
Hey, what's up, hello


06-25-2015, 06:29 PM

Boy was she glad she had such practice in tracking. She was positive she would never have been able to even get close to where her elusive brother was without it. Well, he wasn't exactly elusive she supposed, there was just no was to know where he might have gone after he left. It was really more of a case of not knowing where he was than him hiding from her. But, gosh darn it, she was going to find him!

Liver hued nose twitched as she carefully sniffed the air around her. She kept getting little hints of his scent, most of them obviously stale, but she could tell that the scents were getting a little stronger the further she moved into this continent. There was a thin coating of snow and ice on everything, but she could see where the ice was beginning to melt in certain places and there was a definite hint of spring to the air. Well, she was certainly glad this cold wasn't going to stick around much longer. If there was one thing she hated it was being cold.

Every day when she had traveled any significant distance she stopped for the night and would howl to see if her brother would hear her call. She had been trekking across this continent for a few days now, but so far she hadn't had any luck. She glanced behind her, guessing that she had covered at least twenty miles or more today since she hadn't stopped to sightsee. She then looked to the sky, seeing that the sun had passed the high point in the sky and was now beginning to make its way down to the horizon. There was still a couple hours of daylight left, but she didn't exactly feel like moving any more either. Settling onto her haunches, she lifted her muzzle toward the sky with a deep breath and let out a howl with hopes that she might finally find her brother.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
06-29-2015, 08:10 PM
Eridanus 'Adahy' Sterling

Danus was resting, nursing his most recent wounds from his spars when he heard the familiar song. His head picked up and he listened. He found it interesting that any of his siblings had decided to leave the tribe and see the world. He wondered what his sister would think of his new injuries, too. Best way to find out was to see her. He pulled himself to his paws and headed off at a slow trot, purposefully taking his time, just to toy with his minutes older sister.

By the time he found her, the sun was setting, the light fading. He smirked, circling downwind and slinking up behind her. He’d always been the best at sneaking up on her, second only to Unega-Wahya. He waited until he was half a foot behind her, then leaned carefully forward, until his muzzle was next to her left ear. ”HEY!” He leapt backward quickly, tail waving behind him, scarred face uncharacteristically laughing.


06-29-2015, 11:31 PM

Time ticked by and Alethia was growing more and more impatient. She made herself wait there, counting how many branches were on the willow trees in front of her to pass the time. It was an awful way to pass time, but she didn't have anything else to do. Just as she was about to give up and go find a place to spend the night a loud "HEY!" was bellowed into her ear, making her almost leap out of her skin. She jumped up with a yelp, spinning around with all the fur on the back of her neck and spine stand up.

It took just a moment to register who the perpetrator of this prank was and immediately her fear was forgotten. She gasped and all of her paws danced in place as she tried to reign in her excitement. It was no use of course. "Adohi!" she exclaimed as she rushed forward, bouncing in a circle around his larger form. All of the sudden she saw his injuries and came to a skidding halt in front of him. "Adohi, what have you gotten yourself into since you left? Jeeze." She eyed each wound carefully till she finally let her bright gaze come back up to his, glaring at him for getting so beat up out of her watch. "You see, this is what happens when you go running off without me, brother!"

"Talk" "You" Think