
Is It Fate? [Deimos]


07-10-2015, 04:08 PM

Lyre minced her way across the mostly barren plain, strewn with the odd moss-laden boulder. It was a depressingly boring landscape, and yet the signs of a pack were everywhere. No one came out to greet (or attack) her though, and the scents were stale. Her curiosity was running hot in her bloodstream, and she'd been spending the better part of her day trying to figure out what had driven them off. War? Plague? Probably just politics, which was so boring she decided she'd rather not know. Pack dynamics weren't exactly something she dealt well with and, like most nomads, authority figures had a bad habit of ticking her off. If she'd been in this pack, had been told to up and move, she'd have told her leader to shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

The girl found an abandoned den dug out beneath a massive rock, spent a moment sniffing at it's entrance, before deciding to mount the boulder instead. From it's peak she could oversee the surrounding landscape for miles in any direction. The view choked up her throat, even if it could be called bland compared to the sweeping peaks and valleys she'd wandered across. Still, something about the pervading calm of it all swept her away and she sat with a quiet expression on her face, watching from her perch as the sun began to set.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-10-2015, 05:39 PM

Deimos and Nysa had lingered in the east for much longer than he'd begun to realize. The seasons had changed and Spring was again upon them, baby things were being born and there were flowers everywhere. He could appreciate the beauty of new life, but he could also appreciate how tasty it was. He was proving that fact again, or would be soon at least. He was still trying to chase the mother doe away from her newborn calf. She was about the same size as he was, and her hooves really packed a punch. He wasn't easy on her either though, and after the second or third time he got a good bite on her legs she backed off and allowed him the victory. He snickered slightly as she limped off, turning back to the spoils of his victory. Not even old enough to realize what was happening Deimos would take it by the head and carry it away from the place where it was birthed. No protest was given from the creature, and with as little fight as it was putting up he began to doubt that it would have been alive in an hour anyway.

Unfortunately the scent of the fawn would mask the girl's scent as he passed by her trail. Though likely she could even see his tall form from where she stood Deimos was quite occupied in finding a nice place to devour his meal. That was when he finally caught sight of her. Perched on what seemed to be quite the perfect little lookout, the titan of a wolf would change course, and head straight for her. His form would remain rather neutral, head aligned with his spine and his expression blank. He just wanted her spot, but if she stuck around as some after dinner entertainment he wouldn't have complained either.


07-10-2015, 06:53 PM

The man who approached her was depressingly large. She saw him making his way in her general direction and her face fell into a scowl. Perfect. Fucking perfect, the first calm moment she's had in what feels like moons and the universe throws her this... this beast. She shoots a plaintive look skywards that says 'Really?!' before slowly dropping her gaze back down. He didn't look over threatening, but in her experience that didn't mean much. "You look like you're about to make my day, big boy," she said with a drop of venom in her voice. "Gargantuan brute skulking my way, what could go wrong?" She stood and made a show of side-stepping, with what space was available at the rocks peak, before exaggerating a sweeping gesture with a single delicate forepaw. "Please, won't you have a seat?" She resisted the urge to roll her eyes where he could see her, focusing instead of keeping her face somewhere between amused and irked, as opposed to the 'downright pissed' she felt boiling inside.

But okay, if she was being serious with herself, wow. This was one good looking male. Of course he was probably an asshole, but hey. Such is life, right? She let out a sigh, muffling it as best she could, and resigned herself to rolling with whatever punches he could throw. She could only pray he was just a jackass, and not the maimy, murdering type either. If she was feeling optimistic, she would have hoped to find a new friend in him, but the odds of that seemed to sink lower and lower with every step he took.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-19-2015, 02:17 PM

As soon as he was close enough to hear her the she wolf's unamused voice filled the air around him. He wondered for a brief moment how she'd summed him up in her mind, obviously she had high hopes for their encounter. One grow would raise as he watched her, still silent and still moving towards her with his prize in his jaws. She had some spirit certainly. Sarcastically she'd scoot over and offer him the space available next to her. Smirking only slightly he'd drop the carcass between them unceremoniously. "Are you always so kind to men bearing gifts?" His voice was deep and rough, but held a sweetness that was only brought about by his own amusement. Coiling his haunches beneath him Deimos wouldn't hesitate to take up the rest of the room on her perch. Leaving only a few inches between them with the fawn at their feet.

She was quite a little beauty, soft chocolate tones covered her form, though his eyes would linger on her ivory highlights and brilliant blue stare. "Dinner for a name?" The silver titan would ask as he lowered his features to her eye level. An amused half smile would linger on his features, waiting to hear her calling before offering his own title. He thought about adding a few compliments to continue to persuade her, but he had a feeling that game wouldn't work with this icy maiden.


07-25-2015, 04:44 PM

Admittedly, she had been too focused on his unnatural proportions to realize he had a fresh kill in tow. Asking if she was always so rude drew a tinkering laugh from her lungs and she smirked, "Are you kidding? I'm just warming up." Lyre watched the way his muscles bunched up and strained as he propelled himself up beside her, and it was a struggled to maintain her pissed persona. Really though, how did a wolf grow so large? It was just plain unreasonable. When the brute dropped the fawn at her paws her ears perked up on their own accord. "You certainly know how to sway a girl." She picked up her gaze, pressing it against his own shade of blue. "I'm Lyre. Diamáchi, not that a family name matters when you don't have any family in these parts." She shrugged and leaned forward to sniff the tiny dead creature between them. It's warmth still wafted from the body. Ah, but she loved the spring.

What few manners she had told her that it would be impolite to start devouring this so-called gift without at least a bit of polite chatter, so she sized the male up once more now that he was closer. Much closer, she noted, when a breath in overwhelmed her in his unfamiliar scent. She felt dwarfed beside him and wondered if there could be in harm in garnering a new behemoth as a potential friend. "And how about you, do you have a name? Unfortunately 'Valiant Hunter' just has too many syllables for my taste so we'll have to come up with something different." She smirked, one brow lifting to see if he would keep up with her banter. Play on words was one of the few true joys she had in this life, and if he couldn't roll with it she'd just have to find a new giant, that's all.

"Talk" "You" Think