
that's what's up

Absinthe 1

06-25-2015, 11:18 PM

Winter was nearing its end, but the girl hardly mourned. After winter came spring, and that would mark the end of her first year of life. Lounging lazily upon a massive boulder, she was nearing the precipice that marked sleep. It was nice up here, and she could see for miles. The view was rather spectacular, in fact. Endless waves of grass rolling softly in the breeze, broken up by the rocks that seemed to have walked up to their spots and simply sat themselves down at random. She liked the idea that some whimsical thing like that had put the boulders there, though she doubted that were actually true. A yawn stretched her maw, alabaster toes flexing as she made a pitiful attempt at stretching. The violet lass was far too comfortable to waste energy on stretching.

The lack of snow was a little disappointing, but it was her understanding that snow didn't fall often in the eastern parts of Alacritia. She enjoyed the little flurries that struck here and there, though apparently in the north it fell in huge drifts that could swallow her up without a trace. That would be fun. Provided they didn't actually eat her. That would suck, majorly. Tail tip would flick absently. She'd enjoyed the stroll through the grasslands, especially the part where she'd chased a few mice around. They weren't very filling snacks, but that was of little concern to her at this point in time. Right now, she was wondering about taking a trip. It was a very serious thought that had been waltzing about in the back of her mind, tugging at her mind at odd times. She hadn't seen her sister since her mothers had left her here, and it was beginning to become a real concern of hers. Was Milli okay? Alive? Dead? She didn't know. The only way she could sate her worry was if she took leave from her current home of Fiori to travel back to the site of Arcanum, which she'd learned at some point no longer existed.

The idea that was currently playing upon her, and had been as of late, would be to bring her best friend along. Of course, if he so chose to. It might be nice to take a little trip to her old den site, as well. She missed her ebony beach, with its dark sands and cool ocean water. It wasn't anything like the ocean here, it was much harsher. She felt a tug in her heart to go and see it, when spring came about. No need to risk herself in a sudden freak storm. She wanted to find her sister, and close a few of the many doors left open in her mind. Focus was hard to achieve with so many things nagging at you. Yawning broadly again, she laid her head upon her paws. Her duty to her pack came first, she knew that already. She shouldn't be taking some long ass trip back home and jump around the map, when she had things to attend to at home now. Like her training to be a sentry. That was important. Maybe she'd wait until after her training was complete. No, that didn't make sense at all.

Growling in frustration, she scowled at the horizon. Decisions like this were really hard to make. She'd have to spend more time thinking on it.




12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
06-25-2015, 11:53 PM

Hymn was exploring, as per usual. He had never been here and was having a bit too much fun leaping onto the random stone outcroppings. A vaguely familiar scent drifted towards him and Hymn paused, for paw tucked to his chest and bright blues scanning for the wolf he had smelled.

It was hard to miss her, and he certainly hadn’t though he had not taken the time to meet her properly yet. Leaping from his perch the boy approached in a friendly trot, tail wagging and tongue lolling from his mouth.

"Hey!" He barked happily as he drew closer. "You’re in Fiori right?" He was 99% certain he had seen her at the last meeting, and just as then as he looked at her now he was struck with how pretty she was. Not that Hymn knew what to do with the information… he never did, he simply had to live with the knowledge that all wolves around him were pretty! Still he wanted to meet his pack mates so he pushed those thoughts to the back of his head and fixed her with a friendly smile.


I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3

Absinthe 1

06-27-2015, 11:20 PM

A cloud or two scuttled silently across the sky, wispy little lambs skipping across the blue. A rabbit screamed, and another joined it. A fight, perhaps? It wasn't long before another figure would make its appearance. This one she vaguely recognized from a meeting and the regular encounters of pack life. He and his brother were closer to Bacc's age than her own, but she thought they might be fun to meet. He approached with a friendly demeanour, smiling gaily. As most wolves didn't appreciate being glowered at, she noted distantly that she should probably change her expression. The corner of her mouth turned upward in a half assed attempt at a similar greeting. He was bigger than her, that much was obvious. Was everyone on this planet bigger than her? "You bet 'cha." She replied, that soft southern drawl of hers getting more obvious by the hour. The brawling bunnies settled. Mismatched optics blinked languidly as she wondered what to say. Well, a name would probably be a good start. "I'm Absinthe, but most people just call me Abby for short." She announced, her smile broadening just that little bit.

The male had very brilliant eyes, the colour of the sky. Miss Epiphron had eyes like that, but not quite so pale. They were the colour of the sky. They suited him very well, she thought. She had weird eyes, they were two different colours, like her mama's. Except, mama'd had blue instead of red. Thoughts of her old family trickled away as she noticed how awkward she must be acting. Lavender plume thumped against the stone once, before she smiled lightly at the male. "You wanna come sit up here? The view's great!" She yipped gleefully now, patting the spot beside her with one violet and ivory paw. There was plenty of room, as long as she scooched over. Her gawky frame wiggled further to the side, making enough room for the other lupine to be seated comfortably. The fighting rabbits started anew with their scuffling, and she frowned in the general direction of the ruckus. What was so important? They were just rabbits, after all.




12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
07-08-2015, 11:02 PM

Hymn observed the girl for a moment, she was shorter than he was, not a hard feat all things considered. But then Fiori seemed to have an overabundance of giants as it was so maybe it should have been a bit more surprising.  She returned his smile though notably less enthused than he was. She confirmed his suspicions and he took note to the accent in her voice… he had never heard anything quite like it and it only added to her appeal, at least for him. The purple girl would get a name out before he could and he rolled it around in his head for a moment. "Nice to meet you Abby, I’m Hymn." He accepted her nickname easily and gave a slight flourishing dip of his head in greeting.

Just as she was busy noting his features he was busy doing the same, noting the similarities in the spots of white to those his twin bore.  He thought it added character to her already interesting coat. The brief silence was broken soon though and his gaze returned to her face as she spoke. He nodded, perhaps a bit over enthusiastically and allowed her to shuffle over before leaping upon the stone.

He settled upon his stomach attempting to take up as little space as he could, a difficult task all things considered. In the distance the screaming of rabbits echoed towards them and he turned cerulean gaze in their direction for the moment. "I wasn’t interrupting anything I hope." He spoke as the squealing died down for the moment.


I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3

Absinthe 1

07-14-2015, 11:32 PM

The boy seemed enthusiastic about the prospect of joining her on the boulder, and it lightened her mood somewhat. She smiled a little more easily now, watching him bound up onto the rock and settle down on his belly beside her. He made sure not to press up to her too tightly, but she wouldn't have minded either way. Those things didn't really bug her, since she spent so much time hanging around with such affectionate wolves. His question distracted her from her roaming thoughts, and she dragged her gaze back to his face. It took her a moment or two to process what he'd said, but she got there. A low hum and a shake of her head was all she initially offered.

It was only after the silence was bordering on awkward and the rabbits began scuffling anew, that she decided it couldn't hurt to get a second opinion. "I want to get away from the pack, just for a little while, and go visit home again." Sighed the girl finally, violet banner thumping against the stone emphatically. "But I feel like I should stay in Fiori and train for a while first." She murmured, frowning lightly. She didn't like all this indecision, it made her head hurt. She was being tugged this way and that by her heart and her mind, but she didn't know what direction to go. "What do you think, Hymn? If you don't mind my askin'." She questioned softly, directing her mismatched gaze toward him again. The squealing and thudding of the rabbits got closer, their brawling clearing a tiny path through the grass as they trampled ever closer to the wolves.
