
Trust me, I can take you there



9 Years
Athena I
06-24-2015, 10:50 PM

Kalliope slowly moved through the forest, winding her way through the trees with careful, graceful steps. In her loneliness and boredom she had been working on improving her methods of getting around. Her ears were perked and she moved her paws as carefully and quietly as possible so she could listen for the rustle of the tree branches to track where they were. She had started practicing this back in Threar territory, but she decided she needed somewhere that she didn't know nearly as well to really test if this would work. So far she had only brushed against a few trunks a few times and bumped her shoulder once so she decided she could call this a fairly effective method. She was sure that it would go a little better once there were leaves back on the trees and the snow wasn't around to distract her hearing.

At least this way her gait was a little smoother and she was able to have a bit more of a natural swing to her hips since her steps weren't awkwardly elongated to feel in front of her. Her heightened hearing caught a sound of movement somewhere to her right and she stopped, turning her head toward the sound so both of her ears could point toward it. A few sniffs of the cold air told her there was indeed another wolf near by... It was hard to tell exactly how far though. "Hello?" she called, while she listened for a response.

"Talk" "You" Think


06-24-2015, 11:18 PM

He and Nysa would slowly make their way to the East, the North was pleasant enough and held all sorts of interesting possibilities. However they also had the rest of the continent to explore so Eastward they would go. Again they would scout far enough away that they could easily call upon the other should they have need but far enough away that more ground got covered. Also far enough away that if they happened to encounter another the other party wouldn't know until they met up until the end of the day. Deimos had probably already taken advantage of that enough, but as he traveled he couldn't help but veer slightly off course at the scent of another wolf.

He didn't have to try hard to decide it was a female scent, the closer he grew to her the quieter he'd become. For being such a large wolf he could turn on stealth mode when he really wanted to, though he couldn't boast perfection. As she came into his sight he'd decide to skirt around her, his icy blue gaze unable to leave her delicate frame. He'd watch her as she waltzed through the forest, at first glance completely missing that she did not have use of her eyes. Though as he shifted wrong and his foot caught a loose branch. She would quickly look up in his direction but as he met her stare he realized she couldn't even see him. A smirk would crawl to his lips as she called out uncertainly.

While he could see her they weren't incredibly close, though he was able to see a distinct fogginess in her brilliant gaze. "Hello," Deimos would answer back. Unable to deny her greeting or unspoken welcome he'd lose focus in keeping himself silent as he finally brought himself to a more direct path towards her. Along with her alluring scent he couldn't help but notice the pack that lingered on her coat. His interest in her would continue to increase with each step he took. Though he wasn't going to press his luck yet he'd not stop until he was inches away from what would have been polite distance.




9 Years
Athena I
06-28-2015, 08:40 PM

A beat of silence would pass and then a distinctly male voice would reach her ears when he returned her 'hello'. She turned toward the sound and listened as the pawsteps drew closer till his scent was as clear as day and she heard him come to a stop a short distance from her. In the back of her mind she mapped out where she was in relation to the Threar borders and tried to guess how far she might be from them. Just in case. From the heavy sound of his paws against the ground she had a feeling that he might be quite a large wolf and with him being a stranger with such an odd approach she wasn't sure what to expect from him.

"You really shouldn't sneak up on a lady like that, you know," she commented with a slight smirk. Even when she was unsure of him and even right on the edge of being nervous of him she couldn't help but speak with her usual sass. "At least introduce your self." She studied his scent and noted that he lacked any kind of pack scent. A loner then. She didn't catch any of familiar traces of scent on him either so she didn't guess he was family of anyone she had met. She could be wrong of course, but she didn't think she was. While her eyes were useless her nose was sharp.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-05-2015, 08:43 PM

She was nervous, at least she should have been. Her form would remain mostly neutral and her eyes were simply blank and held little emotion to be discerned. Her words amused him though, and he'd chuckle softly as she chastised him. "I wouldn't dream of it, lady." he'd tease softly. "I was only passing through when I heard you call out," He'd lie, maybe obviously maybe not. "My name though, is Deimos Nightingale. And yours, Lady.." He'd offer that truthfully at least before seeking her name out as he tried his luck and stepped a little closer to her. "Are you from that pack over there?" He'd question, knowing full well the answer.



9 Years
Athena I
07-07-2015, 11:29 PM

Her ear twitched as she listened to his explanation and didn't believe a word of it. She had only called out cause a very obviously not intended twig snap caught her attention. However, she wouldn't call him out on it, instead she would just let him continue speaking so he could introduce himself, leaving a gap of silence for her to do the same. "I'm Kalliope Arevalo, but you can call me Kalli if it suits you," she replied, adding her nickname only because her introduction was almost as practiced as how she got around.

He asked about her belonging to the nearby pack and her eyebrow twitched with disbelief. Surely he could smell the scent of it on her, if he couldn't then she had to wonder if his nose was as bad as her eyes. Unless he was just trying to distract her from him moving closer to her, which she certainly didn't miss either. She couldn't see, but she had gotten quite skilled at guessing distances by smell and sound. Even his breathing gave him away. Even still, she wouldn't make a move to try to step away from him despite the fact that he still made her uneasy. "I do," she'd reply simply, again wondering if maybe she shouldn't at least call for one of her packmates. She didn't get a good vibe from him... but at the same time it had been a good while since she had gotten much attention at all from anyone, especially anyone of the male persuasion, so she was tempted to just see how this all played out.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-10-2015, 05:51 PM

His eyes would flicker with amusement as he fed her his bold faced lie, and though she didn't mention it he wouldn't e fooled into thinking she believed him either. She was a pretty little she wolf alone in the woods, his motives were were thinly veiled. She offered her name, which was about as pretty as she was. He wouldn't have minded whispering her name in the dark. Kalli didn't move back when he stepped forward either, and he'd continue to test the waters as she answered his obvious question. He'd go a whole different direction as he stepped just a little bit closer, "Are you nervous, Kalli?" He'd ask her sweetly, really he meant her no harm. He just wanted to push her, and maybe see if she would let him get a little bit closer. He wanted to mess up her fur and make her gasp for breath. He'd take another step closer, this time seeing if he might be able to reach out and caress her pale muzzle with his dark nose.



9 Years
Athena I
07-10-2015, 06:10 PM

Kalliope couldn't fathom why this complete stranger was pushing her boundaries like this. Well, actually, she knew exactly why, but she had never met a wolf that was quite so... she didn't know how to describe him. Not yet anyway. Her ears followed his movements as he came even closer and closer and suddenly Kalli realized she was holding her breath. She let the air escape her lungs slowly, trying to calm herself. She was getting so completely worked up for absolutely no reason.

She thought she was doing a fairly good job at hiding her emotions till he asked if she was nervous. Her ears flicked back for a moment and she tried to ignore the very confusing flutterings in her stomach when his nose touched her muzzle. She surprised even herself when she didn't flinch away from his touch. She was actually glad to have the contact in a way so it gave her a solid reference for where he was, even if it was for just a fleeting moment. "I can never see what's coming, I live in a constant state of being nervous," she finally replied, trying to sound much more confident and sarcastic than she actually felt. Her statement wasn't entirely wrong, but she didn't think anything had put her quite off balance like Deimos had so far. What really confused her though was her split emotions between wanting to run back to Threar and wanting him to touch her again.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-10-2015, 06:40 PM

He seemed to have hit the nail on the head when he asked her the odd question, he'd watch as her ears fell and her expression changed swiftly. He'd smile darkly as he touched her softly, she hadn't pulled away from him at all. He was impressed, if he coudln't see when someone was about to touch him he usually jumped a little. (Not that there were many thing brave enough to come up and just touch him while he wasn't looking.) Her words were brutally honest as she answered him, though not as specific to their situation as he'd hoped. He wasn't sure what she thought of him so far, but she hadn't run off to the pack lands behind her yet.

He'd step ever closer, finding she had willingly answered him that much. Would she elaborate as he drew more near? "Do I make you nervous?" He'd breath into her ear as he aimed to just barely brush his shoulder against her own. He'd long crossed the threshold of being polite, and would take a chance at nibbling softly at the same delicate ear he'd questioned.



9 Years
Athena I
07-10-2015, 08:23 PM

Just when she thought he couldn't get any closer he managed it. She held as still as a statue and her muscles tensed when his shoulder touched hers. It was easy to tell now with the top of her shoulder meeting the lower portion of his that he was absolutely massive compared to herself. That knowledge didn't help her anxiety and neither did his voice breathing into her ear. He questioned her feelings again, this time directing it specifically to himself. "Not knowing what you're going to do is making me nervous," she responded quietly after a moment. Again, it wasn't entirely wrong, but it probably wasn't the answer he had been fishing for. She got the feeling that he liked making her squirm and she just couldn't bring herself to give him that kind of satisfaction. She was too stubborn for that.

"What are you getting at, Deimos? What do you want?" she finally asked once she managed to get her breathing back to normal. It almost felt like a conscious effort to keep herself from holding her breath or breathing as fast as her heart was beating. She was able to talk herself into relaxing her muscles a bit if for no other reason than if she need need to run it would be a lot harder to do if she was super tense. She had never been a shy wolf and it honestly wouldn't be the first time she got a little too close to a male upon first meeting them, but there was just something about everything he was doing that put her on edge.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-10-2015, 10:00 PM

She didn't move a muscle as he brushed up closer to her, surely she realized by now how much larger he was than her. She answered stiffly, and he wondered how much she might be withholding still. He wouldn't lose his grin at this answer, it was very much acceptable. "Well, that makes two of us." He wasn't sure what he was going to do nest either, most of it would be gauged by her reaction. He doubted by now he could get her to relax, so he'd play eagerly to this more.. mysterious side. Not that she wouldn't go and be more direct about things.

She'd ask him, with his name included, what it was he thought he was doing. He was slightly impressed by her forward words, but with out sight it seemed like she might have to be more forward in life. "You, my dear." He'd answer, somewhat humbly as she finished his amusing game. He'd move to try and push his chest against her own, "I want you, Kalli." Now was her chance to run away, he wouldn't give chase if she fled, but if she lingered in his presence she would be aware of the consequences.



9 Years
Athena I
07-10-2015, 10:32 PM

Kalliope couldn't exactly say she was surprised by his answer. With the exception of the wolves in her pack, every male she had been in contact with since coming to Alacritis had been on the same wavelength, though with different approaches obviously. It made her wonder what she looked like physically. Her father had told her plenty of times how pretty she was of course, like any good father would to help boost his daughter's confidence, but she had always taken it with a grain of salt since he was her father and it was his job to tell her nice things. She guessed she must be at least a little attractive. Or maybe she had only managed to bump into the most forward males Alacritis had to offer. She wasn't sure which was true.

He pushed his chest into her and for the first time her paws would shift back a step. It was barely even a whole step, not even enough to completely remove his form from touching hers, but it was enough for her to think clearly for a moment. His fur mingling with hers was both intoxicating and terrifying all at once. She wasn't entirely sure she had a say in his wanting. After all he could easily rip her to pieces if he really wanted to. He towered over her and it wasn't like she had any real training in fighting. Sure, she had worked on a few very basic things with Frith, but that would keep her safe for all of a minute. She could try to run, but knowing her luck she would turn around and run head first into a tree.

Deciding to ignore those thoughts and focus on the feelings that had made his touch so intoxicating instead, she retook that half step back toward him so that she felt his chest pressed to her again. This was probably not the wisest decision, but what did she really have to lose? "Have me then," she told him, her voice hushed and a tad breathless from a mix of nervousness and a strange thrill she wasn't familiar with. In the back of her mind her fight or flight response was still screaming to get out of there or bite him or something, but she reigned that in and instead searched for his massive shoulder with her muzzle. If he let her she would brush her cheek against his shoulder to remind herself that even if he was huge and mysterious he was still a wolf just like her. Remembering that eased her fears a bit, but she was still anxious as she waited for his response.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-19-2015, 02:34 PM

Their little dance was coming to and end and he could feel it, the pretty little peaches and cream she wolf hesitated only slightly as he ended his game and named his goal. He'd feel her pull away for only a moment, though he questioned if she would stay or go. In the end though she pressed back into him, bringing more of a grin to his features, and she'd answer him just as bluntly. "Have me then," He'd chuckle darkly as she nuzzled into his fur and gave him full access to her delicate body. He'd lean into her, wrapping his neck around her own to nip and tease at the base of her neck. His large form would slide down her side, nibbling along her spine as he made his way to her pastel hips. He enjoyed what he was doing to her, but she had messed up his game. He wouldn't stop touching her though, he'd learn her body by kissing every inch of her smaller form. He'd tease her, but as he reached her tail once more he'd linger for only a moment longer. "I've enjoyed our time together, Kalliope." He'd whisper as he played there softly. "But we're going to have to try our game again another day." He'd finally tear himself away from her haunches, shifting nibble behind her ears roughly. "I'll be seeing you, darling." He'd give another chuckle before bounding off in the direction he'd come from, leaving her a promise that he would return again.