



Easter Egg Hunt 2023ContributorEaster 2022Rapid Poster - GoldArtist - SilverToys for Tots
09-04-2014, 11:02 AM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2014, 11:21 AM by KatG6.)
So, I decided to go ahead and toss him into the masses. He is very much a blank slate with a few minor requirements. While Meka is golden, he needs to be a deep brown, black or white.. Any mix of those is fine, if you add paid features to him that will your call.

So requirements, he is far from rude and mean, but he wont be against fighting to protect Meka. He is very sister-orienated. , and since they were seperated he would of been looking for her until they come across each other here in Ala.

Meka history: She was born into the first litter between an Alpha pair, great pride was held as RanKlak and Inum gazed down at their brother and sister pairing. The boy getting the name 'Samu', to mean 'same as you', for being a promising look alike of their father. While the girl received the gentle name 'Mekala', to mean 'bringer of sun', for the coloring of her coat. Fitting names for the furry bundles who yet to have a care in the world. As the weeks passed, Samu quickly grew in size while Loni lagged behind. With great concern, Inum gave Loni the extra encouragement she needed to move her along. It was upon the opening of her eyes that brought the end of the couples treasured pride. Blind. This pup was blind in a single eye, blind and with a scar to prove it. How disgusting, how shameful. She was indeed something to gawk at, days passed and RanKlak refused to acknowledge the mistake that rested beside Samu, his only true offspring.
As they grew she slowed in development. The cruel treatment that her father placed with her, had luckily not rubbed off on Samu. He became an older brother who wanted nothing more than to see her happy. Within the major years of learning it was Samu who stayed at her left side, letting her adjust and learn with him there as a safeguard and reminder. They were always together very little around to make them part. It wouldn't take her long to adapt to her birth defect, she moved along with life. She hunts and feeds, sleeps and moves as if she had two eyes. One could never tell until she turned to look at you. As the pack expanded, RanKlak grew more anxious with Samu's proper upbringing, and forced the two apart to train his son properly. At their second year of life, rumors began to spread. Samu, he blossomed under his father's teachings and within the eyes of those who he would rule over. However Mekala remained flatlined, many claiming she had already reached her peek at such a young age. Wolves wanted her dead, wanted her chased away. She was becoming a hazard for Samu's future, a liability to his failure. Samu wouldn't stand for this, and with the third year of their life approaching, he took his precious Mekala away from the only home they've known.

Name: Will Remain 'Samu'
Age: They are 2
Appearance: Deep brown, black or white. Mix freely. Please give me 150 words, and feel free to link designs.
Personality: Just sit within the lawful categories, 150 words.
History: Review Mekas and follow its overall outline.. He is the only boy of the only litter so he would of goten favortism and such. As for once they leave their birth place, the two are seperated by winter weather.
Rp sample

Thanks for reading, thanks for considering and hopefully he gets a home fast!


09-07-2014, 04:30 PM
This adoptiong is closed while im dealing with some things.