
dude, quit hitting people with that guitar



3 Years
05-12-2015, 06:10 PM
Luck followed her mother and father to the Nook, her clumsy paws causing her to trip several times. But she stayed close to her brother, who was also fumbling behind the two of them. "Hunt? Fight? Explore?" Each word made her shiver with disgust and fear. She wouldn't really have to fight, right? Luck bounded up to her brother and frowned, nipping at his rump. "I hope we don't do any of that...! It's so violent..." She whined, coming to a halt behind Novella and Frith. Instinctively, she bounded up to her father and snuggled up between his forelegs. But when everyone arrived, she was amazed.

All these strangers were so colourful, with smells of all kinds clung straight to them. All the smells were almost overwhelming, she had to back into Frith with a whine or two. And even more came. From all different directions in many groups. What was worse...they had approached to greet and ask questions. Luck stared up at them with curious eyes, her tail coiled in against her back. "Daddy...where are all the other pups?" She whimpered, her gaze moving from the older strangers and searching for any small, young girls or boys.

Suddenly, emerging from the crowd, was a young boy of bright red. It was absolutely amazing. Luck adored colours...colours of all kinds! The rainbow, even! This stranger...was interesting. Without speaking, she lowered to the ground and weaved herself through the crowd, approaching the stranger and bolting in front of him. He was much larger than her, and a bit older. But...they could talk, right? Be friends maybe? "Hello!" She giggled, seating herself in front of him. "My name is Luck...I'm Novella's daughter. Who're you?"  



12 Years
Extra large
05-12-2015, 06:25 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Aslan had departed, and Regulus had gone back to meandering through the crowd while keeping one eye on his mother and sister should they need him. Then, quite suddenly, a small- no, tiny was a better word for her- pup bolted in front of him, and he was reminded of the time he’d nearly stepped on Ganja; he dropped his haunches low, forcibly halting his movements before he managed to step on the pup, one paw still raised above her head before he pulled it back and stepped a few steps back before dropping to his belly. The sapphire and gold pendant and chain jangled against his breast from the abrupt movements, but he ignored the noise; he was by now very used to it.

The girl introduced herself as Luck, adding that she was the daughter of the white female who had called the festival in the first place. So this was Aslans sister. ”I’m Regulus, this is Cinder. My mother’s the silver timber over by your mother.” He tilted his head toward his mother, though through the crowd, he doubted the small pup could see Surreal. He studied the tiny female, tail flicking to curl about his haunches as Cinder departed to settle with his mother for the time being. ”Big crowd, huh?”



3 Years
05-12-2015, 06:42 PM
A massive, bloody-red paw hovered above her tiny head, and she slowly lowered her body to the ground, her eyes glued to it with worry. But before she could flee, he moved it, and dropped to the ground. Ah, and thank goodness for that. Her neck was beginning to get tired...Luck giggled gently again, her tail continuing to tap against the ground. But her innocent blue eyes would soon drift to the gold-looking thing that hugged his neck and jangled about when he lowered himself to her level. She was about to ask, but he began speaking first, and she listened politely. was a name she had never heard of! Cinder, she'd heard of that word before. But Regulus was unique! Luck grinned to the girl in which he was introduced, nodding her head and turning back to the large red boy. "It's nice to meet you...Regulus!"  She grinned, turning her head and lifted her body up in attempt to spot the woman in which he called his mother. But it was no use. Too many wolves stood in the way, talking and eating. After awhile, she gave up and sat back down in front of him, only to hear him say, "Big crowd, huh?"

Luck sent him a relieved look, her ears hanging back against her head lazily. "Big crowd indeed! I thought I was the only one who thought so." She heaved, her big blue eyes traveling back down to the thing on his neck. She bit her lip, fighting back the temptation to ask what it was. But it finally streamed out of her mouth like a group of wasps bolting out of a hive. "That thing on your neck...what is it?" Luck asked quietly, clearly interested. She hoped she wasn't being rude by asking. And she definitely hoped she didn't remind him of any memories of things he didn't quite want to remember.     



12 Years
Extra large
05-13-2015, 06:46 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Regulus grinned at the polite ‘nice to meet you’ answer Luck gave him. The pup had seemed timid at first, and maybe she was, but honestly, if you were her size and had a paw like his hanging over your head, who wouldn’t be timid? At his remark on the crowd, the pup gave him a relieved look, stating that she’d thought she was the only one with that thought. “Oh no, your brother Aslan thinks so, too. I just finished talking with him.” His tail curled around his haunches , paws crossing in front of him. He was a big enough obstacle, and bright enough that the crowd would naturally flow around him, providing a buffer for the tiny female in front of him.

It was a moment later, while he watched her eyes drop to his chest a few times, when she finally popped the question that seemed to have been growing too big to hold back. Thing? Oh, yes. ”This?” He asked, lifting a paw, the top of the last major bend in his leg (effectively his wrist) brushing the pendant, bringing another soft jingle. ”I found it when I was a pup. My grandmother called it a necklace.” His paw lowered, falling into a relaxed state over his other paw once more. ”Who knows; if you look hard enough, maybe you can find one too someday.” He said with a grin.



3 Years
05-17-2015, 02:24 PM
So, she wasn't the only one who thought this crowd of wolves was huge. Enormous, really. She could barely weave past their paws without accidentally tripping one of them or getting stepped on. Even Aslan, a pretty big wolf if you asked her. At the mention of him, she turned and glanced around, maneuvering her head about in case he was anywhere near. But it didn't seem like it. An easy sigh streamed from her lips. Her siblings, parents, or any family member made her feel incredibly safe and secure. She usually didn't wander off too far away from them. But...she had Regulus! A big red wolf that could protect her! like the stories she's heard, about the princess who was in danger but was saved by a young handsome prince. She certainly wasn't a princess, and she didn't know what Regulus was in his pack, but he was handsome. And he did look protective! She didn't know much about love, just that her mother and father felt it toward each other. But it sounded nice, according to stories and how her mother and father acted toward one another. Certainly love toward her parents wasn't any different to loving someone who isn't family.

Her thoughts shattered completely as he lifted a paw and touched the gold thing that hugged his neck, clarifying that that was what she meant. It jangled a bit, before he explained that he found it as a pup. Luck gasped in awe. She wanted one of those! Why couldn't she have stumbled across a pretty little neck-accessory like that? Or...the necklace? Was that what he said? The young girl pondered on the thought, until, as if he had read her thoughts, he told her that if she looked hard enough she may find one.

"Yeah, it's really pretty! You're lucky!" She yipped, her little tail frantically patting at the ground, as quickly as a hummingbird's wing. The young dame slowly lowered to her stomach and crossed her forearms in front of her fluffy chest, her eyes glued to his. Finally, she spoke again. "So...besides my family and your family, do you know anyone else here?" She asked, trying to keep the friendly conversation going. "Oh! And do you have a girlfriend?" Did she say that right? Lady-friend...something? It meant someone he loved, right?  



12 Years
Extra large
05-21-2015, 12:30 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Regulus grinned at Lucks exuberance. He didn’t think he’d seen a tail wag that fast before. ”It is. Grandmother said the blue stone is a sapphire. I don’t know how she knew, but Grandmother knew everything, so..” He trailed off in a finalizing tone. Of course, to him, his grandmother had been akin to a goddess. Wise, powerful, beautiful. He didn’t believe that she was truly gone, just because she had died. Like Erani before him in her belief that Cairo would never be gone as long as he was remembered and held dear to those who knew him in their hearts, he believed the same of his grandmother. He liked to think that the sapphire gem in his necklace was a part of her; it was the same color as their eyes, a visual memento of her, nevermind that he found it before her death.

He did find it amusing that a wolf named ‘Luck’ was calling him lucky. Maybe you’ll live up to your name, Luck, and find one for yourself.” His jaws parted in a panting faced laugh. As she lowered herself to her belly, crossing her forelegs, locking eyes with him. After a moment, she spoke up, asking whom else he knew there. He shrugged, looking about. ”No one, yet. I haven’t met many outside my family. A tiger, and a girl pup on an island. That’s it.” He shrugged good naturedly. Her next question was answered easily, though it might have been quite clear that the actual meaning of that question had flown right over his head with a tiny whistle.

”The girl on the island, Ganja, and Cinder- she went to be with Mother for a little while; she’s a cat - are both good friends. The first ones who weren’t related to me.” He said cheerfully, tail sweeping the ground behind him. Yup, he had no idea that she meant someone he saw as a love interest.