
One & The Same


07-15-2015, 04:04 PM

The woman made her way towards another part of the continent, leaving behind the ruins of a once great castle. She was in a rather foul mood, the male that had found her seemingly interested at first, until he realized what she was. It pissed her off. How can others be so god damn shallow?! The frustration brought her paw slashing forward at a fish that lurked beneath the surface of the water, and though she wasn't quite intending on fishing, she had struck it out of the water. The small trout flew up in the air in an arch over her head, olive green eyes watched it sail until it landed on the ground behind her with a dull thud. She watched it flop about, a little amazed at what she had just done, albeit unintentionally. But she couldn't exactly think about eating right now, instead she dropped to her hindquarters and sulked. Tail hung limp at her side, her ears splayed and a somewhat defeated look on her face. Her pride was wounded, her mind filled with thoughts.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'