
l'inverno è noioso



5 Years
06-13-2015, 12:54 AM
Starling was insanely bored. It was rare for him to be bored. He was rather good at keeping himself entertained for long periods of time, but this...this was just dreadful. He didn't remember winter being so..boring before! But then again, winter was his first chance at stepping foot outside, he had been so curious of the snow and so afraid of the world that he had had very little time to really be bored. So this was all new territory for him. After several days of laying in the den with Finch, or following Shrike around trying to round up his energy he had grown dreadfully tired of that as well. So he decided, if he couldn't practice his healing and storing with winter killing all his beloved plants...he would have to practice or learn something else. With determination he moved through the territories, trying to find the most secluded spot so that he wouldn't make an absolute fool of himself infront of his family and friends. He had made a fool of himself at the sparring training already, barely able to fight...and yet, while it did weaken his desire to learn it didn't really diminish it. Maybe it was because he knew Lark was capable of fighting, maybe it was because his desire to learn healing had some connection, namely the want to protect his family. Healing was really his calling, he knew that, but it was also there incase someone got hurt. If he could fight, and protect, then someone wouldn't get hurt. With a sigh he shook his head, finding a more secluded spot along the rapids. With a delicate sigh he would look this way and that, several times to make sure he was really alone before he thought back to the training session. Defenses...defenses...they were important...right? With a gentle sigh he would lower himself into what he thought was defensive posture, his ears pulled back and his knees bent. His balance was not centered, but he didn't realize.  With another quick glance around he would try and leap forward, almost in a pounce. But his paws got stuck, his body tumbled over into the thin snow, practically face first. With a whimper he laid there, glaring at nothing with his brows pinched and his ears pulled back. How could he learn to fight if he constantly tripped over his own paws??

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"

Motif I


4 Years
06-13-2015, 01:22 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 01:24 AM by Motif I.)

The pregnant wolf was also attempted to find some seclusion, and had tucked herself away in a little spot that wasn't often visited. She brushed off the snow from her chosen rock and found herself a little bit of sun to warm herself with. She closed her eyes and found her way to sleep when the racket started. She heard the noise of paws on earth and then the sound of the person tripping. Groaning, she got up from her perch to go see what the ruckus was about, and would arrive in time to see her young niece lying in the ground. Caught up as she had been in her own child and life difficulties, she hadn't given much time to her little nephew and nephews, but of course she loved them unconditionally.

She moved forward, her swollen belly still small enough to give her little difficulties as she placed herself on the ground before him. “Are you trying to make snow-angels?” she teased him.





5 Years
06-13-2015, 01:33 AM
He laid there, feeling the snow try and seep into his thicker winter coat. Embarrasment colored the skin beneath his fur, his eyes watering as he stared straight ahead of him. It was almost pathetic that he couldn't even make a single jump! And, to make matters worse, he seemed to have an audience. With a groan he closed his brilliant blue eyes, listening as she approached and teased him. "Ovviamente no. Non vedi che sto fallendo?" He whispered in his favorite tongue, the words flowing but still muffled by the snow as he opened his eyes to look up at her. Yet he refused to move, untill he caught sight of her swelled belly. There was something off, something that Starling couldn't place, mainly because he had no experiance around pregnant wolves. He had never seen one before. Perhaps she just had a really good meal or something. Silly thoughts for young children. With a gentle sigh he lifted his head then, smiling softly at her. "H-hi, aunt mot-tif.." He stuttered, clumsy in english as he stared at the ground. "I-i was practicing..." He whispered softly. "E in mancanza..."

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"

Motif I


4 Years
06-13-2015, 01:40 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 01:41 AM by Motif I.)

Starling would look up at her and she would smile down at him. She was feeling down right.. maternal these days and would gently lick a touch of snow of his cheek as she waited for his explanation. His first words would be Italian, and she winced, she hadn't picked it up, she had been too busy learning Shai's mother tongue to pick up any others. “Practicing?” she asked, interested, he couldn't have meant healing or hunting, he wasn't likely meaning dancing or running.. so surely he must have meant fighting.

“I've done a fair bit of sparring in my day, why don't you show me what you where doing so I can see where you went wrong?' was her offer to teach him, she couldn't just leave the poor thing like this and besides she missed fighting. Wish Shai and Shaye and Rhythm and now this new pregnancy, she just hadn't managed to get back into her old passion.





5 Years
06-13-2015, 01:53 AM
He would smile absently as he laid in the snow, feeling her eyes on him. When her tongue pressed against his cheek, swipping away the snow, that eye closed and he shifted the other to look back up at her. He loved his aunties, whooly and truley. He missed them rather terribly, too. They all seemed so busy, Aunt Rhythm didn't even live in abaven anymore. He'd smile gently up at her untill she did question what he meant. Instantly his face fell to embarrassment and he looked back at the ground as she quickly picked up on what exactly he was practicing. When she offered to teach he couldn't help the slight widening of his eyes, the odd palpitations of his heart. He would make a fool out of himself! But...this way he could learn, right? She had a child too, she must have patience for this sort of thing. So, sucking in a breath he'd nod slowly and lift himself onto his gawky limbs, ears flat against his skull. "I-I'm...not v-very good..." He'd whisper, looking up at her. But he couldn't turn down the chance to learn, now could he.

So with another breath he'd lower himself on his four legs, closer to the ground with his knees bent. His legs shook, possibly from the strain of holding himself so still and..attempting to be solid. His balance was terrible, his center of gravity was, well, nothing. He couldn't keep himself on his paws on the best of days, let alone when he was sparring. His head would lower, but that was it. With a small, embarrassed smile he'd look at the ground. "I-I'll b-be able t-to t-teach me, Auntie..." He whispered softly.

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"

Motif I


4 Years
06-13-2015, 02:03 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 02:03 AM by Motif I.)

A little part of her mind was shifting to the thought that the young wolf was lying in the cold snow in winter, and that he was going to give himself a cold, that he looked downtrodden and that they should go off and catch a squirrel – but even to Shaye she wouldn't be so controlling, especially when she had her mind set on something as this boy seemed to. She tried to control her overflowing instincts and concentrate instead on the matter at hand. He would admit to being no good, and again she would get the desire to lick his cheek push his chin up and tell him he was perfect. She refrained from most of the urges, as she looked at his childish adorableness and would say. “No one is good when they start. You should have seen me flailing about when I first tried!” she easily admitted.

She grinned when she saw his attempt at a stance. “Lets spread your legs a little more, dig them and your toes into the ground, balance your weight out across them don't try to hold it so upright, you want to be bendable, not solid, you want to be able to absorb impact, not break when it hits you” her advice was gentle, with a touch of teasing. “If they could make something workable out of young me, then anyone can learn. Lets try getting you balanced and start from there."





5 Years
06-13-2015, 03:38 AM
Starling remained ridged, as if he were terrified that he'd fall again and embarass himself even more. He couldn't help but smile so softly at her offer of encouragement. He often forgot, or was weird for him to think of the adults of his life as anything but superior. He couldn't picture Motif as clumsy as him, just as much as he couldn't ever picture himself as anything but clumsy. However, though, he still felt soothed by her words. He loved his family, loved how much they could cheer him up. With a gentle smile he would nod, listening as she told him how to tweak his stance. He tried as best as he could to do as she said. His paws would part and spread even more slightly. There was a lot of multitasking involved, and he'd often slip something in order to try and do another. His toes would dig in but his knees would unbend just slightly. Determination lined his face as he stared at the ground, trying to get it all right. Flexible but strong, huh? "B-Balance...w-will be a h-hard one f-for me." He said with a slight laugh. "I-i a-always trip ov-ver m-my o-own pa-aws." With a slight shake of his head he'd smile up at his aunt, somehow managing to do as she said without falling flat on his face in some way.

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"

Motif I


4 Years
06-13-2015, 03:14 PM

She would watch him attempt her pointers, digging in his toes, but his knees would return to a more rigid stance. She understood then how it seemed natural for him to be rigid and tight with his movements, perhaps this even explained why he was clumsy to begin with. If she could just get him to loosen up and relax, find a way for his body to straighten out, to be bendable and more fluid with its movements. She pursed her lips as she watched him, lost in her thoughts.

“Do you do much swimming Star?” she asked him, one had to be fluid in their movements when swimming or they would simply sink. Perhaps if she could encourage him to go swimming with her a couple hours each day his body would get the feel of different movements, perhaps flexibility might become more familiar to him. Perhaps she could encourage climbing too – that might be a disastrous at first, but once his body came to be more familiar with it he would fall less.





5 Years
06-13-2015, 11:50 PM
Starling would hold his position, waiting for another critique, another set of tips on how to absolutely perfect it. His face would be free of most of its usual anxieties, instead set with thick lines of determination. The only thing that mattered to him right now was learning everything Motif wanted to teach him. He had so many teachers in his life, and he was rather blessed with it, but that didn't mean he didn't accept the knowledge any less. He loved the fact that Motif was taking her time to help him, and he cherished this time, so he would use it all to try and learn as much as he can. She, however, didn't offer any more tips, but that didn't make Starling relax his stance or think for one moment that he had perfected it. He couldn't of! It still felt so awkward. His toes would knead against the ground, trying to be able to hold that with his knees bent. He felt awkward and...stretched. When she asked him about swimming he blinked, sky blue eyes lifting up to stare at his aunt. "Sw-wimming?" He asked softly, his voice catching over the syllabls as his eyebrows rose. What did that have to do with anything? How could the idea of swimming possible be connected to what they were doing right now? But, she was the teacher! With a gentle shake of his head he answered. "W-well, n-not now, really." He said softly, relaxing his knees for a moment before bending them again. "I-it is w-winter. The w-water is c-c-cold."

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"

Motif I


4 Years
06-14-2015, 12:05 AM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2015, 03:45 AM by Motif I.)

As motif talked to the younger wolf he would hold his stance and she studied it further. It looked highly uncomfortable and certainly not something he could hold for long periods or something that would withstand a charge. Her question seemed to take him by surprise and she grinned easily at her nephew,  especially with his next comment on the cold. Perhaps he hadn't done much exploring yet and hadn't discovered the winder if hot springs. Actually, a dip in naturally warm water would do her swollen stomach wonders too.

"If I said I had a way that might help you find a more natural fighting stance,  would you believe me?" She asked him, Tilting her head as she watched her little nephew "you can relax that now, if your ok with it i would like to take you on for a bit until you have the basics of fighting understood. If you agree we start now" she said.





5 Years
06-14-2015, 12:12 AM
His jaw would clench just slightly as he felt his unused muscles quake. Hunting herbs could be tiring but there was nothing he did that was as strenuous as fighting. And he hadn't even really moved yet! When she spoke again he'd blink, tilting his head. "W-well of c-course I'd b-belive you!" He said softly. Why wouldn't he? She was much older than him, obviously she knew much more. She was a master at this where as he was a full fledged novice. The moment, though, that she said he could relax he did...and nearly fell to his stomach as his muscles threatened to give out. Catching himself at the last moment he'd quickly settle onto his haunches to try and hide that fact, a small, embarrased smile upon his face. And then she offered to take him as a student, and he quickly looked up at her. Everything lit up, his grin, his eyes, and he instantly nodded. "Yes!" He said, without a stutter. "I-I want t-to l-learn i-it all. I-if you'll t-teach me I-I'll d-do anything." He pledged, vowed. He wanted to learn, wanted to be less clumsy. He wanted to be able to relate to his larger brother, for lark didn't quite get plants like Finch and Shrike did. It was true for Bass as well, but they could bond over Italian...but a large part of Starling also wanted to make his father proud. He wanted to learn all he could, every tidbit of information she offered him. He'd do anything..

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"

Motif I


4 Years
06-14-2015, 12:36 AM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2015, 03:46 AM by Motif I.)

She would laugh easily as he told her he would believe her, he made it sound like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He was such such a little cutie, and she swear he looked at her with the same total acceptance that shaye looked to rhythm wife. She loved him already and wanted to pick him up and run. He would relax when she told him and eagerly accept an apprenticeship with her. She grinned and locked the top of his head, it was nice to see his enthusiasm for learning and she remembered how she herself had once been so eager to learn each day to take on a new challenge. Now it seemed life had given her too many of rose and all she wanted was was a break from them, no longer did she seek out trouble. Teaching... now that had a pleasant feel to it.

"Alright then little apprentice, I'll show you" she said pleasantly and started off in the direction of the closest hot spring she knew of, tucked in a little cave just off abaven territory. The walk wasn't too long, even with her cute, clumsy little companion. She walked to the waters edge, if wasn't too deep but there where parts they could swim in, and the warm water would definitely help to loosen in the tense muscles star seemed to hold. She easily got into the water, it was pleasantly warm and the snow immediately melted off her. She let loose loose pleasant sigh, the water wasn't too hot either. "Alright, I want you to swim a few laps from here to there" she instructed. The distance she pointed out was a short one and shouldn't be too daunting if his muscles where unaccustomed to such a task. She intended to swim beside him also until she could see for himself if be could swim fine on his own.





5 Years
06-14-2015, 01:04 AM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2015, 01:19 AM by Starling.)
Starling would grin easily back at her, his tail a flurry in the light snow behind him. Excitement seemed to course through him, though still a low key. He was never quite as...energetic as Shrike. But the way his mind reeled with possibilities, wondering what he would learn from her, was just as telling. How did swimming tie in? He couldn't quite understand it yet, but he would never let that get in his way. Motif was like a spring of knowledge that he had just aquired, and he would learn all he could before the day was done. So when she told them they would be on their way he quickly stood up and followed behind her. He didn't quite trip on the way there, but he did sometimes stumble, whether it was because of the snow or his own paws one could not be too sure. He, as always, was rather embarrased, but Motif didn't seem to say anything so he wouldn't worry too much. Perhaps learning to spar, and to hold a proper stance would help him with his....elegance. Well, one could only hope!

Once they got to the cave he quickly followed after, his tail swishing behind him as he gazed at the warm pool. He could feel the damp air of the cave, and he breathed in gently, smiling. It was nice compared to the frigid air of winter outside. Here there must be life, if out there caused the death of his beloved plants. With a gentle grin he'd easily follow his auntie into the spring, feeling the waters wrap around him, warming his cold limbs. A happy sigh would slip from his jaws as he relaxed, letting himself sink to chin level in the warmth. He didn't get to relax for too long, however. Motif quickly instructed him, and instantly he was back at attention. Staring at the spot she told him to swim too he nodded, and began. Swimming did nothing to improve his awkward, clumsy ways. It seemed rather...odd that a boy his age still slapped the water in his paddle, or moved his legs too quickly to be able to really get anywhere, but...that's just how starling was. Where his mind was so intact and adaptive, his body was...well, the best word anyone could use was "awkward". Starling was just awkward.  

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"

Motif I


4 Years
06-14-2015, 01:30 AM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2015, 03:48 AM by Motif I.)

The pregnant woman laughed easily as she watched him flap about freely in the way we, his paws slapping the surface with each stroke. Somehow, impossibly, he made even swimming seem awkward. She would swim beside him for a moment before she stopped. "Little star? I want you to try something, it takes a little more effort but I want you to swim without bringing your paws above the water, like this" she said and demonstrated a smooth dog paddle, her kicks making only ripples on the surface edge.

She didn't expect to turn the awkward boy into a fluid dancer in the matter of hours, but it would be good to find an approach that would work for him. Clearly any way she had learned wouldn't be the same to what she needed to teach him - but that was to be expected, everyone was different and we'll the first order of business was muscle memory her approach was different to her own learning, she hadn't used swimming.
She had him swim a couple more laps to see if this new way worked before she exited the water. She shivered a little but the air wasn't unbearable, the steam and closed off cave kept the air warm enough. "Come here star" she called and waited for him to join her. Once he had done so she would speak again"now try the fighting stance i was showing you earlier" again she would wait and moment and then she would mark places places in the earth, one close to is paws either inwards or outwards depending on where she judged he should be standing send then more lines a little further out. "Now i want you to place your legs on top of the lines closest to each foot. Then for you to move your right leg out onto the further one and then back into the smaller, then the same for your left, do you understand?" She asked, and then she would properly explain herself because likely he was confused about everything, the swimming and the foot work "What I'm teaching right now is your body, not your mind. With healing you need to think but with fighting you need to act. This is called 'muscle memory' and i am training your mind into a new position so it will become natural, it's how you should stand when you are fighting. The swimming is to loosen you up and make you more fluid. For this to work we have to practice both every single day until it's natural, you won't always need me to learn this so feel free to do it in your spare time too, okay?" it was was a lengthy explanation but perhaps understanding would help him.





5 Years
06-14-2015, 01:59 AM
Starling knew he was doing it wrong. It was quite obvious. He hadn't spent much of his life swimming, he hadn't really seen the appeal. Sure as pups he and his siblings would swim in the river, but as a child his awkward ways was rather excusable. He hadn't been properly corrected in a way he'd remember. With ears pulled back and jaw tight he moved through the warmth untill Motif called his name, and showed him exactly how to swim. So you..didn't lift your paws? Made sense. With great care and concentration he'd try just that, keeping his rather long limbs under his body and moving them in a way that seemed more...elegant. Not that Starling could ever really master elegance. His tongue would stick out slightly, curling over his lip as he concentrated. It felt different, but it certainly was a lot more, well, efficient. He moved easier with less energy. His toes splayed through the water, the webbing and movement pushing him faster than his flailing had done. He continued untill she called for him, and he hoped he had pleased her...not that his movements were proper just yet, but defintally better.

He drug himself out of the pool, shaking his fur slightly to make it a little less heavy as he quickly moved to where she indicated. Without a word he'd slip into his "stance", his body a little less ridged but still...awkward. His toes would splay a little easier now, but it certainly wasn't anything close to what it should be. With effort he did as he was told, moving his limbs the way she asked onto the lines, and then again when she told him to readjust. Once again that little tongue was poking out and his eyes were narrowed in concentration as he looked at his paws and made sure they were in the proper places. When he heard her voice again, beginning to explain her teaching style, he quickly looked up at her.  "I-is that wh-why I fall a l-lot?" He asked softly. "I th-think too m-much?"

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"

Motif I


4 Years
06-14-2015, 02:10 AM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2015, 03:49 AM by Motif I.)

Motif would definitely feel approval as he changed his swimming tactics as she asked he wasn't elegant yet by a long shot but he was showing more efficacy and fluency in his movements. He got out of the warm water quickly and shook himself out before coming over and doing exactly as she asked. She had to give him points for his quick obedience and eager attitude to learning, it made all of this easier. She watched him with his little pink tongue out, concentrating on his movements as he attempted to do exactly as she asked. He wasn't moving perfectly but that she could already see the start of improvement told her his way would work for him. She was glad, because she wasn't certain of any other ways to create muscle memory.

"Your doing really well star, if you can stick to these exercises I can promise you, you will see improvement in yourself" she said happily before she sighed and stretched.
"Now you can keep up with that or go back to swimming until your legs tell you it's enough and then you should relax in the warm water, it will do your muscles good. Heaven knows it's pleasant on my back, it's not easy carrying around all this extra weight " she joked, looking happily at her bulging belly. She definitely had a sunnier outlook on this pregnancy then the last. With With a happy sigh she eased herself back into the hot spring, content to watch her new pupil from there.





5 Years
06-14-2015, 02:50 AM
If Starling weren't concentrating so much, he'd probably be showing a lot more happiness. Not really bouncing around and bubbly like his more energetic brother, but he probably wouldn't have been able to stop grinning. Maybe he'd have a little more pride in himself, as well. Maybe. It wasn't so much that he wanted perfection from himself, but he was probably a little too close to the project to see the improvements himself. All he knew was that it was getting slightly easier, but it wasn't anywhere close yet. He still felt his muscles quiver as he tried to hold himself in position, his jaw clenched (after he pulled his tongue back in of course) to try and make it all perfect. At her praise he quickly looked up (his eyes had been fixed on his paws) and stared at her before a small smile spread across his lips. He was doing well? At something so purely physical? It took a lot for him to not think so much, and it would take a very very long time before he was able to shut down the very analytical and questioning mind he had. If he was a more physical being his mind could probably be used more for tactics and judging attacks two moves ahead, but because he had no real control over his own body his mind was his worst enemy at the moment. So for her to say he was doing made it all the better. She told him to either practice his stance more, or to swim, and instantly he knew what he wanted to do. It wasn't so much because he didn't want to work on his stance, but because his muscles were far too tired, and his desire to be a tad more elegant won over his desire to be able to fight by about two fold. So with a grin he dipped his head to Motif before following her into the water. She had mentioned her weight and it brought him back to his question. "W-why d-do you h-have extra weight t-to carry?" He asked tenderly, trying not to make it sound rude in any way. He was curious. In his young life he hadn't been exposed to pregnancy. It was odd for someone so intelligent to miss something so obvious.

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"

Motif I


4 Years
06-14-2015, 03:02 AM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2015, 03:49 AM by Motif I.)

Her little companion would easily chose the water, a choice that would make her grin - she did love to swim, and with the cold outside it was so wonderfully delightful to immerse ones self this way in the steamy pool. She watched as her nephew entered the water before answering his stuttered question. She grinned at the boy, but it was at friendly gesture "your the healer of the two of us" she would first tease him for not being able to guess - through she understood why he couldn't, being unfamiliar with the sight."I'm pregnant, your aunt rhythm thinks I'll be giving birth in about two weeks" she explained

She sunk further into the warm water, letting it take the weight if her swelled belly and become an easing comfort on her sore back and muscles she would definitely be coming her every day until she gave birth.





5 Years
06-17-2015, 08:29 AM
Starling would paddle through the water, pleased with his new found sense of elegance (at least if that is what you would like to call it) He could feel his muscles vibrate in the water, but he wasn't tense. The warmth soothed him as he moved, not with great speed. He focused more on the movements, trying his hardest to learn how to control his limbs so much better. That's what it was, right? Muscle memory? It was such a weird idea for him, something he didn't really understand. Him and his body were rather..strangers. When she teased him he'd blink, looking in her direction (and nearly running into the lip of the small pool). This had something to do with healing? But then she'd soften, he could almost see the happiness spread across her face.  And then... "Pregnant?" He said in surprise, floudering just slightly as he splashed in the water. He would quickly move towards her, to the shallow end, his paws scrapping the rock as he pulled towards her. "W-what does th-this h-have to d-do with h-healing?" He asked in a rush, despite his stutter, his eyes wide as he examined her. This was something he didn't really know about, but it was important, right? If he had to know about it...well, he should know about it, right? So with wide sky blue eyes he'd examine her, easily filing the "symptoms" away for later use before he'd look up at her expectantly. She must have the wisdom here to tell him what this meant for his future job, right?

"Burn Baby Burn" | "Italian"

Motif I


4 Years
06-21-2015, 01:01 AM
She would watch the younger wolf find himself at the water and wondered if he would learn to love swimming as much as she did, love the freedom and flight in running, swimming, climbing and all the other physical activities of life. Of course, she knew she wouldn't turn him into an athletic star over night but she had high hopes that in time and with practice he might at least learn to trust his own body.

Their conversation had turned to her stomach and she could see that his teasing had confused him endlessly, so much so he wasn't paying attention to where he was going (not that that was a rare occurrence) she loved gently at his confusion and questions, easing herself deeper into the comforting water well still resting at ease against the side of the small pool. "Pregnant wolves are very much a healers responsibility, both in regards to the health of the mother and her unborn children and to be there if there is a complication, not to mention to deliver the babies and ensure their health and biggest chance of survival in the world at birth" she explained, a little surprised that whoever was in charge of stars healer education hadn't mentioned anything about that.