
Remote Control


06-22-2015, 11:23 AM

The lovely large lady who had once been part of the pack was no longer here. She had left, along with the scarred lady who was family. Ritselli was finding herself taking more time to herself, off in her own little world as she explored. She was trying to practice her hunting techniques, little tracking techniques and such. She was currently trying to track some smaller critters, rabbits and squirrels, as she moved through the mangroves. She was getting frustrated though. Didn't she pass these tracks before? Ritselli would plop her rear end down in the snow, giving a soft sigh.

It wasn't the end of the world certainly, but she wanted to become a great hunter just like Birna! The little girl would think for a moment of her original family, wondering if her father had ever found her momma... her sisters. If they were still all out there somewhere. He promised he would come back but so far he had not done so.

Ritselli would shake her head, letting a smile come back to her head. No. It was alright. She was strong and she would continue to be strong for them. Someday she'd see them all again. Getting back up she'd sniff at the tracks once more as the snow continued to come down. It was collecting upon her coat, making her shiver a little. It was okay though. She liked the snow. It was neat... beautiful. Thinking she had the scent again she would set off once more, tail wagging back and forth.

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby



9 Years
Athena I
06-23-2015, 06:41 PM (This post was last modified: 06-23-2015, 06:43 PM by Leo.)

Leo crunched his way through the snow, pausing only for a moment to shake off the flakes that had collected on his back. He still couldn't quite say he was a fan of the snow, but after a while he could kind of ignore it. He still couldn't imagine living in the north like Amalia had for so long before she and her little family had moved down here. Somewhere that was even more cold and snowy than this... nope, he definitely couldn't do it. But, perhaps love was strong enough to make people even want to live in the arctic.

Sometimes he wondered if he would ever fall in love like Amalia had. He was a little jealous of her at times, seeing her with Athena and all of their children. They weren't Amalia's by blood of course, but that made no difference. He just loved pups in general. It just seemed like he had been through so much sometimes that it was hard to remember that he had just turned three and still had his whole life ahead of him.

He was so caught up in all of his thoughts that he didn't even see the pup that his sister and her wife had taken in only a handful of feet from him. Well, it was beginning to get hard to call her a pup. She had certainly grown a lot since the first time he had seen her around the pack lands. She seemed awfully focused on something and part of him wanted to leave her to whatever it was that she was doing, but at the same time he was feeling pretty bored and lonely and he had been meaning to get to know his adopted nephews and nieces anyway. He padded closer, trying to be quiet so as to not disturb whatever it was she was doing. "Whatcha doing?" he asked softly as he came up along beside her.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-08-2015, 10:30 AM

Focused was definitely the right word. The girl was a determined little thing, so intent on becoming a strong hunter for the pack. But the presence of another wolf was a welcome distraction, and she would lift her head, gaze falling upon the handsome form of a blue eyed gentleman. Of course she didn't know much about him, but she thought she remembered his name from a meeting. Leo. He was related to one of her newer momma's so that made him family in a sense too. Ritselli saw herself as lucky since she had her adopted family as well as her real one.

The girl would begin wagging her tail as she answered, happy to provide an explanation for what she had been doing moments prior. "I was tracking!" Ritselli would bark happily. "I think I'm starting to get it down... but it's harder than you'd think!" She would twitch her ears some. He was an older wolf so he probably learned the same sort of skills she was trying to fine tune currently.

"Do you know how to track well?" She'd ask, hopeful for some pointers.

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby