
All the kings horses and all the kings men



6 Years
Extra large
04-24-2015, 04:14 PM
Glacier had been a little out of it since the accident. He spend a lot of his time in sleep, and others in a drug induced haze. He didn't know what Terrea gave him but, wooh, it was good stuff. He also, oddly enough had been having entirely too vivid dreams. The majority of them had been about Voltage, of his brother with furrowed brows and a sorrow-fulled voice, worrying over him, telling him to get better, that he hoped his brother trusted him and something about Astrea's special someone. He shook of the dream and opened his maws wide in a jaw-clicking yawn before shaking his massive head and with a groan pushing himself to his feet. He felt weak and tired, he knew he hadn't been eating enough, too much time spent asleep and his paw was weak with its healing and lack of exercise.

He was pretty sure it had been the head wound that had scared everyone the most, and why they had been keeping him mostly unconscious these last few days. Damn doctors orders, he was officially sick of his den, of the familiar walls, with the patterns he could trace in his dreams, and of this feeling weak. For the first time in a long while his head felt shocking clear and he knew he was well and truly on his path to healing. If his family tried to keep him in his den a day longer, he would.. he would sit on them.

The brute pushed free of his den and stepped out into the glaring sunlight, where he was forced to blink it from his eyes and squint, unaccustomed to the unfiltered brightness of the day. His jaw was set and his movements where sluggish, he had a long way to go before he was as quick and strong as he had been before and the thought of that made him feel helpless, useless to his precious family. He was surprised not to see Voltage beside him when he awoke, he was sure every bleary blinking moments of wakefulness previously had been met with those familiar, concerned eyes of his brother. Well, he was only wolven, perhaps he was getting food or taking a bathroom break. He sat outside his den, slowly pushing pushing his paw against the earth, and then releasing the pressure, repeating the movement again and again as he waited for his brother to appear.




6 Years
05-02-2015, 10:15 AM
Voltage had spent a great deal of time with his brother, sleeping beside him, talking to him about nonsense, but mostly just laying there. He’d often talk to him about the island, reminisce about their childhoods. About the time Glacier scared him as a mud monster, how often his brother would be patient while Voltage bounced off the den walls with energy. But sometimes, he’d just lay there in silence, praying to the universe or the fates, or...whoever had their hand in their lives, to just make sure his brother would be well. It was odd for Voltage to spend a great deal of time in silence (hence why he spent most of his time beside Glacier talking), but he would lay there beside his brother, head upon his large back, and just listen to his steady breathing.

But, he had things to do, it seemed. Voltage also spent more time than he would like away from his brother. He was called so often to the borders, by alphas wondering about the friendship between the packs. He had to do rounds, make sure his family was still all well and good. And thats exactly what he had been doing, doing his rounds of the border, and stopping by to get a bite to eat. His brother had slept a lot, but he still ate, at least he thought so. Every time he left a meal there, it was gone when he returned. So with the fish hanging from his jaws he walked towards the den.

However, he was very surprised to see a particular sight infront of the den. The behemoth that was his brother stood tall before the opening, as if he had never fallen at all. A surprised sound burst from Voltage’s throat and he instantly pushed off, bounding towards his big brother. Dropping the fish a few feet before Glacier he continued, skidding to a stop to press himself into his brother, minding of the paw. "Oh Glacier! You’re awake!" He yelped, feeling tears sting at his stormy eyes. But then it dawned on him. His brother was awake and out of the den!

Quickly pulling away he’d glare, though his heart was not into it. Stormy eyes would narrow as he reguarded Glacier. "What do you think you’re doing outside of the den! You’re supposed to be resting!" He said, his deep vocals loud and echoing as he shook his head, moving to try and push his brother (gingerly) back into the den. "Go on! I very much doubt Terrae has said that you could leave the den! Get back to be."

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
05-02-2015, 03:26 PM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2015, 03:26 PM by Glacier.)

Voltage's approach was never exactly quite. Glacier had closed his eyes and taken to simply listening, and he could hear the soft crunch of grass beneath his brothers paws, catch the scent of fish between his brothers fangs. The sound of surprise however was the real giveaway. The Titan would slowly open his eyes, a smile already spreading mischievously across his maw as his eyes connected to the shape of his brother. He would drop the fish a few feet away and keep on coming until he was at his brothers side.

Even barreling into Glacier, Voltage still managed to be careful of his injured paw. Glacier moved his head forward to rest it on Voltage's shoulder, a hug in a form without the use of any of his paws – he wasn't going to risk do anything that would show his brother how weak he still was. It seemed despite being careful that the thought would still occur to Voltage. His brother pulled back enough to glare at Voltage and point out this very thing. Knowing better then the brush off his injury, instead Glacier decided on a different tactic. “If I stay in those four walls for another day brother i'm going to lose my mind. I've been resting and I've been patient and now I need some fresh air. My head feels better then ever and my paw isn't going to get better unless I get it back to strength again. I know how to take is easy brother, I promise, but don't make me wrestle you” he warned, but he was grinning at Voltage and moved his head forward to bump his nose against the others shoulder.




6 Years
05-02-2015, 11:48 PM
Voltage continued his half hearted glare, his nose wrinkled to show his supposive distaste. It wasn't so much that he wanted to seclude his brother away, didn't want to strap him into a bed. Lord knows he had done way better than Voltage ever could. If Lightbutt were to ever get hurt, he was positive he would go mad with boredom after three hours. He could barely sleep through an entire night with his massive amounts of energy, let along the length of time Glacier had. But there was also a very large part of the Ferax that worried tremendously about his brother. He worried that Glacier would push it, that he would get hurt beyond repair, and it would be all Voltage's fault because he allowed him to leave the den early.

With a huff he puffed out his cheeks, brows drawn together in an odd mix of forced anger and worry. Stormy eyes continued to glare at Glacier steadily before he finally sighed, letting out his pent up air when Glacier nudged him. He seemed to almost deflate then, pressing in close to Glacier with a pitched whine. "I was so worried, Big Brother.." He whispered, nearly silent, into his brother's near-black fur. He was so tired, barely sleeping, always worrying, somehow managing to multitask that with dealing with wondering alphas. "Don't ever do that again!" He said louder, pulling away as worried anger took over his features again. "Don't ever be the hero! Call me, please, please call me next time! I can't..." He trailed off then, looking at the ground, his throat suddenly a lot tighter. "I can't see you fall again, Glace..." He whispered softly.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
05-03-2015, 02:19 AM
Just like voltage to take on the responsibility of everything, and the worry. Poor voltage hadn't had an easy time of it these last few weeks and well Glacier already knee that he could see it before him in his worried brothers face and tone and actions. He pulled volty close and kissed his brothers forehead as he raved on about the Titans rash actions. "Lesson learned my brother, call for back up next time.. and you are always the one I will call for that" he promised voltage. The promise was an easy one to make - he and considered calling voltage but had then gone on ahead without, and now look where he was at - no help to anyone. He wouldn't put himself outnof commission again of he could help it, he wouldn't do that to voltage and his family but for their mental well being and to ensure he could be there for their safety too.

"In going to have to woke to get myself back into shape, I know what I'm doing through, I'm not going to risk ruining ny recovery so don't freak out when you see me exercising ok?" He told voltage and playfull bumped his brother's shoulder with his own. "Lets walk, ill take it easy, and you catch me up on what I missed out on?" He suggested, already getting to his feetm he would out only light pressure on his injured leg of they walked, he was serious both about getting it back to strength and not compromising it.




6 Years
05-03-2015, 05:08 AM
Voltage sighed, eyes closed as he finally managed to get a hold of his emotion, which was a rather hard thing. He was always feeling something, so strongly and so vibrantly, it was his driving force, his energy. But as each day went on he seemed more and more capable of gathering himself, where before he would have been a flurry of tears and anger and happiness, nearly bowling his behemoth brother over in his exuberance. But instead he just smiled up at him, his eyes shining with unshed tears and one brow lifted so slightly to question his brothers words. "You better!" He said then, laughing as he shoved his shoulder into his brother before taking a step back and composing himself again. He knew Glacier was a very deep thinker, very intelligent and sound. Where Voltage was ruled by emotion, Glacier was ruled by clear thought, and so when he said he wouldn't push himself Volty knew for certain that it was the truth and not something to apease the worried brother.

So with a sigh he shook his head, taking a step back and grinning. "Lead the way, mon capitaine!" He said with a bright grin, turning. When Glacier would fall instep with him he'd move along the beach, his pace much slower to keep Glacier from overdoing it to keep up with him. "Well, first I should tell you about our addition. Astrea has herself a little loverboy, and he asked to join and to court her." He said with a gentle smile. Despite his nickname for the name, Seerten was a really sweet man and Voltage held a soft spot for him. "I agreed with the condition that he helps out with the hunting. I gave him the rank of Noti, until he proves his skills." He only did such a thing because he knew Glacier would have opened the doors for the man aswell, at least he so hoped. If Anais or Gaia wished to join Dono, Voltage was positive Glacier would agree to let them in without a second thought, so wouldn't it be proper to extend the same to their siblings loved ones. "Serefina held a fight training session in your absence. Some of our family are still slow as ever to attend."

With a gentle hum he looked out at the horizon, watching the ocean play on the very edge of the sky. "I need your advice, brother..." He said softly. "Many alphas of many packs have come to our border, wishing to know the standing between our packs. Arian of Sonticus, sweet sweet girl. Allen of Abven, second in command. Rune of Secretua, and Frith of Threar. Not to mention Epiphron of Fiori, when I went there to ask about their assistance in our healing learning. They all wished to know standing, wondered about alliances. At the time I wasn't comfortable promising the loyalty of our family without your input, I'm not sure who to extend such a thing to, or if we should at all." He paused then, looking at his brother. "Our intention was to stay hidden for our safety, brother...but that hasn't worked. Wouldn't it be good to ensure we have friends at our back incase we are faced with trouble?" Flood, a raid..who knows. "Especially Secretua, our neighbors. Should we ensure...that our relationship with a pack so close to us is friendly with us?" He hummed then, thinking. "Perhaps we should host a party..before the first snow fall. To try and strengthen our good relationship with our neighbors. Secrutua...Fiori, perhaps Abaven..." He wasn't sure who were all close to Donostrea, but they seemed to be the closest. Maybe Threar, he wasn't quite sure where their lands were.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
05-15-2015, 05:37 PM

He let Voltage run through his emotions and calm himself, let him see for himself that his brother would be okay, there was no rushing Voltage's process, and nor would he ever want to. He loved his brothers life and energy, and offered warmed his cooler heart by his brothers fire. At least with Voltage he knew to expect the unexpected, something new would come with every day, where Glacier himself if left to himself would live a more mono toned life. When Voltage was ready, and had accepted his brothers words, he eagerly allowed the behemoth to lead the way. Glacier set an easy pace, allowing small movements for his injured leg, and careful never to rest to much weight upon it, well allowing it to get some much needed exercise. Since normally Voltage would have to take two steps for every one Glacier took, even the easy pace shouldn't seem too slow for the lightning bolt.

When Voltage's first words wound bring attention to Astea, Glacier raised an eyebrow in surprise. Their quite and secluded little star had found someone? That did surprise Glacier, and once the initial flare of brotherly protection had died he also found a touch of pride and satisfaction that she had found herself a piece of happiness. “I agree with your decision” Glacier said easily as Voltage explained the situation and rank, through no doubt Voltage already knew his brother would agree – there was very little that Glacier would deny his brother, and few decisions he would ever contest. He rumbled a laughter as Voltage went on to talk about fight training, yes, their siblings where also so very different from each other and caught up in their own worlds, sometimes it was difficult to bring them all together, and no doubt some wouldn't be impressed at the idea of fight training.

Glacier would fall silent as Voltage continued on, giving a more lengthy explanation about some of the wolves he had encountered and what it meant for Donostrea. “I completely agree, we want good relations with all other packs across the land, but we can't give it freely, we must know first who we are giving our friendship to and what it means to do so. For example I will not befriend a pack that harms and kills for no reason, I would not aid or support such a people, but I am sure there are many packs out there we can get along with and offer friendship and aid to. A party.. that is very.. you, I will support you in hosting it” Glacier agreed warmly, moving his head to nuzzle his brothers shoulder. the two balanced each other perfectly, Glacier himself would not have thought to host a party, yet the idea held appeal and he knew it was a good idea.