
I swear I'm not Doing Anything



2 Years
09-02-2014, 06:15 PM
Signy Lasair

Charcoal and black paws alternated as Signy trotted at a steady pace through the eastern lands. She had reached her full height early after a recent growth spurt, though she didn't suspect that she'd stop at such a shrimpy size. Ozy clung to her neck and back with his dextrous marten paws riding the jolting pace easily after long practice. His mint-green eyes watched their surroundings alertly, knowing that the inexperienced pup he traveled was probably blithely ignorant of any possibility of danger, as usual. He scented wolves, a lot of them, and tugged sharply at one black-tipped ear. "Blinkin' mongrels about, m'dear, wotchit fer a pack here'bouts. Gorram'd mutts be protective loik of they's borders."

Signy twitched her ear out of his sharp grip and just grinned. "Don't be such a worrier, Ozy," she said with a concerning degree of mischief in her voice. "I'm not going to go over their silly smelly border so they've got no reason to bother us." Somehow he didn't find himself particularly appeased by her breezy answer as they moved steadily closer to the river that marked the border between the lands surrounding the caverns and the lands belonging to the pack claiming the plains.

[Image: 4234f0f1-d765-42c4-9a96-28953ac45eea_zpsqqruefmh.png]

This pine marten has a very foul mouth and a confusing accent. He is also fierce and hates to be called adorable. You have been warned.



3 Years
09-02-2014, 07:34 PM
Ixionn was casually prowling upon the neighboring lands to Abaven, tail high in the air, a smooth smile played upon his lips. He was having a good day. His belly was full of healthy goat, and it was beautiful out here. Earlier that day, he had seen a goat, alone and young. But plump and tasty looking. He had successfully chased it into a ditch to kill it and eat it there...and it tasted as good as ever. And that put him into a happy mood. Even with all these things going on. In fact, he had a leg of the goat still stuffed inside his mouth in which he would probably eat later.
A river came into view, and Ixionn immediately quickened his pace with the mouth-watering limb bouncing around in his jaws. And it turned out that he wasn't the only one there. A black form of a girl stood there in the distance, moving along the water casually. With...with some kind of long thing attached to her back. He wasn't sure what it was. It kind of looked like some type of big rat. But he was curious. So, he skidded to a halt, and happily made his way over without any second thoughts.
Ears would move forward as he finally got close enough to see what was on her back. It looked almost familiar. Still- he didn't seem to know what it was. Ixionn snorted and sat before her, tail thumping at the earth. The boy instantly spat his leftover meal over to the side, licking his bloodied lips with a friendly grin to the girl. His bright red eyes ran up and down the woman and that thing stuck to her back, before grinning and addressing her.
"Hey there! You caught my eye back there...I wanted to come see who you were." He took a moment to savor her looks, eyes lighting up as he noticed the color of her eyes. Green. He loved green-eyed girls. Especially ones with black fur like hers. The boy's grin widened, tail continuing to thump against the earth. "I'm Ixionn, son of Quelt and Irune Walker. Paron of Abaven...for now." The masked boy huffed and awaited the girl's reply.


09-03-2014, 03:37 PM

She had spent so much time in the den with her poor health that it had made her into a avant thinker. Giving support to most of her family in order to keep them afloat over the death of their parents. Renhet had noted her brother Levaithi was a bit different from the yest inside his head, but also now she had been trailing Ixionn who seemed to have the most problems with his life-style. Though he was a bright child, whenever the subject of the multiple parents they had came up all dams broke free. So she took the liberty of finding him, following him, and noting all of his behavior that she collected within her little head. What made him tick, what sorts of triggers made him act one way or another? And how could she make him feel better should a negative correlation of behavior arise.
Ixionn would go up to the stranger in a flurry of emotion, happy, and probably just because of her appearance. She was rather interesting, and the pup couldn't lie seeing Ixionn socialize made her happy. Her solid black tail swiveled a little as she approached a little closer. A small smile crossing on her black head as her red eyes scanned over the other youth. While Renhet was smaller than her siblings, she was by far maybe the smartest and the one who coped best with horrible incidents. But maybe that was from her goal, something to keep her occupied and happy.
The girl suddenly bounded out on her three slate blue paws. Her white ears perking to the girl. "And I'm Renhet, Ixi's sister." Ixi was what she called him, but if he liked it or not she wasn't sure. Her tail wagged back and forth, wondering if it was a good idea to be meeting the other in the first place. She couldn't exactly just stay hidden the whole time though, Renhet needed to socialize too. Otherwise it would make Quelt sad.



2 Years
09-03-2014, 07:32 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2014, 07:42 PM by Signy.)

Signy stopped suddenly as the scent of blood reached her nose. Ozymandias, who had scented it nearly as quickly, sat up tall on his haunches to glance around suspiciously. The scent was moving toward them, and not just because it was carried by the wind. He frizzed up threateningly, but Signy just stood watching, relaxed and waiting. Even when the source of the scent turned out to be a boy no older than herself trotting closer with a chunk of something's leg in his mouth Ozy didn't relax - he didn't like the way the male was eying his Signy, no sir he did not - but Signy who was oblivious to such things just wagged her tail politely. "Hi!" she returned his greeting brightly. "I'm Signy! Er - daughter of Emer I guess," she added with a grin. The boy smelled like a pack, something Signy hadn't had much experience with since even before she had gotten lost her mom hadn't really done much pack stuff with them so she wasn't really up on protocol... this was probably some weird formal thing pack wolves did. "This is Ozymandias, he's my friend," she added, gesturing back toward the bristling weasel-kin. The pine marten was surprisingly quiet, his minty eyes tracking the male with a fierce intensity.

A rustling heralded the sudden appearance of a girl the same age, who introduced herself as the boy's sister. "Hi, Renhet! Soooo do you guys uhm... live in the pack over there?" She gestured vaguely toward the border, her green eyes wide with assumed innocence. Oh she wouldn't do anything of a somewhat dubious nature to mess with the pack, no definitely not!

[Image: 4234f0f1-d765-42c4-9a96-28953ac45eea_zpsqqruefmh.png]

This pine marten has a very foul mouth and a confusing accent. He is also fierce and hates to be called adorable. You have been warned.



3 Years
09-07-2014, 08:28 AM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2014, 08:48 AM by Ixionn.)

Suddenly his sister jumped into the scene...and despite his suspicion of her always popping up at random times, he ignored it and continued to focus his attention on the pretty green-eyed lady. That thing on the girl's back was making him slightly kept glaring at him and it looked as if it were going to fling itself toward him.
But even so he just swallowed and pretended it wasn't there. After all...he wasn't any harm to her or her little companion. He didn't even have any thoughts of such things. Especially at his age! Ixionn frowned and tried to remove the thought as he playfully swatted at his sister's rump with his tail.
""I'm Signy! Er - daughter of Emer I guess. This is Ozymandias, he's my friend," Signy. Hm. A pretty name, that was for sure. Ixionn grinned and turned his eyes to the thing on her back, also sending it a smile. Maybe it would realize that he was no harm after all. The girl greeted Renhet and asked if they were from the nearest pack. So, Ixionn sat up to answer before his sister did.
"If you mean Abaven, then yes. It's a nice little place..." He slowly turned to his sister with a smile, tail waving in the air like a flag. "Isn't it, Renhet?" A little while ago the boy had claimed, once he was older, he would run off to Ebony and join Katja or the new queen. But now he regretted that statement. It took him a while to realize how much family he had in Abaven. And how much hope and love he would loose if he left.
