears perked up. She looked back to her father and he was doing the same thing. He waved her on and told her to go ahead without him and that he would stay here to hold down the fort. She smiled a little and leaned forward to kiss his cheek. "Okay, daddy. There's more herbs in the den if you want to go through them while we're gone." He nodded and she rose to her paws to hurry after her mother. Regulus was sure to be right at her side so she didn't bother going back to the den to look for him. By the time she caught up with them her mother was already chatting with another woman that she seemed to know. That didn't surprise her any, their mother seemed to know everyone.

Zuriel trotted up beside her brother, her shoulder brushing against his while her two-toned gaze glancing over the other wolves around them. "Ba chóir go mbeadh sé seo a bheith suimiúil," she said softly to him with a little chuckle. She wanted to go meet new wolves, but she honestly didn't know where to start. She had hardly left the willows at all before now and she really hadn't socialized with many wolves that weren't family. Giving up on picking any one wolf to talk to, she settled on her haunches next to Regulus, curling her tail around her haunches and feeling a little self conscious being around so many strangers.

"Talk" "You" Think



12 Years
Extra large
04-22-2015, 10:47 AM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2015, 10:49 AM by Regulus.)

Zuriel popped up beside him, brushing shoulders with him as her eyes swept the surroundings. He grinned in answer to her comment, nosing her forehead playfully. "Chonaic mé fear agus bean a d'fhéach sé ar ár aois. Níl a pup, freisin. Deirfiúr, is é sin fear chomh mór dom!" he chuckled, tail wagging at the thought. He glanced around for their father. Falk was absent.

"Cá Athair?" He asked, then paused as he thought it over. "Nevermind. Buille faoi thuairim mé nach raibh sé gur mhaith leat teacht chomh maith, huh. Bhuel, I mo thuairimse, ba chóir dúinn a freastal ar roinnt de na wolves, eh? Feicfidh mé bualadh leat le máthair i uair an chloig. Ach má fhaigheann tú neirbhíseach ar chor ar bith, a fháil dom, maith go leor?" He waited until she nodded and gave her an encouraging lick on the cheek before braving the crowds again. He knew she was a little nervous, but he also felt that this experience would be good for them both.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
04-22-2015, 01:26 PM

Surreal caught his gaze, and it made the beginnings of a frown form on his face. She knew better, did she desire to fight him in her sta-oh. She looked away before the look could become an insult, instead extending an offering to join her side. Wordlessly the male moved through the crowd, avoiding touching anyone before he came to stand beside Surreal and another wolf, one with strange markings.

"Le chéile againn arís Surreal. Conas táillí do bolg?" He dipped his head a fraction of an inch to her, before his gaze went to the paler female. She had Surreal's eyes, only different sides... a sibling, perhaps? "Am Korr. Good meet." He grunted out to her, ears pricking before one returned to listening behind him. All the strange wolves made his skin prickle, which caused a frown, which also caused the scar over his lip to tug, causing the permanent half-snarl to raise a bit more, which just made him frown deeper.

"An bhfuil a fhios agat cad atá ar siúl? Tá an oiread sin wolves anseo." The question and his focus was settled on Surreal, the only one he knew of that he could get his point across with ease, and not seem the dim-witted fool who couldn't master 'Common' tongue.

"Normal Speech"
"Irish Speech"



7 Years
04-22-2015, 02:16 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal hid a smile as Korr frowned. With her extensive teachings from her mother regarding reading facial body language and expressions, she could fairly see the cogs working in his brain; the frown noting the beginnings of confusion and displeasure, and the faintest hint of something she often saw on her sons face, most often when she mentioned wanting something she definitely would not have enjoyed with a non-pregnant belly. Like red blackberries on skunk leg. What harebrained idea has she come up with, and how dare she in her condition? Then the slackening of his face as he understood.

He came to stand beside her, and she greeted him with a relaxed smile. His enquiry as to her unborn litters health brought a happy grin to her face, jaws parting in a panting laugh. "Táillí ag gach duine go maith. Mbaineann siad taitneamh as kicking an daylights ina gcónaí riamh as mo lamhnán agus na duáin. Ach ciallaíonn sé go bhfuil siad láidir." She announced cheerfully in the language he was most familiar with. It always felt so good to speak it.

As Korr greeted those around them, Surreal took a moment to scan the crowd once more for Zuriel and Regulus. Oh! There was her daughter, with Regulus parting from her side to wander the crowd again. She smiled, though she did note that Falk wasn’t with them. Oh well… Perhaps this would be better. There were many wolves here, and that would make it difficult for him to navigate. Beside her, she felt the intensity of Korrs muscles, and gently offered support with a light nudge of her shoulder to his. His voice rumbled, and she nodded slowly. "Is é seo an Fhéile. Ná bíodh imní ort, tá sé seo le bailiú síochánta. Tá mo mhac agus iníon anseo chomh maith." She explained to him, tail sweeping the ground at her rump.

To Novella, Surreal asked, "What all festivities have you planned for this Festivals?"

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



4 Years
04-22-2015, 02:24 PM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2015, 02:33 PM by Arian.)

Arian nodded her head a little, it made her sad, but it was that she had her reasons. "Aye, any adravendi is family all the same. Sonticus would love to have you as allies and I hope you succeed." When she saw Korr her ears perked a little, the little irish man she met when gathering Mint. Surreal knew him? A bit of her was jealous, and once the language started to flow from her and her children's mouths. Arian was nearly dumbfounded. "Tá tú irish cainteoir!(you irish speaker!)" she exclaimed for one moment.

"Nice a fheiceann tú Korr(nice to see you korr)" Arian managed to get the sentence out. Perhaps she could learn how to use the language fully, but it was simple sentences. Half of the words they said she barely knew. Like, she just got the jist that this was a peaceful meeting and kids were kicking. It made Arian smile a bit, wondering who the father was for a few moments, it didn't even begin to occur to her that it was Falk.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.