
Pray Your Soul Is Mine To Keep



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-06-2015, 01:47 PM
Spring had brought it's way onto the lands, bringing with it the promise of new life. Indeed, life would be new this year. Many things would change, and he was soon to start. All that was needed now, was for he and Arietta to find their children, and the wheels would begin to turn. Motioning for their time to bleed out the world. To bring a new empire that would bring chaos to the lands. And the world would truly know fear.

Amber eyes narrowed against the light wind that pressed against his body. The male stopping as he gazed at the wall beside him. He had been here before, and it had brought him something unexpected before. He didn't know what lied on the other side of the wall, except for maybe endless terrain like what was on his side. He was prompted to reach the end, thus he would pick up speed until he was running alongside the three mile long stretch.

And yet, it did not take more then a few minutes for him to reach the end where the wall crumbled to history. Panting slightly, he climbed the rubble until he was on top of the wall, where he lied on his stomach and simply watched the empty world pass by. All the while thoughts and plans of what was to come played within his mind.



10 Years
Dragon Mod
07-11-2015, 08:19 PM

Much time had been spent in the north, and not once had she strayed from the snowy region since she had been born. This was where only the strong survived, you needed genetics to be on your side as well as brains, the ability to quickly adapt and use what was thrown your way. Had her father been around long enough to actually see her grow, he would have seen this, perhaps even have taken her with him and her brothers when he abandoned Arietta. Just the thought of him was enough for the female to snap at the sapling beside her, easily snapping the thin branch and spitting it out in disgust. A paw kicked snow at the broken bits, shaking herself briefly before turning and continuing on her way.

Dark eyes ran over the landscape around, tail flicking while she rounded a boulder. Ant that is when she saw it, him. Blue eyes instantly narrowed and locked on the figure, a white pelted wolf with molten orange eyes, fur carefully stained with blood. “Sin.” She growled, tail rising and the fur along her spine slightly bristling as she moved forward. Steps were slow but steady, snow crunching beneath her paws as she approached the lounging male. All she could feel right now was hate towards the man, irritation clear across her features. He had left her with Arietta, gone for god knows how long and here she finds him just lazing about on the snow wall?! Was he here this whole time?!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-12-2015, 08:19 PM
Sin Armada

"Sin." Ears perked atop his head as his amber gaze sought out the voice. There was no mistaking who it was, for he knew all those who came from him. She seemed to be angry, and he would not blame her. He had felt the same way when his own father had abandoned him, though he had gotten over it. Though he blamed his father for the way he came to be, but that wasn't a bad thing for Sin. Standing, he stared at his daughter with a scrutinizing glare. She appeared to be strong, her muscles showing beneath her pure ivory coat. Good. She had not faltered in her training.

Leaping down to the snow to meet his offspring, a spray of snow washed up around him as he took a step or two close to his spawn. His amber gaze never left her, as hers did not leave him. "Daughter." He rumbled. He knew she was pissed with him, it was clear on his face, but that did not faze the man. She would know soon enough why he had left. He stood before her, unwavering as he thought about what to tell her. But he'd wait for her response if anything. "You have been training well. I am proud."



10 Years
Dragon Mod
07-13-2015, 05:14 PM

Despite the anger she felt towards the man, when he looked at her with that scrutinizing glare she simply held herself proud. Head head was raised and level, dark blue eyes staring the man down. Legs spread equally and body tensed a hint, tail raised in the air, a breeze ruffling the fur along her toned body. Paradox remained as this when he leapt down, nose flaring as he grew near. Ears flicked forward when he finally spoke, soaking up his words like sponge, wanting to hear what he had to say, his explanation for being gone and taking ONLY those boys.

”Why wouldn't I be.” It could be considered an insult had she been in an even fouler mood, but the fact that he noticed she had been training and voiced how he was proud was enough to stomp that out. Tail flicked, an ear swiveling off to the side briefly before returning to position, narrowed eyes not leaving the man once. ”Was able to learn more on my own than from others, not that they were useful in the first place.” She commented with a scoff, rolling her shoulders before finally taking a step to the side, making a small arch around her father.

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-18-2015, 07:40 PM

Ah, his little girl had sass. Well, this was pleasantly expected. He knew she wasn't happy about his leaving, having taken her brothers briefly but then had rethought what he wanted to do and sent them back to these lands where, he was sure they had wandered on their own since. His demeanor remained neutral, unchanged as he gazed steadily at her. Her comment amused him, she was independent it seemed, and that was a good thing. "Well, if that's the case...why not test your strength against me? I'm sure you wouldn't pass up the opportunity to rip my fur off for leaving without notice." His gaze followed her, a hint of mischief in his voice and stare. He would love the chance to see how well his daughter had grown, how much she knew. There the possible chance she could best him, and he would reward her if she could. "Well?"

talk, think



10 Years
Dragon Mod
08-18-2015, 08:41 PM
Brow quirked at the man's little... suggestion. He was asking her to test out what she has learned on him, and bringing up the fact that she wouldn't pass up such a lovely opportunity to rip his fur off after leaving her and Arietta behind. ”You are not lying with that.” She smirked, lips pulling back in a toothy grin and dark, amused stare. He sought confirmation to which Paradox turned and moved back to be directly ahead of the man, tail swaying above her spine and still grinning, chin tucked in. ”Pass this up, no way.”

Without waiting for his response the girl would leap into action, not wanting to waste precious time or give him the chance to think of a plan against her. Starting from six feet away the girl did a small lunge and charge forward head on, legs spaced evenly and toes digging into the cold ground. Her head was pulled back and shoulders held forward, ears laying back against her skull and eyes narrowed, tail held out and aligned with her spine with chin tucked in.

Paradox was just a bit smaller than him in height and weight so she wouldn't have to think too much about this little show. First she would move to her right but suddenly dart to her left where she would then try to curve around Sin's right side, back legs crossing one over the other to swing her rear end to her left. Head swung right, jaws seeking to latch onto the man just in front of the knee of his underside. Boys never liked when you went anywhere near their, special spot. She would aim to apply just enough force to make him feel it, maybe a bit extra just to taste the blood ooze from his body, know she did a good job.

While trying to bite the man she swung her rear, tail swing over to try and block his field of vision and perhaps make him have to bend to avoid. If he bit that it didn't matter too much to the female, she could still bite onto other parts of his body and turn around, just wouldn't really be able to jump away or anything. Weight would be distributed to her left foreleg and back legs while her right foreleg lifted off the ground and tried to hook over his spine about midway along his back, giving a hard tug with her own paws digging into the ground to keep her from stumbling into the snow.

paradox vs sin
1 of 2(?)

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-20-2015, 01:09 AM
Sin Hellstrom

An amused rumble sounded in his throat at her response. "That's my girl." He responded as she proceeded to move and stand before him once more. As she moved to stand in front of him, it was confirmation that she would take this opportunity and not let it go to waste. Squaring his shoulders, he set his legs equi-distant apart as his center of gravity was lowered, toes spread and his claws digging into the dirt. With a wry grin, he stared at her as he narrowed his eyes as if to egg her on. And that was precisely what she did. His younger counterpart lunged forward as she attempted to close the few feet between them. As she did so, Sin too would lunge forth. His head lowered over his throat and aligned with his spine and likewise his tail flagged out and aligned with his body as well as acting as a rudder, red painted ears pinned to his alabaster crown, and his hackles bristled as they started their dance.

As she darted to his left, he made to move with her, but then it seemed she would dart towards his right and he wouldn't be able to follow in time. As he halted on a dime, snow sprayed up around him and temporarily shielded his vision. His daughter had chosen a good starting move, and as soon as he'd begun to think about it, he felt a sharp pain on his left hind leg just above his knee. Her bite placement a result of his body arched when he had abruptly stopped. He hissed in pain as her teeth met in the meaty part of his leg, her canines digging in about an inch, mild moderate lacerations were given as he began his move. As he swung his head to his left, his maw opened wide as he sought and attempted to bite her right hind leg just above the back of her knee. (Above the ankle/achilles heel). He wanted to try and grip with his teeth, and keep a solid hold on her to handicap her movements.  Simultaneously, he attempted to swing his hindquarters away from her to his left, her attempted paw hold failing as he felt her claws lightly scratch his left side just beneath his back, though no damage would be done. Hoping that his own attack would distract her and keep her from going for another low blow, Sin realigned his stance. Legs were spread apart as his body was lowered closer to the ground, his scruff rolled and bunched, and he rolled his shoulders forward to protect his neck, as well as use them as a battering ram.

He sought to use his momentum and thrust forward, attempting to bowl her over by slamming into her hindquarters, right foreleg reaching forward in an attempt to trip her, further trying to compromise her balance. Though if she were smart, and he knew she was, she'd be able to get herself out of this predicament.

Sin VS Paradox for Spar

Round: 1/2

Attacks: Attempting to bite behind her left leg and keep a hold/grip above the ankle/achilles tendon(basically similar location she bit him but on the other side of the leg), attempt to knock her over with his shoulders and his momentum, attempt to trip her/compromise her balance with his right foreleg.

Injuries: Moderate lacerations+2" puncture wounds on his left thigh, shallow/light scratches on his left side.

Out Of Character Notes: