
Border patrol



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
07-03-2015, 05:08 PM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2015, 01:52 PM by Valentine.)
This thread is AW as Valentine is right outside the pack. Just be aware of the border if you're an outsider :3

Following the curve of the border, Valentine made his way around the edge of the Orchard. He was on the outside looking in. For whatever reason he was feeling rather contemplative and he'd decided to try to look in with the mindset of a rogue. If he were a stranger to this place, what would his first impression be? Would he be fearful? Impressed? Indifferent? Unimpressed? For reasons he couldn't place, today that mattered.

He was in a good mood. The sun was shining, the breeze was brisk and it was all in all a fine day. It would have been hard to be anything other than happy. That, he mused, was Spring. It was a little cold still, but not terribly so. The land was green and lush, and there were buds on the trees. Soon enough the Orchard would be brimming with fruit. Already he could hear Eva's enraged screaming as Angel pelted her with overripe fruit. A pang of something he couldn't quite place lanced through his chest as his thoughts went to his kids. His oldest children were a year old today. How time flew! It felt like just yesterday that he'd celebrated their birth.

Standing within sight of the Rio Grande, Valentine paused to consider his surroundings. With the turn of the year it was time to consider what was ahead. Training the young ones, recruiting, honing the skills of those who called Imperium home. At some point he needed to visit Bass in Abaven and Epiphron in Fiori again. They had events planned and with the weather warming, perhaps it was time to put them in motion.

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



2 Years
07-04-2015, 10:26 AM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2015, 01:01 PM by Reiko.)

always, i wanna be with you
and make believe with you,

The bountiful amount of prey had attracted the young alabaster lady to the South. The warmth of the sun against her snowy pelt was comforting, she had spent most of her time here taking a nap in the comforting caress of the sun's rays. It was like night and day in comparison to where she was brought up, although there was nothing like a fresh pile of snow, the cooling touch of it against her skin the moment it melted enough to penetrate her pelt. But this was a nice change. She had had her fill of rabbits, with her belly full, she was looking for somewhere to rest again. Oh the life of a loner, it was relaxing and stressful at the same time. You had no home, and the threat of starvation or pack wolves getting to you were always imminent. However, once your belly was full and a safe place was found to rest, there was no need for duties or anything of the sorts.

Slender legs carried her swiftly through the lands, easily over fallen trees as though hovering just above the ground. She made no sound as she traveled, following a sweet scent that perfumed the air. Flowers, she could tell, blooming in the distance. She wanted to see them. There was also something else there too, something she could not put her paws on... still it was sweet, but it wasn't the scent of blooms on the breeze.

Her eyes quickly laid upon what had attracted her there - fruits, things on trees she had never seen. She had seen some fruit on bushes, but none smelled this good. But something else caught her attention, that kept her feet grounded where she stood. Her eyes perked and eyes searching... it was unmistakable, this beautifully scented place belonged to a pack.

Alerted by the scent, she searched her surroundings. She couldn't take on pack wolves, or even just one of them patrolling. Her heart nearly sank the moment she laid eyes upon a being on the border. He was huge, just about twice her size. He didn't seem to be savage or seeking out a fight, but she approached cautiously none the less, her tail swaying in a slow wag behind her in a friendly gesture. Hello! I uh... I didn't mean to come so close to the borders, I just realized they were claimed. She explained.

She didn't lie, once she smelled the pack's border, she had no intention to cross it and cause trouble. And now, even though she wanted to just walk away and keep her distance from claimed lands, by running away now, she would just look suspicious... so she had no option than to say hello. Plus, she loved meeting someone new anyways. Still, her neck was strained trying to look at him respectfully.

—  reiko

image and code by noki, do not use without permission



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
07-04-2015, 01:39 PM

With his eyes on the river, Valentine was considering fishing when a voice drew his attention away. He turned to find the slender, stark white figure of an unknown woman. She was petite to say the least; standing somewhere around half his height with a build that would make a hummingbird envious. Gracing her person and carried on the breeze was the unfettered scent of a rogue. An air of friendliness surrounded her and the gently waving tail suggested an amicable encounter. Eager for such, The King turned towards her and answered her friendly tone in kind, "Hello, miss! No harm, no foul, really. It's not a crime to be close to the border. Now crossing it," he said with some amusement, "That is another matter entirely."

Tail waving, Valentine sought to close the distance between them and bring it down to a space that made conversing easier. He didn't endeavor to encroach upon her personal space. Rather, he wanted to speak without the need to raise his voice while keeping a respectful distance. The King was aware of the figure he cut and the trepidation that some felt when taking him in. While he wanted to speak to this stranger, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable. "Name's Valentine," he rumbled with a faint smile, "I take it you're new to these parts?"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



2 Years
07-04-2015, 02:04 PM

always, i wanna be with you
and make believe with you,

Now she had had encounters with the random leaders every now and then, not of big packs like this one, but smaller hoards as she liked to call them, who claimed small pieces of lands. They weren't always that welcoming, even if you didn't cross, many seem to take any opportunity to attack if given any reason at all. Although she loved to give people the benefit of the doubt, she was still keeping her eyes open and ears alert to any signs of him being aggressive. Keeping a look out for an opening to jolt at any time. She was small enough, so hopefully she would be faster than he was - at least by weaving through the trees, she had the better build for it, she hoped. He turned toward her, and she was ready, ready for anything! And then, a kind tone graced her drums, to which she smiled wider in response.

He introduced himself first, he was respectful and kind, that was for certain. She folded one of her front legs under her and gave a small bow, My name is Reiko, it's a pleasure. Now she didn't know of his stature, all she knew is that he smelled like the scent on the border. Her bow was not for that of an Alpha, but more just out of respect, a greetings.

Yes I am, I am more accustomed to the North, this is my first trip in the South. I must say it is a lot warmer than I thought it would be. She gave a short giggle while lowering her rear onto the ground in a soft gesture. This would make looking up to him a little easier. She took a moment to study him, those markings under his eyes were unusual - but then again, anything other than just white fur was unusual to her. Frankly, with the new individuals she was meeting, she grew to be quite envious of their colorful and beautiful markings.

I take it you're familiar? I'm only guessing you're with the pack that scents these lands.

—  reiko

image and code by noki, do not use without permission



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
07-04-2015, 03:18 PM

Valentine had no qualms with those who meandered outside of his borders. Their business was their own and it wasn't until they crossed the border -the very clear marker- that it became his business. Willfully crossing into marked territory was a disrespect the King couldn't overlook. It was one thing to be invited but enough thing entirely to take liberties with his benevolence.

"Likewise, it's a pleasure to meet you, Reiko." An interesting name, it rolled of his tongue with a foreign flare that he was unfamiliar with. Surprised by her respectful bow, the King was nonetheless pleased by it. Since becoming an alpha Valentine had unknowingly begun to change. Once he'd been indifferent to respect; he hadn't been interested in giving or take it. But now? Now he appreciated it and not only demanded it in his dealings, but gave it as well.

From the North, eh? He needed to make a trip up there himself. There were packs and peoples up there that were unknown to him and while he loathed political interactions, Valentine recognized that they were a necessary evil. She commented on the warmth of the South. Genuinely curious, he asked, "Was that a pleasant surprise or are you missing the chill?" The King himself preferred the warmer climate. He wasn't particularly fond of the bitter cold or the ice and snow that came with it.

"I take it you're familiar?" The ghost of an amused smile quirked up the corners of his lips. Familiar? Weeeeell... "Your assumption is correct. I'm very familiar, actually. This pack," Without thinking he jerked his head in the direction of the claimed land, as if it weren't obvious already. "Is called Imperium and I actually founded, and am the current leader of, it."

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



2 Years
07-04-2015, 03:58 PM

always, i wanna be with you
and make believe with you,

Hmm, was it a pleasant surprise? Umm, I think? I mean, its nice. But, its so warm, almost uncomfortable you know? But I should get use to it eventually, I think, at least I hope. I do miss the snow though... She dropped her head for a moment, thinking back home, to her family. The adventure was nice, it was simply the fact that it was going to be a little tough for a while, getting use to living on her own in a strange land. Her mind drifted for a bit, reminiscing to what she had left behind.

Her attention was drawn back onto the large male when he spoke up again. Her eyes lit up in surprise to what he said. An Alpha? Yes she had encountered some before... or at least she thought she did... they acted like it at least. Valentine didn't act like they did. That's so cool! You're really important then. She caught her tongue and remembered something. You must be very busy, and I am just taking up your time with mindless chatter... I'm sorry.

She was just so accustomed to living life as a loner, even with her family they were loners, that she wasn't certain what kind of work this man must have to do. He must be super busy, and here she is, some lowly loner just taking up his precious time.

—  reiko

image and code by noki, do not use without permission



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
07-04-2015, 05:19 PM

Valentine found himself nodding at her explanation. He could understand that. When talking to a wolf from the north he'd remarked at the cold and in return received a blank stare. The native had grown acclimated to the cold (as he had the heat of the south) and thought nothing of it, so she'd taken the bitter woes of a soft southerner with exasperation. "We get plenty of snow in the Winter, so if you hang around long enough you'll be up to your ears in it soon enough."

Surprise brightened the countenance of the alabaster woman when he told her his title. Amusement painted his own features as he took in her statements. He was by no means a humble man, so he preened under the weight of her admiration. It pleased him greatly to be talked up. "Not at all," he countered reassuringly. "I'm enjoying our conversation and it's nice to take a break." Currently all he was doing was patrolling, which consisted of simply walking the perimeter. It was boring, mindless work, really, and a pleasant conversation was a nice respite.

"If I may pry," he began, "You said 'eventually' like you possibly plan on staying in the area. If that is so, then perhaps I can be of assistance? I know these lands well and if I may be so bold, I'm sure I can answer any questions you might have." His tail swished at his hocks while he spoke. Reiko was making an impression on him, the kind of impression that made him want to make the same impression on her.

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



2 Years
07-05-2015, 12:20 AM

always, i wanna be with you
and make believe with you,

He explained that there would be plenty of snow in the winter time for her to play in, this excited her. She would have the best of both worlds it seems, the seasons and their changes. It would be exciting! And she could not wait for Winter to roll its head around the corner, to anticipate the first snow flakes to fall from the heavens. Already she pictured herself rolling around in the snow, coating herself in the soft substance. I can't wait! She exclaimed as she bounced up onto her feet, tail wagging, she was already so excited for the seasons to change, to see the next one. For now, she would enjoy summer while it was still around. Maybe learn how to swim or something...

Her smile remained when Valentine explained that he was enjoying his time off from doing Alpha duties. At least she wasn't wasting his precious time. She may be young and quite naive, but she was well aware that time was precious, once it was spent, you could never take it back. You cannot get it replaced like lost prey, or a butterfly fluttering away from your grasp. It was permanent.

She turned her smile into a curious grin, ears erect as she stared at him, waiting for his question, or whatever thing he was prying into. She didn't need to wait long for it to come. He was so kind. It made this trip worth it, finding these rare kind individuals who made the gremlins worth it in the end. She thought for a moment if she had any questions for him, only one crossed her mind, and she was almost shy to even speak it. Erect soldiers lowered a little, her inner debate ended the moment her pearly whites separated to speak

I'm not much of a hunter... I'm small and not too strong - so, the only question I have is, do you know where there might be a large amount of small prey? She didn't need to point out the obvious, but it made her feel a little better about asking for such a thing.

—  reiko

image and code by noki, do not use without permission



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
07-08-2015, 08:21 PM

"Hm," he rumbled thoughtfully in response to her question. Valentine's gaze briefly rolled heavenwards in thought. A good place for small, plentiful game. Here in the south the top places for that were in Imperium. He'd put a lot of thought into his choices; he'd picked the places that had the most to offer his wolves. The most prey, the most shelter, the most options.

His gaze returned and he smirked, "Well, I should start by saying I'm extremely biased. Imperium has the best hunting grounds in the south by far. That being said, the Rio Grande over there," he motioned towards the huge river than ran nearby. "Is great for fishing." Let's see, where else... "Fern Gulley, which is further south of here, is a pretty good spot too. The rest of the good, southern hunting grounds are packlands."

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



2 Years
07-09-2015, 06:04 PM

always, i wanna be with you
and make believe with you,

Of course he would say that his lands were the best for hunting! At least he admitted he was bias about his judgement, which made her giggle sweetly in response. He was honest, and so far, he was very kind. He had every right to tell her to go away, to not respond to any questions or even amuse her with any kind of conversation. But he seemed to enjoy it as much as she did, which was very nice of him. She appreciated such an action, and would remember this in the future.

She followed his gaze to the river, and she shivered just a bit at the thought of fishing. She had never learned how to swim, and had no idea how to. The thought of falling in and drowning was all too real to her - so she made a mental note to ignore that suggestion. It was a great thought, but frankly, it was useless for her sadly, unless she learned how to swim and do so fast.

Fern Gulley... She repeated to herself softly, making another mental note in where to head. He said it was South of here, so she guessed that is where she would be going next. I guess that's what to be expected, all the good lands are claimed! She explained in good humor. It was hard being a loner, and that is why wolves were compelled to join a pack eventually. It made life easier, and their lifespan prolonged thanks to it. From safety to food, it was just a better life.

I guess I will be heading South then, after this. In search of ferns, a gulley, a ferny gulley to be exact... unless the name is a lie. She pondered at that last bit. Some names were quite deceiving, like Iceland and Greenland, she heard from a few ravens that their names were the total opposite of what they truly were. She rolled up into a stand, a motion that was flawless, like the rolling waves on a warm calm ocean surface. Her tail flicked and took off any dirt that clung to its plumes. I probably shouldn't be keeping you for much longer then, Valentine. She dipped her head, getting ready to depart for the time being. She remained just a little, in case he had something more to talk about, if he wanted to waste more of his precious time with her - of course she wouldn't mind if he did.

—  reiko

image and code by noki, do not use without permission



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
07-10-2015, 11:59 PM

"I guess that's what to be expected, all the good lands are claimed!" He chuckled, but made no further comment. It was true; of course the alphas were going to snap up all the good lands. For a good leader, only the best lands for his or her people would do.

Her next statement pulled a thoughtful shrug from him. "I think it's pretty accurate as far as names go. Although there's more to it than that, it is indeed a gully with ferns in it," he finished with an amused smile. It was a gorgeous place, a healer's paradise. At one point it had been a packland, but that pack had since crumbled. What exactly had caused its demise was unknown to him, but the fall of yet another pack didn't surprise him. There was a shortage of solid leaders in Alcritia.

Reiko spoke of taking her leave and Valentine dipped his head slightly in understanding. It seemed she wanted to be on her way. That was alright with him, he wouldn't keep her if she had places to be, but he was a tad disappointed with the length of their conversation. "You aren't bothering me any, really, but if you must be on your way I wish you luck and a pleasant journey."

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



2 Years
07-12-2015, 04:49 PM

always, i wanna be with you
and make believe with you,

And so that was it, there was nothing more for the Alpha and the loner to speak about. She had ran out of material without starting to babble on and on on worthless things that would bore even the most clingy of individuals. She was glad to hear that the gully was just as it sounded, so it should be pretty easy to find. So long as she remained in the South and searched in a clockwise way from the outside in, eventually she should bump into such a place. It shouldn't be too hard. Dipping her head, she smiled before walking past him in a brisk, but excited pace. Ready to see somewhere new, someone new, an adventure. She turned over her shoulder for a bit, a smile in her twinkling eyes.

It was a pleasure sir Valentine. I do hope we meet again some day soon. I wish you and your pack good luck and a prosperous summer! Kicking off, she galloped back into the trees, away from the fragrant ones that Valentine called home for himself and his followers; certain that she would come back again calling for him, maybe she'll have more to talk about next time, a more "stimulating" conversation rather than random babble from someone so new to this adventure thing as she was. With barely any stories or anything to add to his day.

And just like that, she was gone, her swift slender legs carrying her into the thicket.

—  reiko

exit reiko

image and code by noki, do not use without permission