
Isokan Pack



7 Years
Extra large
09-03-2014, 10:08 PM

ISOKAN PACK - 8d9fbc


Olori- the supreme ruler of the pack equivalent to king/queen, or primary alpha. Their word is law, anything they say can be an unwritten law. The pack?s mentality and behavior depends on the mood and morals of the current Olori making the Isokan pack very flexible.

Akoko- second in command of the pack, not always the olori?s mate but is most likely that way. They have as much power as the Olori but the Olori themselves can cancel out anything the Akoko decides.

Arole- the heir of the pack usually chosen when the Olori decides to hold a pack meeting. The heir is chosen by vote of the pack from the royal pool. Once becoming the heir, should the pack disband the heir will take over.


Oga- the commander or lead beta, this wolf is the one who handles all the soldiers. They may accept and deny wolves at the borders, promote and demote members. As such they are in charge if no Tier I wolves are present.

Dokita- lead healer and psychologist. This wolf must have at least basic knowledge of the psychological mind so that members remain physically and mentally healthy.

Ode- leader of the hunters and messengers. They usually organize pack hunts in order to keep the pack fed, and if some sort of event shows up it is their job to send out a hunter/messenger to relay this message. The ode will only do it themselves if it is an emergency.


Royal- the royal pool is any wolf that is blood related, married, or adopted to walkers or the Arrow family(quelt?s old surname the founder of isokan). Royals are all ages, but those within this royal pool are eligible for the pack electing them to be the heir. Royals are to be respected and they have mild authority over others. Should a royal mistreat members they will be demoted.

Pataki- the special corps, many of these wolves are mysterious and the pack doesn?t even know if they are Pataki. These wolves are known as ?special? cases.

Ogun- the fighters of the pack who serve under the oga. Also referred to as the military of the isokan pack. They must complete and assessment thread given by the oga or quelt in order to become an Ogun.

Eweko- healers of the group, they don?t have to be too keen on psychology but it is recommended. Anyone with healer experience can be a Eweko.

Iranse- Hunters and Messengers of the pack that work underneath the Ode. They provide food for the pack as well as are on key with news around the land.


Ilu- pack citizens, not necessarily unsorted, but wolves who do not feel they can fit into any of the above ranks. They are still required to help the pack when in times of need and they can assist ranks when needed. But Ilu make up the bulk of the pack. Pregnant females will hold this rank until they feel able to return to their previous one.

Omo- pack members who are under a year of age, the pups


Elewon- prisoners of war, or omega?s who have broken laws. You have to have pissed the Olori off severely to be within this rank. Elewon?s must be supervised at all times by an Ogun.


The Isokan pack is a sanctuary for those of the walker family or any royal member as well as their own people. They have no alignment due to it depending on who the leader is. The pack accepts almost everyone, but the mentality is one is all. If a wolf breaks a law, before they are demoted to Elewon the entire pack is punished. You can make enemies within the pack quite quickly this way so it is suggested you do as your told. Lighter alignments must be ready to do darker things if no one steps up for the tasks. Everyone is expected to get along or at least ?fake? getting along. The pack follows the religion of Snowlit(as can be seen on Quelt?s profile)

1. Olori?s word is law, there is no defying him/her unless you wish to get back lashed. The current Olori is of a kinder sorts.

2. Should the pack disband, and there is no heir, the royal pool gets first dibs on claiming the pack in order to continue on the blood line. Only then are outsiders or other pack members up to claim the pack.

3. Intruders should be handled by Tier I wolves only, unless hostile. Hostile intruders may be chased off the land immediately.

4. Every member has the right to a private life, however anything done out of the pack that affects everyone, should be thought about before being done. If one wolf gets in trouble the whole pack may be punished depending on what it is.

5. Before conceiving children, the current Olori asks that you have a marriage ceremony. And both parents are within the pack, should the mother choose to move to the males pack she is free to do so.(private or public, either way the Olori shall oversee it)

6. Should the pack population increase, breeding will be constricted to the Olori only.

7. Respect everyone, if you can?t get along fake it

8. Allies are to be treated with respect, anyone discovered breaking alliances will be punished, these wolves are an exception to the everyone being punished rule.


1. Tier 1 and 2 wolves are required to post at least 5 times a week(excluding Olori who has to follow the alpha check rules) unless an absence is posted

2. Higher ranks can be challenged for(apart from the tier 1 ranks and royal), but only if the current Olori is okay with it(currently Quelt is okay with it)

3. If you have any questions don?t be afraid to ask.
[Image: OvmqSCr.png]