
Duma Family Adopts


05-21-2015, 12:06 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2015, 10:00 PM by Tealah.)
So I'm bringing in a cheetah character named, as you can see, Asali Duma. She was born in a litter of six so she has five other siblings. Not all the siblings will necessarily be adopted out especially if there's not a lot of interest. Most of the litter was male so since Asali is female I don't want more than one other female in the litter. You can see a brief history of the litter on Asali's profile but if you need me to elaborate I can do so. I made some possible designs, any of which could be modified to suit you though I wont allow any more king cheetahs in the litter as they are meant to be rare. The following code must be filled out completely within a week of starting the app or it will be deleted. I reserve the right to refuse any adoption for any reason without needing to explain my reasoning. These adopts are for a LARGE SIZED OTHER SPECIES CHARACTER and so any adopter must be willing to pay 800 gems on their own in order to adopt. Being active with this character WILL BE REQUIRED so if this character is unplayed for longer than two weeks at a time or set inactive I will be taking them back and if you quit the site I reserve the right to take the character back immediately.

Please do a bit of research on the physical characteristics and behavior of cheetahs before you apply!

<b>Name:</b> (swahili or arabic preferred but other names of African origin (kenyan, etc) acceptable)
<b>Design:</b> (either choose from the ones below or show me a lineart here)
<b>Description:</b>(100 word minimum physical description in your own words of the chosen design)
<b>Personality:</b> (200 word minimum personality)
<b>Plans:</b> (50 word minimum of what you plan to do with them, how will they interact with their siblings, what will they do in Ala, etc)
<b>RP Sample:</b> (150 word minimum sample of how you would play them)

The designs I have available (which I may add to)


2. Taken (this design is a natural mutation known as chinchilla that features blue-ish spots on white)

3. Taken


5. (this is a natural mutation known as erythristic which features dark tawny spots on gold)


7. (this is a mutation called "maltese" which consists of dark gray to black spots on a gray body)

8. (unavailable without a compelling reason - will probably do as an unrelated family later)

9. (unavailable without a compelling reason - will probably do as an unrelated family later)


11. (this is another erythristic cheetah mutation)

12. (this is an isabelline mutation)

13. (not erythristic or isabelline, just a paler gold base color)

14. (this is what is called a "spotless" mutation, where the cheetah has very few, if any, spots)

Please note if making your own design: I will not accept any more king cheetahs and no woolly cheetahs, albino, or black (melanistic) designs, but red (erythristic), cream (isabelline), and blue (chinchilla or maltese) as well as spotless mutations are available if you want something more unusual. Non-mutational colors carried by the family can range from a light creamy gold to a darker brown and the family tends to carry pale markings beneath the normal black "eyeliner" markings of all cheetahs.

You can feel free to utilize this lineart (or the shaded version here) if you want.



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
05-21-2015, 05:05 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2015, 06:45 PM by Tealah.)

Kitty Approved.

Name: Sefu Duma
Gender: Male
Design: The chinchilla!! :D #2
Description: Sefu is a tall and lanky creature, reaching a height of 37" and a length of 244 centimeters from nose to tail tip. Unlike his siblings, Sefu bears a uniquely rare coat mutation known as "Chinchilla" or more commonly referred as "blue cheetah." He weighs about 110 pounds, not as heavy as the average cheetah who normally weigh approximately 60 kilograms. Rather, he is more lean then muscular and prefers it that way considering he doesn't like to fight too much. Sefu is cloaked in a coarse coat of white that holds a very light bluish tint to it. Adding to that, the spots on his coat are not black, but blue. He likes to keep himself well groomed, considering the fact that dirt and other impurities would be more prominent on him then it would his other siblings who are darker in color. Like all cheetahs, he has semi-retractable claws which are hidden in paws tinted a light smoky grey, and that he uses to bring down his prey at the end of the chase. He keeps them sharp as well, so that he is always ready for a hunt or to defend himself.
Sefu's eyes are a deep and calming green, a relief to look at after viewing his abnormally light coat. His ears are also tipped in a light grey, so they appear as if soot had fallen on them...much to his dismay.

Although he appears thin and lean, Sefu has muscle packed beneath his coat. It ripples as he runs, and seldom does he really use his hidden strength unless he has to fight. He hates getting his fur ruffled, and thus his excessive grooming to keep his appearance sleek and handsome. Often times you will see him with a toothy grin, that to others might seem threatening due to his long canines, but rest assured he is nicer then you think.
He always walks tall, not in a show of arrogance but because he prefers to walk with grace. His movements are always fluid, never jerky unlike most creatures. He walks with sheathed claws and never a menacing look on his face. One might consider him somewhat of a druid, until you broke that surface and got to his more playful side. Sefu considers himself a humble man, unafraid to ask for help should he need it, nor afraid to offer it should the timing be right.

Intelligence is key in Sefu's life. He is an astronomer, a healer, a guide, and whatever else he has to offer. He always strives to aid those who might need his help, and will never belittle or curse others. He strives for wisdom, and to learn all there is to know about everything. Often he will ask questions, and can at times, decipher the motives of others. He has a quick tongue, and may try to diffuse a sitation before it gets out of hand. He has plenty of knowledge to offer from others he has come across during his travels, can read the stars as easily as he can breath, and will always strive to attain the answer to everything. (Go ahead, bring on the math!)

Sefu gives his undying loyalty to those deserving. He seeks a leader that will give their all for those they are supposed to protect, and who do not believe that all else is beneath them. He is extremely loyal to his family, and will never fail to aid them when they need it most. He adores his siblings, and should others choose to harass or pick on any of his siblings, he will attempt to step in and help. Sefu is always willing to aid his family or pack, be it in times of distress or times of war, he will step upon front lines ready with tooth and claw, or standing behind the lines ready to help the injured.

Though he prefers not to fight, Sefu is no coward. Should he or his siblings and friends be threatened and words do little, he will unsheath his blades to match the opponent. Ambush, war, you name it. He will fight it. He is not afraid of things bigger nor stronger then he, and will use his quick wit and even quicker speed to defeat his opponent. He will stand up to evil and those who try to harm no matter the cost to him.

Sefu is quite protective of his family and even more so, towards children. He adores children, no matter the species and he is quite capable of acting as a father figure. He does not discriminate, ad so he will always be kind towards those of another species. This he has learned from when he cared for a few baby ducks, feeling bad since he had killed their mother for breakfast. Since then, he has grown quite a fond attachment to baby creatures and children, and so he remains gentle towards them as well as understanding their needs.

Sefu is quite playful in regards to his more calm nature. He loves to play given the time, and can sometimes act a bit childish when he is in the mood. Sometimes one might see him racing around the trees or across open plains, simply enjoying the open air and reveling in the strength and speed of his own being. He loves to play with others, and sometimes might try to get someone else in the mood to play as well.

Sefu being who he is, always tries to place himself in the shoes of another. He will never make fun of nor tease someone else when they appear as if they are down in the dumps. If one is depressed, he will go out of his way to try and make them smile again. If someone is angry, he may either try and make them laugh or steer clear and allow them space to calm down. He is always willing to talk and give advice, or if the other prefers, he will sit quietly and give a listening ear.
Plans: Sefu would interact with his siblings in a positive manner. Preferring to stay near them if he's not off exploring and meeting others. He will be willing to give any advice they might need on whatever they need, and so on. He will also probably roam the lands and act as an adviser to packs who might choose to accept his help, as well as spread his knowledge to alphas and non alphas(loners, pack wolves, other creatures, etc) who might need lessons in astronomy, herbs, history, etc. He is always willing to help out, but won't pack too much on his plate either.
RP Sample:
Ash colored paws stepped upon the sands of the desert. Ears flickered as his green gaze stared out across the seemingly endless desert. The male panted from the heat, no shade nor scent of water for miles around it seemed. Just what I need...a sunburn. How had he ended up coming to this part of the land? He wasn't quite sure. All he knew was that he needed to get across the desert and find some water and shade as quickly as possible. With a deep breath, he moved on ahead. Ashy paws sinking in the sand with each step, his skin already burning beneath his white pelt. The sun glared off the sand, blinding him from time to time. He moved at a quick pace, though with the way the desert appeared so far, he figured he'd have to run sooner or later. "I'd rather later...I should save my energy." He'd mutter to himself.

What seemed like hours had passed, Sefu felt as if he were no closer to the end of the desert then when he had first started. Then again, he couldn't tell due to the tricks of the sun. Stopping for a moment to catch his breath, he squinted and looked in each direction, trying to figure out which way to go and if he could see any signs of relief from the hot sun. "This is ridiculous! I'm from the savanna, there's always sun there...but this, this is just something else..." He complained to himself, only because there was no one else to complain to. Shaking his fur to try and ease the burning sensation he had, he decided finally that he would start running. Bunching his muscles, he moved forward at a trot. And then he'd begin to urge his body faster, legs propelling him forward and his body low. And to his dismay, it seemed a lot harder to run in this sand then it was back home. Panting with the effort as he ran, he kept his eyes squinted as the warm wind whipped past. Sand stinging his body as it flew up, sticking in his fur and plastering on his face.
He kept up this pace for a few minutes, his strength ebbing and his heart pounding fast. Finally, he would stop.

Head low, body heaving with the effort of that seemingly short run, he felt he was a little bit closer. But now, he was tired. He felt on the verge of collapse, wanting to rest but there was no place to do so. His skin felt like it was burning, stinging everytime he moved. Why couldn't I have a darker coat like them? He moved on. However, after only a couple of minutes of walking, he'd hear a voice. Stopping, he raised his head and swiveled his ears to listen. Wondering if it was a trick of his mind or the talk of the wind. Shrugging it off, he took another few steps before he heard it again. This time, he knew he wasn't just hearing things. Stopping once again, he decided to chirp, checking to see if the voice would respond. "Help!" There!
Sefu moved leftwards, the voice in distress calling for help. He dashed towards it, and no sooner did he see a figure nearby, flailing in the sand. He stopped for only a second, assessing the situation. And it seemed he had figured it out. He had found a young wolf trapped in a pool of quicksand.

Racing near the wolf, Sefu paced as he tried to figure out what to do. "Help me! I'm stuck!" He growled in slight frustration. If he tried to get any closer, he would surely be sucked in with the poor creature too..."Listen, you must stay calm. If you keep moving like that, then you'll only sink faster! Do you understand?" Hesitantly due to its panic, the young wolf nodded. And reluctantly he would stop moving, struggling to keep his head above the sucking sand. "I'm going to get you out okay? Just let me think for a second." He looked all around, but saw nothing that he could use to help pull the wolf out. Finally, he got an idea.

Backing up towards the young wolf who was nearly engulfed, he stretched out his long tail to him. "Grab onto my tail and I will pull you out!" He knew it was going to hurt, for a wolf could only grab onto something by one means...Bracing himself, he waited. And so it was, without hesitation the wolf would bite down on his tail, hard. Biting back a cry of pain, Sefu began pulling himself forward at a straining pace. The shifting sand doing little to help him. After several painful moments, he felt the weight lessen, and teeth remove themselves from his tail. Immediately, he turned around and checked the wolf over, and once he noted that he wasn't hurt and out of danger, he set to work on tending to his own tail. There were several teeth marks, some deep but otherwise he'd be able to heal them with some poultice once he could find the herbs. So for now, he simply licked his aching tail a few times before turning to face the stranger.

"What are you doing way out here?" He'd ask, not unkindly. The young wolf sat up, ears slightly back as he wagged his tail and dipped his head. "I kinda got turned around, and I accidentally slipped on a sand bank and fell into that quicksand..." "You should be more careful you know, you're lucky I came by when I did." With a sheepish grin, the young wolf responded "Thank you, I would have been a goner if not for you! Heh...what are you doing out here, anyway?" "Well, I was trying to cross the desert, you see. But I know not where I am. Can you tell me?" Nodding, the young wolf was much obliged. "Sure thing Mr...." "Sefu, my name is Sefu." "Ah, well thank you Mr. Sefu. I'm Caleb, nice to meet ya!" Shaking off his coat and clearing his throat then, he added "You're in the Barren Dunes, and so am I." Puzzled by the young boys remark, he asked "Do you know the way out?" Nodding, Caleb responded once more. "Yup! Follow me!" He moved past Sefu, and Sefu followed. As they walked at a somewhat quick pace, Caleb turned his head towards the Cheetah and said "Welcome to Alacritia."


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



13+ Years

Treat 2019
05-21-2015, 11:20 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2015, 10:44 PM by Tealah.)

Kitty approved.

Name: Eshe Duma
Gender: Female
Description: With a mostly average physique of a cheetah Eshe is tall, long, and built perfectly for speed. She has a barrel chest with elegant long limbs and a tail that goes on for days. Her feminine features are obvious in the curvature of her hips and the delicate details of her face. For a cheetah though the young girl is not very tall of stature, reaching a less than impressive 32" tall she is quite a bit shorter than most of her siblings.

The coloration that covers her form is a bit odd in comparison to even her own sister. With a base of porcelain her back and sides are covered in a golden leaf. The color is the most pure along the back of her head and down her spine. A darker duller gold are the girl's spots which also fade into the white of her paws, underbelly, and tail tip. Upon her face rest two turquoise gems that are her brilliant eyes.

Personality: This lovely she cheetah spends a considerable amount of time on herself. Countless hours of her short life have been used in grooming her pale fur, making sure her claws are perfect, and that not a hair stands out of place. She can be an incredibly picky eater and being forced to consume a meal that is not up to standards will easily hurt her pride. There are certain types of terrain she doesn't like to walk on but she adores a good splash in the ocean. Eshe is a prideful creature, she doesn't want to be told that she's wrong and doesn't deal with embarrassment very well. She can have a very immature streak and isn't below giving anyone the silent treatment. The pale girl is prone to throwing tantrums when things don't go her way and being stubborn in trying to get what she want. Though she has the tendency to just be a bratty little sister Eshe is a fiercely loyal being and once she trusts you its difficult to shake her. Though at times the girl can be a little naive her heart is usually in the right place. She loves her family but can't deny how much her alone time means to her and wont always first seek out her sibling's presence.

Plans: Follow her sister! Eshe had always found dread in the day that she would have to separate herself from her siblings forever and no matter how long her mother went on about tradition while she was young Eshe knew she would always be with her siblings. She loves them with all of her heart and there is nothing more important than them. Though she is still very much a female cheetah and will go off and enjoy her own time but in the end her loyalty lies completely with them.

RP Sample: Porcelain paws carried the willowy beauty through the tall grasses that were so akin to her homeland. This new place was both familiar and foreign to the newcomer. Thus far Eshe had enjoyed the newness of the lands around her, there was so much exploring to do that she'd nearly forgotten about the hunger pains that filled her belly. The food she found was always weird, she didn't want to even try chasing after it because she wasn't sure if she'd like it or not.

Eventually though she'd find an odd looking bunny, it was almost similar to the thin hares she used to chase at home yet it still smelled and looked just.. different. Hopefully the taste wasn't so bad. The good news she'd find was that this rabbit had never encountered a cheetah before. He thought he was fast, he'd never tangled with a cat like her before. Before the almost rodent even knew what was going on he was in her jaws with only a squeak offered as she squashed out his life. Eshe hadn't even started breathing hard, it was almost too easy. Still, the big test would be how it tasted. With all the timidness of a nervous feline the cheetah slowly tore off a piece of flesh.

This tasted so much better than the hares she was used to. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad here in Alacritia.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
05-23-2015, 12:39 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2015, 09:55 PM by Tealah.)

Kitty Approved.

Name: Neemu Duma (Means born during prosperous times)
Gender: Male
Description: Pretty much your average looking cheetah, Neemu has a base coat of a soft tawny yellow, with white adorning his paws, chest, neck, muzzle, as well as under his eyes. The white also colours the underside of each legs and the underside of his tail. Black spots coat his body, but his face is void of them. However, there is a thick black line that starts at the corner of his eye and runs down to his chin. Neemu's tail is tipped with black, with two black rings wrapping upwards. White colours the gaps between the black bands. His ears are black, with white insides as well as a white dot on the back of each ear. The only thing that sets him apart from the other cheetah's are his bold red eyes, stunning against the white and yellow around his eyes.
Personality: The cat has always felt like he was the father figure of the sibling, the one who had to part them from spats and fights to keep them from eating each others faces. He is generally the mediator of fights between the cats, as well as the big shoulder to lean on. He adores his siblings with all his heart and will do anything to keep them safe and together. He is very protective of his siblings, and is not afraid to step in and fight others off if he needs to. He usually comes off as a tough bad-ass, but he is actually quite the sweet heart. He only comes off as that to strangers, and his siblings are the only one who know his softer side. Its not that he's mean though, but he isn't trusting of others. He is wary of strangers, even more so if they are trying to get closer to one of his siblings. He's a trickster though, and loves to jest with his family. Quick to make light of a heavy solution, he loves to change a bitter mode into a more fun one. Very alert of his surroundings, he never seems to take his eye off the horizon, and its hard to get his undivided attention. Even though he seems distracted, he is a great listener and always has an ear towards those he cares about.
Plans: Neemu wants his siblings to stay together just as much as Asali does, taking on a bit of a paternal role. He is the guardian type of the family, and will do anything to protect them. He was the first to follow Asali into Alacritia, and wants to find the rest of his siblings and band them together. His dreams are to start a pride of sorts to keep all his family together, even though it is not part of their family traditions.
RP Sample: Neemu shivered as he walked through the cold woods, his long tail quivering behind him as his red eyes gazed the horizon. She had to be here somewhere. It had been hard to leave the others behind, but he couldn't let Asali just wander here on her own. He needed to find her and take her back home, or taking the rest of the family here. She had said something about wanting to stay together, but their traditions didn't allow for that. Sighing, the male's ear flickered as he stalked through the unknown land. He wanted nothing else but to keep his family as one, so maybe his sister didn't have the worst idea, perhaps it would be best if they all met up here. Sure it was colder, but he was sure that they would get used to it. It would all be worth it if they could stay together. Sniffing at the air, he sneezed at the bitter chill, but it carried his sister smell on it. Perking up the cheetah looked around with more focus, trying to pick out her dark brown form. "Asali? Is that you? Its Neemu!" he called out, white tipped paws freezing as he glanced around. She had to be here somewhere, he just knew it. He wanted to tell her that she was right, and that they could go home and gather the others. Perhaps they could even form a pride, like lions had back home. Cheetah's were solitary, like leopards, but these siblings were different. They were close, and the idea of separating killed him. Their mother would disapprove, but he didn't care much about that. His brothers and sisters were all that mattered to him, and he would do anything to have them together once again.

My focus needs more focus.


05-23-2015, 07:12 PM
New designs available. Make sure to read up on cheetahs and the basic history/culture provided in Asali's profile.

Athena I


9 Years
05-28-2015, 04:35 AM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2015, 10:08 PM by Athena I.)

Na'im Duma (tranquil, at ease in Arabic)



Even for a cheetah, who are naturally lanky and slender anyway, Na'im is even more so. He has little to no mass on his body, making him just bones, muscle, and short fur. When he walks his whole body sways with each step and you can easily see the muscles rippling beneath his coat. He stands at thirty-six inches tall. He has the cheetah's signature wide, strong chest and narrow waist.

His fur is a slight abnormality with a mutation called "maltese". His base coat is a pale, steely gray while his spots are the usual dark gray and black. He has the black tear-marks that are the tale-tell markings of a cheetah, but he also has a mask of white fur that covers his entire muzzle between the tear-marks and comes up to encircle his eyes. This white hue also covers his stomach and chest as well as each of his paws and the tip of his tail. His wide, intelligent gaze is a rich emerald color.

Quiet. Stoic. Inteligent. Scholar. Teacher. Distant. Loyal.

It is a rare occasion when you hear this male say more than a sentence or two at any given time. He is what you might call the strong, silent type. He expresses himself through facial expressions, movements, and touches more often than he speaks. However, that doesn't mean he doesn't like spoken language. Exactly the opposite. He loves to learn and part of that learning has been directed toward languages. He loves finding a language he doesn't know yet and learning every single thing he can about it till he is completely fluent. He may hardly ever utter the words, but he will know all of them without a doubt.

He absorbs the world around him. He'll learn anything and everything anyone will teach him. Whether it be languages, healing, hunting, fighting, it doesn't matter. Anything and everything. He's a scholar at heart and just wants to gather as much knowledge as he can in his lifetime. Not only that, but he wants to spread that same knowledge to anyone that wants to learn from him. When he's giving lessons is the only time that he might talk his head off. If he finds a student that has the same thirst for knowledge that he has he will be more than happy to play the role of teacher.

With his silence comes a little bit of distance. He is loyal to his family and friends, but he might not show it in the most traditional ways. He'll be there when he is needed or even wanted, but otherwise he is a bit distant. He can even be considered a nomad at times. He travels from place to place, meeting new beings and learning new things. If any of his family needs him he will be there at the drop of a hat.

First plan of action would be to explore Alacritis and get a feel of what he could learn here. Maybe seek out some wolves that know more languages for him to learn and pick up some things about healing here and there. Of course he will check in with the family from time to time and make sure his siblings are all doing well.

RP Sample
His tail twitched thoughtfully behind him as he processed the newest information that had been laid out in front of him. This new land offered him a host of new things to explore and learn, the first of these things being this language. Irish his new acquaintance had called it. It had a completely different cadence than the other languages he knew from his homeland so it piqued his interests immediately. He rolled down onto his side lazily, but held himself up on his elbows so that his body was twisted with his chest up and his hips on their side. He hummed quietly to himself as he said the new words she had given him to himself in his head.

"Tá an féar," he said slowly and carefully, being sure to pay attention to each pronunciation and syllable. He turned his emerald gaze back to the wolf across from him again and looked to see if he had said it correctly. "This is grass... yes?" When he got his confirmation that he was indeed correct he smiled and hummed happily. "Good, good... Teach me more?" Again the process would begin again and so it would as he learned one bit of information after another till his teacher of the moment had to depart. He dipped his head in a loose, sweeping bow as he said, "Till an chéad uair eile," with a small grin. He was a quick learner.



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
06-23-2015, 11:50 AM
Bumping this up. Sorry I didn't see your app, Shelby. Since it's one of the more unusual colors I'd like to give a bit of time to see if there's other people also interested in that particular design before I give it to you if you're still interested. Croa, your app was deleted because you didn't finish it within a week of starting it.