
Any Thrill



3 Years
Extra large
05-01-2015, 05:17 AM
Not sure where his friend had gone off to that day, she could have gone to gather herbs or was even hiding somewhere within the pack lands waiting to ambush him. There was a part of Kismet that certainly would not surprised if he found Warja here though. Truth be told he was intrigued for himself, Secretua had recently had their own little mini festival but this pack, whoever they actually were had decided that the whole of Alacritia deserved a little fun. Perhaps it would be good and so he set off to investigate it.

If Warja was around he quickly realised, he wasn't going to find her too easily. Not only was there a big group of wolves in all shapes, sizes and colours but Warja with her small size would easily meld into the mass of wolves. He felt that even he would get lost within the crowd if he ventured in deep enough. He kept closer to the outskirts, observing for now just looking to see who he would spot.


05-14-2015, 09:16 AM

The festival was a strange place, a wonderful place that was full of the hustle and bussle of other wolves. There were so many scents, so many different colors and interesting beings that Akemi noted. It was funny how, once you were outside of your comfort zone that you could find women and men who were both like you and different in so many ways.

Yet, even among all these strangers it seemed she was still able to find a familiar face. The form of Kismet would be made on the outskirts of it all, and Akemi would set her path toward the young Secretuan guard. He was a nice young man, one that she didn’t mind all that much. He seemed to keep to himself for the most part, focused on doing what he had to do and not making trouble. That was something that the young woman could definitely respect.

“Are you enjoying yourself, Kismet?” She would ask once she was close enough for him to hear her.

Table by:: Tealah



3 Years
Extra large
05-15-2015, 01:37 PM
It wasn't his dear friend that would eventually catch his attention though it was still a familiar face that approached him. Truth be told he didn't know Akemi too well, or many within Secretua for that matter though right now it appeared that the female was the wolf he knew the best in this little crowd at the moment. The idea of meeting others wasn't something he was opposed to, yet he couldn't help but feel a little relieved about the fact that Akemi's presence now meant he wouldn't have to dive into the throng of strangers right now.

"I've not been here long at all, you're the first person I've spoken to in fact." Kismet admitted. There was surely something within the festival that he would find enjoyable but for now he was still feeling rather glad for the familiar company. "Any idea what exactly is happening here?"


05-17-2015, 03:02 PM
So he had not spoken with anyone else as of yet? Perhaps waiting for Warja, she would think to herself. The two younger wolves were close as glue. It was cute to see, and surprising that the two were not yet a couple. Perhaps they would never be, content with just being the friend of the other. It was nice to know that the members of Secretua could count on each other in such a way. So very, very wonderful to see.

The female would give a small nod, acknowledgment that she had paid heed to his words. Perhaps he was secretly a bit on the shy side? That was kind of cute, in it’s own way. The big strong guard,wary of strangers. Perhaps it was just that she was not wary enough? The female would glance at the gathering of strangers, a gentle smile on her lips. “A Festival of sorts it seems. A chance to meet others and have fun.”

Akemi would look back to Kismet, her single eye shining. “And why not? It seems like a rather enjoyable thing. Perhaps the rest of Secretua will make their way out here as well.” The female would say gently, hinting at the fact she hoped he saw Warja here.



3 Years
Extra large
05-18-2015, 05:21 PM
Romance and the such was certainly something that Kismet didn't understand yet. He was no fool, of course had learnt many things in his life though a healthy example of families and love had never really been constant. For that reason emotions hadn't ever really fully formed, it wasn't that he was completely closed off he just hadn't learnt that he could have any more really and certainly hadn't thought of Warja in any other light.

It was a little sad in some ways that the closest he'd ever really had to knowing a functional family life was now, looking at Warja's family. They were certainly a wonderful example to have though, a solid, reliable bunch to each other with parents that were always there for their children. He would have loved to have such a strong family unit, instead though he had a mother that had left her children twice, a father that thought it was a good idea to kidnap and keep his children prisoners and a step father that had also vanished. He certainly hadn't had the healthiest of childhoods.

The big, strong guard wasn't exactly shy, perhaps a little wary, he'd certainly witnessed that not everyone was friendly and trustworthy. He'd spent much of his time with Warja as of late as well, hadn't really met anyone new on his own accord for quite some time. He'd get into the flow of mingling at some point again, but for now trying to work out what on earth he was supposed to do here was the top priority.

He would give a small nod of his head at Akemi's comment, mismatched eyes once more looking through the crowd, for no one in particular this time, simply observing the antics of the others. Indeed many did seem to be enjoying themselves. "Maybe, are we the first Secretuan wolves to arrive then?" He enquired glancing back towards Akemi once more. He wasn't too surprised by that to be honest, they didn't exactly seem to be the most sociable bunch all of the time, Rune certainly wasn't anyway. He could picture the Guardian now, stood scowling at the gathering before calling his pack off to hide somewhere out of the way, not that such thoughts would be spoken out loud anyway.


05-28-2015, 02:13 PM

Akemi would give a small nod as Kismet spoke. “That’s what I believe anyway.” The woman would let her gaze trail the crowd. So many faces, happy faces, enjoying themselves. She supposed she too might have a good time here. Perhaps even Einarr would arrive and join the fun? The woman could hope, though the antisocial boy wasn’t exactly one she’d expect to be leaping about all over the place. She would breathe in, wondering about the rest of the pack. Who might actually show up, and who wouldn’t. She’d let her gaze shift to Kismet once more, and she offered a smile.

“Why don’t you go ahead and go mingle, Kismet? I think I’m going to find a new face to talk to as well.” Her words were encouraging. The boy was likely to stick with Warja if he happened to catch sight of her here, but sticking with friends wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. They made you feel safe. Secure. The female would give a nod to the younger Guardian before taking her leave, hoping to see more of her packmates out and about.

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'