
Pull it out, turn it up, what's your favourite song



5 Years
05-03-2015, 08:59 AM
With the fights down and the healers soon gathering, it wouldn't be long at all before the festival would reach it's final activities and then at last its end. Although she hadn't actually seen all the faces she had hoped for, Novella couldn't argue that the turnout as a whole had in some ways been better than she could have ever expected. She had of course hoped to make some new friends as well as strengthen any bonds with the old ones, though there were more new faces than she had anticipated.

Whilst some were loners, packs too had travelled to spend some time here participating in the events. Novella hadn't yet found the opportunity to truly converse with other alphas on any matters however. The festival was proving to be a good way to introduce the packs, though the lack of time for official business didn't phase her too much. Maybe later she could visit those alphas that had attended with their packs, a little extra thank you to them for coming and a chance to talk away from all of this.

It seemed like the best idea for now, to sit back and simply let everyone enjoy themselves and take part in whichever activities they wished. And so it'd be the plan that she decided to stick with, Aslan and Varda had both enjoyed their little adventure with Frith to the North, perhaps they could be included on these trips as well. That was planning for the future, there was a festival to get out of the way first, with far more casual conversations and fun to be had.



10 Years
05-03-2015, 09:23 PM (This post was last modified: 05-03-2015, 09:24 PM by Ara.)
While Ara had wanted to talk to Novella about something when they'd first arrived at the Festival, it seemed the leader of Threar was quite busy with conversing with the others that had arrived too. It was understandable that she might preoccupied, and being who she was, Ara wasn't going to interrupt her conversations with others. However, when some of the commotion died down and she spotted Novella resting on her own, she figured it might be alright to approach her. Stepping away from Novel - knowing she was safe here, amongst family who would do anything to protect her - she would head in Novella's direction. The land, though unfamiliar, was quite pleasant and she felt that the air had a sort of invigorating quality here. The trees were obviously young, and the area was not yet heavily forested, only to the point of being comforting. Her pawsteps were soft as she made her way to Novella, dipping her head in respect to her wife's aunt as she approached.

"Good afternoon," she'd greet her, the smallest hint of a smile appearing on her face. Her tail would flick in pleasure where it lay limply at her hocks. "This festival was a good idea," she'd state gently, closing the distance between them with a few more slow steps. "Are there any specific events planned?" she was curious, though figured it was a decent enough way to start a conversation.



5 Years
05-04-2015, 03:02 AM
Though she shouldn't show any favouritism amongst the crowd, truth be told Novella would have made an effort to spend time with Ara sooner had she known the girl was interested in talking to her. They hadn't exactly been overly close, though Novella certainly liked the younger girl and it seemed that she definitely had a good heart. It had been too long since she had last seen her and Novel, the Author was very much glad to see that they had made it here.

"Good afternoon Ara." Novella returned the greeting with a warm smile once she realised the black and tan female was approaching her. "Thank you. There's been the spars as you may have realised, and there will be a gathering for the healers very soon." There was of course the hunts as well, though she assumed that the healing gathering would be the main appeal for Ara and Novel.



10 Years
05-04-2015, 09:18 PM
Novella had been nothing but kind to her since she'd known her. She'd listened to her insecurities when she'd been unsure if she ought to tell Novel about her feelings, she'd been there for her when she'd confessed all that Novel had been through. It was rare for Ara to open up to anyway, and knowing that she'd allowed Novella to see that hidden part of herself made her feel quite a bit more comfortable around her. There was still a slight wariness, though. She couldn't help but feel worried that Novella might somehow blame Novel's timidness on her, though she knew Novella wasn't that kind of wolf; still, she wanting her wife's family to think nothing but the best of her.

The spars weren't interesting to her at all -- fighting wasn't something she cared for, in fact she hoped she never had to try it, though the healing gathering sounded much more interested. Certainly she and Novel would attend that one. She'd smile gently at the mention of it, nodding with a faint bit of eagerness. "I can't wait for it," she'd tell her, though her excitement was subdued, as was typical of her. Still, her passion was undeniable when it came to healing and it was often difficult for her to contain how much she enjoyed it.

"I wanted to ask you something," she began, her voice betraying some of the nervousness she felt. Beneath her, she would shuffle her paws as she searched for the words. "Two things, actually. Novel and I - we've decided to go search for my parents and brother soon," she began her succinct explanation. "We were hoping that Psalm and Hymn might be welcome here while we go?" It was a bit of a strange request. She didn't distrust the wolves of Fiori at all, and yet.. it felt better knowing their sons would be among family. Perhaps some of her fear of the man that had hurt Novel was surfacing, but she'd shake her head gently at the thought. "I also wanted to ask.. since you're sort of.. the head of the Destruction family now," she began. Since Song had left, she seemed the most reasonable head of the family, or so Novel felt. "If I could take the name Destruction. Novel and I never had a formal wedding, and we might never, but.. it'd mean a lot to her, even if she couldn't express it well, and she had no surname of her own to hold onto.



5 Years
05-05-2015, 04:09 AM
Novella. hadn't expected Ara to arrive with a need to talk to her about something, anticipating instead more casual sort of conversation. That being said however, Novella had no qualms with listening to or even helping the girl if she needed anything, it wouldn't be the first time and she wouldn't mind offering her the same kindly treatment again. The Author would fall quiet now as she began, not wanting to interrupt and add to Ara's nerves.

"Of course, all four of you will always be welcome." Novella wouldn't ever turn away family, the boys, even Novel and Ara themselves if they wished would be more than welcome to stay in Threar. Perhaps it was a slightly strange request, the boys were old enough by now that they could have coped without their mothers and Novella had certainly gotten the impression that Fiori was very different to Ludicael, she had very few doubts that they would be cared for still.

The head of the Destruction family; an odd title and one she had never thought might be carried by herself. She felt both a little proud and very fearful of the fact she was thought of that way by anyone. She would of course always look after her family though, head of it or not. "You are family, Ara." Novella declared firmly, she would not budge on that sentiment. It wouldn't be the first time new people were welcomed into the family and she was confident it wouldn't be the last. Ara was a good wolf as well, it wasn't difficult to welcome her. "Wedding or not, you're entitled to the Destruction name." She had stood by Novel's side for so much, become a mother to her children; she was family.



10 Years
05-15-2015, 08:09 AM
Being with Novel had forced Ara to be much more outspoken than she normally was. Her wife was timid and often fearful, and she had to help be Novel's voice as well as her own. It would force her out of her shell - and while she preferred to keep to herself, she was genuinely happy to speak to Novella. If anyone, she was probably most comfortable around her than anyone else in Novel's family.

Novella seemed glad to welcome Psalm and Hymn when they left. Even if they decided to stay in Fiori on their own, that would be fine too, but it seemed the boys might be happier here amongst family. It might even seem like a vacation of sorts to them. At Novella's next words, though, she felt her tail beginning to wag unconsciously behind her. She did consider the Destructions family, even if she wasn't close to many of them.  "Thank you.." she'd begin, obviously quite grateful, unable to put her deep gratitude into words. though she felt she couldn't even put the depth of her gratitude into words.  "I couldn't imagine ever being without Novel,"  she'd comment, though quickly realized it was perhaps a more personal comment than she had intended. It was true, though. She was Ara Destruction, and always would be; she couldn't picture any other sort of life now. "And.. I appreciate being so welcomed by you and everyone else." Honestly, Novel's family was all she had left. She had Mercury, though he had voiced his plans to move far away from these lands with Canta, but she had no clue where her parents and Steel were and her other siblings had disappeared some time ago.



5 Years
05-15-2015, 01:03 PM
Little else was said on the matter of the boys, maybe there were still further decisions to be made, further arrangements before the time even came to it. It seemed though that the second little comment was now taking priority for the moment and the answer evidently one that touched Ara and left her feeling a little lost for words. Thank you would have done it, the moment didn't really call for anything else yet the black and tan girl continued to try find something else to say, expanding upon her little thank you.

A small confession would find its way slipping through the girl's lips now, a terrifying thought that Novella knew all too well, clueless as to what she would do without Frith in her life now. "I do hope you never have to." Novella responded softly. It wasn't a topic she cared to linger on however, and instead chose to focus upon that second part of Ara's thanks.

"It's been a pleasure to welcome you into our family." She smiled and it truly had been so easy to welcome her. Destruction or not, Novella had quickly grown to like Ara, she was a lovely girl and was certainly proving to be a wonderful wife for Novel. "Anything you need Ara, I'll try to help you. Family or not I consider you a friend as well."