
We all have it



4 Years
06-08-2015, 05:29 PM

Arian was here to visit her family, not just her mother but Amalia and Athena. Though it seemed like there were no signs of them in the mongrove. Arian felt awkward to be here without permission but her mother had already stated she was welcome. In all honesty the woman wanted to see Amalia's children. The boys that were now Arian's nephews thanks to marriage and now that Arian was in much better shape she felt comfortable to actually meet them. They probably had seen her in Fiori, but she was so anti-social and she hadn't entirely looked good upon first coming to Fiori all skinny and almost deathlike. Now she was strong, even if her wounds were still a bit sore from her spar with kreft. However she had convinced herself, even with her leg she could hold her own.

The tip of her tail was sore, and missing some fur. Also on her right leg a few bruises and cuts that had already been treated for pain by herself. Arian would continue to search for the boys in the hopes of running into them, one or two of them it didn't matter to her. Arian would settle herself in the cool mongrove, crystal blue eyes scanning the place. It was nice, serene, it felt like home here just because she knew her family was here as well. Yet soon she felt, she would be having her own family back in her own pack.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



5 Years
06-08-2015, 06:29 PM
He smelled her far before he knew she was there. Her scent was unfamiliar, the stench of another pack entirely. So what on earth was she doing here? Protectiveness drove him toward her, hackles rising instinctively along his back. His lips drew up into a silent snarl as he approached, body stiff and ready to spring at any moment. Emerald ringed eyes examined her carefully as she came into view, noting that he'd seen her before - here, in fact. He couldn't pinpoint her name, only that she and once been so much more frail looking. Now it seemed she had put on weight and had begun to carry herself more confidently. He relaxed his hackles and let his lips fall slack, sheathing his pearly whites. He would say nothing, but instead offered a slow and deliberate wag of his tail. He wasn't the best at being friendly to those he didn't know. Something fluttered and landed in a nearby tree, and Vitus visibly relaxed as he saw it out of the corner of his eye. Carlisle was here. The bird began fulfilling his purpose, speaking for the voluntarily mute wolf. "Hello there," the owl offered in a gentle voice. "His name is Vitus." Vitus nodded, confirming that the bird wasn't a liar, and kept his gaze upon the woman.

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4 Years
06-08-2015, 06:43 PM

Arian spotted the boy from afar, though a bit unsurprised to see him spiking up. After all she could have been an intruder. She smiled though, for it was smart she was glad to see that he was doing something. By his scent it was exactly who she had been looking for, thus confirmed by the owl which Arian saw eye to eye with. Her blue eyes saying she understood.

"Arian Adravendi, I'm sorry for intruding. My mother is Epiphron and she told me I didn't need permission to enter Fiori so I thought I would look for my family here. I did find what I was looking for though." she grinned at Vitus looking at the owl as well. "I'm one of your aunt's I just wanted to say hi and pass by since we've never really had a chance to talk or meet." if he was a mute she was no stranger to that. Spending time around Sarka(which Vitus had met before, though Arian didn't know that) one of Azalea's children she had learned to communicate through those signs of body. So she and Vitus could have an entire conversation without speech if he so wished it.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



5 Years
06-08-2015, 08:38 PM
He was glad she didn't seem angry with him for reacting the way he had. It was a normal thing for him, particularly when he felt his family might be in danger. He was only a year old, but his protective instincts were strong. He relaxed as she spoke, introducing herself and explaining why she'd entered the border. She was allowed to. He had almost made a mistake. She introduced herself as his aunt, Epiphron's daughter. He offered her a small smile in greeting, preferring to let the owl do his talking for him. Carlisle always seemed to know what to say. "Vitus is always glad to see his family. He wasn't trying to scare you, he's just protective." There was no denying it. He'd almost flown off the handle only recently when a stranger had entered Fiori. His tail wagged gently as he rocked to his haunches and relaxed into a sitting position. "Where are you from, Arian?" Both Carlisle and Vitus' attention was on the woman, curiosity brimming in each of their features (though it was far more visible on the owl's face than Vitus'). Vitus knew the woman's name, and how she was connected to him, but he wasn't privy any further information about her location or family status. All he knew was that she had left Fiori for whatever reason. His eyes examined her closely, falling primarily upon the scar near her eye. How had she gotten it? He found himself fascinated, and his eyes remained rooted on the spot for some time.

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



4 Years
06-08-2015, 08:55 PM

Even if Vitus didn't show much expression, it was something Arian was proudly keen on. However it was only when her eyes were locked on him and a small smile on her face remained. The owl was translating for Vitus. Arian would then make the conclusion he was a mute, whether by choice or not. It was something about living, she didn't mind many behaviors. Yet as he continued to stare at her scar, Arian felt self conscious. Like she hadn't in a long time as she pinned her ears to the back of her head. Tensing up muscles and trying not to seem stiff but her smile turned to a nervous one. She tried to calm herself down, not in front of a child she reminded herself.

"From Sonticus, I'm the alphess there. I left Fiori to run it." she looked at the Owl trying not to think about how Vitus was staring.

"It's alright, I'm actually happy that your showing such initiative, I could just as well been a stranger so it was the right thing to do." Arian would tell Vitus about earlier. She would want her members to be alert on who are in their borders. Yet also, she wouldn't want a guest getting hurt inside the borders either. You never knew with Kreft around, he was hot tempered as it was. Her tail curled around her limp leg, he hadn't seen her walk yet so he hadn't seen that scar either as of yet.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



5 Years
06-08-2015, 09:06 PM
After what seemed like a very very long time, he drew his gaze away from her scar and let it settle on her face as a whole, softening from a stern stare to a more relaxed gaze. He hadn't known what he'd done to her, although he had noticed her tense a bit. Perhaps she was just uncomfortable around him, many were. She gave information then, she lived in Sonticus (wherever that was) and was the Alphess there. Power had drawn her away from Fiori, something he didn't understand but could accept nevertheless. Power wasn't on his radar - and he would hate the spotlight that came with being a leader. Silence fell over them, and for a moment Vitus thought maybe Carlisle was lost for words. But alas, it seemed the bird had only been calculating his next response. "Perhaps Vitus and I will have to visit your pack sometime. He's been wandering lately. Is it far?" Vitus nodded. He would like to visit sometime, and he had been wandering more and more lately. He always came back in a hurry, but he found that traveling helped to calm his temper. That being said, he would never dream of leaving permanently - not unless his family left. They had done that once before, so anything was possible.

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



4 Years
06-08-2015, 09:15 PM

Arian would calm down again when his gaze moved, though she cursed inside her head for doing that. Vitus could assume a number of things about her. Lots of things made her uncomfortable, but he wouldn't be one of them. In her past Syrinx was about the scariest thing you could get to an uncle, with his lower jaw being fully bone he wasn't one for appearance. Growing up around him, it desensitized her to many things. Family snapping at her and hurting her, sometimes it was something she accepted. Thus, why her scars existed in the first place. "You might have to ask your parents about that, it is rather far in the end of the north. It took me a day to walk here nonstop. But I'll be having a festival soon, I might see you there if you come." She smiled at him standing up to stretch her back limb. Though now her limp one visible as she tried to walk a little closer to Vitus.

"But you are welcome within our borders, whenever no need to ask me." she grinned tilting her head to one side. Her tail mildly wagged behind her. She felt even more happy to have met him. Her nephews, it made her eager to start her own family however patience was key with her and Cypress. Arian knew her urge's were something scary. Possibly if anyone saw them.... they would no longer like her.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



5 Years
06-08-2015, 09:28 PM
Vitus waited for a response, suddenly liking the idea of seeing another pack. He knew that Fiori worked with a council, but perhaps Sonticus operated differently? Surely it would be an interesting place to observe and explore. He wondered idly if he could convince one of his brothers to come with him. Archelaus was always looking for excuses to leave, so he would probably be the easiest to persuade. Her answer came, it was a long way off and he would probably have to ask his parents. He hadn't asked them to leave before, but he imagined being gone for so long would only frighten them. He wouldn't want to do that on purpose. She mentioned a festival and his features brightened. Festivals meant fighting, and fighting meant fun. She stood up and moved toward him slowly, and he watched her as she did so - noting very quickly the limp she bore. She welcomed him beyond her borders if he did ever visit, and he would nod in thanks, a small smile creasing his lips. "We'll be sure to visit eventually," Carlisle noted, though Vitus knew it would probably be some time before he made it up north. It would be nice to visit his homeland again, and to feel the cool weather in the north. It was cooler here now, but not nearly as cold as it would be if he were back in his birth home. "Would you like something to eat or a drink? You must be tired after your journey." Vitus' ears pricked and he tilted his head in question. If she needed food he could find her something.

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



4 Years
06-09-2015, 11:31 AM

It had definitely crossed her mind a few times looking at Vitus that he looked like Vereux. It was expected since he played a part in creating them. Her crystal blue eyes locked on the boy, it seemed like she would place a little bit of her own trust in the young one being family in more ways than one. Though, never a connection of blood Arian had never believed that you needed blood to be family as she was an adopted Adravendi. A small soft smile shown on her face made her head tilt a little to the right. "I would hate to impose on you, I can always catch myself a rabbit and go to the springs. The small puddles near there are safe for drinking." Arian would explain. She really didn't like imposing on others now. After what she had been through, she nearly tried to do everything on her own. Hell, she had even convinced herself she could fight with a limp in her leg to her that was a huge accomplishment.

"Okay, maybe I do need something to eat..." she would step forward and find herself sitting on her haunches once more. Curling her tail around herself as she noticed her stomach growl. When she got hungry a familiar pain hit her and normally she couldn't move very well for a few moments. It was a reminder of when she had been starving as a slave. She could still hunt perfectly fine, but occasionally she would wait a few minutes before moving without feeling ugly or a number of other things about herself.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



5 Years
06-09-2015, 08:44 PM
If Vitus was talented at anything thus far, it was tearing things apart. He'd grown fascinated by it, spilling blood, and thus was very good at it. A smile pricked on his features (just barely) as he waited for her to confirm she was hungry. How could she not be after such a long journey? She quickly dismissed the idea, though, seeming to prefer doing her own thing. He could appreciate that notion. He often did things for himself, even when he didn't have to. But then she later went on to state that she might need something to eat after all. Good. This was a problem he could very easily solve. He wouldn't have time to kill something, but he could just as easily snag something previously killed and then replace it later after he'd departed from her. That seemed the most logical solution. He gazed up at Carlisle and nodded. "Vitus will go and fetch you something to eat. The mangroves do wonders for filtering the water here, so if you'd like a drink while you wait - feel free." Vitus nodded stiffly and turned toward where the pack normally stored food. He had personally dropped off a few rabbits this morning, so he knew that there would be fresh meat there to share with her.

As he left her he picked up a smooth, practiced trot. He knew just about every inch of the mangroves, as he had trained here for hours on end. As he neared the place where they normally left kills, his nostrils flared and his jaws gaped open - embracing the scent. He dipped his head low, examining the prey. There were several that were older, but the two new rabbits he'd left this morning were still there - undisturbed. He snatched the larger one in his jaws, carrying it by a single hind limb. The thing had been split open stem to sternum, but not a bite had been eaten of its flesh. It was obvious it was his kill, given the shredded state it was in. However, no matter it's state - it was perfectly fit for eating. It bounced limply in his jaws as he trotted back toward where he had found her. Moments passed before he finally reached her, not having been gone long enough to bore her, but long enough to travel such a distance. He neared her and let the rabbit slip from his jaws, landing with a thud upon the earth. His tail swiveled once behind him as he waited - hoping she liked rabbits.

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