
How Fast Time Flies



7 Years
05-08-2015, 05:46 PM
Surreal Adravendi

The pups were sound asleep, which meant Surreal could take a break and get some fresh air. She was doing just that, lounging out in the widened area of the ravine, watching the late autumnal flurries of snow drift through the foot wide opening above. This was a perfect den for healers and mothers with pups. No birds of prey would dare try to dive through the top of the ravine, as it was crisscrossed and gnarled with vines and blackberry stems. This widened area just outside the actual den itself was a perfect play area for youngsters, and the ravine was fifty feet in length, which meant plenty of time to catch a wandering pup before they got too far out. She knew exactly why her mother had immediately chosen this spot when she’d stumbled upon it, and made it her den. The many alcoves and chambers were a healers dream; room for patients, but with plenty of space to afford the healer his or her own privacy.

Surreal took in a deep breath of the crisp, snow scented air and let it out in a sigh. So far, neither pup had woken up; no whimpers signaled that they had noticed her absence. So she pulled herself to her paws and padded up into the den, deciding to take the time to see if she had missed any new openings or tunnels in the system when she’d explored. She passed through the alcoves, down into the crack that opened into the chamber she’d found. THe stone here, while still struck through with gold veins, was white instead of black marble. It lit the chamber in a very attractive fashion, and the large stone at the center, lit by a hole in the ceiling, giving it a natural spot light, made in interesting. The lack of scents except her own and that of her family said none had passed in here that were wolves. There were a few spots where small scavengers or pack rats had made their homes, or left the remains of their meals behind, but even those were old.

She circled the wall of the chamber, letting her side press into the stone, nose and eyes questing for any openings she might have missed. There were a few cracks, but none large enough even for a pup to squeeze through. Good. This room wouldn’t hold a hazard for children. She left the chamber, turning towards the continuation of the narrow hall. Oh, she hadn’t noticed that crack. Surreal padded toward it, poking her head inside, and found it was large enough for Regulus to fit with a little hunkering, but perfectly sized for a wolf of her own height. She quested deeper, and came out into a new cavern, another with white marble. It was smaller, perhaps only ten by ten feet, and mostly circular. She took in the details, noting that the ceiling had a large hole woven over with the roots of an older tree. A spring welled at the center, glittering under the light filtering through the tree roots. Surreal padded nearer, dipping her nose to the surface. The water was clear enough that she could clearly see the bottom. Upon tasting, she found it to taste sweet and crisp.

She looked around at the chamber a last time, before she heard the squeaks of her pups announcing that they were hungry. She turned and padded out, deciding to leave the exploration for a later date. Those two could get loud. She was wrapped around them in no time, leaning against the wall of the alcove. She hadn’t seen Korr lately. She’d have to track him down and see how he was doing. Her eyes turned to the wriggling bundles of squeaking joy at her belly. They were growing so fast. Soon enough, their eyes and ears would be open, and there would be no containing them in the alcove. A smile tweaked the side of her muzzle. The dark male she had an idea of a name for. Thunderhead. Thunder. “Tornach.” She decided. She wasn’t certain on a middle name for him yet. She caressed his head with her nose and nuzzled his sister. She’d have to think of a name for her, something that would meld well with Rose, as she was dead certain with the little albino pups rosy coloring, Rose was a must in this pups name.

She yawned, leaning her head against the wall. For now, she was content with having named her son.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
05-08-2015, 06:51 PM
Arda could not say what had drawn her here if she had ever been here before it had been when she had been but a pup and her memory got fuzzier the closer it got to Alacritis. Before she had left her family was engrained in her mind however...

Pushing that thought from her mind the girl latched onto a vaguely familiar scent. Shifting nervously from paw to paw the girl swung her gaze around the plains attempting to locate the source of the smell.  Finally she began to move nose twitching as she walked.

A frown creased her forehead and the girl paused again she had progressed into the ravine and wasn't so sure she wanted to keep moving forwards. There was a chill in the air, light flurries already billowing in the air, and Arda would need to find shelter soon.

"Burn Baby Burn"

[Image: MUKlXeo.png]



7 Years
05-08-2015, 07:08 PM
Surreal Adravendi

She became aware of the sounds of movement from somewhere outside. At first, she thought it was Zuriel, but the steps were faltering, unsure, and Zuriel was a confident creature, save for crowds like the festival had seen. The pups had settled down into sleep again, so she carefully extricated herself from them and slipped out of the alcove, peeking around the frame of the cave mouth. Her eyes fell upon a wolf that at first, she thought was Caerul. But the wolf was far too small, and the markings weren’t quite right. She sifted through the faces in her memory, and hit upon an answer. Ardal. No, Arda. While Ardal had been the name her cousins Cael and Imena had bequeathed upon the male form, the female within the male body had chosen a more feminine version. Surreal had gone along with it, wishing to ensure her little second cousins happiness. Family was family, no matter what.

She padded out of the cave, tail wagging. ”Arda!” There was delight and welcome in her cry, but she gave the girl a respectful birth, allowing her to close the distance if she wished to. So many questions and hopes welled up. Where were Cael and Imena, and the other two children? Were they alright? Where had they been all this time? But she kept them to herself for the moment, not wishing to bombard her young cousin with them all at once.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
06-11-2015, 11:35 PM
The familiar scent grew stronger and for a moment the girl was filled with a sort of panic, she had left family here that much she knew but she couldn’t remember who exactly and as she was faced with the reality of having to deal with further mis-gendering at the unknowing hands of family she nearly bolted. The scent manifested itself then however and for better or for worse the girl would have to face the woman before her.

Immediately her fears were put to rest however as her cousin spoke, her chosen name falling so easily from the older woman’s lips. Breathing a sigh of relief the girl wracked her memory for the woman’s name. "Surreal. " She spoke a genuine smile playing across her features and her tail began a tentative wag. How long had it been since she hadn’t had to feign this sort of happiness? Taking a few steps forwards she closed the respectful gap between them though she did not initiate contact. "It’s been a while huh?" Was that a hint of a laugh in her voice? Well today was just full of surprises wasn’t it?

"Burn Baby Burn"

[Image: MUKlXeo.png]