
To Be Scared By An Owl


07-03-2015, 06:20 PM

He had been surprised to find her there.

She was injured, wing all torn up and all. Félicien knew little of healing, a little more about owls, and knew for certain that she needed his help. Currently he was debating what to do. Should he call for Sorrel and Ellingham? That seemed to be the wisest thing to do but... the silly thing wasn't accepting his suggestion of a healer!

She was hopping around on her feet, trying to fly with a single wing. The young man would furrow his brow, watching the spirited little creature. He was honestly at a loss, since talking to her didn't seem to help. "I'm fine!" She'd snap. Oh boy... someone give him some aid! Félicien would follow after the northern saw-whet owl as she continued along, trying in vain to fly. This was getting neither of them anywhere fast and he was starting to grow more worried.

"Maybe you should just wait a minute... you're having a lot of trouble and--" The little creature would turn to look at him, bicolored eyes that were exactly like his own hues of blue and yellow looking back at him. It was different than looking at Sorrel... it was almost like looking at himself from someone else's eyes. "I told you, wolf, I'm fine! I'll get airborne in a moment!"

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



9 Years
Athena I
07-03-2015, 07:22 PM

After the spar training she had a sudden reignited need to learn. She was still determined to be a healer, but she still had no idea who to ask and her own stubborn nature wouldn't let her ask for help. She padded through the Threar territory sniffing out any herbs and plants she could find. Some had begun to grow back in with the beginning of spring, but the air was still brisk and had held back some of their growth. She found a few of the most common ones like dandelions and a few pitiful blooms of Marigold, but her knowledge was still fairly limited so it was possible that she was passing by some helpful plants.

Suddenly a pair of voices disturbed the quiet that had been around her for some time now. Her ears perked and she lifted her head, turning her face toward the sound with her ears perked forward to listen more closely. Curious, she padded towards the noise and once she was closer she heard what sounded like a male trying to give his help and someone else adamantly refusing said help. Well, she could certainly understand that sentiment. She sniffed the air again and noticed the second scent wasn't of a wolf at all, but maybe of a... bird of some kind? An owl? Now even more curious, Kalliope padded forward, noticing the sound of wings flapping erratically and the faint scent of blood mingled with the owl's scent.

"You know, I understand not wanting help," she stated as she drew closer, interrupting whatever rebuttal the male might have had for the owl's insistence, "trust me, I do. Asking for help is probably my least favorite thing in the entire world. She stopped a couple of feet from the pair of them, her blind gaze turned in the owl's direction. "But there does come a time when you have to accept it." She paused, realizing she didn't know this wolf and so he wouldn't know who she was either. "Sorry, I'm Kalliope, but you can call me Kalli if that suits your fancy.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-04-2015, 03:11 PM

A stranger would come, and the golden male was grateful for her arrival. She too would give an input of saying that sometimes even though help wasn’t necessarily wanted you sometimes needed to accept it. Félicien would give a small grateful nod to her, and that was when he noticed something. The she-wolf was blind. Félicien would blink, ears flicking back some. He couldn’t imagine living with such a disability. It definitely had to be hard, but now he could definitely understand where the peach and white wolfess was coming from.

Sophitia would let her gaze turn to Kalliope, her bright eyes shining with a blaze of irritation. “Nngh... I suppose so....” The owl would turn her head, looking from Féli back to Kalli. “Will you wolves help me?” The owl would ask. This was something that Féli wasn’t any expert at... But at least they finally got her to agree that she needed help.

“You wouldn’t happen to know anything about herbs, would you Kalli? I... Want to help her but I... Know very little.” A little shameful considering his mother once held the high rank for healing in the pack.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



9 Years
Athena I
07-07-2015, 11:49 PM

Kalliope was pleased to hear this stubborn owl finally give in to their insistence and then ask for some help from them. She smiled a little and nodded, already scrambling through her limited knowledge of herbs for any that might help. As if on cue, her ears would swivel toward the male as he asked if she knew anything about them. She frowned with thought and hesitantly answered, "I know a little... Just the basics really. I haven't found a teacher yet so I only know what my adopted mother taught me and it's been quite a while since I've actually practiced any healing... but I might be able to help a little."

In her head she retraced her steps from this morning, trying to remember if she had found any herbs that might help... And her face lit up and her face turned toward the male again. "Horsetail, to help bind the wound and... dandelions for inflammation... Can you go get them for me? The horsetail was on the edge of a pool... Thirty paces back from where I came from and then... maybe twenty or so steps to the right from there. The dandelion should be along the path between here and there. I'll start getting her cleaned up while you do that." She nodded with certainty and then moved closer to the owl before settling on her stomach next to the bird so that her forelegs were in front of her, laying a bit like a sphinx. "Do you mind laying what is hurt across my legs so I'll have a reference of where you are? Is it your wing?"

"Talk" "You" Think


07-14-2015, 04:20 PM

Félicien would give a nod as Kalliope spoke. She knew a little, basics, but perhaps she could still help a bit. His gaze would travel to the bi-colored eyed owl. She was a spirited thing, not like Ellingham, but perhaps that was a good thing. He would let his gaze travel back to the peach and white fae as she spoke once more, listening to what she had to say. Horsetail and Dandelion... He knew those! Eyes would light up. He had gathered horsetail for Sorrel once, and almost any wolf would know what a dandelion was! “Got it!” He would set off at a jog, going to collect the herbs.

Sophitia on the other hand would remain with Kalli, hoping on her legs closer to her. These wolves were curious creatures, though nice to be willing to help her. She would stretch her injured wing, wincing with pain as she laid it across the wolfess’ forelegs. “Yes, my wing. I hit a tree branch while flying and since then it hurts to move it very much. I don’t know if it’s just sprained or broken.” Though if it had been broken she would have been in much more pain.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen