
Chuckie Wants To Play With You



6 Years
Dragon Mod
05-30-2015, 05:30 PM
It had been a while. Amber gaze looked around, the male gazing at the new lands that had sprouted since he left. They were peculiar, to say the least. Vastly different then what lied on the mainland. The blood painted demon walked forth, heading towards the sound of rushing water to quench his thirst. He had been traveling a long journey, to find his former pack and bring back those he could and start anew. But it seemed, they were no more. Wiped out by their own greed and brutality, war had broke out and he had participated against the opposing pack. He felled many with his own teeth, but the pack itself had been flawed. Though they were strong, they lacked the number that might have won the battle. And now, it was no more then a memory burned away like flame to a piece of paper. Sin had walked away, though wounded and barely alive. Luckily, a healer had found him and mended him back to health. And now, the only sign of his battle was the triad of scars that marked across his left eye as well as his torn left ear. He was lucky to not have been blinded, his quick thinking having save him, but barely.

As the memories faded away, so did the number of steps to the pool of water. Already, he saw the waterfall pouring from its source into the pool below. Fresh clear droplets of water mottled his pelt, and the beast would take several long drinks before he was satisfied. The devil looked around, amber orbs narrowing at the landscape. He scented many things here...prey, plants, the most prominent being the evergreen trees and pines. Cedar, the strongest of them all. Although it was winter, the lands here seemed to retain their lushness, though perhaps it was because of their location that the seasons had yet to touch them. Then again, he knew not how long ago these lands had sprouted. And among these smells, he could scent something just beneath...other wolves. He wondered then, who his new neighbors would be.



05-30-2015, 05:51 PM
The pup could smell the scent of the evergreen trees and pine trees that surrounded her home. The scars that ran down her eyes made it impossible to see anything. She had made a horrid mistake of running away from the danger that blinded her, instead of calling for her parents in hopes that they would come quickly and she could hide; perhaps she would have her eyesight still. Relying on touch, taste, smell, and hearing now, she walked out of the stone structure and continued to make her way over to the river where the waterfall ran down and beat against the river below it. The splashing of fish and the running of water was enough to make her sit down and lap at liquid, quenching her thirst.

Her nostrils parted a bit to catch the scent of another wolf, one whom she did not know. Her once beautiful light blue eyes that were scarred, could not catch the appearance of the male, but, Annette knew that he was there, and she should not go ahead and be with the stranger any longer than she had to.

Her form bent down, about ready to spring and run if the male tried to hurt her. She would call for her parents once more, but, they were out hunting and probably would not be able to hear her. Her voice was still squeaky and quiet, it was a miracle that her father had come to help her the first time.

"Please, don't hurt me, Sir..." Annette spoke, her voice showing fear and worry as she tried to retrace her steps in her mind to run back to the den if she had to.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
05-30-2015, 11:17 PM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2015, 07:28 PM by Sin.)

A nearby sound caught his attention, a voice asking him not to hurt it. Turning around, he'd spot a little girl, her eyes sealed shut by gashes that appeared to be fresh. What was she doing out here alone? And how had she survived with such an injury? He approached her on silent paws, the devils form sliding up to stand before her. He stood over her, his shadow falling across her as he looked down upon her small frame. Amber gaze looked her over, her lineage unfamiliar to him, so a child of one he had not met. 

"Do not fear little one." He rumbled, his voice smooth. He would never harm a child, but whether he would use it to gain something he wanted was another matter. "What are you doing out here alone? Children should not be out this late without supervision."

talk, think



06-01-2015, 01:17 PM (This post was last modified: 06-01-2015, 01:17 PM by Annette.)
Annette sat upon her haunches and heaved a small sigh, a small mist of carbon dioxide from her breath formed around her maw before vanishing into non-existence. The smell of the male wolf of whom which she had encountered, surrounded her nostrils like the cold on a winter’s night. Who was this male? He was, thankfully, not the mountain lion that had damaged her eyes, and he certainly did not smell like any of her family members; but, she did not mind talking to the brute if he did not harm her. The grey and white child stood up, her eyes looking upward and stopping from which she had assumed to be where his eyes were located and spoke in a calm yet childish voice.
“My Mother and Father went out to hunt, and my older brother and sister were in charge of watching me. They fell asleep, and, well…”She paused for a couple seconds before continuing to speak to the stranger, “They had fallen asleep, and I was thirsty so I went on my own,” she explained, hanging her head low in shame. She did know that her parents would not wish for her to be harmed again, especially after what happened before. The girl, also, did not wish for her brother and sister to be in trouble. She loved her family, and she would do anything for them as they would do the same for her. “My name is Annette, by the way. If I may ask, what is your name?” She tilted her head to the side in question, intrigued by the brute and curious about his name, wondering if they might ever cross paths again in the coming years, knowing very well that he was much older than she was. However, he did seem like a kind man, but, that could all change, for her mother told her to never judge someone by first meeting, you must get to know them first before thinking anything serious.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
06-09-2015, 09:09 PM
Sin Armada

The beast stared at the girl, a brow raised as her nostrils flared to scent him. He turned his head to scan his surroundings as he waited for her to finish, an ear cocked in her direction as she went on to explain his question. His amber gaze turned back to her, a questioning look in his eyes. If she claimed what she did, then perhaps she should have been a little smarter instead of venturing on her own. After all, who knows what could happen. But she was lucky, or perhaps unlucky enough to run into him. "Perhaps you should obey your parents next time...disobedience could lead to punishment, or for something more...dangerous." Though he was not above harming a child for personal gain, he would not harm this one. She was already pitiful enough with her fresh wounds, he'd leave her alone...this time.

He turned towards the water, moving back to its edge as he finished taking his fill. If she was thirsty, well here it was. He kept his ears back, listening for her. When he finished drinking, he'd lift his head. Water droplets clinging to his chin as they steadily and slowly fell back to their original source. "Sin." Would be the only words to fall from his lips towards her question.