
Push Push {Lady Lightning}


06-22-2015, 01:31 PM

"Kenjiiiiiii! Daddy Kenjiiiiiiii!" Her call would ring out through the trees as she raced along the woodland floor. Clinging to her back was her newest friend, a little flying squirrel whom she named Ayrox. He was neat! A beautiful shade of ebony with the biggest brown eyes she ever saw! He was adorable and she wanted to show her adopted parent nowww! The girl would frown, coming to a stop beneath Kenji's tree. To her dismay she didn't see the ocelot hanging there. "He's not here..." Disappointment would fill her little heart.

"He should have been here..." Keno would let her rump slink to the earth. Ayrox would glide down from her back, settling upon the thin layer of snow. "Maybe he went to hunt?" Ayrox would suggest. He didn't like the thought of his new friend feeling sad. She had been so excited just a moment ago!

Keno would give a frustrated huff, stomping her foot so suddenly that Ayrox would jump. "DADDY!!!!!! She practically screamed. Ayrox would cover his ears, giving a groan. Jeez! Was she about to throw a tantrum? Maybe this had been a mistake...

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'



2 Years
Dire wolf
06-25-2015, 01:41 PM

Mlezi had been stretched out under one of the many trees in the area,  taking a well needed nap when something had stirred her from her slumber. Ears flicked one by one at first, but as the wailing of a child continued on her ears quickly lay back against her skull in annoyance. Finally she couldn't take it any longer, the large lioness rolling onto her stomach and quickly rising to her large paws. She would take off at a quick pace, head held low and a displeased expression across her face. She wanted to know what the hell was going on and why it couldn't wait till she had woken up and moved out of the area.

Moving through the trees the lioness heard it wailing once more, a child's voice calling out daddy. Oh great, a cub. Green eyes rolled in further annoyance, grumbling to herself as she changed her path and headed in the direction the voice had come from. Why couldn't people take care of their damn kids these days? It wasn't that hard, you teach them what they need to know to survive on their own, keep them quiet so predators or competitors don't come around and attack you. And most of all, shut them up so people can go about their business in peace like they wanted!

At last she could see it, rounding an oddly shaped tree to see a spotted sub sitting at the base of a tree, seemingly throwing a fit for some reason. Mlezi was not one to attack one of her own kind, even if the creature was a smaller feline, but she had no problem calling them out or even scaring them off if it meant she would be in peace once again. So she lumbered on, raising her head as she grew closer to the child, eyes narrowed. “Mtoto! Kuwa na utulivu!” She hissed, stopping just a few feet in front of the child, eyes running over the kid momentarily then to the flying squirrel accompanying her, not that Mlezi knew what it was.

talk. think. you.


06-26-2015, 08:13 PM

The cub was so upset. Where was he? Why wasn't he answering? She would sniffle as she let her gaze fall to the ground. Maybe he had decided to abandon her after all? The girl would shudder at the thought. No! That couldn't be true! She... she needed him! Fear started to creep into her little heart, a pitiful mewl building in her throat. It was cut short at a voice however. Sure she had no idea what the owner of it said to her but hey, it was someone who could give her attention!

Purple eyes would turn to the lady, her ears pricking up. Excitement would build within and Keno would get to her paws. Nevermind the fact the lady was actually yelling at her to basically shut up. She would toddle over to the lioness, looking up at her with bright, large eyes. A little purr would build in her throat, excitement written in her features as she began to speak.

"Hiya! Are you gonna be my friend? You look really pretty, ma'am!" The child would start batting her paw at Mlezi's own larger one.

Ayrox would hold back, fearfully gazing up at the lioness. "Keno... stranger danger!

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
Dire wolf
06-27-2015, 09:17 AM

Mlezi stood in silence after yelling at the kid, deep green eyes running over the small feline once more. She did not appear to have visible wounds and she couldn't scent any sign of blood, so any form of injury was out of the question. Perhaps she had become separated from her parental figure, it seemed logical, but at the same time most cubs didn't go screaming their heads off because they had basic knowledge that a predator would come along and kill them. This thought caused her to question, a brow raising as she really took a look at the cub and thought about what she was. Clearly she wasn't a lion, and she was too small and thick to be a cheetah. A leopard?

Just then the kid started to toddle over without a care she was yelled at, looking to the lioness with large purple eyes. For just crying moments ago, this kid was pretty cheerful within second, greeting Mlezi and asking if she would be her friend, even calling her pretty before batting at her paw. It was clear that she was confused, one side of her lip raising and her brows coming together as she just watched the cub play with her paw. ”Um... thanks.” She managed to mumble, pulling her paw away and using it to try and push the kid back a little bit. Kids weren't her specialty and made her a little uncomfortable.

The woman looked to the small creature who had stayed behind, catching a name, or at least what she was guessing was this little feline's name. Keno. "Keno?" She said in a questioning tone as she looked down at the margay, accent strong. If it was her name then Mlezi would move onto the next question she had, and after that, if it was what she was thinking then the lioness would have to think of something to do about this situation. "Alune? Muutha or fathuur?" She asked next, hindlegs folding and bringing her into a sitting position for now.

talk. think. you.


07-04-2015, 05:20 PM

The lioness would pull away her paw, which, to Keno, only made it seem more like a game. Her eyes, bright and alert, would lift to meet the lioness' face at the sound of her name. Yes! She was Keno. The young margay would give a nod. "Mhm! That's my name!" The little creature would stubble back, oblivious to the fact that the lioness had been denying her play. Ayrox would continue to eye Mlezi uneasily, moving up beside Keno with his nose twitching.

But at the question the girl would lower her ears. Despite the accent that hindered the lioness' speech she still able to understand. "Nu uh... I had Kenji but.... I think he has abandoned me." She would let her gaze fall to the earth. "I don't know what happened to my momma... she's been separated from me for a long time..." She would look up at Mlezi.

"Are you alone?"

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
Dire wolf
07-11-2015, 04:36 PM

She hummed in understanding, green eyes watching the child's actions carefully. So her name was Keno, Mlezi nodded faintly to herself, continuing to watch the girl stumble back then towards the small creature that climbed up beside her. Interesting, she had never seen a thing like that before. Why was the creature following her around when it could easily become a meal? Perhaps this was something she could experiment with on her wolf captive. Yes... she would have to do that.

When it came to the question about her parents, it was clear that something was wrong almost immediately. Mlezi noted how her ears went back and voice changed, telling the lioness how she had Kenji but she thinks he abandoned her. Kenji, was that a sibling or friend? Surely she had enough respect to not call one of her parents by their name. Brows came together in both confusion and annoyance, wondering how someone could just leave a child all on their own, or if something had actually happened to the person where they weren't alive.

The kid further spoke, talking about how she didn't know what happened to her mother, that they had been separated for a long time. The lioness would sigh softly, barely audible towards the child. It seemed something might have happened to the mother, seeing as they only abandoned children if they had something wrong that wouldn't allow them to survive or if they died while out hunting for the pair. Whatever happened she would try helping the kid out, even if it was out of her comfort zone, at least find a place to watch over her till she was old enough to be on her own.

Keno asked Mlezi if she was alone, to which the female chuckled. Na kuchagua wangu.  She replied, head rising and paws kneading the ground as if it was some sort of achievement. Tail swung behind her twice till she brought it around her rump, clearing her throat. “Haw luung Keenge gun?” It was a struggle to pronounce the words like she had learned them, her accent making it sound like other letters but still, the lioness was able to get her point across. Hopefully the child would still be able to understand her. If she knew how long this Kenji had been gone then perhaps she could bring the kid to Shiki, see if he knew anything and maybe do a few little tests with the two. It would be interesting.

talk. think. you.


07-20-2015, 05:29 PM

How long was Kenji gone? The girl would frown, shrugging. “Don’t know... A little while...” Ayrox would give a deep sigh. Oh he didn’t like this. He didn’t like this at all. He would eye the lioness with uncertainty.“A couple days at least. The man normally watched out for Keno, but he’s not here anymore.” The little margay’s ears would flatten against her head as she looked at Ayrox.

“But... He couldn’t have left me. He couldn’t have!” The girl would look towards Mlezi with helpless eyes. “...You don’t think he did, right?” Her eyes were shining with tears.“I... I can’t be on my own. I... I’m not strong enough! I can’t!” The little kit would practically start wailing once more.

"Talk" "You" Think