
Bringing home the Misses



6 Years
Extra large
05-20-2015, 04:34 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2015, 04:35 PM by Glacier.)

He was bringing home Anais, and there was nothing in the world that could have pleased him more. He was dying to talk to Voltage, through everything had happened rather spur of the moment. She was in heat, he had kissed her, they had spoken to her family, and she was coming home... he had so much now to speak to Voltage about, so much to tell his brother and confident. They would also have to expand into a second territory... it was all almost surreal to the behemoth. Through he had no doubt at all that the girl at his side was real, occasionally he would reach out his head and nuzzle against her ear – just to be certain.

As they entered his – no, their – home territory he would begin to direct her to the cave network that was there and the dens they made from them. ”I would like you to pick out your own den, some place you can call your own and chill out in if my family ever becomes too much or you want some time alone – it would be your safe haven and no one would be allowed to bug you there. I also have, surprisingly, three dens, one mass den for all the family to snuggle in together, one me and Voltage can chill in and one also to call my own – that can become our den, and you are welcome there whenever you wish to – especially with winter, you'll always have this heater” he teased her as they entered the den he called his own. “This is my den, and like I said pick out your own one whenever you wish, i'll show you around the dens if you wish?” he hoped he wasn't overwhelming her, he was sure it was a lot to take it, this new home.


Art by Arin





5 Years
06-08-2015, 08:34 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Anais was unsure whether she walked or floated along beside Glacier as he led her along the trail from where she had been waiting in the wilds of the east back into the south and to the shoreline that his family called home. She half suspected she did not touch the ground, though neither was she really observant of the placement of her paws as her eyes continuously shifted to the side to peer sidelong at the large, impressive figure of the wolf beside her. He distracted her completely, and the elated state of her mood only made matters worse. Everything could not have gone better when she had told her family about wanting to live with the wolf who had so quickly become her best friend, and their reassurances had only helped to solidify her mind. She had made the right decision. Her place was going to be in Donostrea with Glacier, and nothing was going to make her happier.

He seemed to suffer from the same sort of mood, grinning from ear to ear and occasionally reaching over to nuzzle her as they walked. The loving gestures only ceased once they reached the pack lands, and the ecstatic young she-wolf was very aware of the moment they crossed the borderline. She even glanced over one shoulder as if she could see it behind her, a physical thing demarcating the boundary of her new home. It's really happening, she thought to herself in awe, I'm really a part of his pack now. And she would not have to be away from him again.

A little bit of nerves seeped into her the further within the territory they walked, and she half expected to see one of Glacier's numerous siblings at every turn. There were so many of them, it seemed impossible that they should be able to sneak in unnoticed, but that was exactly what they managed to do. Her new love must have known his territory - and family - well because they saw no one and were able to approach the caverns that comprised the family's densite without notice, and on the threshold of those openings she was offered her own.

"My own den?" She was not sure why she was so surprised; she was going to need somewhere to sleep after all. Anais had not quite thought so far ahead yet, however, and the notion caught her off guard, as well because a part of her had suspected to get to spend her nights with the wolf who had drawn her here in the first place. She followed him within one of the dens, her golden eyes already scoping out the inside by the time he told her it was his. Instantly she committed it to memory and knew it would stay in her thoughts as a particularly important place. I know where to find him now. But where will he find me?

She needed someplace of her own - Glacier seemed certain of that - but her desire to stay closer to the wolf made her uncertain. She stopped within the large cavern, looking around her at the comfy, cozy accommodations, before she turned and settled her gaze upon Glacier with a sheepish little smile. "Are there open ones nearby?" she asked. Was it too much to hope she might get a den near his, where she might not need to travel far to reach him? He had so much family and they had all been here for so much longer that she felt a realistic doubt in being so lucky. Surely Voltage was nearby, and some of his other siblings who were close with him. How close can I get, she wondered.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
06-19-2015, 04:09 PM (This post was last modified: 06-19-2015, 04:09 PM by Glacier.)

He would offer her anything that was in his power to give, and that included her own little space on Donostrea soil, a place of privacy to call her own. Of course, he also wanted to be around her and hoped even as she had her own space to go to if needed she would choose for the most part to spend her time in his. Just to be in her presence, to sleep beside her and nothing more. The Titan gave her a little bit of space as she looked about his cosy little den – bigger then most to accommodate Glacier's size but otherwise fairly simple and cozy. He had given her a lot to think about and wanted to give her a moment to take it all in. This was her home now, a place to feel safe and comfortable and that included having her own little sanctuary.

He chuckled softly when she asked if there where any near by. He had intended more for it to be a place for her to go to when she needed a break from him, through that contradicted his own desires to be near her all the time. He would not deny her, if she wished to be close to him he would only grip her that much tighter. “Of course, I choose a little bit of a secluded area to hide out in” he said, grinning at her as he moved closer and bumped his nose against his shoulder before starting to exit his den. He lingered in the hall way and nudged his head upwards and then downwards. “There's a den opposite mine or to the side on the left empty” he would explain, giving her a chance to explore both.


Art by Arin





5 Years
06-23-2015, 02:03 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had been holding her breath without realizing it, and the moment Glacier answered in the unexpected affirmative she released it in a startled, delightfully surprised gasp. There were dens open near Glacier's. That meant that her space, whatever space it was that she ended up choosing, would be close to him, and that her search to find him, and he to find her, would be minimal if anything at all. Anais was grinning herself as he bumped his nose against her shoulder, and her tail took up a quick, excited wag as she followed him from his cozy, comfy den out into the hallway beyond, practically bouncing on her paws. What had caught her off guard when she had initially been told about it was suddenly becoming fun and exciting very quickly.

Within the hallway, the golden brown girl followed the gestures that her giant blue companion offered, indicating two of the den openings that were empty beside his. Following the first, Anais stepped forward and slipped quietly within the one directly across from Glacier's, noting the soundness of it, the cozy space, the little opening above that allowed a small spot of sunlight to peek in. It was cute, and it looked like a contender. She turned and exited it, and following Glacier's earlier gesture toward the other den, the one beside his, Anais strolled into it next. There was no light from overhead, but this one felt a little larger, a little more roomy, and, if she was being honest with herself, she thought it might have made for comfier accommodations for both her and Glacier together compared to the first.

Her mind made up, she strode back to the entryway of the den that sat to the left of Glacier's and stopped inside of it, smiling hopefully as her tail wagged in cautious optimism. "Can I have this one?" Her golden eyes pleaded with him to say yes, but from the way she smiled it was clear she anticipated him agreeing to her decision.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
06-23-2015, 03:21 AM
He would be patient as she took a moment to explore first the den across from him. He waited on the outside as she walked about its small space and admired it. It was sort of small, but sunny and sweet and he could easily see her fitting into it. She exited the den without a word however and would slip into the den beside his own. Again he waited on the threshold as she explored the slightly larger floor space as clearance, one he would have been more comfortable in but he thought seemed a little big for his sweet little mouse.

Naturally, that was the den she wanted and it didn't take a genius to work out she wanted it because it was more convenient for the giant. He grinned at her happy, but knowing expression as she asked him if she could have the den. Like he would deny her anything... "This is your home now too, if this is the den you would feel comfortable in then of course it's yours" he replied, stepping past the girl who had moved back to the entrance if his own den and stepping into hers. He winked at her as he picked up a foot and moved it past the threshold of her new home "oops" he joked "I'm trespassing, feel free to kick me out" he added, unable to keep the truly happy expression from his face. He knew beyond and doubt he was the luckiest wolf in alacritis, for anais choosing him to be hers.




5 Years
06-23-2015, 05:29 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

As expected, Glacier agreed, and Anais bounced a little on her paws as she laughed. She now had her own den on Donostrea lands, a little piece of the territory that would be all her own. She was officially a part of them! She was eager and excited to begin scouting out the rest of the pack lands, finding little things that she could bring back to her den and make it all her own, but there was still fun and excitement to be had here. Now was her first reach chance to see Glacier in his home, in his element, and among his family. They still intimidated her a bit, especially because there were so many of them, but it was all part of being closer to him.

She stepped out into the hall and grinned as the big blue mountain of a wolf strolled toward her and then past her into her den, though he only took a single step within before he stopped. His teasing, joking words made her laugh again, though his suggestion of kicking him out seemed absurd to her. Why would she kick him out when she wanted to be close to him all the time?

"Hmm," she murmured aloud thoughtfully, still smiling away. "What if I trapped you in there instead?" The only problem with that was there was still a considerable portion of him still outside of her den, and that would not do if she was meant to trap him inside. She walked over to him, eyeing his bulk for a second before she leaned in to press her shoulder against him, pushing at him to get him moving toward the interior of her den. He was so big and strong, she doubted it would have made much of a difference and budged him at all, but she tried anyway, laughing even as she did so.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
06-26-2015, 05:12 PM

Glaicer easily grinned at his partner as she went through the motions of finding her place here in Donostrea, and clearly loved every moment of it. As he stepped slyly into the den she had just claimed he would raise an eyebrow at her and issue his gently teasing challenge. Her response did surprise him a little as he chuckled and looked down at her much smaller frame. She didn't even bat an eye as she moved closer and pushed her weight against him, he bit back the laughter that wanted to escape as he felt the small about of pressure she applied to shove him further into her den.

However, as she attempted to shove him she was also laughing, and he certainly wouldn't be the one to ruin the moment. He uttered an exaggerated 'oof' and pretended to stumble into the den, before shuffling himself far enough in to give her room to enter also if she so wished. “Alright, you have me trapped... now what little Mouse with a plan?” he teased her as he seated his rump against the earth and then with a groan of effort he changed his position into a lying one, sprawled across her floor and taking up the majority of the room with his fluffy, and massive hide.


Art by Arin





5 Years
06-29-2015, 05:27 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was obvious her efforts in getting the large male wolf into her den were getting her nowhere, and that when he finally did end up stumbling into her den it was really by his own doing. The sudden movement he made to step further into the den had her stumbling too, and with a little noise of surprise Anais had to catch herself before she went sprawling onto the ground beside him. She righted herself with an embarrassed laugh, golden eyes seeking out Glacier's as he admitted his defeat and capture. It had worked - mostly because he had let it - but very quickly she realized she had not thought her plan through.

What was she to do with her captive? Snuggling close to him and just talking about nothing and everything all at once sounded like a wonderfully fantastic idea, but she had to remind herself that the big blue wolf had responsibilities that he needed to take care of, a pack to run and a family to watch over. Keeping him all to herself was definitely not going to work. "I...I don't know," she answered honestly, her smile sheepish as she crept over to him as he settled upon his side. Her ears tucked as she reached for him, nuzzling against his cheek and into his neck. She had good, quality quiet time with him now; she needed to make the most of it.

Her thoughts turned toward the pack she would soon need to start socializing with, the family that was large and boisterous and just a little intimidating. The thought of being placed right in the midst of them made her nervous, but at the same time Anais knew she would do it. But maybe she could get a little help before she had to. "Maybe you could tell me more about your brothers and sisters?" she asked as she took a seat before him. A little of her nervousness was visible within her expression as she brought up the subject, but she made herself say it anyway. "I'm still nervous to meet them all."
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
07-04-2015, 03:07 PM

Anais's little tumble into the den had caught his eye and he fought not to laugh, she was so adorable, and small and clearly she had been putting a lot of effort in her attempt to move him. She was lucky, or was it not so? That she hadn't tumbled into Glacier as she fell into the den. She would admit uncertainty as he asked what she intended to do with her captive, but he would be rewarded with a sheepish smile and he would easily grin back at her. He specifically ensured he had little to do today so that he could see her settled into her new home. He was in no rush and had no intention of ducking of and leaving her on her own, she was here to be a part of the family and he would make certain she felt that way.

Anais would move towards him, showing how completely at ease she was with the larger wolf as she settled gently at his side, nuzzling into his neck and cheek. He closed his eyes with a pleasant sigh, leaning into her touch. He could still barely believe that she felt about him the same way he did her. Who would have known that the shy sweet thing he meet hidden in the bushes beside a frozen lake would develop into one of the most important wolves in his life?

She had met some of his siblings, but it seemed she was still nervous about being in a pack with them and wanted to know more. “you've nothing to be nervous about” he promised her softly as he thought. She probably didn't need to know any more about Voltage, the eases sibling for Glacier to talk about. “You would probably get along really well with Locha, she's sweet and likes to keep busy, if your ever bored with nothing to do you could always go fishing with her.” he said, smiling teasingly as he kissed her cheek, he knew she loved hunting so that might be a fun experience for her. “Terrea is our healer, he is also easy to get along with, if a bit quite and secluded. Solaris and Selini are inseparable, they aren't the most social but they are kind and you can almost always find them on he beach cliff” he continued, humming softly as he thought about what else he could tell her. “Arcus is a bit unpredictable, he has a lot on his mind at the moment but he's a good kid” Glacier added in.


Art by Arin





5 Years
07-11-2015, 02:39 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Glacier remained as convinced as ever that she had nothing to fear from his siblings, and deep down she knew it to be truth, but not even his reassurances could fully shake her nervousness. She felt like she was intruding in a way, moving into territory that had only belonged to their family to start with, stealing his time away from those that she knew without a doubt were the most important beings in his life. He had already proven that he considered her on par with them, but Anais had still not accepted it in her own heart.

Because she had asked, however, he provided her with the answers that she desired and described a few of his siblings that she had yet to meet. The information sounded helpful, particularly that of Locha, their fisher, and Ani only wished she had physical descriptions to go along with each of them. From what she had been able to gather so far, they were an eccentric bunch as far as colors went, spanning across the spectrum, so there was really no telling how she would tell each of them from the others. She only hoped that, once she learned names, they would stick.

She remained thoughtfully quiet as she slid from her seated upright position down onto her belly, scooting closer to Glacier as she did so. "Fishing with Locha sounds fun," she remarked quietly, "and I'd love to introduce Lior to Terrae." Getting her sister involved with the pack's current healer would be the fastest way to get her settled in completely. And of course Anais wanted to be there to oversee it and make sure her little sister was settling in well. If she could get a smile out of her, all the better.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.