
Welcome to the Family



2 Years
Extra large
04-26-2015, 11:58 AM
.ooc. sorry this took so freakin long. Gonna play with some liquid time here and set this a couple days after Absinthe joined.

The large boy had done his best to take care of Absinthe since she had joined, though it had only been a few days he could tell that her appetite was increasing. Or at least it seemed like he was hunting more for her with each day. Not that he would have ever complained, he found he enjoyed taking care of her, and thus far he'd kept her to himself. Though grandmother Epiphron had allowed her to join he hadn't introduced her to Ama or Athena yet. It seemed today would be the best day. He couldn't continue hiding her away to himself.

Nudging her sleeping form he'd try and wake her up, "Hey, Abby. Ready to meet your moms?" He told her he would happily share his mothers, he wasn't about to take that back now. Surely his moms would love her as much as he did. He'd nudge her some more, sure that she would be sluggish in her waking.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Absinthe 1

04-26-2015, 12:19 PM

'bout time for anyone telling you off for all your deeds

Dreams haunted her, where mama's cold body was right there and she couldn't get to her. No matter how fast she ran, the distance was never closed in time. She always saw the fall, where her mothers violet form crashed to the earth and was still. But she never got to save her, not once. There wasn't even the possibility of comfort, as her mothers dual toned eyes lost their light. These nightmares plagued the lavender babe incessantly, making it impossible to get any sleep some nights. She'd been eating, which was a relish she'd missed for the last little while. Rest, as fitful as hers was, could do only good for the growing lass.

The ginger nudge from a broad muzzle roused the girl, and she let out a low whine of complaint. Blearily, mismatched optics would open and vision would clear to bring the features of a familiar giant into perspective. His query rang in her ears, and it took a few moments for the youth to register what it meant. Then, she grinned broadly, wispy banner thudding gleefully against the soil. Gathering her strength, dreary limbs lifted her to her feet. "Yeah!" She yipped hoarsely, lifting one alabaster tipped paw to rub sleep from her eyes. The almost imperceptible lilt to her lyrics was a little thicker than usual with sleep. She stumbled forward, aiming to press her shoulder against the pallid forelimb of her friend. Gazing up at him, she was fair trembling with excitement. "Do you think they'll like me, Bacc?" She asked, waiting for him to lead her forth. She was excited to meet her new moms, she'd missed the kind of affection mothers gave. Bacchus was a great friend, offering to share his mommies with her. She was really lucky to have met him.

no sign the roaring thunder stopped in cold to read


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!

Athena I


9 Years
04-26-2015, 11:38 PM

Athena rarely let herself have a day of simply doing nothing, but today she found herself simply lounging outside of the den next to her wife. It was nice to just have a day to spend with Ama every once in a while, especially now that the weather had begun to get colder and more comfortable for her. It seemed that no matter how long they lived away from the north she wouldn't stop missing the constant cold of the snow she had grown up in. She was stretched out on her side, keeping her upper torso upright by propping herself up on one elbow. Her quiet chattering with Amalia stopped and her ears perked up with curiosity when her gaze landed on her son approaching them... with a small girl in tow.

She glanced from Bacchus's large, white splattered form to the brightly hued pup that walked beside him. Athena rolled herself onto her paws and settled onto her haunches. Her split-colored gaze looked at her curiously before looking back to her large son, giving him a questioning look. "Bacchus, who is this?"

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
Extra large
04-27-2015, 04:44 PM
Absinthe wouldn't take too long to awaken, though her grogginess would linger for a few long moments. He'd smile softly as he awaited an answer, his impatience resulting in a couple easy nudges. Suddenly though she was all there, eager to answer with a quick reply. His expression would brighten as he licked her forehead, her worrisome words hardly glancing off his bright features. "Of course they're going to like you! Come on." He'd nudge her playfully once more, not hesitating to lead them forward.

They really didn't have to go far, he was actually half surprised either of his mothers had not tried to come and find him yet. He kind of enjoyed having his own den and the responsibility of taking care of Abby. Was this what growing up was supposed to be like? He'd been kind of lost for a while, not knowing how much of his child hood he should hold on to. How much of it could he keep?

He wouldn't dwell on his thoughts for very long, his mother's den was close. Before he knew it though Athena was before them, his smile wouldn't falter as she greeted them. There was a question in her posture as well as her voice as he led Abby closer. "This is Absinthe, she was in trouble so I helped her. And, she lost her mommies so I told her I'd share you with her." He'd grow a little more shy at the end, but there was obvious hope in his features.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Absinthe 1

05-17-2015, 09:45 PM
ooc. Figured I should try and jumpstart this again? Short and sweet, because Abby is suddenly very shy.

when rome's in ruins, we are the lions, free of the colosseum

They would walk on in relative silence, with the occasional bump of her shoulder against his leg. She was nervous, because these were going to be her new mommies. She wanted them to like her, and even though Bacc said they would, she wasn't sure. Her legs were going to get tired soon, too, and she hoped they weren't going much farther. As they neared the den, she knew almost instantly. Bacc's expression shifted a little, just enough that she noticed it instantly. It was quickly followed by the scent of many other wolves, which quickened her heart rate a little. How many others were here? Her gaze sought out the large form of a steel pelted woman, resting casually outside of her den. There was another lady with her, but it was the big woman who addressed them first. She posed a quiet query to Bacc, asking him who she was. Before she could make an idiot of herself by blabbering on and on about herself, her friend stepped forward and explained it all. Succinctly and softly, the important bits were laid out for the women. A soft hum of affirmation would trickle from her own maw, head bobbing cautiously as she watched on. Should she say something? Frowning, the lavender babe decided it was probably best to wait and see what the older wolves said.

in poison places, we are anti-venom


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!

Athena I


9 Years
05-20-2015, 03:14 PM

Athena glanced kindly to the purple-hued pup that her son had brought along with him while he explained her name and what had brought him to bring her here. She looked back up to him with surprise when he said that he would "share" his mothers with her and the fact that he said she had lost her "mommies" hadn't gone past her either. So Absinthe was used to having two mothers then. Athena smiled a little and looked back down at the young girl before glancing back over her shoulder at Amalia to see what her wife thought.

She knew Ama would have no problem taking the girl in though. The both of them had plenty of love to give and perhaps this would be how they would fulfill their need to have more children, by taking in the pups that no longer had homes. First Ritselli and now Absinthe. She turned back to Bacchus after a moment and nodded before looking down at Absinthe with a smile. "Of course Bacchus can share us with you, Absinthe. We'd be happy for you to stay with us."

"Talk" "You" Think