
Call Me Crazy



5 Years
Extra large
05-03-2015, 09:45 PM
It had started with a creek. Just one little stream, and a tuft of fluff from a sycamore pod. The curious young pup had spotted this errant vagabond and, leery of dipping his paws in the chilly autumnal water, followed it in the hopes that is might drift towards the bank and get caught up there, that he might extract it and examine it further. Well, that hope had been in vain. Seraphim looked up when the sound of a dull roaring broke into the quiet afternoon air. What on earth was that? Fluff forgotten, Phim kicked up his pace until he was loping along the banks of the (noticeably larger) stream. It didn't occur to him that he had passed his father's borders, or that he really had no idea where he'd ended up. All he could do was stare over the top of the small cliff, and watch the light play in the spray of the waterfall which raged beneath him. He gasped, and began to search for a path down.

With no small amount of slipping and stumbling, loosing his footing on mossy rocks, the gargantuan lad cascaded onto solid earth once again. He may have sprained his paw a bit (okay, ouch) but it hardly phased him because the waterfall was much more interesting from where he now stood. Neck craned upwards, a stupid grin split his maw. The sun was setting just to the fall's left, and it illuminated the tiny valley with a splendid, gilded glow. Why hadn't anyone ever taken him here before! He wished at once, quite desperately, that he'd dragged Angel or Eva along with him. He had half a mind to clamber back up the slope and fetch them right off, but instead his rear end thumped down onto the ground, so that he could more comfortably enjoy the view.

"Talk" "You" Think

Phim's family members are always allowed in his threads, whether specified or not!



10 Years
Extra large
05-03-2015, 10:19 PM
Her encounter with her baby brother had been.. strange, to say the least. Still, she wasn't sure if she'd made the right decision. Trusting him wasn't something she felt up to right now, after what he'd done. Her ability to trust males in general was a difficult thing, since she'd been through hardly any good experiences involving them. Save for, well, the obvious. A low sigh escaped the pallid behemoth, mercury gaze drifting across the southern terrain. the rush of a waterfall drew her attention, and she wondered if there might be a good place to stay closer to it. So far, there hadn't been much. Nothing up to her standards, at least. The sun was falling below the horizon, bathing the southern plains in a soft orange glow. It was soothing, and she couldn't help but think of sunsets viewed from atop rocky summits in her motherland. Coal cloaked limbs strode fluidly over the terrain, each move seeming to have purpose. Thick pelt was only a liability in this area of the lands of Alacritis, but she felt the need to explore more before she headed north. Fall was a lovely time, regardless of where it was spent. The colours and the calm, it was something she found herself enjoying more than usual. She trotted silently toward the rush of falling water, the torrent growing louder with each step forward.

She came upon it almost accidentally. It seemed as though it fell into a small valley, that she had nearly missed. Standing on the very edge of a loosely sloping precipice, moonstone orbs found themselves drinking in the serenity of the scene below. Inky lips would twitch softly upward, the faintest trace of a smile. This would be a good place to rest for now, until she either got bored of it, or figured out where she was going to head next. Ebony paws picked their way carefully down the incline, delicate and graceful with each step. She could have been a dancer, the way she moved. Alabaster coat tinged faintly crimson by the fading light of the day, she felt a sense of complete calm in her chest. It was pleasant, and only made the draw of this little nook stronger. Steel gaze fell upon the form of a mottled boy, who looked to be bigger than she was. Well, what a surprise. Neutral facade remained upon her features as she drew ever closer, examining the youth. He looked happy here, and there was the smell of a pack upon his coat. As well, the fading reek of illness- sweat and fear. Cranium dipped between her shoulders, she blinked at him. Who was this boy, what was he doing away from home? Had he been abandoned as well, like she had? No, he looked taken care of. His coat didn't bear the bedraggled appearance of a barely recovered rogue, desperate for their next meal.

A soft greeting would fall from her lips, a whispery "hello" offered politely. The heavy accent upon her lilting melodies was much stronger than that of her mother, and made her speech seem much harsher than if none had been present. Crown would dip further in a respectful nod, trying to judge what the child might do. He was large, but there was the undeniable air of naivete that came with youth that cloaked him. Part of her missed her own childhood, simply because things had been uncomplicated. Her and Viddy, against the world. Nothing to worry about, no betrayal simmering under the skin at all hours of the day. There were some very intricate and rather lovely markings upon the boy's face, and she wondered what kind of lineage he bore.

avatar courtesy of trash-klng on dA



5 Years
Extra large
05-04-2015, 07:04 AM
Seraphim was surprised by the appearance of the pretty lady. When she spoke he jumped, having been so enraptured by the rapids and falls that her approach went unheard. He spun on his hind legs, eyes wide and bewildered, but his face was reclaimed by a smile as his eyes finally settled on what they were supposed to be seeing. She was big, just like him! Maybe about the same size, except maybe he was just a bit bigger, he thought. Which was odd, seeing as she didn't look like a pup like he was. "Hello, there!" he said with a smile, voice still a bit raspy, a lingering symptom of his sickness. He hoped that didn't scare her off, because as far as he knew snake bites weren't contagious. "Look how awesome this is, just right here." He skittered to the side and eagerly gestured to the very spot he'd been sitting.

Phim was very proud of his discovery, and wanted to share it with the whole world!... Even if the stranger could probably see just fine from where she was. A crisp wind blew down from atop the falls and sent the spray scattering out into the open air, enlarging the already present rainbow so that it completed it's arch. He watched the show, utterly distracted. "Wow," he whispered, shoulders slumping. Recollection came upon him suddenly, that he should probably be socializing or at the very least being polite. "Oh! My name is Seraphim! I'm from my Daddy's pack, Imperium!" He stood up a bit straighter, puffed out his chest, because that was definitely something he was proud of.

"Talk" "You" Think

Phim's family members are always allowed in his threads, whether specified or not!