
Good Day To You, Young Sir.


04-21-2015, 04:51 PM

The aging gentleman had taken a small trip away from Abaven, just a small leave to take time to get to know the alphas of one of the other packs. He would eventually go around to them all, to know Bass' allies, to understand what their enemies were. He would come to know and appreciate each standing that the Azat of Abaven had set in place before him. Allen would move with purpose, head held high and mind working as he first headed south. He knew many of the packs in the East were already in good standing with Abaven -- Fiori, Threar, and Ebony. So that meant that they were of lesser concerns. What he wanted to know was more about the packs that lurked within the other territories.

It was when he came close to the borders of the beach that he would scent the first pack he would come to visit. Allen would pause, taking his head back and giving out one of his powerful howls for the alpha alone to answer. He knew not who owned this pack, but it was high time to find out. The man would lower his head as he finished. Now came the waiting period. Long or short, he looked forward to seeing who arrived.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



6 Years
04-21-2015, 07:09 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2015, 07:09 PM by Voltage.)
How did so many people know how this place? It seemed every day he was being called to the border by someone. Most often it was alphas, ready to introduce themselves and ask what the relationship between their packs were. He wondered, had the word gotten out about them, or were they just in some high traffic area that he didn't realize? He often felt so...awkward when they asked about the relationship part. He wasn't comfortable creating alliances, it forced him to promise his family's loyalty to a pack they barely knew. He would much rather promise his assistance, but...did that really work? With a gentle sigh he picked himself up from where he lay, trotting towards his ever busy borders. There were only a few feet of land borders that wasn't attached to Rune's pack that allowed strangers to come knocking, and he headed there rather quickly. The scent there was the strongest, mainly because he seemed to be called here most often. But Voltage was not complaining. He loved meeting strangers. This place was so lovely, he already had so many friends. With a gentle grin he approached the male, who, as Voltage guessed it, scented of an unfamiliare pack. With a polite dip of his head he approached with a relaxed lop, head high but not dominant, signature grin in place. "Hello, welcome to Donostrea! What brings you to our lovely abode?"



04-22-2015, 02:31 PM

The calico gentleman was not waiting all that long. A stranger would approach, head held high, and Allen could only make the assumption that this was the alpha of the pack. He would tip his head to the stranger, a smile upon his maw. “Greetings young sir!” He would return the hearty greeting with one of his own, his tail wagging slowly upon the earth. Donostrea... It was not a name that he could recall Bass having mentioned. It was one to remember for certain.

“My name is Allen, the Azgrat or secondary alpha of the pack of Abaven. I was just going about meeting some of the other packs of Alacritis and yours happened to be the first doorstep I wandered up to.” He would tip his head.

“Now please, I’m not necessarily here for alliance talk, but I would hope that we might be able to enjoy a chat anyway, if you have a spare moment? It could never hurt to learn a little about where a pack stands regardless of alliances and such, right?"

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



6 Years
05-02-2015, 10:27 AM
Voltage stood before the man, grinning brightly at him. "Young?" He said with his boyish grin. Sure he was forever a child at heart, but he was getting up there in age. "You flatter me." He said with a gentle laugh. Then the man began to introduce himself. Hmm, Allen of Abaven. Another pack? How did they keep finding this place? He thought the Beach of Black Sand was a little more hidden than this. Had this been some sort of...highway before they claimed the land? Instead he just dipped his head in respect to the man. "It’s a pleasure to meet you, Allen. I am Voltage Elementas, Ferax...or, well, alpha, of this pack." He said in his even deep tones, his smile ever failing as he listened to Allen speak. He wanted to learn about his pack? With a hum, Voltage tilted his head before he smiled. "Well, a little chat over a border is no way to really know a pack. Why don’t we take a walk? I can give you a tour of our little home and we can talk about our respective packs?" He asked, inclining his head in such a way to invite the man into his land. He really hated this talks over a border...

"Burn Baby Burn"


05-02-2015, 10:55 AM

Allen would let out a gentle laugh as Voltage said that he flattered him. "Compared to this old wolf you're still young." He was probably only old enough to be this other man's father at best, so maybe two years older. Still, in his eyes the other looked rather young. Almost like his inner child was shining through. Alas, perhaps he was just feeling old. Allen would breathe out slowly, trying his best to make a note of the rank and name of the other male. Voltage Elemtas, Ferax of the pack. But which pack exactly? There was no name tacked on, though Allen would not prompt for one just yet.

The calico gentleman was surprised when Voltage offered to take a walk with him, to give him a tour of the home of his pack. He would give a small nod, a gentle smile appearing on his face. "I would like that. Perhaps you could come visit Abaven sometime and I can return the favor to you." He would take a couple steps forward, moving into the lands. His dark gaze would rest on the young male, waiting for him to show the way from here.

"How would you like to do this then, Voltage?" He'd ask, wondering how the information exchange would go about.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



6 Years
05-02-2015, 11:08 AM
Voltage would continue to smile, watching as Allen took a step over the border. And for a moment he was suddenly proud. It had taken a lot of work to get a border that others would respect, and sure it would take a lot more work and energy to keep them secure was something Voltage could be proud in. "I will definitely take you up on that, Allen." He said with a grin, looking at him. He'd pivot, smiling brightly to Allen before he took the first step, wondering what exactly he should show Allen. There wasn't much to their little packland. Maybe he should do what he did for Arian and show him the lookout, but this man seemed much more political than...dreamy. So he changed his mind, instead deciding to show him the main beach. Paws would shift through black sand as he heard the man ask him how they would go about this. "Well, lets see. You know nothing of my home, and I know nothing of yours....the basics?" He said with a gentle smile, glancing out at the horizon. The sun was bright in the sky, blue shining against the expansive ocean. With a small smile he'd turn back towards Allen. "Our pack is called Donostrea, which in our parents language is a mix of Our and Home. Our entire pack, aside from one...sorta, is family. We're all siblings, though different ages, and we came from an island to the north of Alacritis." He said with a gentle smile, his pride evident on his face. He loved the thing they had all created together, loved it with every bit of them. "Did you have a hand in Abaven's creation?" He asked with curiosity, moving along the beach.

"Burn Baby Burn"


05-02-2015, 08:24 PM

Donostrea... a literal family pack, save one. That was both surprising and, at the same time, amazing to hear. The calico gentleman would smile as he listened to Voltage speak, feeling both a bit of warmth and a pang in his chest as his own memories stirred. He thought of Quelt's pack... of Hajime.. he thought of Abaven as it was now. He would shake his head slowly, the smile not fading. There was a sparkle in his eyes as he spoke, almost as if he was a younger wolf telling of a dream he once had. "Your pack reminds me of many things, Voltage... both good and bad. I can say with my whole heart I wish the best for you and your family. It can be hard when you're making it on your own." The aging wolf would let his gaze turn fully on the younger man as he continued to walk.

"As for Abaven I'm afraid that I was not there for it's creation. Bass, the Azat, was the one who formed the pack. He has family in Threar who hold the position of power there." Allen would go on. "Abaven is much like a family without the blood ties. We all strive to be a unit, to help each other regardless of skill or rank. Bass took my kin and myself in not once, but twice when trouble struck us. Abaven welcomed us back wholely, as a family... we were truly blessed to be part of their ranks." The calico man would say gently.

"But though I was not there for the creation I would defend Abaven with my life. Bass is more like a brother to me than an alpha... and I would like to think he views me the same way. Overall I'd say we are a lawful good pack... we do not seek trouble at least."

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



6 Years
05-03-2015, 12:07 AM
He was very prideful of his pack, of the thing he and Glacier created. They had mad a home out of the beach with black sands, gave their siblings jobs to do and, he hoped, some purpose. It had helped Astrea, he hoped, get out of her shell, allowed Serefina to harness the fire she possessed. "Oh, I'm not doing it on my own.." He said with a smile then, looking towards Allen. "I've always had my brother at my side. We do everything together. And besides, while this pack is new, we as a family aren't...we just have a name for everything we do now." The Elementas family was closer than most, at least..for Voltage. He loved each of them so dearly and he couldn't bare to ever see them move away, that's why he created Donostrea. "We created our pack to give us some foundation. It had been over two years since I had a real home, and I craved one. But also to keep us together.." He said softly, looking back out at the ocean that bordered their home.

When Allen spoke of Abaven he quickly turned his attention back to him. He really had to work on his attention span, but just because he wasn't looking didn't mean he wasn't listening. "This Bass sounds like an impressive fellow..." He said with a gentle smile. "That's what we try to achieve here, even though we're siblings we work as a unit." He said softly. "Packs are wonderful things, aren't they. They are like working families, and anyone can become your sibling." He said with a gentle smile, thinking of Sereten. The man that courted his star loving sister.. "It is good you don't seek trouble!" He said with a joyous laugh, grinning his toothy grin. "We merely want to defend the borders we have in place, and, like you, I would defend them with my dying breath. We don't wish to impose on others...infact, we have tried to remain hidden for protection." His siblings meant the world to him, he would protect their lives even after death. "But it seems we've failed at that, haven't we?" With a laugh he shook his head, smiling over at Allen.

"Burn Baby Burn"


05-04-2015, 02:36 PM

So it seemed that Voltage had not created Donostrea on his own. It was wonderful to hear that his ties to his family was strong, that he and his brother ruled the place together. Allen would give a respectful nod, his gaze gentle. "A respectable thing, that. To stand strong with your brother, to stand together with your family through thick and thing. I can say that I hold a lot of respect for your pack." The aging brute would let his gaze travel for a moment, a far off look within his eyes. When had he last really stood with his family? When had he last had a set foundation with all of them at his side? Surely it had been some time.

But that was alright. Abaven was that new home, a place that he was willing to protect with his final breath. He would give a small nod as Voltage spoke of Bass, respect showing in his eyes. "He truly is. In my eyes perhaps more than others." Allen would give a laugh of his own at Voltage's next comment.

"Hahaha! I'm far too old for that sort of business. My only goal is to live now, and if it comes to battle then so be it." He would frown a little as Voltage spoke of staying hidden, and he would shake his head gently. "Perhaps being found is not such a bad thing. While you don't wish to impose, nor make enemies, it helps to make friends. Not necessarily alliances, but to gain new skills and assets." Allen would speak gently. "..and being hidden isn't always the best thing either. That just means if trouble does find you it could be even worse." The calico gentleman would stop, breathing in slowly.

"Tell me, Voltage, what skills do you currently posses? Perhaps this old man could teach you a couple things before he leaves." He would focus his gaze on the other, a smile upon his lips. "Consider it a thank you for letting me into your home so willingly. Though the return tour is still included of course."

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah