
Far From Over


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
09-06-2014, 05:11 PM

By the stench of the lake, many of his blood had come this way. The man couldn't help but smirk, it seemed that no matter what land the Xani's wandered to, they all flocked together. Maybe it was the whisperings of the name Ebony, the very name that his pack had help before the kingdom had fallen. Had news of the battle traveled as far as he had? He had been one of the last of his kin to flee, no matter how shameful he had felt. He bore the scars of battle, although most were now covered by his auburn fur. The only one that stood out was the crescent shape scar that puckered around his silver hued eye. Most of the vision was lost, leaving the world a bit blurry and muddled. When the man needed to focus, he would just shut that eye and let his bronze one do all the work. At times he wished that all the vision had been lost, it would have made things a lot easier.

His own curiosity had him skirting the border, although no call was rung out from the regal boy's maw. No, the ruler of this so called Ebony could show their face to him, and explain the meaning of this. As far as he knew, him and a few others were the first of the royal line to come to Alacrita, so who dared take the namesake of his home? He had a lot of burning questions for the lady who ran this pack, that was for sure. Fendar was not seeking the throne for him self, oh no, he was a male after all. He just wanted to see a fit lady of Xanilov blood to reside here, to once again make Ebony a force to be trifled with. And boy, was he in for a surprise.



3 Years
09-06-2014, 05:25 PM

The smell of a wolf lurking on her borders, one that didn't announce himself, stirred a strange sort of anger within the auburn Queen. She had never felt so possessive over a piece of land before, not even when her mother would sit down and tell her all the duties of a Queen, not when she dug her own den and was raided by a pair of badgers. Not until she'd mounted that spire in the Stone Steppe and claimed Ebony as her own had this blood entitlement become a reality. And now here was this gutless scut, too fearful to cross the line but without honor enough to announce himself. It was disgraceful, and she would not have it! Finally she saw him, his russet frame large and well-bound with muscle, but that would not sway her. A loyal legion lay only a howl's cry away and she had business to settle with this... Oh!

The look on his face spoke irritation, but his frame was one she now began to recognize. The splotches and hue of his coat as well. Could it be? She had seen so many wolves of Old Ebony recently, it hardly seemed so impossible to spot another now... But no! She could not let her guard down. He had not announced himself as the others had, and it seemed all too likely that his intentions were less than honorable. So with a deep breath Valeriya stalked forward with a mind to confront him. "These are pack lands," she said in a Queen's tone, one that was cold and brokered no argument. Perhaps he would not realize just how young she was. "It is proper to announce oneself to the leader when skulking about them. My name is Valeriya Xanilov, firstborn daughter of Raisa, and you have an Old Ebony look about you. What is your name, stranger?" Her voice did not reflect the warmth she often showed to others. In her mind, this brute had yet to deserve her courtesy.

"Talk" "You" Think


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
09-06-2014, 06:21 PM

A wolf made her way to him, and when his hazy eyes locked on her form she felt herself freeze. Raisa? No... it couldn't be. She was dead, she had to be dead. But it looked so much like her, coming towards him with a look of anger on her face. Had she come and rebuilt Ebony here? But how had she made it out alive? All these questions vanished when she grew nearer, she was lighter than Raisa, no gray on her body at all. His eye had deceived him, the lack of sleep playing tricks on his weary mind. Letting his body relax he eyed the smaller gal, waiting for her to speak to him. She told him that these were pack lands, making a laugh rumble in his chest. "I am not daft, blood-sister." He said softly, folding himself on his rump right on the other side of the invisible boundary. "I have not trespassed, have I? I was simply curious as to whom named a pack the same as the name my homeland pack bore." She was young, no matter how she tried to hide it he knew it. How young was not known, although he would have never guessed that she was just a year.

Her name came next, stating she was Raisa's first born. His auburn jaw nearly dropped, his eyes opening wide. "She -- she's alive? How?" Were his whispered words of wonder, a sound that could only be described as a breathy laugh left his maw. "That sneaky little girl, I knew that she wouldn't be torn down by those vipers." All signs of his grumpy self left him, the news seeming to awaken his very soul. She was a strong woman, and a clever one at that. He knew that she would not have allowed such a fate to fall upon her. Realizing his manners, he dipped the lower half of his body in a sign of respect. "Forgive my rudeness, Lady Valeriya. I am Fendar Xanilov, son of Lizanna Xanilov. I am glad to see that the Xanilov's once more hold a crown, it is only a shame that there are not more of us." Sadness echoed in his voice, a soft sigh uttered from his lips. War and death had torn his family apart, and yet... Here they were, ruling a new Ebony once more. His blood was meant to rule, and all he sought to do was protect them. "If my Queen would allow it, I would humbly offer my services as her person guard and protector, if one has not been assigned to you already. I seek to protect all Xanilov's and see to it that our throne is not stolen from us again." His eyes shimmered at he gazed at her, feeling much more alive than he had in two years.

Fendar was a great warrior, a strong and just fighter. He would gladly protect those of his blood, but pointless war would not be allowed. He had seen enough bloodshed, violence was something he saved for those who dared harm him or his family again. Still images of the coup plagued his mind, keeping him from the slumber that his body so needed. That was why he was always grumpy, usually going days without sleep until his body finally collapsed and he blacked out, the darkness comforting him with its lack of images. Blinking his full attention now lay on the young Queen, awaiting her words.



3 Years
09-06-2014, 07:44 PM

The expression on the brute's face at the mention of her mother made Valeriya blink in confusion and ignore what he had said before. He seemed so utterly... enthralled with the idea of her survival, it was almost frightening. "She's alive... as far as we know," Val would admit sadly. "Raisa was taken by a birthing madness and left Ebony. I spent a season searching for her to no avail, and have only recently returned to take the throne she left behind." Despite how Valeriya might feel, this man seemed to have a fond interpretation of the the cinder queen that had come before her. She wondered what other stories or memories he might be able to or willing to share with her if she were to ask. Upon his introduction, Valeriya would bow her own acknowledgement to him. A fellow Xanilov? This was nothing to be scoffed at. Royal blood flowed in his veins just as it did"A pleasure then, Lord Fendar." But he was not done yet. It would seem this russet brute was full of surprises, (and courtesy which pleased and amused Val even more.) The pledge of placing himself in her service was the first true offer she had been made. Her mother had had many sworn knights, Katja among them, and she had not heard aught but good come form these arrangements. The fervor in Fendar's voice spoke to his commitment, his drive, and his reasons seemed true. Valeriya would let a broad and honest grin split her maw and a gentle laugh out as well. "You seem to be an honorable sort, Lord Fendar, and if you survived the coup you must certainly be capable. I would rest more easily knowing I had a knight such as yourself to back me. If you would like to make a home in New Ebony you are most welcome here." She supposed Fendar was her cousin, then, if he was born of Lizanna, but he seemed too gruff and weathered for such a youthful title. Perhaps she would deal with this in the future.

"Talk" "You" Think


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
09-06-2014, 08:02 PM

The young queen seemed to be amused by his words, which made his head tilt ever so slightly to the side. Did he say something humorous, or was it simply the change in his mood? He was quite fixed on the fact that Raisa had made it out alive, but they had all thought that she had died with the rest of her family. "Forgive my excitement Ebon Queen, we had all assumed that your mother died with the rest of the family, I am quite overjoyed that she made it to these lands and struck up New Ebony. Then again we assumed that everyone had died, although it seems that a lot of our kin have made their way to Alacrita." He was saddened by her words of her mother missing, but knew that Raisa would come along soon. She was a strong woman who had seen many horrors, but always seemed to find herself in some way or another. He had no doubt that when she snapped out of it that she would make her way back here, back to her children. It was then that he remembered that Valeriya had said 'first born' and not 'only child' or Raisa. Auburn ears tilted forward as he grew curious. "How many siblings do you have Lady? If you don't mind me asking of course, I am quite intrigued." It was a bit funny how regal he became once more in the presence of his blood, for two years he had wandered alone and had missed so much. Like his little cousin's birth, and Raisa's rise of a new Ebony. Oh how joyous the moment must have been.

She spoke of being a pleasure to meet him, and he rumbled slightly. "I assure you that the pleasure is all mine Lady Valeriya. To have young blooded Xanilov's is indeed a great moment, to have one rule Ebony is even greater." He said softly, his eyes twinkling with a bit of pride for this girl he knew nothing about. But she was family, which meant that even though he knew little, his heart knew much more than that. Her smile and laugh followed, her words extending a new home to him. His own grin grew on his muzzle as his head slowly nodded back and forth. "It would be an honor Lady Valeriya to have you as my Queen, if you will have me as your Knight. I wish only to protect and defend Ebony, to see it prevail once more." The girl knew about the coup, as all Xani's did, but the thought of it still made him shiver. "I have seen and fought more than my fair share in the war Lady, but from the horrible occasion I have brought strength and knowledge along with me." He shrugged his lightly marked shoulders, chuckling softly. "Plus I'm pretty big, some wolves might just flee when they see me towering behind you." It truly was a silly thought, following his cousin and casting his shadow on her. How many would look and flee at the sight?



3 Years
09-06-2014, 09:08 PM

He asked her to forgive his excitement and how could she not? It was always good to be excited by family, and in this case even more so. Valeriya have not even known this brute existed only a short time ago but now he stood before her and she could feel the spark of a deep bond beginning to form. "To hear her tell it, though she spoke of the coup only on the rarest of occasions," Val allowed, "Mother came upon the fringe of the fighting just as it began, and was able to escape, though was pursued for quite some time." True to her word, Raisa had only told her children the bare necessities of the coup so that they would know their history and the warning history might offer. Val found herself hoping every day that she might not only rebuild the empire that had fallen, but build it better than before. "As for my siblings," she said, allowing a bittersweet smile to come onto her face, "There are five of us. Or were, maybe. Three have gone missing... I have a brother here in Ebony with me, Kassander. The eldest. My sisters Sindri and Svetlana have disappeared, along with my other brother Sigmarr." She let out a long sigh, and dropped her gaze to her paws. She would not admit the guild that gnawed at her, how she should have been there, not yet. She did not know this man and that was just recently something she allowed herself to consider, late at night when sleep would not come to her. "I suppose we must have some knack for wandering off in our blood, huh?" She allowed herself a dry chuckle. You're all starting to give me hope that maybe we have a knack for finding out way back again too, though, she told him without telling him.

His conviction to server seemed as certain as dawn and dusk. With a gracious nod she squared her shoulders with him and dipped into a quick bow. "I am honored to have such a great warrior at my side. I officially welcome you into Ebony as an Ebon Knight." she said gravely. However, upon rising, much of the seriousness in her face and posture melted away. "To begin with, you should probably know I'm not much for standing on courtesy, except for formal stuff." A ringing peal of laughter, light with youth and merriment, bubbled out from within. "Mother did her best with us, I promise, but I've always been a bit wild, all things considered." Running with rogues for a few moons would do that to a princess, she supposed. She hoped that it wouldn't change Fendar's opinion of her but hey, if he was going to spend time with her he should know that from the get-go. "And all those fancy titles are great around strangers and acquaintances, but Val works just as well. C'mon, I'll show you around." Val would turn and bound forward a few paces, her lithe body coiling and releasing with the strain of muscles growing more powerful every day. She painted a pretty picture, auburn coat flashing in the sunlight. Even if her build spoke good breeding, the light in her eyes spoke of an excitement that could only come from a charismatic young spirit.

"Talk" "You" Think


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
09-06-2014, 10:49 PM

He let out a soft sigh when she spoke of Raisa leaving the coup before it began. Good, she had not been there to witness the horrors of it all. But to be persued for so long would do things to one's mind, so he didn't blame the poor woman for losing herself for a little bit. "Well, she has left a very capable woman to lead in her stead." He said softly, auburn tail thumping upon the landscape a few times. He knew that she was young, and to lead a pack like that was a challenge for sure. But she looked to have all her ends tied, and all seemed quite well. He had faith in this girl, he really did. He had no doubt that the Xanilov blood was strong within her, she was the first born daughter of Raisa after all. He made a note about her vanishing though, perhaps one day he would go out and search for her and try to bring her back home. To see her save and to protect her would bring him much happiness. His ears stood at full attention as she mentioned five siblings, her voice grew somber at the mentioning of them going missing. He let out a soft rumble sound, almost like a reassuring sound to ease the young Queen's mind. Xani's had a habit of wandering off, that was for sure. They held adventurer in their bones, but in their heart there was always a longing for home. When her question was posed to him, he allowed himself to slightly bend forward, brushing his nose against her shoulder from his seated position. "Xanilov's always knows where there home lays Lady Valeriya, when the time comes they will all return back home. We may long to explore every ends of the earth to meet all the challenged out there, but look at me. I wandered from far away lands and my paws -- and my heart -- brought me right here to you. Give them time Lady, and they will come back to you." Fendar's words were soft and wise, coming from someone who knew the truth in his own words.

Talk of politics and ranks came next, the Queen naming him an Ebon Knight. His own shoulders squared as his large form sat at its tallest, taking the rank with head high and pride in his eyes. He would go to the ends of this world and the next to protect Ebony and all the wolves within it. Family or not, Ebony was always his home and his pride. As she rose from her bow, the wall that seemed to have been up shattered, her youth shimmering through as she warned him of her mischief. His two-toned eyes narrowed slightly as he smirked at her. "I am ready to chase your tail down a river if I have to." He teased, although his words rang true. If he had to climb up a damn tree to rescue her he would. He would let out a soft laugh as she mentioned titles, it was how he had been raised. To call her Val seemed a bit silly, but of course he would listen to what the girl said. After all, it did ware a bit thin at times. "Fendar for me. If you call me Fen I might just push you into that river." A joke -- or was it? His eyes danced with humor though, pulling himself off the landscape as she bounded off in front of him. He was big, so it only took a few strides to catch up with her. Metallic eyes roamed the landscape as he took in his new home, the New Ebony that he would protect with his very life. "Do you run this pack alone, or is there a boy out there that I should keep my eye on?" Fendar wasn't usually like this, but his grumpiness had vanished with all these delightful things happening.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
09-06-2014, 11:30 PM

Was Fendar's approval just useless platitude? Val considered the fact that it might be nothing more than brown nosing, a bribe for her affection and endearment, but somehow she didn't not think this brute was the sort. He had an honest air about him, so after a moment of consideration his compliment blossomed within her chest and sent tendrils of pride through each limb. She would not comment though, not right away at least. She wanted to let it sink in, to allow herself a moment to appreciate that a now-packmate of hers actually thought she would make a decent queen. Maximous' disapproval following her impromptu coronation still haunted the girl. Before she could think too deeply on it, dig herself a nice little hole to wallow in, Fendar spoke again. His words once again proved to be an immense comfort and Valeriya found herself growing incredibly fond of her cousin in a very short amount of time. He was her family, she told herself, and this is what you've been missing while off mucking about in the wilds. She'd been blessed, however, or so it would seem. Just as members of her family would be swept out with the tide, new ones would be carried in. They were not replacements of course, not by a long shot... But it was a start to filling the hole they had left behind. "I can only hope that you're right," she said quietly, before deciding to lighten the mood with a bit of a jest. "After all, you are my elder, seasoned and wise and all that. You must be what... Seven? Eight years old? I think that's grey flecking your cheekbones, if I'm not mistaken." She would chuckle and continue to walk on. His own jokes would come, and Valeriya was pleased beyond reason that he was capable of them. A companion without a sense of humor made for dull days ahead, but Fendar seemed willing and able to roll with the punches. "Of course there's a boy! How could there not be, just look at my dazzling figure." She would pause just long enough to gesture to herself with mock enthusiasm. She laughed again and resumed speaking as she normally did, uplifted and full of life. "My brother, that is. Kass. As the heir he helps with the day to day things. I wouldn't bother watching too closely though. He's bound for the life of a Sola, very boring stuff."

"Talk" "You" Think


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
09-07-2014, 10:13 AM

After Valeriya decided that Fendar could be allowed within her heart, she truly started to shine like her own precious gem. Her age was showing, but that wasn't really a bad thing. He had seen a lot of young ones growing up too fast, and it wasn't easy on their minds. But she had such a youthful glow about her, and a humor to match. He felt like he hadn't laughed this much in the whole span of two years, years that he had just aimlessly wandered as he got used to the loss of sight. With her teasing him about his age he jumped forward, aiming to smack his chest on her hindquarters. It wasn't too hard that she would go flying, maybe just stumbling a few steps. "And don't you forget it! I may be old in your eyes, but I can still school you any day, my Queen." He teased, lifting a paw and trying to swat playfully at her ear. "And try four on for size, I'm not quite that old yet. And that grey you speak of is auburn, did the little princess not learn her colours?" Fendar sneered playfully. Usually he would get quite grumpy over being called old, but Valeritya was starting to make himself feel like he had before the coup, although he knew that sleep would most likely not come any quicker.

As the girl posed he chuckled, striking up his own pose as if he were truly shocked. "My Lady doth not have any suitors! For shame! I shall gather up all the suitable males and line them up for you to choose from." Fendar said before walking next to her, his large head shaking back and forth as a chuckle burst from his lips. Yes, he quite liked his little cousin, and he knew that he had made the right choice in coming here. She spoke of Kass helping her out with things and he nodded his head slowly. "I will be sure to introduce myself to him once I see him, and maybe chase a few damsels away from him." He said with a wink. Fendar cast his metallic gaze away from the smaller girl then, eyes settling on the lake that expanded before them. "So what is this land called?" He asked, quickly changing the subject to get slightly back on track. While he certainly did not mind jesting with the young Queen, he was curious about his new homeland.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
09-09-2014, 02:36 PM

Val rolled her eyes and gave a rather unladylike snort. Oh, he thought he was just so scary! Well, she would show him she wasn't afraid of gnarled old coots like him. "Four! she said indignant. "You know it's treason to lie to your queen?" To jab at her lack of suitors though, now that was just cruel! She had met other males around her age, just none she'd wanted to get involved with! That Ullr boy had been nice enough, and she'd spent a good day exploring with some other boy from the east but that had just been for a good time. Courting was something Raisa had always said she'd handle, something about arranging it and Val wouldn't need to worry."Feel free to harass Kassander, though," she said with a crinkly-eyed grin. It was... nice, talking to this brute. She could almost forget that they had only just met. He reminded her of someone, though she couldn't quite place the feeling. It was there and gone just as quickly. As to the land, well, she wasn't quite sure what he was asking her. "The realm itself is called Alacritis," she would say matter of factly. "But we only hold sway over a portion of it. This lake, Firefly lake, and a set of old tumblestones called the Stone Steppe southwest of here. If you came from the interior you probably passed by it." She had half a mind to take him around Ebony's entire perimeter and show him the ins and outs. Gods knew she wandered off often enough, it would probably help if he knew the lay of the land well enough to hunt her down.

"Talk" "You" Think