
doctor, doctor



4 Years
05-28-2015, 04:33 AM


Winning his first fight with no experience? That had to be luck, what else could it be? Besides, it's not like he fought flawlessly, in fact, he was far from being an expert. Bass didn't exchange much in the way of feedback, just telling them to learn new defences. Was that all? No super cool bites and grabs for them to try out? No cunning tactics? Well, he couldn't be too disappointed. After all, he knew that he had put in his best effort and that was all that mattered.

...Except for his wounds, of which the Abaven leader had instructed his son to heal them. Was that a punishment for losing? After recalling Bass' words, he soon realised that the younger boy must be a healer (or he at least wants to be). How does that work? A healer and a fighter? Two roles at once? Tinaro also wanted to have another goal to pursue other than fighting, but he hadn't decided on what. This would be an excellent opportunity for him to have a glimpse at healing and come to a decision between healing and hunting (messaging had been ruled out a while back when he decided he wasn't small enough for the job). Like the Azat had told him, it was also the perfect opportunity for Starling to improve his skills and for the two to socialise.

"So, you're a healer, huh?" he inquired for confirmation with intrigued words as he titled his chin inquisitively. His ebony dipped tail flicked to the side as he continued in the most friendly tone he could verbalise. "Do you have a spot for your herbs?"



5 Years
05-28-2015, 06:59 AM
Starling was hurting, it was an odd feeling. While he had play fought with his siblings as a child (as all children tend to do) he never really bleed from that. But this, this was real fighting, something that Starling very rarely ever had any desire even doing. He had only tried the spar training because he wanted so see if he could do it, just like his big brother Lark. He wanted to prove that he could be strong, that he wasn't just a medicine pusher. But he realized now that this was his skill, his special calling, especially after the brightness he felt when Bass told him to heal both Tinaro and himself. He had felt excitement wash over him, something he had never felt during the whole fight training. He looked happily forward as they walked away from the training, limping slightly on his foreleg. It hurt enough to distrub his gait, but not enough to fully worry him. Tinaro spoke then, and he quickly lifted bright sky blue eyes up to the boy before nodding. "I-it suites me.." He said with a gentle smile, moving towards his store. He hadn't thought to bring any herbs to the training, but they held the class only a small distance from where he had dug out a bigger store just recently, so it didn't take long. He judged the distance, the wounds Tinaro held, and the air quality. Unless the other boy decided to flop over and roll in the mud, the risk for infection was nearly non existant. This would be a simple thing, but still, his father's faith in him made this all the more important. He quickly went through his invetory in his head, going through what should be bad by now and what he could still use. His mind was so busy he almost missed Tinaro's next words, and with a grin he nodded. "R-real close..a-actually." He stuttered but his smile never faded. It didn't take them long to arrive, and Starling instantly ducked in to collected his desired plants. It was a small dug out in the dirt, hidden by bushes and completely underground, damp enough to keep the plants fresh but not enough to make them sodden. Still, he had a terrible time with making them last longer. "A-are you w-wanting to be a f-fight-ter?" He asked, his voice muffled from the dirt as he shuffled about, wanting to learn more about this boy he had been too preoccupied to meet.

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"



4 Years
05-30-2015, 03:08 AM


He expected no other reply from the younger boy, but it was nice to know that Starling felt quite positive about his position. Tinaro similarly felt the same way with fighting as it also suited him well. Healing required patience and a gentle demeanour; skills that he hadn't mastered just yet. While fighting demanded physical and raw strength, healing needed mental strength into order to correctly heal the patient. He didn't understand how healers were able to avoid cringing at the sight and contact of wounds. Infected wounds were even worse; Tinaro couldn't even look at those. It had to be another skill, one that he hadn't yet accomplished either.

Acknowledging Starling's words with a simple nod, he briskly followed beside him until he reached the designated area for his herbs. It was a small dugout that was neatly tucked away behind bushes. The dugout was a rather peculiar place to Tinaro, and so he curiously peered inside to see what was mysteriously growing while Starling rummaged for the right plants. Although he held no desire to be a healer, he was strangely fascinated in the other youth's chosen field. A little medicinal knowledge in his mind wouldn't hurt, especially if he was ever to find himself lost and injured.

"That was my first fight, so I wouldn't call myself a fighter just yet. Though, it's definitely something I want to pursue," he answered casually with a smooth shrug in response to the boy's query. "If you don't mind me asking, what sort of herbs are giving me?"