
Voltage vs Amriel



6 Years
05-01-2015, 06:24 AM
Now this is what he wanted. This is exactly what he wanted! It was so perfect. He loved it! Donostrea should do something like this, he decided. What better way to be safe than to be the pack that does something awesome like this? But perhaps that was just his adrenaline talking as he shifted his weight in the battlefield. The moment he had found out there would be sparring he signed up in a heart beat, despite the fact that it meant a little less time spent with Gaia. But, small sacrifices. He could feel the adreanline coursing through his veins, his energy spiking like lightning. Yes, this is exactly what he wanted.

So when it was called for the battlers to head to the field he had gone in an instant, whether or not Gaia followed or stayed where he had left her with her flowers. He needed to fight, needed to battle someone that wasn't Serefina for a change. He loved his fire sister, but the more the fought the more they knew each others favorite moves and the more it felt like a dance than a fight. So he was excited to face whatever challenger appeared before him. He stood near center to the battlefield, knowing other spars must be raging around him. His paws sat evenly, toes biting into sand and weight settling on his back haunches to help aid his spinging action. With the most excited of grins he'd lower his head with his spin, tail tucking beneath him and stormy eyes flashing. With a quick lick to his lips he'd part his jaws, waiting for his challenger to appear to snarl, and his nose curling in anticipation. Fur stood on end, whether it was due to excitement or defense he wasn't certain. But reguardless, he felt ready, felt his balance set and his defenses in place. Ears would twist, searching for signs of his challenger before pressing against his skull, his shoulders lifting to press close together, loose skin bunching along his neck. Yes, any time now...he was excited.

Voltage v Amriel
Threar event spar