
rub some dirt on it



2 Years
05-15-2015, 10:40 PM
ooc; leaving the results of the fight rather vague since it hasn't been judged yet. For your own assistance, he has mild puncture wounds on his er.. junk, and has a large laceration (and a small busted vein that's bleeding a lot) just in front of his manhood in the center of his belly.

As soon as Daegmar and he had parted company he skirted off for the Knolls. Theirs had been a fierce fight, and neither had taken mercy on the other. Their fight had lasted for a long time, and the injuries were intense. He panted heavily, his lungs burning from the exertion. He'd managed to stay on top of his breathing and prevent an asthma attack, but that hadn't saved him from Daegmar's fangs. He went straight for her den, finding the boulder nearby and slumping even before he reached it. He could go no further. He flopped warily onto his side, trying to keep the dirt out of his bloodstained underside. Daegmar had managed to keep hold of the sensitive flesh just in front of his genitalia, and had torn it asunder in her efforts to get him to relinquish her spine from his grasp. He had endured the pain and everything she'd thrown at him, but his pride and toughness had come at a cost. Emerald eyes could scarcely stand to look at his wounds, but he knew he had to in order to assess the damage. He was bleeding profusely, and he guessed that she'd managed to nick a vein down there. Some of the blood had clotted, and looked like a mess. He couldn't see anything vital (bones or tendons), but it was clear she'd taken at least a moderate chunk out of him. He tilted his head back and let out a desperate cry for Rhythm, for she was the only one he trusted well enough to patch him up. After all, she'd promised to do so not long ago. He knew she'd been fighting too, and likely had injuries of his own - but there was no way he could help himself. It was likely her fight had ended well before his, and so he hoped that she would have already had time to see to herself and could now help him before things got worse. He examined himself further and noted clear puncture wounds on either side of his... manly essence. Oh damn, Daegmar knew how to fight dirty. His midsection ached, and he fought the urge to whine. "Rhythm," he managed, as if by whispering her name she might suddenly appear and make his day infinitely better.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
05-16-2015, 09:21 PM

She was sore that much was for sure, the first fight after so long of not using those muscles. She felt like she didn't want to move for a year. Already she had curled up into her den for a nap, that and she'd eaten a few herbs to help with the soreness. She had just fallen into sleep when she heard Kyarst's sudden call. The desperation in his voice would wake her with a start, worry taking complete hold of her as she jumped from her curled position. The girl would shoot from her den, ignoring the aches in her form as she searched for Kyarst's presence. She couldn't miss his dark form sprawled in the dirt not so far away from her boulder. Oh gods. She knew that she was sore, she couldn't imagine how far he'd pushed himself.

"Rhythm," She'd hear her name as she rushed to his side, eyes roving over his form as she sought out his injuries. He looked an absolute mess, bedraggled fur and blood spattering him, though it seemed to concentrate in his belly... "Oh, gods Kyarst... there?" She'd try not to look at his face as she said it, the girl would take a deep breath and do her best to avoid the warrior's gaze. "Well, first you need cleaned." Infection was probably his worst enemy here, cleaning the wound would be the most important job. Now she would find his gaze, "Or maybe something for the pain?" Surely he couldn't have been anywhere near comfortable.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



2 Years
05-16-2015, 09:30 PM

As if all the stars and planets and gods aligned, his luck came through for him. Rhythm happened to be in her den, and as he called out he saw her out of the corner of his eye. He was saved. Most of the worry that had creased his features eased away, pain taking its' place. "Yes, there." he hissed with discomfort, his ears tucked tightly to his skull. "Damn bitch fights dirty." He writhed where he lay, ending up rolling further onto his back as his eyes found hers. She'd said something about cleaning him up, but then mentioned something for the pain. "Something for the pain." At least then he wouldn't be so irritable toward the only person who could help him. He didn't imagine anything she could offer would totally alleviate his pain, but if it could help ease it at least a little he knew he would be in much better shape. His emerald eyes sought to lock onto her gaze, "How bad is it?" He sought to read her features, trying to get a clue as to if he was about to lose something very, very important to him.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
05-16-2015, 09:55 PM

He was very much in pain it seemed, obvious through his hiss as he explained himself. She'd assume he meant Daegmar, the one he'd been partnered with in their assignments. That really was dirty. Involuntarily her ears would fall back to her head, she couldn't imagine fighting so harshly with someone who was supposed to be a comrade. Kyarst slowly offered more of his belly, giving her a better view of him. Not that she had a better idea of what was really going on, there was blood everywhere. He'd ask for pain relief as their gazes met and she would nod, of course he needed a distraction. She would need to be thorough with cleansing him, that would not feel good she was sure. "How bad is it," She wouln't be able to release her gaze before he asked. "I don't know yet," was all she would be able to give him for now. "See if you can start cleaning some of the blood away, I'll be right back."

She wouldn't linger to see if he was even able to lick his wounds, she'd dash back to her den. She'd dug a little alcove within a back corner for little pockets of herbs. It was rather stuffed with the oncoming winter. First she'd grab a big dried leaf that acted as a basket, she'd place within it a couple of poppy seeds and horsetail. She wished she could grab trillium but she hadn't been able to find any recently. She only hoped that Revenge had collected a bit for himself. With those two items in hand she wouldn't waste any time in returning to Kyarst.

Cleaned or no she'd offer him the seeds first, "Swallow this, let me know how you feel in a while and depending on how it effects you I might make you eat another." Sighing heavily again she'd look back to his belly, it was time to prove his trust wasn't wrongly placed.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



2 Years
05-17-2015, 06:39 PM

She didn't know how bad it was? How could she not know how bad it was? Wasn't that her job? Anger swelled in his aching core, but he knew he was only transferring his pain to her and wasn't truly mad at her at all. She urged him to start cleaning some of the blood away, she was going to come right back. He assumed and hoped she was leaving for pain relievers, and as he watched her move away he curled back to his side and contorted his frame so that he could lick gingerly at his torn belly. As he began to clear away the blood he noted that it didn't look horrible, it was just bleeding rather profusely for some reason. He continued lapping, realizing that the taste of his own blood wasn't nearly as satisfying as Daegmar's had been. He heard her returning and relaxed back to the earth, the feeling of being crumpled up was an uncomfortable one. He rolled again to return to his previous position on his back, taking whatever it was she'd offered him into his jaws and swallowing it without hesitation. It could have been poison, he wouldn't have had a clue - and probably wouldn't have cared at this point. He swallowed hard and licked at his lips, displacing some of the blood he'd acquired from his wound. "I don't think it's as bad as it looks, but I'm not exactly an expert. It kinda just looks like it's bleeding a hell of a lot, dunno why though." He quirked his brow, gazing at her - lost and confused. It was all the information he had to offer her, and he knew it wasn't much.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
05-17-2015, 08:14 PM

Slowly she'd find herself slipping into a healer's mindset. She couldn't care about where the wound was, only that she needed to fix it. She'd flee away and back quickly, Kyarst would be able to clean a bit of his belly, enough that he could easily tell her that he was sure it wasn't as bad as it seemed. Hopefully he was correct. Though as he seemed at least slightly more relaxed she was inclined to believe him. She wouldn't look back to him as she moved to stand over his bully up form. With out hesitation she would finish ridding it of the excess blood, not that her cleaning would do anything to stop the continued bleeding. That needed patched up quick.

Cleaning the dirt off a paw quickly she'd push against his belly where the cut was deepest. She'd probably nicked a rather large vein. That wasn't so good. While she held her paw much to close to his boy parts for her liking she'd chew the horsetail a bit. Relasing her paw after a few very long moments she'd apply the paste with her tongue, making sure to cover the wound as well as get some inside. Pressing her paw back over it she'd look back to Kyarst, "How are you feeling?" If she wasn't so concentrated she might have blushed.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



2 Years
05-17-2015, 08:35 PM

She didn't hesitate once he'd ingested the pain killers, and immediately he could feel her tongue wiping clean his torn flesh. He gritted his teeth, fighting the urge to make the pained sound that was desperately trying to escape his lips. Her tongue felt like sandpaper on sensitive flesh, but he knew she was just doing what she had to. The pain soon stopped though, and was replaced by a dull pressure applied by her forepaw. It seemed a vein had been nicked in the fight and that's why he was bleeding all over the place. He watched her chew on something and then apply it on the wound before replacing her paw once more. The pain was not so bad then, either because the pain killers were kicking in or she was taking a gentler touch. He wasn't honestly sure which might be the case. "Like some bully bitch bit my junk," he answered colloquially, suddenly caring very little about the words that came streaming out of his mouth. "But better now that I know it's not gonna fall off..." he mused, "It's not, right?" Damn, that would suck. His tail flopped once rather lazily, though quickly lay still after the effort. He was much too sore for unnecessary movement. Instead his eyes rolled in their sockets, focusing as best he could on her features and awaiting an answer to his question.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
05-17-2015, 09:04 PM

She could feel the muscle beneath her tongue tighten as he cringed at her touch. She felt bad for hurting him, but this was the better way in the long run. The taste of blood filled her mouth, but she continued to focus on making sure he survived. His answer would have been amusing if he hadn't been in such a state, and the answer didn't satisfy her dosage. He still seemed quite concerned. "Take another of these," she'd offer the seed before answering his question. "No, it's not going to fall off." came the assuring answer as she continued to put pressure on the wound at his belly. "I'd wager you'll live through this." She couldn't help her own smile now, the serious draining out of her as the statement set in.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



2 Years
05-17-2015, 09:22 PM

She didn't answer him immediately. Did that mean that it was going to fall off? His ears fell back over his skull as he groaned out in angst. Begrudgingly he would take the seed in his jaws and chew it carefully, swallowing hard when she finally answered him and said that his most prized possession wasn't going to fall off. Oh, praise whatever gods there might be! She went on to wager that he'd live through this situation, and he felt himself relax ever so slightly. He didn't feel like he was dying, so he was inclined to believe her, but as the drugs worked their way into his system he found himself feeling more and more unsure about, well.. everything. "You think I'm stupid, right? For letting her tear me up like this..." Brow folded into several well-defined lines as his features hardened. "You think I screwed up, don't you?" Most of his good sense was gone. She had to think he was stupid to let himself get this hurt. They had only been sparring, after all. "Yeah well I tore her up pretty good too," he spat. "Snapped my jaws shut on her spine more than once." He could see it, could envision the scene playing out before him again. "I didn't screw up." He wasn't sure anymore if he was trying to convince her, or himself, that he wasn't a failure for getting so badly hurt.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
05-18-2015, 01:55 AM

She smiled softly as he started to relax, all the while keeping herself positioned over his form. Still applying pressure to his belly as she felt him tense once more. "You think I'm stupid, right?" Her gaze flew back to his features, confusion showing on her own face. "I didn't screw up." She'd scowl at him slightly, still reluctant to move herself from the important position her paws were in. "I never said any of that nor did I think it." Her voice was calm and confident as she told him, "You're passionate, and no one can fault you for that." Maybe he had only been sparring, but she knew he didn't give any less than 100% to what he was doing. If that meant getting his manhood almost bitten off then that was what it was going to take. "Now, relax your blood pressure is too high, we'll never close this vein." She wondered slightly if she should start humming for him, she wasn't quite sure what his reaction might be to that.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



2 Years
05-18-2015, 03:10 PM

He was a raving lunatic, and he knew it. He knew what he was saying was stupid, but he'd lost the ability to keep from saying it. He saw her face contort into a scowl, and immediately he knew he had to get hold of himself. She called him passionate and he nodded with a firm "Damn right I am." She ordered him to relax. He hadn't thought about his blood pressure, but he was now acutely aware of how well he could hear his blood pounding in his ears. Maybe hew as just a little worked up. He breathed in slowly and deliberately, feeling altogether uneasy from the drugs and the wound. Still, he knew he was in good paws. "I'm sorry," he murmured, knowing he was behaving like a fool. "What can I do?" Surely there was some way he could be more helpful.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
05-18-2015, 05:49 PM

He would not deny her accusation of passion, only reiterate with two swift words. As she ordered him to relax he'd mostly do as he was told. Calmly he'd breath in, deeply and with obvious concentration. Her scowl would be replaced by a simple smile as she watched him try and relax. A simple apology would slow from his lips, the lyrics broadening Rhythm's smile a bit. "What can I do?" She would lean down, nipping playfully at the fur on his chest. "Keep breathing steadily and think pleasant thoughts." He really couldn't do much else to aid in the process. His body had to be the one to start the healing, as soon as she felt a sufficient enough clot had formed she'd probably start thinking about letting him back on his feet. He'd need a bot of supervision afterwards though. She wasn't about to tell him how careful he'd need to be over the next few weeks. "As soon as this is done bleeding we'll get you comfortable somewhere. You shouldn't really move much the rest of the day. Or tomorrow. Or maybe even the next day." She wasn't completely sure how long it would really take for her to be confident in the healing process, not how long she'd be able to keep him mostly immobile.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



2 Years
05-18-2015, 07:41 PM

She seemed pleased with his efforts to calm himself, and so he would go out of his way to continue doing so - breathing slowly, deeply, and repetitively. He did feel it working, or else the drugs were still doing their work. Whatever the case he could feel his body relaxing, his heart slowing. She nipped at the fur on his chest and he gazed up at her, wondering how on earth he'd gotten himself into such a predicament during a regular spar. She lapsed into what they would do next, when his blood had clotted and the bandage she'd made held fast to his torn flesh. They would get somewhere more comfortable, and he wouldn't be able to move for the rest of the day, or the next day, or the next day. His ears pivoted back as a frustrated glean took over his emerald eyes. "I can't just sit around, I'll go stir crazy." That was not an understatement. Kyarst was not a lazy creature, and moving, exploring, observing were things that kept him sane and daresay, alive. The reality that he would be laying down for at least the next three days (possibly more, because she didn't seem too confident in her estimation) was horrifying, to say the least. "Is that my only option?" He was fairly certain it was, although something told him it couldn't hurt to at least ask. If he knew it was his only option he would be more likely to follow her directions.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
05-18-2015, 10:41 PM

He'd continue to relax to her mild surprise, he wasn't quite as bad of a patient as she'd anticipated. Still at the mention of having to remain still he's grow more concerned. While she didn't mean for him to lay in the same place all three days he still had reason to be alarmed. She didn't think she'd be able to do something like that to him. "I've got a couple ideas. I want to set you up on top of the boulder, you'll be able to keep an eye out over the territory." Her eyes would glance back to his belly as she slowly removed her paws from the wound. While they wouldn't close back perfectly it seemed that his wounds were no longer open to the air. "Someone told me sometimes, even if it hurts, you still gotta move around." She'd release her hold on him, slipping from his belly she would admire her handiwork while trying to avoid glancing at his prized possession. "The easier you take it now though, the better you'll feel in a day or so. Still, don't push too hard for the next couple of weeks. It'll still be pretty weak for a while."

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



2 Years
05-27-2015, 02:37 PM

It seemed it was his only option, for even now as he felt himself tensing over the prospect of sitting still he could feel pain ebbing into his core. It was unlikely he would be able to move around even if he wanted to. 'I've got a couple ideas. I want to set you up on top of the boulder, you'll be able to keep an eye out over the territory.' Well, that was a better idea than being shoved in a den for a few days. Not to mention his proximity to Rhythm would mean days worth of companionship. "I guess that wouldn't be entirely unpleasant," he voiced only slightly begrudgingly. 'Someone told me sometimes, even if it hurts, you still gotta move around.' He chuckled, sending a shooting pain into his gut. "That someone hadn't, at that time, been gutted by a ballsy she-devil." A smirk crossed his features as he watched her move off of him, releasing her pressure on his belly as she did so. He also noted, with extreme amusement, that she seemed to be deliberately trying to avoid eye contact with his manhood. He smirked again, devilishly so, as he listened to her ramble about taking it easy for at least a few weeks. "So no women, then?" It seemed he was determined to make her uncomfortable for his own amusement.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
05-27-2015, 04:15 PM

She'd give him the second part of her prescription and she could see that he knew that she was right. He really wouldn't be able to move much over the next few days, and putting him in the place she'd come up with seemed their best option. He almost sounded like he'd be alright with the arrangement, at least she'd be able to keep him company during that time. Slowly she released him, and as she eyed his wounds carefully she'd totally miss the smirk that played on his features. She didn't expect his last question so of course it brought a flush to her face and the pale strip on her nose grew a delicate shade of pink. She'd dance slightly on her paws as she looked completely away from him as she answered. "Ah, no," she'd force a slight cough as she cleared her throat. "Probably shouldn't be doing any of that unless you really do want to lose it." She'd bring her gaze back to him as she gave him that scenario. Surely he'd react somewhat amusedly.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



2 Years
05-27-2015, 08:49 PM

The idea of staying on top of Rhythm's boulder for the next few days appealed to him, mostly because he truly believed that she wouldn't have offered the same to anyone else but him. Perhaps his ego had created this belief. Whatever the case, he considered it a great compliment for her to offer such a thing to him. He watched her flush and shift her weight nervously when he brought up the subject of intimacy, and he had to hold in his laughter with all his might. "Well I certainly don't want to lose it," he voiced, his tone cracking with a slight hint of laughter. "I'm sorry, I was just kidding Rhythm." While it amused him to no end making her uncomfortable, he knew that he couldn't push that boundary or she would think less of him. "You're just kind of hilarious when you're uncomfortable." He smirked, though his features were definitely innocent. This was all in good fun. "So, you wanna help me up on that boulder? I can't imagine I'll make it on my own." The idea of keeping an eye on everything even while he was injured was a good one, and he was eager to get a better vantage over the knolls.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
05-28-2015, 11:00 AM

She still wasn't any good at talking about that kind of stuff, which was obvious in the reaction she'd give him as he asked his stupid question. Of course though she took him seriously and answered, though her discomfort was all too obvious, as was the laughter he was trying to suppress. Her eyes would narrow at his words, her features would change from uncomfortable to very much not amused. SHe'd give him a slight 'humph' as he apologized and explained his reasoning. "Well I'm glad I amuse you." He'd smirk at her, and really the anger she showed was in just as much fun. "If I wasn't so worried about your belly ripping back open I'd make you try." She'd tell the brute as she waited for him to right himself. He was obviously quite comfortable on his back with his damaged family jewels hanging out. She'd move closer as he pushed himself from the earth, ready to push him up the boulder if she had to. Almost as an afterthought though she'd ask, "You don't think your sister will hate me for beating her today, will she?" She'd been so preoccupied with saving his junk that she hadn't even thought about the end result of their spars. Though her wounds stung she'd made out a lot better than Kyarst.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



2 Years
06-03-2015, 02:34 PM

He hadn't realized quite how comfortable he was laying on his back with his belly and corresponding parts free for the whole world to see until he knew it was time to get up and move. The thought didn't appeal to him, but he wanted to do more than just lay here and have her fret over him. At least if he were on top of the boulder he could be somewhat productive. As he righted himself and took a tentative step toward the boulder, he heard her query slip from equally tentative jaws. "No, but you can bet she'll challenge you again one day. We Armadas are a stubborn and proud bunch." He smirked. "Don't worry though, I've beaten her loads of times and she doesn't hate me.. yet." True, she got angry or bitter about it, but that never lasted long. Theirs had always been a friendly sort of competition, the kind that spurred them on rather than tore them apart. He liked that part. "I know she had to have gotten some good hits on you, even if you did win. I'm sorry that you're having to spend all your time looking after me." He definitely, positively regretted requiring so much of her time when she probably deserved time for herself. "Now, should I do this the slow and painful way or the quick and potentially stupid way?" He wasn't exactly an expert of not ripping open vital veins.

Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
06-04-2015, 11:12 AM

She'd watch closely as he slowly made his way to his feet, his pain was obvious but surely it could be a lot worse than it was. She'd have to think about giving him something more for pain management. He would be around her and her den for a good long while and she had no doubts that he'd let her know when he hurt too bad. At least she hoped he would. He'd take a step towards the boulder as he answered her question, which by now she was hardly thinking about as she focused on getting him to the top. She could look forward to fighting Lysis again, and it wasn't very likely that she would hate her, but he wasn't going to completely wipe that possibility off the table. He'd make a comment about her own wounds and taking up her time. She'd shake her head, yeah she was a little sore and her puncture wounds were less than comfortable, but she didn't have anything as impressive as Kyarst's injury. Now his attention shifted back to the boulder and the predicament of getting him on top of it. "Definitely slow, start with getting your front paws up there, and i'll help you get your hind end up after. Just move slow and tell me if you feel like your injury is being strained." She'd move closer to his side, ready to right his balance or act as a step ladder if need be.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads