
Everything Ends (Ebony Meeting)



7 Years
04-27-2015, 08:47 PM (This post was last modified: 04-28-2015, 10:27 AM by Tealah.)
A mound of fresh dirt rose beside an older barrow near the lakeside now, and though he'd wanted to stay beside his brother's final resting place he made the short trek to the rock garden. He had to do one last thing as alpha before he could be free of the Ebony legacy. Dragging himself up atop the meeting rock his mother had used so often, that he'd used so often, he closed his eyes to say goodbye. Goodbye to Sigmarr, to Ebony, to the life they all could have had. It was over. Lifting his head, he gave a mournful, quavering howl calling the pack together one last time.

OOC: forgot to add this all last night. Deadline for this is going to be Friday which is I know short notice but I don't want to drag it out.


04-27-2015, 09:39 PM

Nikolai lifted his head and turned his gaze toward the sad howl that was Kassander's call. His brows pulled together with concern, but he wouldn't hesitate to hurry forward to answer the summons. He slowed to a stop as he neared the rock that had become the gathering place for all of their meetings. The expression on his alpha's face was not one he understood. He settled onto his haunches and waited for the others to arrive. He didn't speak, instead just giving Kassander a small nod. He hoped whatever it was wasn't too serious... He knew he had mostly kept to himself, especially after they had returned from the siege, but he still cared for his pack mates and hoped everything was alright. It wasn't often that he let himself become comfortable around others so it was a rare thing indeed for him to care about so many wolves like this.

"Speech" 'thoughts'



8 Years
04-27-2015, 10:10 PM

Max had not spoken to Kassander since he had asked for permission to move his den. Hell he hadnt spoken to much of anyone but he had spoken to Sigmarr between then and now, granted he had also talked to Callisto's cat...the little thing didnt really count. He had tried to do what the alpha had wanted but no one ever wanted to talk to him.

When he arrived at the place were Kass had sent out his sad call for Ebony, the man was surprised to see that only Nikolai had arrived before him. In seeing the expression the younger male, who called the meeting, wore on his face Maximous became more concerned than the initial sound of his voicw had made him. "Kass whats wrong?" he would ask with a worried tone.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



3 Years
04-28-2015, 09:49 AM
"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Something was wrong. Svetlana could feel it in the air as she heard the call of her brother, of Kass, and she would look at Korrin with a worried gaze. She had seen little of her siblings lately... and guilt ate at her. Since the war she had been off by herself, trying to think of ways to better who she was. In secret she had begun to take lessons from Korrin, to mold her mind, her ways of thinking. The only way she was going to get better was to practice, right? It was perhaps that healer meeting that had truly opened her eyes to this, and the female would rise, fox companion in tow, to heed her brother's call.

The smell of fresh earth was upon him, his look downcast. Svetlana would frown deeply, approaching his side and ignoring the alphaship role that he currently held. There... there was something seriously wrong. She would give a low whine, pressing her head gently into his shoulder, trying to offer him some sort of comfort. Beside her Korrin would settle, her gaze gentle as she looked upon the young man she had also grown with.

"Kass..." The young woman would say, seeking answers she was afraid to hear. Sigmarr's scent was upon him... and death... but... her other brother was not here.

Table by:: Shelby
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]

Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
04-28-2015, 11:37 AM
The day had begun as any normal one had, all oblivious to the dark turns that lay ahead of them. Kassander's howl pierced the quiet afternoon however and immediately grasped Andromeda's attention, immediately filling her mind with the idea that something was wrong. There was urgency in her step now, racing across the lands until she reached the Rock Garden and the meeting point and her brother's appearance would unfortunately only lead her to worry all the more.

Svetlana beat her by a few moments, speaking his name quietly, almost probing for some sort of answers though Andi wanted them too she was very much doubtful they would get them until this meeting began. Something deep within her felt very wrong about all of this, that something terrible had happened. She feared the truth if she was honest,  if her gut instinct was correct she was terrified to know what horrors had taken place. A meeting was hardly the place to comfort the alpha and there sister was already there, but Andi would quietly approach and offer her shoulder to him now all the same, unable to simply stand there and watch her brother seemingly suffer with something. Had she known the truth she would have been even more desperate to stand at his side and comfort him.



4 Years
04-28-2015, 12:03 PM
The sound of Kass's call would startle her awake, it wasn't the sudden noise that had brought her back to consciousness no it was the sound of her brother's voice. That all too familiar sound of complete and utter loss. He didn't just call for the pack, he called to her heart. Gods, what had happened? She could feel the fear rippling through her before she even stood, her form would tremble as she slipped from the entrance of her den. Freewing would chirp as he found her shoulder, Gaia's movements were quick as she made her way forward.

She could smell the same as Svetlana did, there was death on the air. As her form drew more near to Kassander their missing sibling's scent was present but growing stale. He did not stand among them. She'd try to repress the whine that lingered in her throat as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, but Svet had beat her to any word she would utter. Timidly she would sit, ears pinned to her head as sightless eyes sought the ground, the silver orbs welling up with tears even before anything was said.

Katja the First


8 Years
04-28-2015, 12:29 PM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2015, 11:20 AM by Tealah.)
She had lingered beside the barrows where her sister and her student rested side by side, as Kassander left to gather his pack. She offered up a prayer to the gods to carry his soul swiftly to Valhalla, to Auora to guide him and watch over him as he joined his ancestors in Odinn's hall. She offered up, too, a summoning howl for her family to join her. But she could not long tarry there, and she moved to join Kassander at a lope. Coming across the slowly swelling crowd around the Xanilov boy, she slowed. Rather than join the group in front of Kassander, or interrupt his siblings by seating herself beside him, she halted some feet behind him and lowered her haunches to the ground. Sweeping her silver gaze over the group, she simply observed silently for the moment.



4 Years
04-28-2015, 03:36 PM
Hearing the howl on the wind, and recognizing it as Kassander's, the russet female's ears stood straight up on her head. It sounded... sad. She shook herself for a moment to clear the sadness that threatened to drag her down through the howl. Lifting her head back, she answered the howl with one of her own. It held a tune of sadness, but was mostly neutral in tone. She could tell from Kassander's howl that something had happened, but she didn't know what had happened. The male had kept to himself lately, judging from what she'd heard from others.

Lifting her paws in quick strides, she raced from her position towards the source of the howl, and the mingling scents on the wind. She quickly reached the meeting place. She glanced around the gathered wolves before spotting Nikolai. Her muzzle split into a grin as she trotted over, tail high in the air. She bumped her shoulder against his before greeting him. "Hey Nikolai." She said with a smile before asking a question of him. "Any idea why Kass called us together?" She asked, her demeanor growing serious where it was happy before to see her friend and guide.
Nikolai is allowed in any of Aisling's threads, regardless if they are private or not once they become best friends ^^ They more than likely will always be close to each other.



6 Years
04-28-2015, 11:26 PM

Vereux heard the call, and a sense of dread fell over him for a moment. If something was wrong, he wasn't quiet sure what he was going to do. Getting up the healed male would make his way to the call, watching wolves gather as his own emerald eye centered over them. His tail quivered a little, as he looked at Kassander. Though nothing but a simple head nod was given as a greeting. He went to find his spot among the crowd, painfully so in the back of his mind as it filled with worry. Vereux had been to so many pack meetings before it was like flash backs, at one point he even stood where Kassander was as a king.

A soft sigh escaped his lips though, whatever happened would happen and there was not much he could do about that. His life had been turned on it's axis anyway, and it was hard to find his emotional bearings as it was. Vereux knew he'd move on, find a new way to live and he was hoping Ebony would provide that. The one eyed man let an ear flick, watching the pack of wolves he barely even knew none of them did he know by name. Taking in a deep breath, he let it out just as easily to try and calm himself.

?I speak?



5 Years
04-29-2015, 12:55 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She finally felt settled again within Ebony. A den had been secured within the Rock Garden, her stores of plants and herbs were growing with each expedition that she took, and it was all so promising that Callisto was actually starting to feel almost cheerful. It had only taken half a hear for her to finally find the normalcy that she had been hoping for when she had returned from her kidnapping, and it had not come around a moment too soon.

It only made sense that she needed a reminder of her curse. It had no name, no purpose aside from shaking the ground beneath her to the point that she lost her balance and toppled over, and it came now in the form of a howl from Ebony's King Healer. She tried to talk the cat into staying at the den, but there was no arguing with it. It was their first proper meeting since they had settled in; the damnable thing wanted to be there too.

The sound of the call alone tipped her off that something was amiss. The looks of concern and worry on the faces of those already present as she wandered in among them were further confirmation. Silvery blue eyes traveled from face to face - hurriedly skipping over one in particular - as she took a seat, her unwanted companion beside her, and finally alighted on the russet-tinted King. Callisto frowned and sighed quietly under her breath. What had she managed to miss this time?



2 Years
05-02-2015, 10:34 AM

The call echoed across the pack lands. Slowly Sindri stood. Concern painted her features and tied knots in her belly. Kassander sounded so sad, so...defeated. Something was wrong and it filled her with dread. She immediately set off at a run, her anxiety rising at a steady clip. Maybe -hopefully- she was reading into it too much. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe everything was okay.

Reaching her brother, Sin approached him from behind and circled to his left, seeking to gently announce her presence by nudging his left shoulder with her nose. "Kassander? she asked tentatively, "What's wrong?" Sindri remained standing, unable, for the moment, to relax enough to sit. She needed to know everything was okay.

"Speaking" -- "Thinking"



1 Year
05-02-2015, 11:08 AM

Something was up and it made him uneasy. Nemesis arrived at the meeting and made a slow circuit around those gathered as he searched for a place to sit. He settled near Gaia, noting the tears in her eyes as he sat down. Seeing them upped his uneasy to dread. Did she know something he didn't? What was wrong? His eyes roved those gathered again. Like a virus the ill at ease feeling seemed to have infected everyone. Not a single wolf present seemed to have escaped it. Long faces were everywhere.

His gaze settled on the outsider. Katja? What did she want? More importantly, why was she there? He hadn't seen her since Yfir and his feelings towards her were still rather muddied.




7 Years
05-02-2015, 11:24 AM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2015, 11:28 AM by Kassander.)
His siblings began to crowd around him, asking questions that sent salt pouring into the wound in his soul and he began to tremble, heartbeats away from breaking and fleeing. He couldn't do this, couldn't... Everyone's faces, concerned and looking to him for comfort and guidance and he... he couldn't do this, he couldn't... Katja moved to sit behind him, a silent watchful presence as calm and silent and emotionless a guardian as the rocks surrounding them, and Kassander found himself both grateful for her unmoved and unmoving presence, and envious of her. His own emotions felt suffocating, molten, as though every time he sought to push them aside they oozed around, through, the walls he built to drown him in pain.

Not everyone had showed up, but most had. His gaze swept the small group, and faltered. He didn't want to do this... Behind him Katja stirred. He took a deep breath - she was right, he needed to be the one to say this. "I... A wolf came to our borders looking for a healer. I thought going with him would be the right thing to do at the time, but I was wrong. It was an ambush. I was captured. Sigmarr... Sigmarr saved me. But - there were too many wolves and..." He closed his eyes, forced the words out. "Sigmarr died from his wounds." Shame and guilt burned like acid among the mourning. There wasn't a scratch on him, but Sigmarr had been wounded onto death, why? Because Kassander was a coward, too much of a coward and too caught by fear masquerading as morality to help his own brother.

He shuddered, continued. "I can't continue to lead you anymore. It was my bad decisions that caused this and I can't keep making decisions that will kill the people I love. I can't. And I refuse to ask any of my siblings to go through this either. So I'm giving the pack back to Katja; my mother gave it to her to begin with and that's clearly who it was meant for. You all can stay or go, it's up to you. Katja, the pack is yours."

Shaking now, he wrenched himself away from his siblings, whose well meaning and loving gestures had only ground deeper into his pain. He didn't deserve their love and now they knew it, didn't they? Retreating a short distance from the pack, within earshot but out of immediate touch, he huddled upon himself miserably, eyes pleading with Katja to please take the attention away from him.

OOC: You can post before Katja if you reaaaaaaally want to, I don't mind. I won't be posting her until tonight though so there's no deadline for a second round yet.

Katja the First


8 Years
05-04-2015, 04:03 PM
The boy finished his speech and retreated, and into the silence that tingled after his words ceased, Katja stepped forward. Cool eyes surveyed the assembled, picking out the forms of several of the Olympian children she'd once laid claim to. If she were the jocular type she may have chuckled, but she wasn't, and it was hardly the time anyhow, so she simply ignored them. Lifting her slim muzzle she sent a call winging out - by now her earlier call should have drawn her vikings closer to Ebony's borders, so with luck and the gods' favor they would hear and come to her now. Call sent she lowered her head once more to stare at the group gathered. "If it is that you wish to not remain in this pack beneath my rule, leave now. If you are still here when I complete this meeting it shall be my assumption you intend to stay. You will be allowed a short time within the territory to mourn your fallen packmate but for now I ask that you step away that this affair may be completed with expediency."

She waited a beat for any quick goodbyes to be said before quickly moving along. "I have no intention of ruling Ebony. Ebony is the kingdom of the Xanilovs and will always be held in trust for Raisa's line. As such this pack will no longer be Ebony, that a child of Raisa's line may one day take up the Xanilov mantle if that is their wish. The name will be Yfir, and the laws of the vikings will reign. Therefore will this pack be instead an alloy forged from the remnants of Ebony and Yfir, stronger merged than either could be apart."

She paused once again to glance over at the young former king sitting miserably by himself before flicking her gaze back to the gathered. "This pack may be different from what Ebony wolves are used to. Different than Ebony was even beneath my rule though some may recognize the words. Our way of life may not mesh with your... ideals. If you cannot or will not reconcile those differences... there is still time for you to leave."

Another beat as she waited for any who wished to leave to do so, so that the movement wouldn't distract from her next words. "The law of Yfir will be flexible, but push them to break and you will suffer for it. Learn them well." She went on to explain the laws in detail but her author was too lazy to write them all out in this post which is already quite long already. She also then began to speak of the ranks, giving their names and a brief description of them. "Anyone wishing to remain in Yfir will be placed in the rank of Karl at this time," she concluded, "until I can test those wishing to swear to the ranks of thegn or eir. Are there any questions?" She swept her silver gaze over those gathered, waiting.

OOC: The rules and stuff will be going up today. Deadline to post is going to be Friday, anyone not posting before then with a post definitively saying they are leaving the pack will be assumed to be staying, and I'm going to want a post from everyone who is planning on staying as well so I have a better idea of how many wolves to expect. Anyone wishing to join Yfir who isn't already in Ebony is welcome to have heard her howl and show up at the meeting before she starts talking about the pack. Anyone posting after Friday with the intention of JOINING will need to make a separate post and anyone wanting to LEAVE the pack must post before Friday or be subject to the laws of Yfir which don't really appreciate people leaving. Also if you want to have your character swear as a thegn or eir (warrior/hunter or healer) I will be posting a separate post for each cadre occurring after the meeting. Anyone who wants to leave the pack but wants a post to do stuff (say goodbye, mourn, visit Sigmarr's grave, w/e you want) will be allowed to start it by (again) Friday, but no posts by former members will be allowed to be started after Friday without being considered trespassers. Which would suck.

So basically just everyone post by Friday!

Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
05-04-2015, 04:36 PM
Andromeda had experienced loss before, not just abandonment or family members vanishing, she had experience with death itself. Of course she had never been terribly close to her great aunt, perhaps most of her sadness then had been for Gaia's sake, it had been a hard truth for her sister to face, Natalya may not have always made good judgements in her opinion though there was no denying how much she had helped Gaia.

This was completely different though. Sigmarr, her brother was dead. He was far more important to her than her great aunt had been, and whilst they had grown apart in all of the troubles that the family had faced, Andromeda had never stopped caring for him. This was terrible news and it hit her hard from the moment the dreadful words left Kassander's lips. She had feared something bad had happened but this simply couldn't be true. Grief would consume her, the first stage, disbelief striking her quickly.

It wasn't a lie though, she could see, hear and even feel Kassander's pain and guilt, the destruction of the emotions eating away at him. He seemed a shadow of his usual self, he may not had ever screamed leadership material to many though the man stood before them now was a crumpled mess not the brave one that had once taken up the mantle of leadership to keep Ebony going.

Even with that thought in mind she couldn't have predicted Kassander's next words. Katja may have been present, but that thought pushed to the back of her mind initially, there had appeared to be far more important matters to attend to, little did the Olympus girl realise that the Viking woman was one of them. Ebony was lost now too. Her home was once more being pulled away from her.

Though Kassander was blaming himself, Andromeda wouldn't put the same pressure upon him. Even if she reached the anger stage of grief it wasn't likely she would ever blame him for Sigmarr's death itself. He may have escaped unscathed from the ordeal but the loss of Sigmarr itself was too much for her to even think about that fact.

She retreated deep within her mind for a few moments, barely paying attention to the fact that Kassander was moving away, seeking to hide from the crowd and that Katja had stepped up to address them all instead. It was only as her voice pierced the air that the golden hued Olympus was dragged back to the real world, the painful truths that life was once more falling apart.

Yfir hadn't treated her badly when she and her littermates had been captured by Katja but it had never been a home. Andromeda wasn't sure it ever would be either and right now a part of her shared in Kassander's wish to escape only it wasn't quite solitude that she hoped for but to unite with her remaining siblings, mourn this loss and work out what the next stage in their life could possibly be. She forced herself to glance around them now, seeking out their opinions on matters though she was fairly certain that most wouldn't want to stay in Yfir.



5 Years
Extra large
05-04-2015, 05:23 PM
Slowing to a heavy-footed walk, the massive brute plodded around the outskirts of the group. His eyes roved those gathered as he assessed the reactions to Katja's words. Several -the captives- he recognized from the original Yfir. His gaze lingered on them, taking in their new appearances curiously. When he'd first seen them he'd guessed them to be about his age. They were older looking, more mature, and Laufey was curious to see which side they would choose. Of course there was a bit of history there and he was fairly certain he could guess their decisions, but it would be interesting to see if any proved him wrong.

Stopping to the left of Katja, Laufey turned so that he could see both Katja and those gathered around her with ease. He sank to his haunches, his eyes occasionally trailing to the Olympus wolves for reasons he couldn't quite place.
This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.



10 Years
05-04-2015, 06:00 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2015, 06:01 PM by Kaprasíus.)

Katja's call rang loudly across the lands, as fierce and unforgiving as ever. It was a beckon, a summons of sorts for both her and Hypnos and whoever else had pledged their loyalty to the Finnvis. While unexpected, hearing her call to them was far from surprising. Kapra had caught her scent in these lands, though since she had not bothered to come to him herself he was content to leave her to her own devices. Until now..

The call was difficult to ignore, even if he wanted to, for suddenly he grew anxious with curiosity. Katja was not one to echo such a call unless it had a purpose. Without much hesitation, the lanky viking would make his way toward the call. Only when he came within sigh of Katja after a brief time spent traveling would he notice she was surrounded by nearly a dozen wolves.. no, it seemed to be even more than that.

There was a certain unrestrained glee in his step as he approached the group, scanning the faces with furrowed brows. The overall mood was quite.. glum and he felt the heavy sadness weighing in the air. "What a fun group," he'd drawl sarcastically, laughter brimming in his eyes as he sauntered toward Katja. He noticed that some had begun to leave, and it seemed like.. had she taken control of this pack? He'd chortle softly, impressed. Without any bloodshed, too! "As simple as taking a stick from a pup..." Ignorant to their loss, he would cackle with amusement; though truth be told, being informed wouldn't lesson his enjoyment of the fact that his cousin had, once again, secured a pack for herself. His gaze would shift quickly to Laufey, a wolfish grin creeping over his features as he moved to greet his nephew with a sharp nudge to the side.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.



8 Years
05-04-2015, 11:00 PM

Max hadnt seen Callisto come in, but he knew she was there. Her scent was currently intoxicating and hard to ignore though he would force himself to ignore her presence. Kassander's words almost made him forget that she was even in the area...almost.

His mind was more muddled now that it had ever been and his heart was so overwhelmed with feeling he was amazed it didnt explode. Sigmarr was gone. He hadnt been there to help the boy he considered a nephew. A boy who's birth he had helped along. He was furious at everything it seemed and yet grief held him in place. He hadnt spent much time with any of Raisa's children be it blood or adopted he had been there for all of their births.

Kassander's leaving had only added to his fury filled confusion. He couldnt understand why, everytime he began to put his trust into an alpha, they would leave. Why they would abandon their pack when they were needed. He could never understand Kass' grief for his brother as Maximous had never lost anyone so close to him before. Even now the pain was different for him.

Hell Katja had gone unnoticed until she began to speek. Still he could not pick an emotion to express so he fell back on his haunches and staired at her as if he were looking through her. Her words were prosessed slowly, and just as slowly Max would begin to calm his mind so he could think strait. Sigmar is gone, kass is no longer king, Ebony is no more.

Aside from those things, and the fact that he was still a bit frustrated with Katja for leaving Raisa's children in charge Max didnt want to leave. Ebony had brought him nothing but heart ake, maybe Yfir would be able to make him cold and heartless. Numb to anything that could further damage him. He would continue to be a healer for he new nothing else, but perhaps he would actually look into suppressing his feelings this time.

The two loaners who came incould have gone unnoticed had one of them not spoken as though Katja had forcibly taken the pack from Kass. This male got a hatefull glare the other simply got a quetioning look as he kept looking at the Olympian children. No words were spoken though...for once Max had no words.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
05-05-2015, 05:51 PM (This post was last modified: 05-05-2015, 07:24 PM by Birna I.)

Save your fears,
Take your place,
Save them for the judgement day

Still as the frost upon the ground Birna would stand staring at the horizon for so long she'd completely lost track of time.  She'd run into young Kassander not too long ago.  The leader of her families pack and the wolf she'd traveled under when they'd laid sieged to Arcanum and crushed it.  He was a gentle soul but noble and strong in his own way.  The news of his brother's, Sigmarr's, death had been a shock to the femme who could remember the boy charging in with his sister to rip apart the monster Aerndís.  More than ever she saw this as a sign that she needed to Ebony and see how things were going.  She'd been feeling pulled… set to wandering and no tethers in Fiori could hold her there.  She had to see the remnants of her family.

So when Kassander's call rang out she answered it with her own, letting the wolves of Ebony know that she was coming.  For though she was not of their pack she was still a Xanilov.  She lingered on the outskirts of the group as Kassander broke the news to them.  She wished she could offer the boy some comfort but new there was little she could say especially as she did not have all the details of what happened.  Birna would never under any circumstances ever leave her brother's side in the midst of battle, even if he screamed at her to go but she was a warrior.  She wished to die in battle.  This boy was far to gentle a soul and Sigmarr likely knew what a rare and blessed thing that was in the world, giving his life to protect it.   Though she had no idea if gentleness and grace were what would make good leaders.

Ice blue eyes turned to the woman, Katja.  She gave off a calm, commanding air and Birna immediately found herself curious of the other.  She was not a Xanilov as far as Birna could tell but if Raisa… the Raisa had respected the woman enough to hand over her pack then clearly this Katja was worthy of respect.  She listened respectfully as the woman spoke the gears turning in her own mind.

Eyes narrowed, hackles raised as a snarl ripped from her jaws as she turned to face the earthen green-eyed man who had so jauntily wandered into their grieving space.  Was this stupid asshole looking for death?  "Silence you slow-witted twat!  There are wolves here who are grieving and if you can not shut up and be respectful I will lay you low and drag you out of here by your asscheeks."

[Image: 262ny8g.png]



2 Years
05-05-2015, 07:18 PM
There's a smidgeon of strong language below.

As Kass visibly crumbled Sindri pressed closer to comfort him. His words stalled her efforts and she stilled, going numb as the warmth of her body seemed to drain out the soles of her paws. Disbelief froze her features in a mask of horror. She couldn't believe it. Couldn't fathom a life without her brother. They'd been through hell together; he couldn't be gone, it just wasn't possible. But Kassander wouldn't lie. He wouldn't put on such a show for a cruel laugh. It had to be true, but it couldn't possibly be. Sindri's expression crumbled as tears stung her eyes and she found herself suddenly unable to breath.

A ringing in her ears made listening difficult. The words spoken by Katja sounded distance and warped, almost as if there was water in her ears. She just wanted to be alone. At the moment she didn't care who was in charge or what their plans were. All she wanted was the chance to mourn her brother's passing by herself. That is, that's what she wanted to do until the gross mirth by a new arrival halted her progress. Going ridged, Sindri turned slowly to stare disbelievingly at the brute. His smug, ratty little face leered at her, at all of them, as he mocked their sorrow. Once again she went cold. Her voice a stunned whisper, she breathed, "How dare you." Her hackles rose, her ears flattened, her eyes narrowed and her lips peeled back in a threat.

Suddenly she was rushing forward, seeking to come at the brute from the front in the hopes of closing the distance to a mere two feet so she could get in his face and tell him just how much of an ignorant asshole he was. Sindri's voice rose with her temper, each word laced with righteous anger. "Listen here, you giggling idiot. We're such a "fun group" because my brother died today." Her words became a hiss, each one laced with enough venom to kill a small mammal. "And your lot is being given -yes, given- this pack because that's what Kassander thinks is best. Given. There was no glory. No victory. No effort worth praising. Let me put it in words more your speed: it's like giving a stick to a pup. So you," she sneered, nose wrinkling in disgust, "Can wipe that shit-eating grin off your face. I'm not going to stand here and let you make a mockery of my brother's passing. He was a greater wolf than you'll ever be, you limp dick." Sindri began to shake, her grief suddenly catching fire and flaring into a white hot rage. She would wipe that smug look off his face if she had to peel his lips off to do so.

You know what? That sounded like a damn good idea.

Sindri kicked off suddenly, seeking to close the distance between them rapidly. She sought to come at him head on but slightly catty-cornered so that the center of her chest was lined up with the outer front of her opponent's right shoulder. The slight fae went ridged as she tensed her muscles, straightened her spine and lifted her tail so it was parallel to the ground; these defenses enabling her to rise up on her hind legs as she began her assault. Sindri jutted her chest out in the hopes of driving the center of it into the center of the right side of her opponent's neck. As she did so her left foreleg rose in the hopes of sliding over the back of the brute's neck just behind the base of his skull where she hoped to hook her left forepaw just behind and beneath his left jawbone. She sought to obtain a grip that would not only support her weight but give her leverage over Kaprasius. Her right forepaw also snaked forward as she sought to capitalize on what little sideways movement her forelimbs were capable of. Sindri sought to slam the upper portion of her right foreleg into the upper portion of her opponent's windpipe in the hopes of choking him while curving her right forepaw around the left side of his neck just below his left jawbone. This final move would hopefully strengthen her potential hold on Kaprasius' neck and restrict the movements of his head.

To better her stance Sindri slid her left hindpaw several inches behind her left one, her stance widening and her toes splaying as she sought to create an unshakable foundation.

Finally, chin tucking and shoulders rolling forward, Sindri's jaws parted, crown tipping to her left slightly, as she leaned forward in the hopes of sinking her fangs into her opponent's face. She hoped to drive her upper teeth into the brute's right eye with the intention of blinding it. Simultaneously she sought to hook her lower teeth into the right corner of Kapra's mouth and drive upwards in a move that would hopefully mutilate the side of his face from mouth to eye. If he liked leering so much then he could wear the expression permanently.

Briefly she wondered what she was getting in to. Clearly Katja didn't keep this ignorant fuck around for his brains, so she could only assume that somewhere under the unimpressive exterior lurked a fighter. It mattered little. He wasn't going to mar the day of her brother's passing with his stupidity. If it was the last thing she did, Sindri was going to put him on the ground.

This was for Sigmarr.

