
Kissed By Silence



4 Years
06-10-2015, 01:19 PM
Something drew her here. Perhaps a wicked sorcerer cast a spell on her to lure her from her usual paths. Her usual paths being bright, cheerful places flooded with all forms of active life. But this place, was just silent. No birds fluttered across the landscape, no rabbits scurried through the bushes. Though, trees were plentiful here to keep her company; however, trees just do not seem to make good conversations.

Ana dropped her base to Earth's frozen surface. Head tilted curiously at what lied in front of her. The idea of turning back did weight heavily on her mind, but something still pulled her against her will. Still tilted head lowered so eyes could watch the rolling fog lap at her feet as if it were an ocean of clouds. Left paw would raise and gently swipe the mist in interest to see if it would move the way water does. This was the young lady's first encounter with fog and she was not quite sure what to make of the substance. She huffed a soft sigh, the only sound to break the silence as she debated her next move.Her youthful curiosity was overwhelming and so she would trek forward to see what she could find. Surely this place could not be as bad as it looked.

Mist enshrouded, chocolate frame would dance forward. Snow flakes had begun falling again, painting her back in a white sheet. She hummed a soft tune to herself to shatter the ringing in her ears. An interesting spot seemed to open up to the left, a trail that was covered in thorns. But the hard-to-get-to places always seemed to hide the best secrets. Ana, without thinking, turned down the path - thorns scratching her just did not phase the gal anymore. She had grown used to the small pains that came from exploration. Though, as she continued she could not help but feel as if she were being watched. Maybe her sorcerer or sorceress was more than just a passing thought.



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
06-11-2015, 12:13 AM

Hymn was getting bolder, moving further south than he ever had before stopping only when he found himself faced with fog. Living close to the ocean mist wasn’t all to unfamiliar to the monochromatic boy but something about the forest and the way it’s branches bent to block much of the sky and his path paired with the silent hovering white cover chilled him. So maybe he wasn’t so bold after all…

The giant shivered to himself, cerulean gaze scanning nervously. What a time to go exploring by himself, he should have brought Psalm… then at least he’d not be alone… though he’d probably have to be the one to put on a brave face for his smaller twin. So it was that the imposing boy stalked like a scared kitten through the unfamiliar forest.

Finally though he found he wasn’t quite as alone as he thought. A scent drifted upon the humid air and he allowed a slight smile to pull at his lips and his tail to beat against the air. This time light blues shifted from side to side in search of the source of the smell. Movement caught his eye and he lowered his form to the ground, peering under the thorns to his right. A lupine shape was squirming through the path and for a brief moment he was reminded of the starry blue girl he had met… how was she doing?

Shaking his head he stopped staring and spoke finally: "You’re not stuck are you?" He hoped not, not just for her sake but because he wasn’t exactly eager to go crawling around under there…


I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



4 Years
06-13-2015, 12:06 PM
ooc; I apologize for slow response. I had to go out of state for a couple of days.

She had grown used to the minor pains that came with her adventures, weaving toward an invisible goal without much thought of the little pieces of fur that would go missing from her hide and find a new home on the thorns of her travels. She felt the familiar droplets of fluid leak from her minor scratches, but it was a welcoming discomfort as treasures were usual found in difficult to reach places. Though, her humming and steps would cease when a voice would ring out from the dense vegetation. Ears would flick curiously in the direction of the voice.

Though the cracks of the brush, her soft pink eyes would land upon a shadowed figure that was highlighted by bright blue eyes. It was a familiar form, even with the fog and vegetation there to cloak the male. Oh, no. . . I am fine. I think. . . Eyes would dart to the ground as she spoke, an obvious submission to the guy. She meant no harm and company in this place was actually pretty comforting. With the same softly spoken voice, she would speak again. Just exploring. The world is my home. She would announce the last sentence with a hint of pride, slightly puffing out her chest as if she were really accomplishing something through her exploration. Perhaps, one day, it would pay off.

She would sink to the ground and crawl from her trail to reach its edge where the stranger made his presence. Already near the ground, she would lie upon her stomach and look at the male questioningly. He seemed young. Why would he be out here? Well, then again, why was she? My name is Anastasia. Or Ana if that's easier to remember. She felt heat rise to her face when she spoke. She hoped the male did not take it the wrong way. She would stutter in her next words to try and clear her words. I mean, not. . . not that I don't think you can't remember Anastasia. Just. . . it may be easier.



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
06-17-2015, 04:08 AM
(( XD No it's fine, I'm not exactly the quickest at making replies... in case you couldn't tell.))

Soft rose would meet cerulean and Hymn shifted nervously. He was getting used to the slightly uncomfortable fluttering in his stomach but he was still confused by it… and more importantly he was worried about the as of yet unknown female. He had a basic understanding of differences in height; how could her not when towered over his whole family? But even so he still operated on the assumption that if he didn’t fit no one else would.

“Oh no… I am fine. I think…” That did little to put Hymn’s fears at ease. What if she tried to move and she actually was stuck? Then he’d have to crawl under there and try to help but what if he got stuck too? Would they be stuck in the underbrush forever? He only barely registered her explanation why she was there in the first place, instead focusing on the absolutely and totally possible idea of having to live his life under a bush. His mothers would have to push mice under the brambles just for him to be able to eat! And what would Psalm do without him?

Finally movement snapped him back to attention and any dismal futures he had thought up for himself were instantly banished. She was wiggling her way towards him and as she approached the edge of where he stood he back up slightly and settled upon his haunches. Her name was given and a stumbled offer of a nickname. "I like Ana." He laughed kindly. "It’s a very pretty name."

The boy rocked back slightly, fixing the girl with his brilliant gaze. "I’m Hymn Destruction…" He trailed off thinking for a minute. "There isn’t really a way to shorten that, not unless you just say hmmm." His brow furled at the last sound, putting on a caricature of one who was thinking too hard. He had used to call himself that hadn’t he? Before he had been able to sound things out fully.


I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



4 Years
06-19-2015, 10:50 PM (This post was last modified: 06-19-2015, 10:53 PM by Anastasia.)

The stranger really did seem to be friendly, he did not appear have an ill will for her. So, that did put the dainty Ana at ease. Now that eyes could make out his frame, the male appeared quite large in comparison to herself, but he could not be far from her own age. He was still lanky, like a teenager, but definitely closer to an adult than to a pup. She took a moment to eye the markings bestowed upon his frame. They were pretty unusual, and she could not help but burst out enthusiastically at the discovery of the markings. You have wings! Right after her statement, she retreated within herself. Making herself rather small on the planet's floor - crouching down and shyly looking away. Thank you for the compliment. She muttered the words softly, a response to him taking a liking to her title.

She would glance up, still crouching, when he would introduce himself to her. Hymn was a nice name too. It reminded her of the songs nature played for her through her travels. Especially the songs that came from those feathered things that floated across the sky. They had the prettiest voices, maybe one day she could sing like them. Well, not exactly like them, but maybe as pretty as them! Hymn She would repeat the name, testing it with her own voice. Hymn, I'm sorry. An apology that was directed toward her outburst.

Slowly and shakily she would rise back to a stand, eyes still turned away and aimed toward the ground to the left. Her encounters with knew wolves never seemed to go the way she planned. Her excitement always seemed to get the best of her sometimes and it was downright embarrassing. I like wings. It was a simple statement to try and fix the situation in her mind. She did not want Hymn to think that wings were a bad thing. They were really pretty.

actions • wordsthoughts



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
07-04-2015, 06:21 PM

He was pretty aware of her gaze running over him but then he was pretty much doing the same, observing the graceful flow of the colors on her pelt but his thoughts were interrupted by her sudden outburst and he stared for a minute before glancing back at himself and chuckling. So he did! It wasn’t as though he had never known that, after all his brother was a near mirror of himself so he was very aware of his markings but he had simply never thought of it that way.

The boy gave her a reassuring smile as she thanked him. He let her digest his name sitting calmly in silence as she seemed to drift off into her own mind. Finally she’d repeat his name and apologize for her exuberance. Hymn would shake his head. "No it’s alright. " He chuckled again. "I do and it was kinda cute!" He was unaware of any sort of connotations saying that might carry. He thought seeing someone, anyone, get excited like that was cute. He loved watching others get excited.

She rose to her full height and he was struck by how small she was, smaller than his brother ever. It wasn’t as though he was unaware of how tall he was, he had been taller than both his mothers for some time now but it always kind of surprised him when faced with smaller wolves… maybe it was because he didn’t feel quite that big. Ana spoke again and he nodded. "I like them too." He wiggled slightly as if to both show off the shapes along his sides and to mimic movement within them.


I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3