



4 Years
07-13-2015, 09:49 PM (This post was last modified: 07-13-2015, 09:51 PM by Narfi.)
chill thread

She stared out into the fog, moving ever so slowly around the stones. It was all she could do at the time, lost in the many thoughts flooding her mind. Narfi had been on a mission when she left these lands years ago, just barely the age of two when she heard rumors of relatives out across the landscape. Being how she was however, it was not hard to learn that he was not satisfied with what was found, two children of her sister. What made it ever so dissatisfying, they were like pups, fluffy and... how she hated to use this, but lovey dovey.

The woman turned her head away, jaws parting and tongue sticking out in a mock gag. How would these two children, though, they weren't exactly pups running around with no idea how to use their feet, make good warriors for Cataleya. Somehow, they should be able to bend their will, brainwash into the perfect loyal followers that would be ready to fight on command. Till then however, Narfi would have to keep them within her sight, make sure they didn't wander too far from their temporary living space.

So the female lay there a top one of the stones, head held high and mismatches eyes staring off into the fog.

"normal. talk. think. you."

Awesome image by Canttina <3


08-03-2015, 12:44 AM
"No" is a dirty word,

Never gonna say it first,

"No" is just a thought that never crosses my mind.

She stalked the land like a lion stalking a zebra...which was ironic, considering she had the colors of a zebra with exotic striping. Her head was low, body slinking along like a wild cats as she navigated through the fog that clung here. Her thoughts were silent, she had yet to find some sort of...anything to think of, besides sex that is. But that was always on her mind. The wild night she had with the first man she'd met coming to these boring lands had been the only thing keeping her searching for more, hopefully just as interesting encounters. She stopped after what seemed like quite a while of walking in the fog, her frustrations growing when it started to grow thicker and she was having trouble trying to see where the hell she was going. Her fur bristled, though not how she would have liked since the moisture made her uncomfortably slick. Her coat sticking to her skin as just...gross!

Grumbling and displeased, she continued. All she could do was find her way out, maybe find a higher perch to see if she could find a path out of here. She jumped atop a rock that she had nearly walked into, stubbing a toe as she did so which made her mutter curses under her breath. And since she was so focused on that, she hadn't seen the form lying before her. Before she could look, her feet stumbled over something, causing her to fly forward and lose her balance. The woman slipped down off the rock onto the one below, a string of curses following her as she flew. Gods damn it all! What the hell was that?!

S is for the simple need.

E is for the ecstasy.

X is just to mark the spot

Sex is always the answer, it's never a question.
