
Ever Faithfully


05-11-2015, 08:19 AM

When he awoke in the dead of night, it was merely to find that he was alone. The aging gentleman had remained in the den Nona had chosen, keeping what herbs she had gathered within it tidy. He would breathe in slowly, his dark eyes turning the the entrance of the den. Gods above how he missed her. The days and nights felt bleaker without her. Nona had been his light, his sun, his reason to keep going. Without her each day was harder, but Allen was managing. He had a strong sense of faith that someday she would return to him.

Allen would shift from where he lay, nosing the spot where Nona should have been. Her scent was stale but there. His heart would ache for her as he closed his eyes. As Bass said she was sure to return when she was ready. He just hoped, and prayed, that it would be soon. The calico gentleman would let out a soft sigh, readjusting himself as he tried to go back to sleep. He would continue to wait, and wait until forever, just for the hopes that one day he would wake and she would be there, laying next to him in the den.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



4 Years
05-17-2015, 04:26 PM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2015, 04:27 PM by Nona.)

Nona had finally came home again and surely she worried her mate once more. She had to have her time to grieve and have time to herself to reflect over things that were happening. Not once did she really shed a tear during the storm and after it during Abaven's recovery from it. This was a justified time for her to be alone but now she wanted to be with her mate and redouble her efforts as Vor of Abaven. Later Nona thought about talking to Bass about what was going on with her but first she had to make it up to Allen the one true light in her life. The dark brown fae trotted to her den only to catch the scent of him within as she slowly stuck her head through the entryway. There was a gentle smile that formed across her maw when the fae seen him laying there as she moved swiftly inside and pressed her head against his. Only a momentary pause was there when the words flowed from her maw, "Anata ga totemo koishikattadesu, Allen".

She didn't have any more words to say but move to his side and lay down next to him. Nona wanted to have this peace with him once more as she felt she could move forward instead of one step forward and two steps back. After all he was her pillar of strength and comfort. Surely she would tell him why she was gone again soon but for now all she wanted was to be with him again to be a little selfish once more and not attend her duties for a short time. Gently Nona did her best to press her nose against Allen's neck and lay still there with him. Nona let out one last soft whisper escape her lips, "I'm not going away again... not again".



05-17-2015, 06:01 PM

The man surely thought he had fallen sleep and was dreaming again when her scent returned to him. Allen would shift, twitching his nose as it came closer and closer. Almost as if he could touch her. It made his chest ache, and he would reach out with a forepaw, just as her voice would reach his ears.

In just a second his eyes would open, brain not processing the Japanese. All that he focused on was the fact his mate was standing there, alright. She was alive. She was well. He couldn’t find the words to speak as she moved to lay down beside him. All he could do was collapse into her, breathing in her scent. Gods above... How long had it been? How long had it been since she disappeared from his side?

“Gods above I hope not.” Allen would whisper softly, pulling back to look into her eyes. There were tears in his own, fresh with emotion. He would wag his tail slowly back and forth behind him, giving a whine. “Gosh... So much has happened... And I’ve missed you so much...” He couldn’t hold back anymore, starting to slather her face in kiss after kiss as an excited whine left his maw.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



4 Years
05-17-2015, 06:16 PM

Nona was glad to feel his kisses upon her to know that he still loved her meant the world to her. She spotted the tears that shown from Allen and she gently brushed them away with her muzzle as she returned the affection to him. Nona would promise him that she would leave like she did again now that her time to herself was spent to grieve and now she wanted to focus her time being with him again and supporting him. The thought about being a mother popped into her mind again when the idea came once more. This time Nona wouldn't let that slip past her again either. There was so much she wanted to do since she returned.

When he mentioned that a lot has happened Nona had no doubt missed a lot. Another smile creeped across her maw when she heard him say that he missed her. Knowing that she was missed and very warmly welcomed back by him spoke volumes about her mate. The fae had to ask the question again, "my dearly beloved Allen... I've been thinking about this again when I was away.... about being a mother and you being a father to our future pups... I'd like to try for that to have a family of our own because I missed you and want to never leave your side again no matter our difference in pack rank no matter how busy we may get... I would like to have a family of our own like we once thought about awhile ago". The women paused for a little as she gave her mate a kiss and let out a excited whine of her own, "What have I missed Allen.... my dearly beloved wolf?".



05-17-2015, 06:41 PM

Goodness how he missed her touch. Those gentle caresses as she brushed away his tears. Allen wouldn’t hold back, never again. He had realized that he couldn’t force her to stay by his side, but he was ever so grateful every time that she came back. He would let his gaze meet with hers as she spoke once more, speaking of what was on her mind, on her heart. Of course he would listen, for the calico man cared for her more than any other living creature in this world.

A family... They had talked about it once before. He had, for a time, been fearful that she might have conceived and had a miscarriage, hence her disappearance. Thank the gods this was not the case. He would give a small nod, gently moving his nose over to her cheek and giving a gentle nuzzle. “Nothing would make me happier, Nona. If there is one thing your time away has showed me... It is how much more I need you... And how I’ve longed to have the den full of pups.” The man could feel his excitement building, especially as she asked what had happened since she left.

“There is some bad news, naturally. A war between our ally Ebony and Arcanum arose. Motif and I went to join them, fighting and winning the war. In the end we came home, but it seemed the old Arcanum leader once more showed her face around here. She gave Bass some trouble, but since then has not been seen. There was some drama with miss Rhythm too, leading to her staying in the pack of Imperium. Quelt has once more returned and.... Lastly...” The man would straighten up a bit, grinning widely. “I once more have moved up within the ranks. I’m the Azgrat of Abaven now Nona!” He’d say happily.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



4 Years
05-17-2015, 07:04 PM

“There is some bad news, naturally. A war between our ally Ebony and Arcanum arose. Motif and I went to join them, fighting and winning the war. In the end we came home, but it seemed the old Arcanum leader once more showed her face around here. She gave Bass some trouble, but since then has not been seen. There was some drama with miss Rhythm too, leading to her staying in the pack of Imperium. Quelt has once more returned and.... Lastly...”

Nona was a bit upset at what she heard about what she had missed in the pack particularly so when she heard the news of Rhythm which left a tiny sting in her heart but one that would surely heal over time. Nona was about to say something as her maw opened to let loose a sigh but withheld it as she heard the much better and exciting news.

“I once more have moved up within the ranks. I’m the Azgrat of Abaven now Nona!”

The news sent her need to slather her mate with kisses went into a bit of overdrive as she let out another excited whine. The gods above she was so proud of her mate, of Allen on becoming Azgrat and in her eyes she knew he deserved it and would carry that with honor and pride. Nona giggled a little at the though, "So am I going to have to call you something other than Allen or can I still carry on calling you by your name without the fancy title within it now?" she playfully nuzzled his cheek in return. Now it was her turn to tell him something more a little bit more deeply than just her want of a family with Allen and thus she began,

"Allen... there is another reason why I went out on my own again and it was to grieve for a fallen member of Abaven... you remember the powerful storms that raged across here once before... well during that time when we had to evacuate to a safer place during that time we lost someone and I never had a chance to let out my feelings about that before because during that time as a Kruni I was too busy handling injuries and making sure we had proper herbs that could be acquired in the meantime... the second was when I first came back full of cuts and bruises and you made me stay in the den well that got to me but I held it in because I want to be strong in everyone's eyes and when that happened I felt weak and helpless like the good standing image of myself had faded away for this weak female who dreams of being the tagavor and who would want a weak tagavor who can't go out and get the herbs and come back with little to no injuries...".

Nona took in a deep breath before continuing, "I promise from this day forward that I shall work hard to become our home's tagavor and until then work hard as Vor and do what I can to train those who wish to learn about healing and want to take up the line of kruni to vor and to eventually become the next tagavor but most of all be the best mate I can be for you my love I'm not going to let you out of my sight anymore metaphorically speaking of course as I wouldn't be able to accompany you everywhere physically but I would like to go with you now every now and again when you go out if you meet with other packs so you have a healer by your side in case you get injured". There was a playful chuckle as she kissed his muzzle as she thought about what their future pups would look like and what they may possibly be named. She hoped for at least a daughter and a son one that she would name Alna as a combination of her own and Allen's names.



05-17-2015, 08:01 PM

The calico gentleman would chuckle softly as the questions left her lips. “Nope, I’ll still be the same old Allen. No fancy titles needed with me.” What was the point of them, really? He was still but a wolf in the end. A man who sought to make a family of his own and live out the rest of his days with his mate by his side. But before more thoughts of the future could be laid out first the past had to come to light, and Allen would calmly and patiently listen as Nona spoke her tale.

Allen would take a breath of his own as she finished, speaking gently. “You are not weak. Not then, and not now. The fact you came back, and the fact you want to learn more now, are signs that you are strong. I know that you are, that your words are sincere. Someday you will hold the rank of Tagavor and when you do I’ll be there by your side to help celebrate.” He would gently wrap his head around her neck.

“Not matter where we are... As long as I can see you each day I will be happy. That is what killed me the most.” He would pull back, receiving the kiss on his muzzle was a wagging tail. “There is definitely someone I want you to meet sometime soon... But tonight... Let it be for us.” He would lean down, nipping her neck playfully. He would give a loving growl, feeling his heart beat faster in his chest. How he loved this woman so.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



4 Years
05-18-2015, 05:55 AM

She felt his playful nip and couldn't help but release a playful growl of her own in response to his. Oh how she yearned to be with him again and now they were together once more in the comfort of their own den. This moment felt right to her for all the right reasons and being with him once again Nona felt like she could overcome anything now that her pillar of faith was with her again. Another playful growl erupted from her as she spoke, "Then you'll still always be Allen to me and even then you would still be the same ol' wolf to me... but to return to the other topic of family..." she brushed her nose against Allen's before giving him a kiss on the muzzle for what seemed like thousands of times each one with her gentle caring touch.

What to talk about first in terms of family caused Nona to stop and think for a moment before she launched a answer to her own question, "Say we have at least two pups one female and the other male what would you name our son? I'd like to leave his name up to you my love as I've thought about a name for a potential daughter should we be lucky to have both as I would name her Alna as in a combination of our own names" she would smile and giggle a little as she would nip Allen's neck. Hopefully if they did have two pups or more that at least one of them would want to pick up the gift of healing and the other picking up what Allen has been working on. Now that she thought about it she knew very little of what Allen was talented in but believed he was a very capable combatant in a fight but was that his specialty or was he more skilled in something else?

Either way she still had to teach him some of the tricks of the trade when it came to healing assuming he didn't already know them. Nona was going to have to show him a couple of things though and get one thing straight if they were to have a family. Nona affectionately nipped Allen's neck again quickly and then kissed his muzzle, "I still have a couple of things I should teach you in terms of healing techniques if no one has taught you them yet and when we do get to the point of when I give birth I need you to help me through it, I don't know from personal experience just how painful it will be but from what I understand it will hurt a lot and I will need you to keep me from moving too much on top of other medical needs should they arise".

Nona had a great deal of faith in Allen that he would handle it without any problem so they would need to get herbs and other things prepared for whenever that day may come so it can possibly go without a hitch because they certainly didn't need another complication coming into their life. More so she hoped that Bass would be able to help Allen if he wasn't busy with other matters himself. Her mind flipped back to the thought of their own pups, "I hope that together we'll be the best parents for our pups and be able to pass on what we know to them and hope they pass on what they learn and know to their pups" she spoke one last time as she pressed her head into Allen's neck.



05-18-2015, 11:36 AM

Allen loved every sound that his beloved made. How he had yearned for this very moment. How he loved her, how she made him feel lighter. She was his very sun, shining high above in his own personal skies. Every day that she was with him he felt like he could do anything. Could do everything. Everything felt like it should again. It felt right. The biggest part of his life that was missing was once more part of him again. Every kiss, every moment of breathing in his mate’s scent was true bliss. It was a form of heaven on earth.

Just as he would forever stay Allen to her she would forever stay his beloved Nona. She would return to the subject of family, and there was nothing he would rather talk about in this moment. Togetherness. Unity. The thought of having a family, a true family, where he was there for them this time made him so excited. A boy and a girl... That would be perfect. The name Alna, too, was a beautiful name. The perfect balance for a daughter. He would have to think though, wondering. Then he’d playfully nip her back, a large grin on his face

“I think that I’d like to name our son Noen. Another name combination. Though I’m sure together we could think of even more possibilities.” The man would chuckle softly. There was so much that they could teach their little ones. Would the boys be more like their mother? Like him? What of the girls? Healers or messengers? Would one some day grow up to rule a pack? The possibilities of what could happen were endless. Allen was excited all the same, and he would give a small nod as Nona spoke again.

Yes... His herblore training! He would beam happily. “A couple of things indeed! There has been hardly any healing training going on since you left, and not only do I need it, but a couple other little ones as well.” The man was wagging his tail excitedly back and forth. “Threar has offered to do a joint training with us as well, healing and fight training. Perhaps you could assist their teachers with the healing lesson too~” His voice was light, singsong as he he thought of helping his beloved. Working alongside her to make sure that nothing would go wrong when the time came to make little ones.

That brought another thing to mind too. “Ah yes! You weren’t here for that either! Bass has had a litter with Wren! They had five little ones. Their little boy Shrike and daughter Finch are training under me to become messengers for our pack.” His tail was wagging back and forth a mile a minute, happiness within him pretty much bubbling over.

“I know we’ll be wonderful parents, Nona. I can feel it in my bones. I know we’re ready for this...” He would hold her close, breathing in her scent once again. “They will excel in whatever they do... I can feel it in my heart.”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



4 Years
05-18-2015, 08:55 PM

Nona would listen to everything Allen had said to her with a great deal of intent. Hearing that Bass now had a family of his own got her to smile widely. When Allen held her close as he did she couldn't help but breath in deep his scent. He was her very sun in the sky and kept shining ever brighter every time she went off and came back to him for Nona knew he was a very faithful mate the one and only she could have the blessing of getting to be with him. The bliss was here right now as she took in another deep breath and drawing his scent to her again. Now she wanted to have pups of their own even more now but she could be patient for at least a moment in time. Nona listened to Allen tell her the name that he might name their future son should they have a son, "Noen... I like that name, it would be a good name for him... our little Alna and Noen should we get what we desire but no matter their gender should we have pups we would love them all the same wouldn't we, Allen?" Nona let out a momentary sigh before letting another giggle bubble and burst from her maw.

She would think about Allen speaking of Bass's children and how that he was training two of them which Shrike and Finch to become messengers for the pack which got her to smile. Now she had to ask if he knew if any of the pups wanted to take up the path of a healer, "Allen about Bass's pups do you think any of them would like to become a healer?" she could help but chuckle a little. Nona wanted to teach again and most of all impart her knowledge of what she knew to all the members of the pack so they could also share that knowledge with their own pups, friends, other family.

He mentioned Threar which was interesting that they would have a joint training session for both fighting and healing. Surely she would attend the healing session because it was what she had to redouble her efforts in working on performing well in. Eventually she hoped that she could prove to Bass that she can take and hold the rank of Tagavor but most of all prove to herself that she had the determination and knowledge to be the best she could possibly be.



05-21-2015, 06:13 PM

Alna and Noen... Perfect potential names. But Nona was right. Regardless of the gender of their children the two would love them with all of their hearts. Hearing her giggle lifted his very spirits, his soul. He would happiness in being able to report that Nona would have some other healers to train.

“Actually both Starling and Shrike will need healing training for the jobs that they’re shooting for within the pack. There is also another healer who has recently joined for you to talk to as well. Her name is Ireyln.” Allen would chuckle softly, nuzzling her neck.

“Everything is finally moving forward again... I couldn’t be happier, my beloved Nona.” He would lean in, nipping her ear. “Ahh... I’ve missed you so much! Just having you back has washed all my tiredness away. You might have to deal with me bugging you the whole night now.” Allen would chuckle.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Tealah



4 Years
05-22-2015, 08:31 PM

Nona had begun to think about how she would like to approach teaching Starling and Shrike a one on one conversation with them to get to know them a little would help. Then there was Ireyln who she also would like to speak to. She felt that this would be a good way to get acquainted with the three before training them so thus that was how she was going to do things before then. Her attention went back to Allen when he told her that she'd have to deal with him bugging her the whole night. Nona wasn't bothered by the idea at all in fact she was going to welcome it considering how long they were apart. Nona smiled before speaking softly, "You know you wouldn't ever be bugging me especially on a night like this since we're together again to the gods above my love you mean the world to me and what you think may be bugging me is a gift to me... to be able to always return home and know that you'll be there for me" she would press her head under Allen's muzzle.

Nona had tears of her own that were bound to spill over her face but no longer did she have to hide her feelings since she seen Allen shed tears of his own she knew full well she could do the same. Her heart ached for him when she was away and now getting to be so close once again and know that he would probably bug her to no end this night it sent her heart soaring. Nona would speak softly again, "Who do you think I should speak to first though? Shrike, Starling, or Ireyln because I'd like to get to know them all on a one on one basis first before training them all together" she giggled slightly before pressing herself into her mate a bit more. Nona felt safe and comfortable with the calico gentlemen but most of all she felt loved by him and that was what made her feel truly blessed.

"Hear my voice"

"Know my thoughts"


05-25-2015, 11:16 AM

Allen would chuckle softly. An little bugging gift, sounded like a plan to him. The man would lick Nona’s forehead, a rumble of satisfaction sounding within his chest. “Well if that’s a gift then perhaps I’ll just make it the gift that keeps on giving. All night, every night, for nights and nights on end.” His tone was light and teasing, and he would gently move his head to caress hers. Heavens above how beautiful this moment was. He swore he would never let her go again. That next time anything happened he’d be searching for her all over.

The calico gentleman would only take a moment to think before answering her question however. There was little doubt in his mind really, but he didn’t want to count Irelyn out just yet. “I’d say speak with Starling first. Then Shrike. Then Irelyn. Starling is definitely eager to learn and well, Shrike I think could use the extra help definitely. He’s a slower learner... Easily discouraged. He’ll take a lot of work to teach.” Allen would grin.

“Though I am certain that you can train him up just fine in no time."

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



4 Years
05-31-2015, 04:29 AM

Nona flashed a smile as she was eager to meet with three before she would begin to train them. There were some new faces in the pack she wasn't used to but would sooner or later get to know them all however she would like to get to know young Shrike first and then Starling but not forgetting to meet with Irelyn. She had decided on the order of whom to speak to then, "Allen I think I'll take your suggestion but swap speaking with Shrike first and then Starling since it may take a little bit to get Shrike to stay with it and I need as much time as I can get with him so I can try to make sure he doesn't get discouraged and the like but then I'll meet with Starling and Irelyn so don't worry on that" She smiled a bit wider before nuzzling Allen's cheek.

Her heart was soaring higher than ever before before a giggle erupted from her maw, "Then we can make it a gift for each other that keeps on giving because I love you so much Allen... more than simple words can ever convey" her smile kept up as she pressed herself into Allen trying to be as close to him as she could. Forever and ever he would always be her light, her sword, and her shield, but most of all he was the one she loved with all of her being.



05-31-2015, 08:33 PM

Allen would trust Nona’s judgment on who to speak with first. Surely Shrike needed the most guidance. The calico gentleman truly wished her a lot of luck. The boy was a stubborn thing, rebellious in his own way. He thought he was perfect and didn’t like anyone telling him otherwise. Allen would breathe in, closing his eyes as discussed her plans. Alright, so everything was left in her capable paws.

Her giggle would lift his heart, and Allen would crack open one eye with a playful smirk on his face. The gift that kept on giving. “I’d like that, my Nona.” He would lean in, licking her ear as she snuggled up to him. The gentleman would wag his tail, the sound of it quietly thumping behind him heard. “So then what is on the agenda tomorrow, my beloved? I’m kidnapping you for the day... Just me and you.” It was a promise. Tomorrow would be their day alone.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah