
the wolf and the leopard



1 Year
09-03-2014, 04:26 PM
I didn't know how to right this XD This is Darrah getting his companion. I'm leaving the thread open to Abaven wolves until the 10th and then it will be archived if no one jumps in <3

Quote:Proof of Purchase
Darrah Walker

sail away, sail away to the water

He would be wandering about the territory at that time as he had absolutely nothing to do. He'd already worked on building his muscle and while he wanted to go visit Quelt and Renhet to see how they were fairing, he didn't really want to speak to Ixionn. He had seen the scowl his brother had given him as he walked out on Quelt's pack and Darrah Walker really did not have the time to put up with something as stupid as family drama. He'd be walking about the borders, pretending to be important when he caught a strange scent of an animal he had never encountered. It smelled almost... feline. He would follow the scent, letting his curiosity take hold over him as the white boy approached the small cave that laid near the rapids. He would enter to see a strange sight, a small cub, less then a year old, mewling about in wolf tongue. Confusion struck him as it spoke to him.

"Please... please do not hurt me." the voice was that of a females and he looked at it with confusion. What was it exactly? "Who are you? How can I even... what are you?" He asked, the confusion was present in his voice as he waited for an answer from the cub. "I am Viviana... a clouded leopard." The voice would ring through the cave. "My family died and... I don't know what to do." The mewling would continue as Darrah gave her a sympathetic look. He could relate to her story somewhat and he spoke again with a sigh. "You could always... I dunno... stay with me? I lost most of my family too. My mother died giving birth and my father fell off a cliff. Mst of my siblings are gone now with a friend of the family. All that is left here is my brother and I. You're on Abaven lands." He spoke with a calm voice. He offered her a place with him until he could trust her because she had nowhere else to go. It reminded him so much of himself that it hurt to think about it.

"Can I? Can I really?" The leopard asked as it rose onto it's feet. It was giving Darrah suspicious looks and he spoke again. "Until you know what to do, of course Viviana. We could even be friends! But... we don't really know each other. Wanna walk around and talk?" It was so awkward having a conversation with a fae let alone a female leopard. He gave her a nervous look and she said another reply in a much stronger voice. "I'd love to!" They started walking down next to the rapids and started to share life stories which would be the seed to a strong friendship.

"Viviana" || "Darrah"