
Don't Make A Mistake


05-08-2015, 03:32 PM

His mind was upon Mystic. The young girl had been met with again, and he had been hurt to know that Kapra and Katja had once tried to claim her. He felt his mind and heart torn, a mix of what he wanted and what he needed. He thought of what Kapra had taught him himself, about his gods and their ways. He would think of Mystic and her family too... about what was best for them... best for him. It made him sad to think that he might have to leave this place. But could his friend... his love... really be safe if he didn't?

The young man would tilt his head back, calling for Kapra. The man had been like a father to the younger male, and Hypnos respected and valued his opinion. He felt torn, and sought guidance. He was worried too about what the other might think... what he would say when he discovered the truth of his intentions. He would breathe out slowly, setting himself down to wait.

"Talk" Think

Table by:: Chrono



10 Years
05-28-2015, 04:11 PM

The purpose of Hypnos's call was a mystery to him. It was rare that his protege called to him directly, though he'd noted his independence was far more noticeable this last season. Curious, he would react quickly to the call, rising to all fours as he began to move toward the call. He hadn't seen Hypnos since his most recent injury and he wondered how the younger male might react to his scar. Perhaps he might be impressed? The right corner of his mouth curled upward in a slight grin, the deep scar that ran up from his mouth accentuating the expression well.

Curious, he'd quicken his pace as Hypnos entered his vision. The smile only grew as he loped forward, moving to bump the other man's shoulder with his nose, briefly turning his head to let him get a loop at the scar that had ruined half of his vision permanently. "'Bout time you showed up," he'd offer jovially, though he feigned a bit of playful annoyance too. "Could've used your help when I got ambushed.." Not that he'd gotten ambushed at all.. it hadn't been much of a fight. The attack had really been quite dumb, but he figured he ought to tease Hypnos a bit to see his reaction.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.


06-22-2015, 12:53 PM

Ambushed? Hypnos would lower his gaze in guilt. Brow would furrow, swallowing hard as his eyes narrowed with frustration. The wound Kapra had received looked like it had been painful. “Karpa.... I... No... There’s no excuse. I should have been here with you. Forgive me.” Hypnos would lift his gaze to meet with the green gaze of the viking. He would let out a soft sigh, ears flicked back slightly. He hated this feeling. Too many times now this guilt-ridden feeling would enter his heart, eating at it.

“Did you at least get them back for what they’ve done?” He asked the viking, his voice showing some concern, though also an edge of anger too. Who had attacked him? Why? He would let his mind trail to Mystic’s family. Surely they wouldn’t have launched a retaliatory attack on the man for taking her, had they? He had more questions for the man as well... But for now he would wait for answers before asking even more.

"Talk" Think

Table by:: Chrono



10 Years
07-04-2015, 07:30 PM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2015, 07:31 PM by Kaprasíus.)

In all honesty, Kapra wasn't the kind to expect anyone to look out for him - even Hypnos - and despite the fact that he would protect his little companion if the time came. Perhaps not with his life, but he would be happy to lose a limb for him. A soft cackle left his lips as he shook his head dismissively, his tail batting behind him in slight amusement. "I'll forgive you this time," he told him with surety. His expression shifted to something far more jestful. Luckily he hadn't been there to see the attack; the scar was much easier on the eyes than the raw injury.

"I didn't," the brute would admit, his voice wavering slightly. He hadn't cared enough to. "I wasn't in the right mind to. She was upset that her brother had died and apparently she did not appreciate my light-hearted spirit." He scoffed as he explained this to him. It hadn't been fear that had prevented him from seeking revenge, no. The injury had warranted immediate attention and, truthfully, he'd been caught by surprise. Who knew someone might be so offended by a single comment? Was death really so traumatic? He could not remember ever feeling such grief. Death had been naught but a new beginning for his family. The wolves here, he knew were soft and weak, and they obviously did not feel the same.

"But what of you?" he'd question sharply, finally letting his gaze settle on Hypnos's own. "Where did you wander off to? Has the north bored you?"

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.


07-14-2015, 05:27 PM

So apparently it had been an attack of retribution in a sense. A fae had lost her brother and attacked Kapra when he made a comment about it. His words were a scoff, but Hypnos could see both sides. In a strange sense he lived in a world that was part viking, still part innocent. It was his heart, the heart that belonged to Mystic, that kept him on the lighter side of things. He would shake his head. “One acts on what they feel is right.” It was more or less what Kapra himself had taught the boy.

Hypnos would stiffen as he was suddenly questioned sharply. The boy would steady his gaze however, knowing he must hold no shame in his actions. He would let his nostrils flare a little defensively as he spoke. “I went to see a girl in the South, Kapra.” He would say. “A girl whom you and Katja once tried to imprison. Despite her lack of warrior spirit I love her.” But how the man would respond to that he did not know.


Art by Tea



10 Years
07-27-2015, 09:22 AM

Rage was not at all unlike him, and yet the attack had merely left him annoyed - it'd only been successful given the element of surprise, and though low-blows were not at all above him, it still pissed him off that he'd been caught off guard by some sniveling bitch. He was glad that Hypnos did not linger on the subject long, for he didn't want sympathy, though the sudden look of confusion evident on his protege's face had been quite amusing. Still, the subject seemed quick to shift and he would gladly turn his attention to whatever was on Hypnos's mind.

It seemed.. he'd been visiting a girl? Not just any girl, but the weakling that Katja and himself had claimed as a prisoner. His own nostrils flared, his posture stiffening slightly as he considered. "You love her," he would reiterate softly, musing over this confession. He had known a love like this once - something deep and powerful, and so dangerous it could have easily gotten him killed.  Something he could never admit, not even to Katja,  a secret shared between only himself and the gods. But it was difficult to fathom loving one so weak, so unlike himself. His nose wrinkled as he eyed Hypnos, his eyes narrowing. "Why do you love her? Because she is pretty and nice? Because she lets you have your way with her? Or is it something else?" He was curious, genuinely, and though his question was probing it was not meant to be blatantly offensive. The concept of love was a strange one to him and he wanted to understand. "Do you plan to live with her, or do you hope she will be allowed in Yfir?"

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.


08-03-2015, 09:40 AM

Hypnos waited. There was curiosity within Kapra’s voice, and though his words might have seen offensive by certain others to Hypnos they were as the man always spoke. Perhaps he was just used to the viking, and he would answer as truthfully as he could. “Mystic is pretty and kind, yes, but she has a heart. It is not for herself, but when it came to her family being in danger she too fought. She has potential, Kapra, if guided in the right direction. I love her not because she has strength of the body, but strength of the heart.” The young man’s eyes shown brightly.

“She accepted me when many others saw me as weak, as useless for my hindered leg. My own parents denounced me, tried to throw my life away. But I am here.” Hypnos would continue on. “I want to take her and prove to all that the weak can be made strong, and the broken mended. There is nothing in this world that is impossible if you put your mind to it, and the gods are willing.” Hypnos would keep his eyes on Kapra’s own.

“But though I love her I also love my pack, and respect you and Katja as if you were my kin. I will not abandon Yfir, and such was my oath. Where she stays I hope will be close, but no, I do not see her as a member of Yfir either. Not yet at the very least.”


Art by Tea



10 Years
08-09-2015, 09:06 PM

He had no doubt that the kind of love that he himself was capable of feeling was far different than the kind Hypnos spoke of. To him, strength of the body was strength of the heart.. in no world could he imagining loving such a weak girl, one who could not even fight for her own freedom, one who could be captured so easily. His nose wrinkled as Hypnos spoke.

"I see," he said finally, a bit dismissively. "I am not your keeper, so I cannot tell you what is right. Your life must be lived as you see fit. I can only hope that she will grow into the kind of woman you hope she might." The man would shrug, though his gaze was narrowed as he eyed Hypnos. "I am glad you will not leave Yfir for this girl. I would not be surprised if Katja is not impressed with this arrangement. I cannot imagine she will enjoy knowing your loyalties are split between both Yfir and this girl."  His head tilted as he considered. "And you do know if the two of you have children, whether an accident or not, they will belong to Yfir?" Perhaps it was not a surprise to him, but.. a warning, of sorts. In the only sort of way he could, Kapra had grown to care for this boy and he didn't love the idea of him being exiled from the pack, all for some girl he claimed to love.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.


08-11-2015, 06:24 PM

Karpa's words came dismissively, and though Hypnos expected as such he felt a twinge of bitterness, perhaps even regret at them, he had spoken his truth. Hell, there was even some underlying threats in there. Especially in bringing up Katja. But the moment that Hypnos lost it was the moment that Kapra said that any children they had would automatically belong to Yfir. The ex-Olympian's hackles would raise, a snarl forming on his lips as he narrowed his eyes.

"No way in hell I'd let that happen!" Hypnos snapped. His sea green eyes were blazing as he subconsciously began to set his defenses.  His ears would be pinned to the skull, head aligned to his spine and tail tucked. Legs would be spread equally in a widened stance, weight distributed across them. Claws would bite into the soil, his stance stating that he was ready to go for a fight.

"No one in Yfir, not you, not Katja, no one will take my children into a place I do not want them!" Hypnos' voice was raised, an audible click of his jaws heard as he finished speaking. "...and if you think you can then just try it!" His heart was racing, eyes blazing with anger. No one would touch Mystic ever again... and no one would touch any children of his either.


Art by Tea



10 Years
08-11-2015, 10:06 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2015, 10:25 PM by Kaprasíus.)

Hypnos was, perhaps, the closest thing he had to a friend. Though he was not blood, he had grown peculiarly fond of the boy. He saw something in him, something that others had not -- a kind of strength that he was certain aligned with the values of Yfir, despite the fact that his beliefs were different from his own, he was certain his heart was in the right place.

Had he been wrong?

His lighthearted expression grew more serious as Hypnos shifted into a defensive stance. Instantly the boy brimmed with sudden anger, upset over what Kaprasius had said. A slight frown played on his lips as he addressed him.  "One moment you profess your loyalty to Yfir," he would explain, his eyes narrowing. There was something gleaming in his stare; it wasn't malice, but confusion and curiosity and a slow bit of mania, bubbling over like water might erupt from a broken dam. He had not thought Hypnos to be two-faced.  "And now you state your intent to defile the very rules that govern us?" He nearly scoffed as his voice grew louder.   "The very thought of you having children, with a girl who can hardly keep herself from harms way, without the protection of a pack is idiotic enough," he would retort, his words strangely collected.   "Yfir would protect them far more than you could alone. This rule is intended to protect said children, as well as to strengthen the group as a whole." Not only that, but in Yfir they would train and become formidable creatures.. but why were they even talking about children anyway? Did Hypnos actually want such a thing?

In reality, he was lucky that Kapra had mentioned it at all. He could already see how Katja might react, claiming these hypothetical children without a thought, but he cared for Hypnos in a way he very rarely did for others -- and he would find little pleasure in fighting him for his children..

"It is clear where your allegiances lie, níðing," he would say after a moment as he snorted, a hint of laughter touching his low tones. There was little hint of anger in his stance, though Hypnos seemed ready to fight. Personally, he was not in the mood. He could already feel the glares of the gods from above, shaming him for the false hope he'd had for this man. "If you change your mind, come and find me." He would linger for a moment longer, wondering if Hypnos might dare to attack him -- as hurt creatures in Alacritia seemed so prone to doing.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.


08-12-2015, 02:06 AM

Hypnos' anger would waver as Kapra spoke. He would feel his defenses ease, and he would heave a heavy sigh. He would shake his head, not looking the other man in the eye. "Kaprasíus, I'm sorry." The boy would mumble. He could feel tears stinging his eyes, his body quivering some. He would swallow hard, trying to steady his emotions, trying to steady himself. "I... I acted rashly... I..." The boy would shake his head, gathering himself, his words.

"Please do not get me wrong." His eyes would slide to Kapra's own. "I love Yfir, it is my home. You and Katja are the closest thing that I have to family now... and I care deeply for you both. I... I know in my heart I could never turn my back on you guys." Sincerity shown in his eyes.

"I just... I guess I am afraid..." Hypnos would confess. "...of my own children being marked as thrall because of who their mother is. Not given the chance to prove themselves and automatically assumed as weak, worthless, as I once was." His ears remained pinned against his skull. "It is... that... that I can't stand to even think about..." His voice was quieter now.


Art by Tea



10 Years
08-17-2015, 10:12 AM

He was almost surprised that he had not given in to anger, or even to blind rage - as he was so used to using his fangs to settle matters that he disagreed with. And yet this was a different matter. Hypnos was not family, and yet he was fond of him in a sense; he had taught him of his gods and of his culture and to throw it all away was unwarranted, even if the boy did not agree with him. He knew the kind of world Hypnos was used to.. Alacritia was full of soft wolves that had been coddled since birth. He and Katja were different, and he would either accept the way they lived, or he would not.

He was almost surprised when Hypnos spoke up, and the brute would jerk around to face him again and halt his intent to leave. "No apology is needed," he would retort a bit sharply back at him. "Your children would not be slaves, if you happened to have them. They would be raised as wolves of Yfir and sons and daughters of Hypnos." They would take no possession over them like that, but they would be members of Yfir as they ought to be. "You know I would treat any such children as I have treated you. With loyalty and dedication, though I would expect just as much as them as I have from you, and as Katja does as well. They would be trained to be self-sufficient and take what the world owes to them, as I hope you are doing."  Personally, he had no interest in the kind of love that Hypnos spoke of - and yet if that was what he wanted, he had no qualms with it.

"I do suggest you put more effort into Yfir," he would warn him idly. "And though I do not care for your weak lover but if you have any hope of her joining, she must learn to be fearless as well. Not all wolves in Yfir must be the same as Katja and I but I do know that she is nowhere near ready to even consider a life here."

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.


08-19-2015, 07:19 PM

Hypnos would give a small nod as Karpa spoke. They would be treated and raised as the sons and daughters of Hypnos, not as slaves. But they would be members of Yfir. He would take a breath, slow and steady, as he found himself answering the man again. “I understand, Kapra. Thank you.” The boy knew discussing this with Mystic would not be easy, though he would do his very best.

“I will do so as well... And as for Mystic’s exact path, well, we’ll need to see where that goes.” The young man would breathe out slowly, deciding that for now this was all that needed to be said. “If you’re ready then, Kapra, shall we go home? Or might you have some other plans?”


Art by Tea