
hero and your heroine



4 Years
06-30-2015, 12:23 AM

The beauty found her way down the beach, it seemed that she had followed it right out of her homeland. The ocean was her guide, and she followed it religiously. Her dark form was a contrast to the white beach that flew underneath her paws, though when the sun caught her silvery fur just right she seemed to shimmer. Neith was well kept, her long winter fur held a healthy shine and she was well fed for the season. The young Moria girl would spare no opportunity. scavenging was her main game but occasionally she'd found her good looks had come in handy. More than one wolf had shared their kill after a little flirting. Not that she stuck around long enough to keep her promise. The tactic had worked thus far, the trick was not to eat quite as much as your suitor.

The thought brought a smile to her lips, it might have stayed there too if she wasn't getting hungry again. She'd sought out the smell of anything that might be near by, the ocean always had a bounty and she'd never thought it selfish (lol selfish) in her life. The tide was finishing it's journey out to expose more land. The smell of fish was strong here, if she followed her nose the ocean would provide. On nimble limbs the midnight she wolf made her way to an exposed cave, flopping fish and a multitude of different marine creatures lingered in small cave pools and the floor. A bounty had been opened up just for her. With a squeal of delight Neith found her way into the cave.



9 Years
06-30-2015, 11:45 PM
Arcus moved with a deliberate pace, his paws pressing hard against the ground as he moved steadily away from his packland. He knew he had to move as quickly as he did, there was a part of his that desired desperately to get away. Get away from all the talk of destiny and where he belonged, away from family that had easily forgotten his very presence because he didn't show his face for a little while. The quicker he moved, the less his storms would rage, and he missed the odd feeling of calm he had once felt. He longed for the moments when all he wanted to do was help his brothers with the pack. And now, since he was lost and forgotten, he felt nothing but overwhelmed by the very idea. He didn't want to care anymore, he didn't want to feel these storms that hurt him but also gave him such strength, this hell fire that licked at his paws and burned him but oh...He shook his head. So he moved, he fled away from Donostrea, with slate blue eyes ablaze with emotion and pain and anger and rage and loneliness. He shone in the way he moved, a storm that eased across the territories and through the tunnels. He hadn't moved too far from the packlands when he entered the caverns, the tunnels were close to his own pack... With a gentle sigh he moved through the caverns, not paying attention to the scenery around him. All he cared about was moving, was eating as much distance as he could. He knew if Glacier knew he had fled in such a vulnerable enraged state, the behemoth would have chased after him. So he rolled across the lands like clouds, moved with a sneer on his face as he trotted. He barely noticed the girl, the shadow among the shadows, and if he did he really didn't care. He just wanted to move, oh so desperately, away from Donostrea.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
07-02-2015, 11:00 AM

The dark Moria girl wouldn't hesitate in devouring the plentiful food that was laid out before her. With an eagerness that was almost scary she started to consume all the life in her wake. Smartly the she wolf would avoid the more dangerous morsels, especially the spiky stuff. She'd easily catch one of the trapped fish, pretty much by standing on it within the shallow tide pool. A delighted grin would play across her features as she reached down to tear into its white flaky flesh. Neith always enjoyed a good fish. She'd only down a couple of good bites before another form could be heard deeper within the cavern. The dark woman would lift her features and tilt her head curiously as she watched the man come out of the shadows.

She'd notice first the fiercely determined features he bore, focused on some point in the distance she couldn't even fathom. His stormy fur seemed alive with his element, the shifting light that reflected upon him would only enhance the effect. For a moment she thought maybe he really was the embodiment of the chaos element, the girl would not hide her unabashed stare. The longer she watched him though the more sure she was that he was just as wolf as she. "Watch out, if you're not careful you'll fall into a tide pool." Now much more curious about him than the meal she had been disturbed from Neith would follow after the stormy boy.