
Quiet is the Night



1 Year
05-10-2015, 07:18 PM
Glowing yellow irises, warm like the moon, stared out into the night as the fireflies converged through the cottaintails and other foliage that made up the shores of the rather large - to him - lake. They were lovely in their up and down sway, twirling, whirling, flying to and fro before his eyes. Tiny lights reflecting on the waters surface in an almost ethereal appeal.

Overhead a sliver of a moon. A new moon was due soon and beneath it he did not wish to be, but far from the lands of his birth he had as yet to find a suitable den or other shelter under which to keep himself free of the monstrous shadows of the new moon. Tales had long been told by his mothers lips that the new moon was dangerous and that during it all manner of evils rose from the pits of hell to maim, torture, kill and worse. Some descriptions of what one of the new moons children might do sent a chill down his back. He thought his own mother to be one of the new moons lost prodigies. Yet he could not see himself so related and instead clung to the tales instead of what his sire spoke.

"Tonight the light of the mother moon saves, but tomorrow when night falls the devils will rise and dance on graves old and new. Not even fireflies can light the way."

He had time. Time to find a temporary solution and keep himself hidden away from the eyes and ears of the new moon and his progeny. It mattered naught that it was but a tale, he' believed far too long and would not chance it even if it might prove to be but another lie spilled upon his mothers lips.


05-11-2015, 02:18 PM

Silveris loved her three children, honestly, she did, but she felt like she was dead on her paws. Sure, her three children weren't all that bad with asking her about things, but it was the fact that she couldn't stop worrying about them. She stayed up for hours on end on several nights, pacing around inside the den and around the den as well, her ears pricked and alert for any little movement. This was one of those nights, but the brown and white female had went further than she had planned, a soft sigh escaping her as she sat down, watching the moon for a long time. Soon, she would have to be more alert than ever. But it was worth it, seeing her three pups healthy and safe each morning.

After a while, the female jolted at a scent, blinking heavily, staring out at the lake in confusion. In her exhaustion, she had settled down next to the lake without even realizing it. Her ears flattened as she turned her gaze to another wolf, who was a short distance away. There was a slim chance she could get away without the other noticing, hopefully. Rising to her paws, she backed away, feeling better now that she had slept. In the darkness, she didn't see the stick until it was too late, her back paw landing on it and making it snap. The noise was loud, too loud, and Silveris knew that there was no chance for a stealthy escape.

Great Castiel. The thought came with a soft sigh, as the female stayed still in the darkness, hoping that the other wouldn't notice that she was still there. It was unlikely that the other wolf wouldn't, but maybe it was so caught up in its own thoughts that it hadn't noticed.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



1 Year
05-12-2015, 01:10 AM
The timber hued male had been lost in thought watching the display of the dancing fireflies when out of nowhere came the crack of a broken piece of lumber. Startled, he jumped up onto all fours and swung around, yellow eyes narrowed. In the pale moonlight it was difficult to see even with night vision. But the fireflies converged and lit up tiny areas that took the place of brighter silvery moonbeams. There was another member of the canis lupus family - though none related to him. And that was something he was thankful for, for with the presence of his family only dangers and idiocy would follow.

"Why 'ello there ye bonnie wee lass. Yeh should be careful ye don' startle one o' them hungry bears if there be ene around 'ere," having been given a start he sank back into his Irish accent and lucky it was too that he hadn't reverted to Irish Gaelic all the way or she might never have understood him, if he understood him at all anyway. "Least it's not a new moon, innit?" He didn't even care to think about the following night as he tilted his head back to stare up at the sliver of a crescent moon with dread even if there were still a bit of time. "The devils will be out then."


05-12-2015, 02:11 PM

The other jumped and turned to face her, his eyes narrowed, and for a few moments Silveris worried that she may come back to the den hurt. But at the other seeming to relax some, Silveris relaxed as well, although she wouldn't move any closer. As the other spoke, the female found his words a little hard to understand. As she listened, she caught that there were 'devils' that came out during a new moon. A family religion, maybe? The brown and white female gave a small smile, understanding the stranger family religions all too well. Even if she was far away from the Latchme family, she still kept the religions, along with her brother. At the thought of her brother, another soft sigh came from the female. Castiel watch over him.

"I haven't really met any devils. The only wolf that could be considered one was a male that attacked during a flood. He blinded me in one eye, and I got separated from the others." She had found them, of course, but she could still remember it all clearly. The water, the male, and....She shook her head, interrupting her thoughts.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



1 Year
05-17-2015, 02:02 PM
He turned his head just so that he was gazing at the she-wolf as she spoke. He dipped his head, his words sotto voce, "Ah'm sorry ta 'ear you've suffered at the paws an' jaws o' a villainous fiend. It is unfortunate tha' the world is filled wi' vile hearted cretins tha' 'ave so li'l respect fo' the life o' others." He knew of them all too well, for he was related to many with so vile a background that did not bare thinking on. Savage believed he'd gotten free of horrors unforeseen, because most were so tight lipped back in his pack of birth. Yet neither he nor his father as far as he was aware were like that. His mother however and many of both his parents ancestors had killed one another to gain their position.

"Ah, where ever are my manners. I do 'ope yeh don' take too much stock in names. It was nah a name my Da would 'ave chosen, but my Mam di' nah give 'im a choice in the matter. I'm Savage Kringle. Yeh need nah tell me yours if yer uncomfortable." He did wonder if she were completely missing an eye as he couldn't see in the night, and if not, what could have happened to so blind her eye. Yet he felt it would be rude and a bit to prying of a stranger to ask. Perhaps if he saw her at some point in the morning light, for he doubted she'd wish to bring herself nearer. They were strangers after all.

Katja the First


8 Years
05-18-2015, 11:12 AM

Katja had always been a creature of the night, the soft grays and blacks of her pelt blending best with the shadows of night, and since the border needed guarding at all times and there were so few warriors in Yfir she often took it upon herself to take the dark watch. To protect Yfir's borders from those who would believe the darkness aided them. The sound of voices, unfamiliar, and the scents of strangers drew the drottin from the border to the lake, and her gaze hardened into cold steel. Silver-tipped hairs bristled along her spine, and her fangs flashed icily in the faint moonlight as she moved from the shadows to stand poised and ready before the invading pair. The fools had chosen the wrong pack lands to wander blithely onto. Her gaze passed over the female, the soft scents of milk-fed puppies and the pendulous teats speaking of a young litter and entanglements she had no interest in dealing with. She, Katja would deal with later. She, she Katja would let leave with but a painful reminder of Yfir's superiority and watchfulness. But the male... The large yearling male would not be leaving at all. She would begin as she meant to go forward with Yfir, and he would be an example to parade before the world. "You trespass upon the lands of Yfir," she rumbled deep in her chest. "You have forfeited your freedom with your foolish actions, child - you belong to Yfir now." She held herself ready in a warrior stance in case the child did something even more foolish.


Round 0/?




OOC Notes:



1 Year
05-18-2015, 07:27 PM
He'd wandered too far, but hadn't left. Perhaps because whatever fate awaited him was far better than what was back home. Where others feared or were in awe of his horrid dam who would have used him and had used both he and his sire in the past. There was no love or caring of any sort there. So he'd not particularly cared about wandering into other territories his mind too filled with horrors of what his dam had done or planned to do.

But he'd not expected to be hearing he'd lost his freedom. He'd not had it very long at all and in some ways he still didn't feel free, because she and her followers were out there. Looking for him. If not to kill him then to drag him back to be her perfect little puppet, the heir apparent of the Kringle lineage.

"Wha's this now? Ah 'ardly think I'm 'urting anyone wif mah presence. An' ah 'eard enough o' them words from mah own dam nah ta like 'em. Ya could 'ave asked ya know. Ah'd be safer in a pack, but ah dinna think yers would do if ya jist wish ta take freedom away. Nah tha' I ever 'ad it long ta begin wif." And where he came from he was seen as a prince. Wouldn't his mother be outraged if she ever found out he were a prisoner? That was if the lady could drag him away. Yet it would serve her right. She deserved embarrassment and more besides.

He'd turned to face the she-wolf head on. Unlike his dam he wasn't usually a violent creature given that he'd rather be spending time with herbs and healing remedies. But he hadn't been lacking in some education from his sire who'd not let his dam teach him for fear of what she might well do even accidentally due to her rather vicious nature. His brows furrowed and his hackles raised in irritation as much as defense. No one was going to take away his freedom, not so easily when it had been so long to gain.

While the young male had no wish to attack, he doubted his words would be considered. But if he wanted his freedom, well, he might well have to do so. Arrogant sod of a she-wolf. If only he didn't have to show the devil side to anyone particularly the she-wolf he'd first encountered.

Why did the she-wolves always think they could walk all over him anyway, his ears pinned against his skull as he wondered not for the first time about that. With a huff he parted his jowls and dashed forward, head lowered to protect his throat a bit and at the same time aimed for her snout and muzzle as saliva dripped from his fangs. His left foreleg lifted up higher than the other whilst adjusting his weight so that his other three limbs took on the brunt of his weight as he neared her with the intention of bringing his large paw down upon her right front paw at the same time as he tried to bite the end of her muzzle.


Round 1/?

Defenses: Brows furrowed. Hackles raised. Ears folded down against his skull. Head lowered to protect his throat.

Attacks: Bite aimed at her snout/muzzle. Left foreleg aimed to stomp down on her right front paw.

Injuries: None



5 Years
Extra large
05-18-2015, 08:57 PM
Voices on the wind roused the giant from his slumber. He didn't think much of them at first, muttering curses under his breath as he rolled over, but then after a bit it dawned on him that he didn't recognize those voices. Instantly Laufey was awake and on his paws. Trespassers? It sure sounded like it. His eyes narrowed to slits and the beginnings of a malicious smile raised the corners of his lips. Immediately he slunk after the voices, hackles rising and head lowering until it was level with his spine.

Not surprisingly Katja beat him to the scene. He arrived just in time to see her engage the boy. With the lad engaged, Laufey fixated on the fae. Casually he moved in the hopes of closing the distance between himself and Silveris to a mere eight feet. His grin grew, lips splitting into a wicked showing of teeth. "You woke me up." He canted his head slightly to the side in thought before adding, "And you trespassed." His defenses began to slide into place; eyes narrowing, ears pinning and lips curling to bunch the skin around his eyes. Laufey's stance widened, his knees bending slightly as his toes splayed and he centered his weight. Slinking to his right, the brute attempted to circle the little fae in the hopes of lining the bony front of his right shoulder up with the meaty outside of her left shoulder. "Now you're going to pay for it." He wasn't nearly as eloquent as Katja, but it would do.

Kicking off in a spray of grit, Laufey moved in the hopes of closing the distance between himself and his opponent rapidly. He jutted his right shoulder forward, seeking to drive the front of it into the meaty outside of his opponent's left shoulder. As he did so, the brute's right forepaw rose and attempted to slam down on Silveris' left forepaw in the hopes of straining her leftmost toes and pinning them to the ground. Instinctively his weight shifted and his tail rose to become level with his spine, these two moves working together to correct and better his balance.

Lastly, the behemoth's jaws parted and his crown tipped to his right (jaws rising to his left) as he moved in for a bite. Lightning quick, Laufey struck out, seeking to sink his upper teeth into Silveris' left cheekbone just beneath her eye. Simultaneously his lower teeth sought to hook into the left corner of his opponent's mouth. He intended to slam his jaws shut and tear open the fae's face from mouth to eye. If he had his way she would never forget her time in Yfir.

This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.



6 Years
05-18-2015, 09:29 PM

Vereux had been nearby before hand when he smelled intruders. The one eyed man's hackles raised with irritation, though upon arriving he could see Katja had beaten both he and Laufey to the punch. Already he felt the fight brewing, he understood it well. After all, this was his new home and wolves simply didn't just walk upon the borders, that's how it had been in the pack he had grown up in as well. Watching as Laufey launched an attack, Vereux would attempt to come up behind Silveris to his right. Laufey was large, but with help Silveris wouldn't stand a chance.

Vereux would raise his hackles, pinning his ears back against his head. As he revealed his canines, his toes splayed into the dirt. He pushed off his back legs with force, pulling his right shoulder forward in an attempt to strike Silveris' left hind leg at the thigh. At the same time his head tilted left jaws splaying open to grab for the lower left hind limb. In the hopes that he could latch on and pull him, maybe to throw the male's balance. Vereux's tail leveled with his spine and his rolled his scruff forward, tightening his abdomen muscles to protect him. His green eye locked and narrowed on the intruder.

Laufey & Vereux vs Silveris for FACIAL SCARRING


?I speak?


05-19-2015, 09:39 AM
The small female jumped when another appeared, telling the other wolf, Savage, that he had trespassed and would pay for it with his freedom. Her ears flattening, she backed away, but the black and white male was there before she could get out of the territory. As he circled her, she felt a soft growl bubbling in her throat as he moved out of her line of vision each time. Hear ears flattened as she lowered her head, aligning her tail with her spine and narrowing her eyes. Her head lowered to hide her throat, and she scrunched her scruff. Finally, she balanced her weight on all four paws. As the male lunged forwards, his shoulder digging into hers, Silveris moved away from him, but she felt the male's teeth sink into her face. Before she could try and get away, another male charged out of nowhere and hit her left leg. With a soft growl, she moved away from the two, lunging at the black and white male.

She aimed to sink her jaws deep into his left cheek. If she managed to do so, she would shake her head violently back and forth.

Silveris VS Laufey & Vereux For Facial Scarring
Round One of Three?
Injuries: Injured left shoulder, on left side of face from mouth to eye
Attacks: Attempting to sink her fangs into Laufey's left cheek and shake her head violently.

Katja the First


8 Years
05-19-2015, 10:16 AM

The boy chose to do something foolish.

He spat words at her that she, not a native speaker of the common tongue, could not decipher through his heavy accent, but the intent rang through loudly enough. She allowed her body to slip into a full warrior's stance, ready. She let her joints go loose and fluid, her knees and elbows bending slightly to lower her center of gravity. She squared her stance with her paws just over hip- and shoulder-width apart, and centered her weight to be evenly distributed it over all four legs. Her jet paws spread wide to provide greater surface area, and her toes flexed to drive blunt claws into the ground for greater grip. Her head dropped to be level with her spine, her chin tilting slightly over her throat in protection, though her eyes remained locked on the boy. Her shoulders hunched forward as her head pulled back slightly, the synchronous movements serving to bunch the scruff of her neck into protective rolls of fur and flesh. Striped tail flagged level with her spine, hackles bristling, her ears laying flat to her skull as her eyes narrowed, brow and muzzle wrinkling in a snarl to bring the loose skin up in protective folds around the delicate orbs.

The male dashed forward head-on and in response Katja sidestepped to her left in an effort to bring them out of perfect alignment. Arching her neck to her left and down slightly to keep her head out of the way she bent her legs still further to lower her body and dug her claws in harder for greater traction as he came toward her. In the next instant she sought to spring forward and up to meet him, her right shoulder jutting forward as she did in an attempt to drive the hard bone of the front of her shoulder into the bottom side of the crease where his right foreleg attached to his chest - an attempt at driving it outward in a direction it was not meant to bend in the hopes that his forward momentum combined with hers would dislocate the limb. Twisting her neck so her muzzle pointed back toward her right Katja sought to drive her jaws down and to the right in an attempt to gain a hard grip on the male's right foreleg. She aimed for halfway down from the elbow, her lower jaw toward the front of the limb and her nose toward his ribs, intending to clamp down as hard as she could on the limb to put pressure on the bone itself.

His left forepaw's attack barely scraped along the outside of her right foreleg, barely drawing a long, thin welt where one claw caught her through her fur as she moved to the side, the minor sting not even a blip on her radar, though if she struck with her shoulder she would gain minor bruising along the bony front that would gain her notice. With her own forward motion and her sideways movement of both body and head her muzzle was unscathed, but the male's teeth struck in the bunched up scruff on the base of her neck on the upper right side immediately over her right shoulder. A grip was unable to be obtained due to her movement but moderate lacerations were opened to bleed profusely down her shoulder.


Round 1/2

Defenses: all in the first actual paragraph

Attacks: right shoulder driving into bottom of right shoulder joint in a dislocation attempt, grip attempt on right foreleg

Injuries: minor welt to outside of right foreleg, moderate lacerations to upper right side of the base of her neck above right shoulder, possible minor bruising to front of right shoulder (pending attack)

OOC Notes:



5 Years
Extra large
05-19-2015, 08:55 PM
His attacks were successful, each striking its intended target. Laufey's teeth struck home; his upper teeth slicing into Silveris' left cheekbone while his lower teeth hooked the left corner of her mouth and wrenched upwards. The flesh was torn deeply, the damage severe, and blood filled Laufey's mouth. His shoulder throw and paw stomp were also successful, each dealing out blows that were sure to blossom into moderate bruises later.

Somehow the fae managed to break free. Immediately Laufey attempted to orient himself so that he was facing the fae head on. Knowing she would retaliate, the brute straightened to his full height and tucked his chin. This move and the massive height difference between the two, spared the brute's face from harm. Instead Silveris' fangs dug into his chest just to the right of the front of his left shoulder, and before he could react, she began to shake her head. Her attack created deep gashes and tears that amounted to moderate wounds.

With an enraged snarl, Laufey kicked forward. His goal was to use Silveris' position against her by ramming the front of his left shoulder into her nose. He intended to strike hard enough to make her nose bleed and her eyes water, and he didn't care if he had to sacrifice the flesh in her teeth to do so. As he did this, the brute's head -chin still tucked- twisted to his left as he tried to line himself up for a bite. Laufey sought to sink his upper left canine into the fae's right eye and his lower left canine into her right eye. He hoped to blind both eyes as he clamped down on her face. Lastly, Laufey lifted his right forepaw and sent it rocketing earthward in the hopes of stomping on his opponent's left forepaw once more. He intended to double the damage he'd already inflicted to it in his previous attempt.

Through all of this his defenses remained steady. Much as he'd done the first time around, as Laufey lifted his forepaw, his tail rose and he redistributed his weight across his remaining three grounded limbs. His stance was wide, his knees bent, and his toes splayed as the nails bit into the dirt for added traction. Along his spine, his hackles were raised. The brute's ears were flattened and his eyes narrowed. To bunch the skin around his eyes, Laufey curled his lips and furrowed his brow. He was careful to keep his chin tucked throughout his attack, something that wasn't hard with his opponent latched onto his chest.

Round TWO of TWO**

OOC: I think fights with 3+ fighters are limited to two rounds in the first judged "segment" and then one round after that until there's a clear winner.
This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.



6 Years
05-19-2015, 09:32 PM

As Laufey's attacks hit, the small lady would recoil and his jaws would reach his mark on her back left leg. Vereux released as she charged Laufey once more, a stiff growl escaping his jaws. Considering the difference in height, the male would bound up on his hind legs. Back muscles tightened and toes splayed into the dirt for traction. Vereux's head would tilt to the right, opening his jaws wide with his ears pinned to the back of his head. He would aim to grab hold to the middle of her back where the spine was. Attempting to shake his head back and forth with the intension to severely injure her. Vereux's front paws aimed to slam into the back of her rump in an attempt to push her down.

The male's defenses would stay set, his hackles raised, eye narrowed. Tail leveling with his spine and back toes splaying into the dirt. His abdomen muscles tightened and his shoulders rolled inward after his attempt to slam into her hind quarters. Most of his weight centered towards the front of his chest into the attack.

Laufey & Vereux vs Silveris for FACIAL SCARRING


?I speak?



1 Year
05-20-2015, 04:36 PM
He found the world outside his home odd. There'd not been any other pack in his lifetime or that of his parents. What came before was either forgotten, hidden or immaterial. Leastwise to the record keepers who were meant to carry on the history of their pack. Thus he was not well adverse in these matters. He only knew someone was trying to take the freedom he'd gained and put him under yet other restrictions not knowing whether they'd be worse than what he'd grown up with.

Instead of tensing, he relaxed his muscles as tensing up could cause far more damage though his hair continued to bristle along his neck and spine. He'd done so when he noticed her movement. He was just able to twist his body enough that instead of hitting the crease she instead hit into his leg rather than the crease. So hard in fact he knew he'd have a contusion which would make movement the next few weeks to a couple weeks difficult. Because of the pain, when all his paws were back upon the ground, he spread them as wide as he could, his tail pointing right to help with his weakened balance. Yet he was not without passion for his freedom.

His brows remained narrow to protect against harm to his eyes. The young males ears were kept pinned against his skull. The skin atop his snout wrinkled as he growled as his opponents jaws neared his leg. His own head lowered. Jowls parted as he dove in for one of her eyes, curving his body toward her right the better able to take aim of her right eye. He placed all the pressure and weight he was capable of into the attack, intending to get a deep and painful grip on her that could potentially poke out an eye with his teeth - wanting to feel her flesh between his teeth as he ground down. He wanted her grip gone from his leg before she was capable of crushing his bone - she'd already torn through some muscle.

Savage however did feel the teeth that had sunk into his right foreleg. His eyes stung with the agony, but adrenaline from the confusion and anger kept him from stalling even though his response time had been slowed down from the injury he'd sustained to his right shoulder. Blood was trickling down his leg and into the mouth of the she-devil who'd dared to try and strip him of his freedom. Although the thoughts of what he wished upon his own dam washed over him, his gaze hardening with rage at all the things she'd said, done and planned. The features of the she-wolf fighting him morphed into that of a far more hideous lady who wasn't, in Savages' estimation, a lady at all.


Round 2/2

Defenses: Brows furrowed. Hackles raised. Ears folded down against his skull. Tail used for better balance.

Attacks: Grip/maim aimed at the opponents right eye.

Injuries: Contusion along right shoulder. Bleeding from the deep laceration from the teeth wedged into his right foreleg with some torn muscle in the spot where his opponents teeth have dug into.

Katja the First


8 Years
05-23-2015, 10:31 AM

Her teeth met his foreleg with a satisfying grip, her other attack striking his leg and causing the expected light bruising along the front of her shoulder, but the boy drove down for her eye and so she relinquished her grip in an instant, turning her muzzle upward in an attempt to come in below him before he could strike (COUNTER), her jaws seeking to close around his lower jaws with the intention of squeezing down until the delicate bone snapped. With his head turned toward his right to try to reach her, her strike was aimed with her lower jaw seeking the left side of his jaw while her upper jaw aimed to catch on the right side of his jaw.

As she did she sought to lift her right forepaw, balance shifting to her other three limbs to accommodate the change, and she attempted to bring the paw down on Savage's own right paw with all her weight thrown into it, seeking to cause enough damage to the paw that the boy would favor it.

All the while she kept her body in the warrior's stance with her paws hip- and shoulder-width apart, her weight evenly distributed with her joints loose for fast movement and her knees and elbows bent to lower her center of gravity. Her paws were spread wide, the toes crooked to drive the claws into the dirt for traction. Her hackles bristled, and her tail remain flagged level with her spine. Her ears remained pinned back as her shoulders hunched forward to drive her scruff up into protective rolls. Her eyes were narrowed, her brow and muzzle wrinkling in a snarl in an attempt to provide some extra protection with the folds of skin. Her back was arched up slightly, bringing her hindquarters slightly under her to allow more freedom of movement.


Round 2/2

Defenses: last paragraph

Attacks: bite aimed to lower jaw with intention of breaking it (counter to eye bite), stomp aimed for right paw

Injuries: bruising on shoulder from previously pending attack, moderate lacerations on neck and minor welt on right foreleg from last round

OOC Notes:

The Judge


05-26-2015, 08:10 PM
And the winner is...

Laufey & Vereux! Due to Silveris not answering in the required amount of time, the fight has been defaulted in Laufey & Vereux's favor. Silveris now bares a scar just below her left eye to the left corner of her mouth.

The Judge


05-27-2015, 03:22 PM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2015, 04:31 PM by The Judge.)

Katja v Savage for Force Claim


7 for clarity:

  • Where on the snout/muzzle is he biting? Where are his jaws hoping to land? How are they angled? How much pressure is he applying?
10 for powerplaying.
  • No faults
3 for defenses.
  • Listed in post
4 for attack.
  • +3 bite to muzzle
  • +1 paw stomp
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Savage’s round one total: 34/50

10 for clarity:

  • No faults
10 for powerplaying.
  • No faults
10 for defenses.
  • Listed in post
6 for attack.
  • +3 attempt to dislocate with shoulder jab
  • +3 bite to his right foreleg
10 for injuries.
  • First round. No points off. Minor welt, moderate lacerations to base of neck above right shoulder, minor bruising to front of right shoulder

Katja’s round one total: 46/50


8 for clarity:

  • Where is he hoping for his jaws to land around her eye?
10 for powerplaying.
  • No faults
6 for defenses.
  • Listed in post
4 for attack.
  • +4 maim attempt to right eye
5 for injuries.
  • -2 shoulder contusion
  • -3 right foreleg laceration
Savage’s round two total: 33/50

10 for clarity:  
  • No faults
10 for powerplaying.
  • No faults
10 for defenses.
  • Listed in post
5 for attack.
  • +4 attempt to break lower jaw
  • +1 paw slam
10 for injuries.
  • No new injuries this round due to successful counter

Katja’s round two total: 45/50


Savage: 67/100
Katja: 91/100

And the winner is...

Katja! Savage is now the property of Yfir. The fight is now over, although Savage may reply and determine how Katja's counter attack on his jaw lands.


  • Shoulder contusion will take 1 OOC week to heal
  • Right foreleg laceration will take 2 OOC weeks to heal and ought to be seen by a healer
  • Minor welt to foreleg will take 3 OOC days to heal
  • Moderate lacerations to neck above right shoulder will take 1 OOC week to heal and will scar unless seen by a healer
  • Minor bruising to right shoulder will heal in 5 OOC days

Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

For Trinket: Watch your clarity, be very very specific whenever possible. Also work on incorporating more defenses into your posts.

For Tealah: You did really, really well.

- By [Andy]

Katja the First


8 Years
06-08-2015, 10:50 PM
The fight had clearly ended, and the viking alpha was the one who stood victorious. She stared at the male, gaze fierce with battle. "Your foolish actions have earned you nothing, boy. You belong to Yfir, a slave until you either earn your freedom or you die." Her attention shifted to the others, finally focusing on the secondary fight occurring, Laufey and Vereux driving off the nursing female, Laufey leaving her a mark to remember her mistake. "Good," she said to them simply. It was good to see the wolves of her pack taking their responsibilities seriously. "Vereux, make certain she leaves our borders if you would." Laufey appeared to have taken the brunt of the fight - the boy could handle himself, but she would allow him a moment to recover himself. "Come, thrall," she commanded the slave as she trotted further into their territory. He would follow, or he would get his first taste of discipline as a thrall.