
End of Your Days



5 Years
07-07-2015, 05:09 PM
*Set a week after Volt's return*

Her paws dragged behind her as her head hung low, limping heavily. Her left shoulder was torn and still bleeding, she had not stopped moving since she ran away from Voltage. Had only slept... wait had she slept? She couldn't even remember, her mind was a foggy cloud. She was deranged and badly hurt, there was hardly a place on her fiery body that was not bruised or scratched up. When Serefina had left her brother, crying out that it wasn't true, she had not stopped until she reached their old home. That is when she saw that her brother was indeed telling the truth, and the wolves that bore her and her siblings had laid there dead. They hardly looked like themselves, and the stench that wafted off of them made her wretch. But it was true, they were dead. The blood that matted their fur made it quite apparent that their passing was not natural. After the nasua had passed, she was taken over with red hot anger. With that she took off, searching the island for any other signs of life. She ran into the first female and demanded to know what had happened to her parents, even though she insisted that she did not know them. She had came to the island looking for food, but Serefina didn't believe her. That was her first fight, the female left a gash along her muzzle and a cut on her lower neck. She moved on after she had pinned the girl, who cried for her to believe her. Sere huffed, and stepped off of her to find her next victim.

She ran into a male next, who was a lot more aggressive than the female. He fought her right off the bat, no questions asked. The fight that she usually liked, but her body was sore from lack of sleep of her last fight. He gashed her shoulder, tearing off a pretty big chunk, as well as spraining her front toes. He had done quite a number on her, leaving puncture wounds around her neck and leaving her to slink off in defeat. This made for a very, very pissed off Sere. So when she ran into her final stranger, it was a different tale. She asked again about her parents, and he stated that he knew them. That they were gone now. He had smirked, and it was enough to make her snap. This time it was a different fight, a fight for a life. She accused him of killing her parents, of robbing her of ever finding answers. This is where she sustained most of her injuries, the blood coating her yellow lightning strike with thick mats of blood. The fight lasted a lot longer, until she felt like she was going to collapse. But he egged her on, fueling her never ending rage. At last he slipped up, allowing her to end the fight. With the end of his life. She cursed him for making her do it, for taking away her parents. But he was dead, before she could really get any answer from him. Serefina stumbled back, the pain replacing everything else. When it had finally sunk in what she had done, she howled in regret. She didn't even know if he had done it and... she killed him. She took away this man's life when he could have done nothing at all. Innocent. And now... Serefina wretched again, her limbs shaking as she almost collapsed. But his voice filled her ears, saying how he had ended their life, took it away while they cried. Had he done it, or was he just looking for a fight? She was confused, but he... he said he had done it. He had, hadn't he? So... she had done it. Growling, not bothering to rest, she grabbed the still warm wolf and dragged him away. She was going to take him back to their family, show them that she had ended this miserable wolf's life. But in the back of her mind her doubt still lingered, and it was the only driving factor that allowed her to move without passing out.

The girl didn't even remember how she had come here, but she dumped the body well before she got to her homeland. She didn't want to lay the dead body for all to see, she was unsure if some of her siblings would wish to see the battered body. It had become more torn up by her dragging it here, ripping more tears. Her own body was so badly beaten that it looked like a crocodile had chewed her up and spat her back out. But she was here, she was finally home. The scent of the border gave her her last amount of strength to push on. Once she got two feet across the plains, she let out a howl for Voltage and Glacier. She needed to show them. But before she could even finish her howl her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she collapsed on the earth. Blackness welcomed her with open arms.



6 Years
07-07-2015, 05:23 PM
Voltage had been sleeping soundly beside his...fiance, but the moment her call touched the air he was up and bolting before he even managed to open his eyes. It was an automatic reaction, something he had subconciously been trained too. Above all the other siblings, Serefina and Glacier's call subconciously meant to most if only in terms of safety. They along with himself were Donostrea's first lines of defense and if either called, it could easily mean something was coming. But this...this was different. For one, she had ran from him! The fact that she even called was a godsend, and it caused him to push faster and faster towards her. His paws easily ate up the distance as he blinked the sleep from his eyes, gritted his teeth and clenched his jaws. The closer he got, the more distressed he realized the call, the more he could smell blood.

Instantly, everything went red. Sheer and very rare anger flooded him, fueling his rage as he bolted towards her border just in time to see her fall, unconcious. He yelled her name, skidded to a stop just in time to not run directly over her. The sight instantly brought tears to his eyes, brought a curse of the world to his lips and he snarled. Blood, tears...she was hurt, so hurt. It was obvious she had gotten into fights, or just one really bad one. He'd quickly do a sweep of the lands before him, searching for any sigh of persuit before he would gently grab her scruff and pull her with so much care deeper into the packland. He needed her safe, he needed her to be alright! His heart raced in his chest as he let her go, inspected her, tried to wake her with gentle nudges and kisses. It was all his fault! He knew that, if he hadn't let her go... "Sere.." He whimpered, he choked before he raised his head. With a powerful, demanding howl he'd call for his healers, all three of them. He'd call for Terrae, for Lior and Orchid, and he'd call for Glacier. Everyone else would get in the way, he needed to make sure she was alright before he allowed anyone else near her. When he lowered his head he'd gaze at her, his lips curled and tears slipping down his cheek before he nuzzled against her shoulder where the tattoo was covered. Blood, dried...he whimpered softly before he began to lick at it, trying to clean the area, to make sure the mark was still there, as if that alone would tell him she would be alright. "Sister, just...hold on, please. Terrae is coming, please...I'm" He whimpered, pressing his forehead against her. "I'm so sorry..."

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
07-07-2015, 06:04 PM

The girl was by no means an expert, but when the call for a healer went up Lior would respond to it readily. Her heart was set on learning more, on further building upon the basics that she knew. She had known enough to help her mother, enough to help Lebrah, and the girl was determined that whatever was wrong now would get her aid as well. Lior could feel a sense of calm wash over her once she slipped into healer mode. Even if there was a few moments of panic before she ran to get the herbs.

A mouthful of herbs would be grabbed before she would race to where an unknown call sounded. It didn't matter if she didn't know the owner of the voice. They called for Glacier and that meant they were likely a member of the pack. Of her pack. One look at the damaged body of Serefina would have her drop the herbs in shock. Gods above... could... could she handle a wolf this damaged on her own? No... but there were others called for. Maybe... maybe one of them... Lior shook her head.

No, stop! She couldn't let her mind get the better of her now. She would move to the red marked wolfess' side. "I'm going to need some help with cleaning her wounds, but I'm going to do my best to help her."

The wounds had been on her for some time. Comfrey Root, one of the herbs she brought, would sooth the pain of them. The dandelions would be useless as painkillers since the wolfess wouldn't be able to chew them. The goldenrod could be chewed into a poltice though to help with the healing process and, should any other healers arrive, perhaps they'd have a different set of herbs that could help.

"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]

Orchid I


5 Years
07-07-2015, 07:10 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2015, 07:19 PM by Orchid I.)

Orchid was an expert at her craft, she had a no nonsense attitude and had healed aggressive wolves, leaders, friends and enemies alike. She had more experience under her belt then any other healer she knew so when a call was sent out for healer she would stop her search for herbs (she was recreating her stash for her time in donostrea) and make her way over immediately. She would see another healer had beaten her that and would nod her head to Lior, through she didn't know the girls name. She opened the leaf bag she kept permanently about her neck as she moved to the side and started to examine Sere as best she could without getting in the way of the other healer. “Cleaning has to come first, she's let dirt and bacteria into these wounds, and bites should never be left untreated” she said, tisking her tongue at the unconscious Sere. “Can someone fetch water? My friend, would you be able to?” she gently asked the other healer, knowing that a general inquiry could get her no where, singling someone out would speed up the process and they needed haste for some of these wounds, Sere had already fainted from blood loss. She had not intending to take over but, well.. she was generally always the most experienced in a room. She would also have no idea that the girl was one of the wolves she had been brought here to teach.

First order of business, she needed Sere calm and out for some of the things she had to do. She had a while ago created her own little formula for a situation like this and the parts necessary for it where already in her leaf bag. She grabbed out Ginseng Root, and Wintergreen. Both where rare herbs she used sparingly, it was situations like this that she broke into her supply. She also added the faintest touch of Wolfsbane to help keep her under and Yarrow to start the blood clotting. She mushed them into a paste and popped a small hollow stick she used to store a small amount of water (not enough for the cleaning required, but enough to create a paste she could dribble into an unconscious wolf's mouth) when it was watery enough, she lifted Sere's head and dribbled it into her mouth, massaging the girls throat to encourage swallowing. When enough of her mixture had clearly gone down the girls throat, Orchid was ready to begin. “Voltage, I need you to hold her down. The mixture should keep her under but this will hurt so if it doesn't I need you to keep her still” she took the time to explain herself to the worried Alpha. “See this? She's let it fester, if I don't bleed it out it will poison her blood. Its a bad situation, she's lost a lot of blood already but if I leave it I put her in more danger” she shook her head, annoyed at how Sere had treated herself. “Which is why she can't move, she cant lose a drop more blood then necessary” Orchid explained she looked at Lior then and pulled out a stick of Trillium and handed it to the girl. “Add enough water to make a paste out of this, not a liquid, once that's done prepare the water, please” she gave giving Voltage a moment to prepare himself before she began. She cut the wound with a claw and gently squeezed the surrounding skin, letting the puss run through until the blood ran clean, then she pinched the skin together, stepping back and nodding at Lior. “run water over it please and apply the paste” she directed, waiting until those things where done before she bound the wound. “Start on her other side, clean her wounds apply the paste to the worst ones and bandage, if you see any more infected areas tell me immediately” she directed, and got to work on the other wounds littering Sere's body.

When they where finished she let out a deep breath and assessed Sere, she looked pale and worst for wear but she could immediately see that the other girl would pull through. “She needs bed rest, she will also need fluid and one of my special pastes dripped into her at first every hour for the next three hours and then a few times a day after that. She's lost a lot of blood her body is going to have to work hard to replace, she will also need energy and high protein food regularly well her body mends., but its safe to move her now” Orchid concluded, packing up her supplies, she would have to do a stock take later and she was going to have to spend some time searching for Ginseng root again. "You did good work today" she told Lior, smiling at the unknown helper.




6 Years
Extra large
07-07-2015, 07:26 PM
Glacier heard Voltage's call, but more then that he also heard him call for healers, a jog that had started off easy turned into a head long one as he ran from the beach side, climbing up a hill and making his way quickly into the Prairie. He would see immedetly that others had beaten him there and he moved to Voltage's side well also trying to stay out of the way of the healers. He would see Lior getting to work and smile at Anais's sister, or as much as he could through his worry. Sere was clearly a mess and it looked bad, real bad. Voltage was a mess and he was moving to nuzzle his brother when Orchid demanded he hold down Sere. Glacier stepped back, hovering at the edge ready to jump in if he was needed but more concerned with staying clear out of the way.

He wouldn't relax until Orchid told them she would pull through, and what she would need to get through this which was mostly water food and bed rest, He nodded easily to that and looked over to his brother, knowing that likely the other boy was feeling guilty as well as worried, and wondering how he could ease Voltage's concerns. Sere was going to pull through, it would be okay. He wasn't certain what he would do had it been otherwise.. he couldn't even bare thinking it.



5 Years
07-07-2015, 09:10 PM

Her sleep offered her no dreams, just the silent comfort of darkness and endless blackness. She did not stir when her brother nuzzled at her side or lapped at her tattooed shoulder. His soft, pleading voice didn't even reach her in her sleep. Promises of safety and pleads of forgiveness did not even cause her ears to quiver. Even when two of the healers in the pack did not cause the female to rise, did not feel the herbs being dumped down her throat. The herbs that she was force fed however, did nothing to keep her under while the female cut into her wounds. With the deep thread of pain as the claw sliced into her infected flesh, her eyes snapped open. Anger was the first emotion to arise as always, and her jaws opened and clenched around the closest thing to her. Voltage. She didn't even see who she was attacking, the pain medication and haze of being awoken had left her eyes hazy. A cloud covered her ember eyes as she bit down on her dearest brother, growling as she shook herself and tried to stand up. But her limbs failed her, pressure keeping her down against the ground. A feral snarl left her maw, it was obvious that her mind was bogged down from the sedative but her body was reacting. Pain was a strong indicator, and could not keep the strong girl down. Well, at least her body. With her mind locked away she trashed with all her might, not even caring who was around her. She didn't see them. Everything was a shroud of pain and sorrow. She did not feel anything else. But there was something hurting her, and she needed to get away -- now. Letting go of Voltage her head thrashed to and fro, ears pressed flat against her skull as the rocks below her cut into her cheek. Desperately she tried to get away from those who were helping her, pure instinct telling her to get away from those who sought to harm her. There were no thoughts of herbs and healing, just to run. Run. Run! The fear stench rolled off of her in waves, her thrashing growing even stronger as she kicked out with her limbs. She did not feel her wounds being torn open again, saliva flying from her mouth as she practically foamed at those around her. Serefina was gone, locked away by the trauma and the medication. All that was left was the wolf, and she needed to get away.



6 Years
07-07-2015, 09:33 PM
Voltage had to time to feel sad, no time to worry, no time to dwell. Infact, he barely had time to clean the tattoo before Lior arrived. Sure it wasn't the best thing too clean, she had more wounds, but this was more selfish for him. He needed to know she was okay, and he didn't want to make it worse. So when Lior spoke, he instantly nodded. "Yes! Yes, everything, anything, just..tell me." He said, handing over all the power he had in him. He would do anything to help Serefina, and he would follow every order. But then Orchid showed up, and it seemed her experiance allowed her to easily take the lead. When she began listing off things for Lior to do he'd just nuzzle Serefina, and pray that she would be alright. Everything had to be was Serefina, she had to be fine.

So when Orchid told him to hold her down he nodded and carefully positioned himself to press pressure on her where he hoped wouldn't hurt. She had to be fine, it was Serefina...nothing could keep her down. And obviously, it seemed nothing would. The instant he felt teeth sink into his right foreleg he bit down a yelp, eyes wide. "Sere!" He said loudly, quickly pushing the rest of his pressure on her, arm flung over his back to try and keep her down. He grit his teeth, baring the pain of her teeth in his arm. If she bit him, that meant she wasn't free to bite anyone else. "Sere, sere please, calm down!" He said quickly, moving to press kisses along her ears, trying to calm her down. "We're helping you." He would try and lay all his weight on her the more she thrashed, and when she let go of his leg he'd wince and reach down, trying to envelope her muzzle with his teeth without biting down. He needed to keep her still, needed to keep her from biting anyone else and he really only had so few paws. Tears would slip down his cheek at the very thought of hurting Sere even more, but he needed them to be able to coat all the wounds, he needed to know she would be fine.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
07-08-2015, 06:04 AM

Terrae Elementas

Word had travelled to his ears that Voltage had returned from his journey, yet a feeling inside his gut urged him to consider the outcomes of his homecoming. As dark as it seemed, something was bound to go wrong if not multiple things. At the time of his arrival, the situation was already at its frenzied climax. It was like opening a book to the most chaotic scene somewhere within the middle of the storyline. Confusion; what was going on? What his eyes were seeing was simply unrealistic, perhaps faintly understandable behind why some raged emotions were being displayed but all the while, he didn't want to believe what he was seeing. Serefina, oh, she was known for having quite a fiery disposition, but this...this was no harmless temper. It was pure anger; her wrath unleashed onto the innocent souls around her. This was a whole new level of rampage, and he couldn't just stand from afar and weakly watch. His brother was already having a difficult time containing her; who knew what further damage she could inflict on him? He had to help, not just his brother, but his harmful sister as well. Whatever happened, whatever was going through her mind, it had to stop.

Approaching at full pelt with a frightened Silvius clinging to his ears, he quickly analysed the commotion to predict the events of which had passed. The ebony and crimson woman was battered in scars and wounds that appeared to have been recently healed. That would explain the presence of the other two unfamiliar wolves; healers, they had to be. Within his thoughts, he acknowledged and admired their dedication in fixing her wounds, but alas, it had all gone to waste. Perhaps an infection could be avoided, however, herbs and poultices weren't going to help his sister - they were practically useless. Her wounds probably meant nothing to her; mental pain was the fiend behind her sudden mood change. Behaviour was far from being his medical field, if only he had had the chance to study. It was oddly fascinating, however, now was not the time to think such thoughts. What she needed was a long talk, something to get her thoughts straight, but not before calming her down. "Healing her wounds will do no good," he barked through gritted teeth, looking down at her jerking body. On the inside, he didn't want to harm her more than has already been inflicted upon her. He didn't dare of it. Was it the right thing what he was doing, what he had chosen to do? "She needs a sedative. Now." Even if they had already sedated her, she needed something instant; whatever they had given was too slow. With that, the hedgehog upon his skull scurried down the back of his neck, slipping down from his torso. Scampering nimbly along the ground, tiny paws reached the neatly packed leaf bag, obviously owned by the caramel-coated female. The hedgehog nosed it urgently, looking up to the woman in search of a reaction. His own supply was in a long walking distance; no time to get his own herbs. She had to have sedatives, she had to. Leaning down alongside his sister, Terrae whispered into her ear, "Sere, what happened? Why are you like this?"

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"  

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*



6 Years
Extra large
07-08-2015, 03:52 PM
Sere would react violently to the healers help and Voltage would naturally be the first to react. The lightning boy seemed quite busy restraining her head and Glacier immediately jumped into to restrain the girls feet. He looked once, letting out a deep breath as he judged the best way to do this without hurting his sister. She ended up gently but firmly attempting to hold down her paws, putting all his weight in an attempt to trap her down without actually crushing her beneath him. With voltage on one end and Glacier here, the sibling much smaller then Glacier would hopefully be contained long enough for the healers to do something. “Sere, Sere sweetie its ok” he added in his own familiar voice to Voltage's as Terrae showed up and pointed out they badly needed a sedative.

Orchid I


5 Years
07-08-2015, 04:01 PM
Orchids administrative would go to waste as Sere woke and fought them. She had given the girl a sedative, and for her weight and current state of blood-loss it should have been enough to keep her under. Perhaps Orchid had underestimated sheer determination and adrenaline. Another wolf would arrive at the scene, pointing out the need for a sedative no kidding she felt like saying, but let it slide, recognizing the wolf was only trying to help. A small hedgehog would crawl its way over to her and attempt to reach up and touch the herb bag about her neck and she was forced to step around it to the thrashing Sere. At least she had two large boys to hold her down, well one normal large boy, and a giant one.

Wolfsbane was the only sedative she had on her, and well it doubled as a pain relief there was only so much she could give Sere before it became dangerous, especially with her current state. She worked out a dosage and handed it to Voltage who was dealing with her head “A sedative, if it doesn't keep her down you will have to knock her out, she could kill herself through blood loss if she keeps this up” Orchid warned him.



5 Years
07-08-2015, 07:28 PM

Lior would respond readily as another healer arrived on the scene. She would rush to fetch the water that Orchid requested, rushing off without a word. She was in calm healer mode, acting on what was told, instinct, and a sense of ease. She would come back in little time with fresh water held within some moss, as well as some within her mouth too. Gaze would focus on the healer as she gave further instruction and the girl would work some of the water onto the herb to make a paste. Then she would move to the side of the wolfess, aiding her in running water over the wound as directed.

She worked at a steady pace with the other woman, until they were finished and the red marked female was treated. Lior would breathe out with relief. It had gotten easier on her when the other healer arrived and took charge... The situation had been scarier prior. But things were alright. Things would be just fine.

...until the other woman woke up.

Lior would back peddle, her own scent of fear rising into the air. She had never dealt with a patient who grew violent before, and her eyes were widened. Tail lowered between her legs, breathe caught in her throat as she began to panic once more. She wasn’t helping the situation at all, but she wasn’t doing it on purpose. She just needed more training with this sort of thing... This would surely be a learning experience for her.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Evelyn

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]