
Thalos Destruction



04-23-2015, 06:27 AM

Thalos Destruction Tal-loss Dest-ruk-shun

So Kat is really impatient and is way excited for her new puppy Farore. Frith and Novella will be having an unexpected litter and I really wanted her to have a brother her age. (Though if none of the applications are what I'm looking for I wont be too upset if he doesn't happen.) I'd prefer if he had loyal and protective as some of his personality traits, as I'd like for he and Farore to be rather close. I'm looking for someone who is going to be rather active with him(At least 2-3 posts a week.. really I just want my activity matched and I have been spotty recently) And have no problem with the occasional spree. And of course with being so close to Farore he will be getting all the arts <3
If you go inactive for any reason with talking to me or Eld first we will take him back without warning.

Please, fill this out:

<b>Personality:</b> Loyal to the family and protective towards Farore
<b>Appearance:</b> I'd like him to at least be 33" tall.
<b>Plans:</b> got any great plot ideas for these two? Lay it on me here!
<b>RP sample:</b> Thalos and Farore have just gotten into a rather angry bird's nest.. what happens?


04-23-2015, 06:59 AM


Height:: 39” || Weight:: 166 lbs
Traits:: Tall, Long Legged, Slim, Lanky

The young man holds a form that is tall, more leg than much else of his body. He will come to stand at thirty-nine inches at his full height and weigh in at one hundred and fourty six pounds. While this is not an overly impressive size, the slim and lanky creature will be a handsome sight to behold. His fur will be sleek and smooth to the touch, almost as soft as the downy feathers of a bird. His frame will support his weight easily, clearly more built for speed. He is not by no means a weak man, however, for his body is very durable.

Thalos carries himself with a sense of pride, yet not an inflated ego. He has his strengths and weaknesses and it reflects in how he presents himself to others. His eyes are very expressive, brow often wrinkled in thought. He walks with a sense of purpose, keeping his ears and eyes alert. He has someone that he wants to dearly protect, and thus he must always be ready to do so.

A rich coat of dark chocolate will coat the dorsal half of the young man, met by a creamy vanilla that will coat his underside. A thin coat of this vanilla also drapes across the back of his neck and across his back, running down to the middle of his tail. Destruction inherited eye markings rest beneath either eye, and also runs up his snout in a beautifully shaped marking. Vanilla also tips his ears, and pure white claws set upon each foot. Finally a set of ember orbs, like burning coals, rest upon his face.


Good Traits:: Caring, Gentle, Kind, Loyal, Honorable, Intelligent, Trustworthy, Proactive, Open-Minded
Neutral Traits:: Firm, Serious, Cautious, Protective
Bad Traits:: Anti-Social, Bad Temper, Stubborn

If one thing can be said about Thalos it is that his is a loyal young man. This loyalty goes first and foremost to his family, who he holds deep respect and love for. Farore, his sister, holds the most of his loyalty, for she is his other half in a sense. He is a man of his word, and when he says that he is going to do something you can be sure that he is going to do it. He is not one to ever go back on his word, giving him the sense of a trustworthy individual that you can count on through times thick and thin. He would never turn his back on his family, no matter how dire the situation, and stands with those he loves through anything and everything.

Thalos has a soft and caring side to him. He enjoys being with others, listening to them and talking of his own days. He likes to take care of others too, which is probably where his nature around Farore comes in. He feels a sense of accomplishment, as well as joy, whenever he sees the smile on the face of someone he has helped. He is kind to those that he meets, though he knows not to be overly friendly and share all sorts of important information with strangers. He does keep an open mind, however, about meeting others and making potential friends.

While he is kind and gentle Thalos knows when to be firm. He has a serious side to him that comes out when things need to be done, or when he needs to make sure someone is taking medicine and things of that nature. He does not particularly like being serious, but he knows that sometimes it is necessary. While he wouldn't force someone to do something that they didn't want to do he will certainly coax them to do it if it is for their own good.

Thalos is also a thinker. He spends much of his time deep in thought, wondering about the world and the things that he can do. He wants to not only better himself but his entire pack with the things that he does. He is often the sort who thinks before he leaps... but that doesn't mean he is not going to leap! Doing things is the best way to get better at them, and Thalos wants to do it all!

While all the above traits define him, the last thing that sums it all up is that Thalos is protective. His sister Farore means the world to him, and he would go down fighting if it meant he could keep her safe. His love for her knows no bounds, and his will to protect her follows suit. Anything that stands between them is met by Thalos' fangs and claws.

Like all wolves however Thalos has his flaws. He has a temper, rooted deep within his brain, that will show up at times whenever he is protecting Farore {or defending the honor of another family member}. While he is not necessarily quick to anger, his temper is something that is quite fierce. He can almost seem intimidating when angry, a force to be reckoned with.

Thalos can also be very bad when it comes to socializing with those outside of his family. He spends much of his life wrapped around his sister and family members that it causes him to shun the chance to met others. All he wants to do is remain close to his family, believing that they are the only ones that he needs in this world to be happy. He is also very stubborn when he makes up his mind about things. He is firm in his decisions, almost like trying to move of a wall when you’re trying to convince him something other than what he has decided for himself.


-Adventures! I want these two, once they're old enough, to go all over Alacritia. Perhaps meeting different pack wolves together. Learning the different alignments firsthand and getting into all sorts of trouble with every sort of and other species! They need to do all the things!

-Close as glue {think like mates, but without that sort of love unless you want xD I'm down for anything} these two will have an inseparable bond even as they age. As children they need to discover a bunch of neat things as well. {Seeing fish together for the first time, angry birds nest like in the example, meeting foxes, odd colored wolves, other creatures....}

-I just really want to have a good threading partner and I seriously do not thread enough with you. ;w; Plus I can see a lot of potential cutes in these guys.

RP sample:

The day was beautiful and bright, the sun shining down through the clouds as the two young wolves walked side by side. This was how Thalos liked it, just the two of them, and no one else. Farore was better than most of them anyway. She was kind and made him smile. She was a source of fun when there was no other source to be had. He would be by her side almost always, rarely straying away. In some ways Thalos viewed himself as her bodyguard. The one who was meant to keep her safe and would keep her safe from anything and everything that happened upon her. It was his duty.

Gaze would flick to the land around them. He didn’t know what they were going to get into today but it was sure to be fun! The male would let his ember colored gaze flick to Farore as she walked next to him. His tail would begin to wag slowly back and forth, at least, until he heard the angry cawing.

What on earth had they stirred up now?! Ears would pin back, eyes flicking to the sky. There, high above them, was a pair of birds. What the hell was their problem?! They hadn’t done anything! Thalos would let out a little growl, moving protectively in front of his sister. “Farore, stay behind me!” The birds were circling above them, cawing angrily, and the boy would brace himself. He wasn’t sure how he was going to protect Farore and himself, but he was going to try his hardest to make sure that she wasn’t hurt. He would take a step forward, letting out a bark to the fowl.

“Come on you stupid birds! Come and get me!” If they focused on him then maybe Farore could get away...


04-27-2015, 09:22 PM

Loyal. Brave. Overprotective. Caring.

Loyalty runs deep in Thalos' personality. His dedication is unwavering, especially when it comes to his family. This is the one thing about him that will never change, even as he grows older. This deep seeded loyalty might show itself in different ways, either to his pack or his mate, but it will be undeniable all the same. Because of this, he will bravely face any foe or threat to the wolves he is loyal to. He will gladly put himself in harms way if he knew it meant he could save his loved ones any sort of unhappiness or pain. It remains to be seen if he is naturally brave or if his bravery is provoked by his need to protect those around him, but either way it is an admirable trait to have.

He is protective of certain wolves in his life. This can go beyond simply protective and can seem smothering at times. While he'll do anything to keep his loved ones from harm, he might even try to keep them from getting into these potentially dangerous situations in the first place. This will be more prevalent as he gets older, but it wouldn't be uncommon for him to volunteer for the most dangerous jobs just so the ones dearest to him can't. He only does this because he cares so deeply for them. He is a gentle soul at heart and cares more deeply than some wolves can understand.

The colors that wrap themselves around this male are as starkly different as night and day. Varying shades of chocolate brown cover his head and ears and along his neck and back with the exception of a white stripe that traces the whole of his spine. The brown hues also come down to cover the outsides of his thighs, half of his sides, and along the front of his shins. This brown coloration is the darkest at his head and front legs and then lightens as it moves toward his haunches. Pure white covers each of his paws, most of his hind legs, the backs of his front legs, his stomach, underside of his tail, and up along his throat. Small touches of white break up the darkness that covers his head with a small line along the top of his muzzle, a thin line under each eye, and the tips of each ear.

At his full grown height, he will rise to thirty-four inches tall, matching his father's height. His form will be strongly muscled, but will lack the bulkiness typically associated with a warrior. Instead his build will mimic his father's with the way that it is strong, but at the same time light. His coat will always lay closer to his body than some, only really fluffing up at all around his scruff and tail. His eyes shine a warm orange-hued amber, the color easily standing out from the dark brown of his features.

I'm honestly open for anything! He's gonna be super protective, maybe even way overprotective at first till they grow up some, so it kind of depends on how Farore reacts to that me thinks. I'd love for them to be super duper close and do everything together! We can always plot as we go :3

RP sample
Thalos followed closely behind his sister, peering up ahead of her worriedly. Fary, maybe we should go back to the den. Momma and Daddy won't like us being-" Suddenly a loud caw made the clumsy pup jump and he stumbled back from surprise. It wasn't until then that he realized they had walked right into a nest that was nestled right at the bottom of one of the trees and the big bird next to it certainly did not appreciate them being there.

His sister's squeal brought his eyes to her just as the big, scary bird decided to poke its big beak right at her back. All of his fur bristled and he leaped forward toward the bird, the best growl his little puppy form could muster rumbling in his chest. He jumped up so he could hit the bird with his forepaws and threw his weight into the move, momentarily throwing their attacker off balance. He jumped between Farore and the bird with all the fur on his scruff and back standing on end in an attempt to make himself look bigger than he was. The bird tried to peck at him and he snapped at the bird's face in response.

"Fary run!" he yelled before turning around to face her and start herding her away from the bird and back toward home. The bird got one last peck in as he retreated, hitting him on his right thigh and making him yelp. He made sure they had put plenty of distance between them and the mean ol' bird before he would like Farore stop running. They lopped to a stop and he panted hard while he glanced back to see the little trickle of blood running down his hind leg. Oooooh Momma wasn't going to be happy about that. He pressed his side to his sisters and started walking again, eager to get the both of them home.



6 Years
05-27-2015, 09:11 PM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2015, 06:27 PM by Vrel.)
Personality: Thalos will be a mischievous pup, loving to create minor troubles for his parents. He will be looking for his sister to be a partner in crime with him, he will love his sister to pieces but he won’t show it directly. When he notices that his sister is meeting other men he will insist on meeting them, he wants his family to be safe even if he isn’t. As a pup all that will fill his mind is that his sister needs protection and that his parents need to be bugged, around other wolves who aren’t family he will talk to them but not a lot mostly what will happen is an awkward silence. He will enjoy play fighting and eventually real fighting as well, fighting will be a fun activity to participate in not for the blood and gore but more for the results of building his strength and not losing in a serious fight.
Appearance:This pup’s coat is made up of three simple colors, black, dark brown, and white. A dark shade of brown covers his back and majority of the outer sides of all four legs, it also has worked its way up the top of his neck and ears. His ears are tipped with white, the white has covered his chest and stomach. Along with the rest of his legs and paws, the underside of his tail is white as well. There are two small white markings on his face one small line under both his eyes takes after his mom, another small white line goes up and down his snout. On his back another white line snakes its way down from the top of his neck to the base of his tail. His muzzle and face are black, both of his eyes are the same amber color. He will grow up to be 36 inches tall at the shoulder, his build will be small and light making for fast movement.
Plans: him and his sister going on adventures, meeting other family, and growing up in the pack
RP sample:
[Image: uizVOfV.png]
[Image: vrel_by_reflectedmemories-d8klbte.png][Image: I1DXszi.png]



3 Years
06-02-2015, 03:34 PM
Thalos Destruction

{ forty-two inches }  ~  { one hundred ninety-eight pounds }

Thalos Destruction is a child who is and always will be of an inquisitive mind.  Anything that even remotely interests him, he often decides to pursue.  Any peculiar sound, scent, or even sight draws the boy near… sometimes with not-so-good consequences.  It’s a matter of cause and effect that enables little Thalos to learn, not sitting idly by and listening to many a lesson be told.  Oh no, it’s not that easy to keep his attention.

Lessons tend to bore him, unless they are more hands-on and let him get his paws dirty { which he absolutely adores! }  There is a soft spot for history and fight lessons, however.  To know the reason behind things in the world is what makes him happiest.  He dearly wishes to know why the world exists and how it works with so many creatures on it.  How the seasons change and how the sun and moon rise and fall.  Oh, what wonderful lessons to be learned!

True to his lineage of the Destructions, Thalos is a creature of protectiveness and caring.  His smaller sister, Farore Destruction, is whom he holds dearest and closest, both as a playmate and friend.  Whenever she wants to go on an adventure, Thalos follows!  If any in his pack or family was to get hurt, the righteous pup would not know what to do with himself!  He tends to be a little clingy to those smaller or younger than him, and is quite independant from his superiors.  Each and every superior, however, does have his utmost respect.  If one demands he doesn't do something, he will probably listen.

Whilst he is protective and caring, Thalos is a bit of an awkward fellow.  He doesn't quite know what to do with his emotions when he does have them, so if they are positive, he lets them all out.  If his emotions and feelings are negative, he just sort of bottles them up until that bottle explodes.  He tries not to let it explode all over another, but sometimes he is unable to help himself.  Maybe someday this won't keep him from becoming a hopeless romantic and let him have his own family... or maybe not.  Who knows?

All in all, he seems to behave like a knight sworn by the blood on his blade to defend his own.  Perhaps he wouldn't kill many for the benefit of just his family... It just wouldn't settle right with him!  He's also like an immature and naive little boy, always seeking adventure and fun!

Even as a child, Thalos will be very tall.  Not to say that he will be powerful and bulky, but lean and streamlined.  Elongated legs support a thin chest and shoulders.  His hips are quite thin, giving him the appearance of a maned wolf.  At around nine months of age, the lupe will have reached the apex of his height, standing forty-two inches tall at his shoulders.  This is a staggering and quite unusual height for Thalos’ lineage, for both parents barely stand above thirty-six inches tall, and his sister is a petite thirty-two.  Either way, he is quite light, weighing a fragile one hundred ninety-eight pounds in his prime.  This is likely caused by his loss of puppy fat along with a lack of dense bones and his thin stature.

Onto coloration, think of a swirling latte or cappuccino.  The dark expresso color that creates part of the beverages makes up the base of the thin canine.  It is draped across his frame in a rich and lucious coat, smooth and silky locks spread evenly and nicely across his frame.  This base seems to get impossibly darker, smatterings of a darker coffee place at his hips and the top side of his tail.  It is mostly just small sweeps of it lacing locks of fur, yet it seems to coalesce in other places as notable markings.  The shade colors the front of the lupe's forelegs, extending up to his shoulders and uniting with a dark nape and skull.  Such pigments covers the whole of the boy's face, safe for some later-to-be mentioned markings.  Set into his crown is a pair of shimmering amber orbs, bright like the fire of courage and bravery that shines in his golden little heart.

Onto the creamier sections of the child, there are quite a few.  First and foremost, the whole of his undersides are coated evenly in such a tone, covering each slender leg and the areas where his juglar and windpipe are.  A fluffy little tail that sways behind the boy is dipped in this ecru, and the color is smeared up the underside to meet his legs.  A dorsal stripe begins between rounded and cute ears, slithering like a serpent to the base of his tail, where it thins out into nothing, running out of paint. The final few touches of this tone is at the boy's facial features.  The tips of his ears are colored lightly, as well as small smears beneath the boy's eyes.  A short blaze begins at the edges of an adorable brown nose and extends up to between his bright eyes.

My interpretation of Thalos is happy to go with Farore on all of the adventures and cause all of the mischief, only to be the cutest and guiltiest giant little puppy ever!  I've been off playing a lot of babies, so I know how to make the best of cute feels!

Perhaps someday, they could go mate-hunting and imagine having their own kids to take care of!  Adventure pack!  I see these two as almost hopeless and awkward romantics, doomed to cling to one another's sides!

The distant crash of a river rumbled, water slapping against stone with great force.  Up ahead of a duo of 'specialized explorers,' a vibrant forest stretched arms wide for the curious.  Metaphorically, of course.  Bright little pink blossoms of color swirled down, cast toward the two youngsters by a soft wind.  The skies above were clear and blue, absolutely stunning.  A medallion of sunlight gazed down from above, casting the whole world in warm light.  Oh how beautiful spring could be!

It was the amongst the pups' first few endeavors beyond the river that showed Threar's borders, and it seemed to be simply fantastic!  Every time, the duo would make it further and further, closer and closer to a nook full of beautiful pink blooms.  Today had to be the day, though, as far as the older of the two was concerned.  Thalos had begun to get the hang of using his long and gangly legs, yet he still would stumble and fall, not yet skilled enough to run.  At least he'd try to run, sometimes.  Lifting his dark crown up high, the pup looked to his sister with unease.  "Faaaa.  Why don't you have big 'n long legs like me?  It isn't fair!" he'd whine plaintively, shaking his head, "It's really hard to walk with these."

Amber eyes looked back to where his sister walked alongside him, but she had already bolted in a gleeful run, squealing in joy and happiness.  "Come on Taloo!" was all that he needed to hear, the boy stopping for a moment to lurch forth, but holding himself back.  He didn't want to fall again!  He'd already bruised his little chin and busted up his knees with that antic, and boy had it hurt!  Luckily, Farore hadn't been there, but she didn't need to see her big brother stumble and fall!  No way, no how!  "A'ight."  He murmured, looking down at his feet, which seemed to move really far away at that point.  Gulping, he lifted a foot and lurched forth onto it, kicking out his other three legs to move faster.  He'd repeat the steps for all of his feet, and soon... he was running!  Maybe he was doing it a bit clumsily, but at least he could catch up to his sister!  Laughing happily, Thalos threw his head back, cheering to the wind.

Soon, the two became surrounded by pink colors, reflecting onto their pelts and turning cream markings into a soft pastel pink.  Yipping happily, Farore would shift off to the side, without any warning.  The gangly boy noticed a moment too late, and in a lackluster attempt to turn toward her, the boy lost his footing on the thick cover of petals and leaves on the floor.  Yelping with surprise and hurt, Thalos slid across the forest floor.  A little wake of bright colors flew behind him, and the boy whined when he finally stopped.  He didn't have any scratches, but he was coated in slightly dewy flowers and leaves, the plant life clinging stubbornly to his fluffy little locks of fur.  "Owwwieee."  Looking up, he found himself in the shade of a tree.

Floppy ears swiveled forth, the boy straightening a little as a worried little sister came up to him.  "Are you okay, Taloo?"  Nodding with a small frown and dull orange eyes, he looked down guiltily.  Why did he have to fall over?  What was Farore running to so happily?  It probably wasn't that important, but he wanted to see what it had been.  "I'm a'ight."  Thalos barked indignantly, putting down his paws in stubbornness.  He had to show his little sister that he was big and strong, like everyone else!

"I, uh.  Ran this way.  Because I heard something.  Like 'peep peep peep.'  Yeah!"  Nodding happily, the pup lurched up to his feet and looked up at a low-hanging branch.  "There!"  Lifting his head proudly and right leg, he'd point to a bird's nest nestled in the crook of the tree's arm.  A mother bird lay in it, supporting her three nestlings.  Looking down gleefully, his sister gasped, amazed at the birds.  "Lemme climb on you and get a better look!"  Without further ado, the girl crouched down and bounded clumsily onto Thalos' back, weight bearing down on his shoulders.  He could support the pup for a little while, but hopefully she wouldn't want to stare too long...  Hopefully.

To answer his hopes and dreams, his sister squealed in fear.  "Eeeeeek!"  Thalos whipped his head up only to have it knocked down and collapse to the forest floor for the second time.  Yelping, he'd wriggle out from beneath the mess that was now Farore, who was being attacked by a very angry mama bird!  "Did you try to touch mama bird's babies?  Mamas don't like that!"  Ignoring if Fa gave an answer, Thalos squealed and butted his sister, throwing his nose up high.  Maybe he could hit the bird and give Fa an opening to run!  The robin brushed his maw, making him want to sneeze, and began to attack him.  "Owwwww!  We're sorry!"  He screamed, backpedaling and stumbling over his own feet.  He was now sitting down, an angry mother bird pecking warnings at his muzzle and face.  Closing his eyes tightly with tears stinging them, Thalos writhed to his side then feet.  He had to run away, and not come back here!  That mama bird was mean! Farore was nowhere to be found, and Thalos couldn't be bothered to try and find a scent trail amongst all of the sweet blossoms. He simply ran, and headed toward the sound of the river. Maybe he'd find his sister there, and the mama bird would leave him alone!



07-17-2015, 06:01 PM
August 10th will be the deadline on these applications, as they will be born on the 17th ^^
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



5 Years
08-09-2015, 03:39 PM
Alright SO they're actually due on the 16th so I'm just going to announce today that KENO is the winner of Thalos! please have your account ready in the next week! Also: There is a third pup in the litter: Arkay so be sure to include him in siblings <333
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]