
Sparrow Destruction


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
07-06-2015, 12:11 PM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2015, 08:34 PM by Evelyn.)
So with Salmon leaving the site for now, little miss Sparrow is back up for adoption. She hasn't been played as much as I would have liked her to have been, so I am open to her personality changing. However, her looks must remain the same, as there is a lot of family art and I adore her design...

So! Since I am on a bit of a hiatus right now, Bass is bringing Finch and Wren to visit his family. I was going to say that Sparrow went with them, but that will be up to whoever get her. They can say that she stayed, went and came back early, or they can wait until I come back.

They must stay in Abaven for now, but of course IC things happen. As for her other siblings, Finch is her only sister and played by me. Shrike is played by Keno, Lark by Nyx, and Starling by Arin. Her profile can be seen here. She just turned one this passed Winter, so there is still a lot of room for her to grow!

Mother's profile here. Father's profile here.

Table One
Table Two {Family Table}
Table Three {Pup table}
Avatar One
Ref One
Signature One
WIP Table four
I think that's all for now... I will add more if I can find them.

<b>OOC name:</b>

<b>Appearance:</b> Written in your own words, at least 100 words.
<b>Personality:</b> At least 150 words
<b>Plans:</b> Is she going with Bass or staying?
<b>RP sample:</b> At least 100 words

My focus needs more focus.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-06-2015, 08:16 PM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2015, 09:40 PM by Esti.)
OOC name: Iko

Appearance: Sparrow is a small girl with a shiny white coat... Well, mostly white. Well, Sparrow has a milky white base coat accompanied by a creamy brown, layering like cream poured into fresh coffee. From the tips of the girl's big, fluffy ears down to her chest runs a smooth chocolate. This mocha pours over Sparrow's face up to the upper, outermost third of her snout, which is white like a marshmallow resting atop warm cocoa. The rich coffee hue flows over the girl's shoulders and her right foreleg, though her left foreleg holds the silky white of her base coat. Sparrow's face is adorned with a dusty, milk-chocolate version of the Destruction markings along with a small circle above each eye. Her eyes, like her mothers, are a green, though her own eyes appear to have a deeper hue than her mother's, offering a similar color to fresh mint, and in some lights, one might spot a dab of her father's honey eyes in the innermost parts of her irises. Like her mother, Sparrow will be thin and spry, occasionally skimping out of meals or forgetting to eat all together. Though tiny, Sparrow has an ample amount of fluffy fur that would be hard to tame enough for anyone to see her frame unless she was thoroughly soaked.
Personality: Protective, Family-oriented, Day-dreamer, Thinker, Kind, Sensitive, Open-minded, Open-book
Like the colors that cover Sparrow's coat, the young woman is similarly sweet. Like her parents, she is eager to help those in need, and even those not particularly in need. She is the quieter support of her siblings, often tailing her family members with a cheery smile and sealed lips. Though she is good at keeping others' secrets, she sees no need to keep any of her own, especially from her family. Like her father, Sparrow values her family at the highest. She is mostly a bit of a daydreamer, but she will become very serious if her family is involved in something or if they need her. She is protective like her father, but, like her mother, she is sensitive. She is more likely to clam up if someone upsets her, especially her family. Sparrow is the type to come rushing if she's needed, but the type to run away if she's hurt. She will go on lock down if she's upset, though it doesn't take too much prying from her family to get her to open up and talk about what's bothering her. Though she rarely acts out in anger, she would do so in a heartbeat if her family needed her to. When not around her family, Sparrow can be seen as aloof, although really she is almost always thinking. Because of this, it can be easy for Sparrow to overthink things and worry when it comes to herself, while with others she can be level-headed without much of an issue. Healing is where Sparrow finds herself at home. With herbs and a few words, Sparrow feels like she can solve any problem. She doesn't love fighting, but takes it on as a dutiful task needed to protect the ones she loves. The young girl is playful, yet gentle, often following her parents and siblings and doing as she's told. The girl has taken pride in being obedient and stable, though sometimes she feels as if the wind is calling her to discover something more, though maybe that's why she daydreams so often. Sparrow is any sweet-lover's dream.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Plans: Going with Bass. Won't leave his side unless instructed to, in which case she will come back early. I'd rather her be there when Wren passes, but I may want to play her soon too, so if I get her, it's something to discuss.
RP sample: Today was the day! Sparrow was to set out with her Father, Mother, and Finch. What exciting adventures would await them? Sparrow skittered about, making sure to gather some basic herbs. She could carry all this, right? No, maybe she would have to leave one or two things. Oh! Maybe Finch would help her! The milk-and-chocolate girl couldn't possibly wait another second. She hadn't slept at all the night before and instead just stared at the stars, daydreaming (or really night dreaming) about the family they would meet. She wondered how many of them would be her age. Would any of them have a coat like hers or eyes like hers? Scrambling as she wrapped the last of her supplies, Sparrow ran off to find her father. Coming upon the gentle giant, the small girl's tail began to wag softly. She set down her herbs and sat by his side. She didn't have anything to say, particularly, and it was still really early, "I'm a little surprised you're awake, but I suppose I shouldn't be," she said sheepishly, aiming to bump her father with her shoulder, "What is it like, where we're going?" Sparrow added quietly. She didn't want to interrupt whatever her father was doing, but she was so curious, even more so after imagining what it would be like all night. She had no idea what was to come on this trip, and that made the girl even more eager to go, "I'm ready, whenever anyone else is." she would finally state, turning to look at her father as the first beams of sunlight broke over the horizon, lighting up Sparrows eyes in the same familiar honey tint as her father's. Whatever was ahead, Sparrow was ready.


07-06-2015, 11:18 PM
OOC name: Shelby

Appearance: Sparrow is a tiny little thing, standing only twenty four inches tall when she is full grown. Her features are delicate and feminine to say the least and she is definitely quite a pretty wolf. She is a tad lacking in the strength department, but she makes up for it in being swift on her feet. Half of her body, including her head, neck, chest, shoulders, and the entirety of her right foreleg is a deep chocolate brown. The rest of her body is a pale, perfect ivory, including a small touch of the lighter coloring on the end of her muzzle. A light gray also makes an appearance in the form a few thin markings on her face. A touch of the gray shows on both of her brows and underlines both of her eyes. Her eyes are a vibrant green, matching the coloration of newly grown leaves.

Personality: The base of Sparrow's personality is always to be as kind and gentle as possible to those around her. In this sense she is quite selfless, especially when it comes to her family and loved ones. If someone she cares for needs anything at all she will work to get them what they need, even if it is far beyond what she can fesably do. However she is also quite driven by her emotions and she is also often prone to mood swings. Most of the time these mood swings are so subtle that they are hardly noticed, but when she's really stressed or scared they can more erratic and sometimes violent. Of course even when she does swing into violence it's not like she can really hurt anyone with her tiny size, but it's still not great for her well being to feel like such. She really does have a big heart though with a lot of love to give and wants to care for everyone.

Alignment: Neutral good

Plans: She'll definitely stay with Bass till he gets back, especially with Wren passing away and everything. She might be a little clingy to him and the other sibs for a while lol

RP sample: Birds chirped overhead and sunlight filtered down through the trees around her. All in all it was a beautiful day with not a cloud to be seen in the sky. She sat under one of the large trees, leaf green eyes peering around her for any sign of her family members. She didn't mind being away on this trip with them, but part of her kind of missed Abaven. She knew they would go back eventually and it was really, really exciting to come meet some more of her family. It was just... she wasn't really sure how to feel about it.

The yearling finally got her her paws and trotted further into the trees while she attempted to shake off her mixed emotions on the whole situation. Her ears perked when she suddenly caught the scent of a rabbit and she stopped in her tracks, quickly dropping into a crouch in the shadow of one of the trees. Scanning the area, it only took her a few moments to spot the hare. It seemed to be nibbling on something, luckily distracted enough to had not heard her coming. One perk to being so small, she guessed, was that it was much easier to walk very quietly.

She inched closer and closer till she was a short distance away. At the last moment her prey noticed her and right as it was about to take off into its burrow she leaped forward and caught it between her jaws. She killed it quickly and her tail wagged victoriously behind her. As quickly as her homesickness had come on it was just as quickly gone, now replaced with what was probably an overly large amount of joy from catching a simple rabbit. All the same, she proudly picked up her kill and trotted off to find her father to show him.


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
08-12-2015, 08:31 PM
She is coming back this week!

My focus needs more focus.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-12-2015, 08:56 PM
OOC name: Dragon

Appearance: Written in your own words, at least 100 words.
Personality: At least 150 words
Plans: Is she going with Bass or staying?
RP sample: At least 100 words

-Will be finished tonight, just wanna do some posts XD


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
08-17-2015, 08:00 PM
I have decided that Iko gets Sparrow! Since Wren, Bass, and everyone is pretty much back, I am going to give her to Miss Iko! If you want to remake the profile just ask and I can delete the old Sparrow account, and you can remake it, or I can change the password on the old one. Lemme know!

My focus needs more focus.