
I only call you when it's half past five


07-19-2015, 10:34 PM

Pale gray paws moved slowly through the willows while ruby eyes glanced here and there around him. He had left his brother, if only breifly, to scout ahead and see just what this new place had to offer them. He cared not if his large paws splashed through the small streams around him or not, he moved without really paying attention to what was under him. He wove in between the willow trees while the moonlight glittered off of his monochromatic coat. He hadn't really slept much since they left. He stole naps here and there, but he let his brother sleep through the night while he went ahead some to see where they should head next.

He slowed to a stop as a hint of another wolf's scent caught his attention- a female scent at that. His head turned in the direction of the scent and his gaze searched the darkness for the source. His current objective forgotten, he made his way toward the scent and the woman that was sure to be attached to it. He tracked the scent carefully till he finally spotted the little thing, the reward for his search. He stood silently several feet away for a moment to just glance over her form before finally slipping out of the shadows of one of the willows and stepping into the moonlight in front of her.  "Hello there," he rumbled while he padded closer till he was standing maybe a foot from her, never breaking the eye contact with her.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
07-19-2015, 10:58 PM

She wasn't sure what she expected to find as she made her way back South that night. Those last few shreds of hope that she might run into her offspring, or Sol were slowly fading and the realization of her aloneness was hard to bear. Her brothers and sisters and her mother had been more than willing to help her, but they weren't the same. They weren't her children and they weren't her.. Soliloquy. She missed him. She missed his warmth and the feeling of him next to her every night. Even when they'd lost their babies he had still been there with her. Now he was really gone forever, and he'd unintentionally taken their children with him. She was so alone. It hurt, and the possibility that travelling South once more might soothe her coaxed her back.

She wasn't moving at an incredible speed, with her head down and her demeanor relatively unimpressive she was almost hardly worth a second glance. At least she thought. Oddly enough she'd eventually hear footsteps approaching her. Deep down she hoped desperately that it was Sol coming back to find her, all healed and back to his former glory. She knew very well that would not happen ever again. Her form would freeze and her features would seek out this stranger, not obviously disappointed with his appearance. She still wished he would have been Sol. She didn't recognize him at all as he drew more near and offered greeting. Slightly surprised by his sudden closeness she was too startled to back away from him. Though it was uncertain if he'd allow her to back up or not. "Hello, she'd return, her sweet voice quiet and uncertain.

Her ears would fold back to lay upon her rust hued head, she'd shrink slightly, submissive even in the presence of this stranger. Her hazel gaze couldn't leave bis bright red eyes as he stared into her soul. Her heartbeat increased as adrenaline pulsed through her form, What was about to happen to her? She no longer had Sol for protection, she'd once again left her brother's open arms. Her tail would curl underneath her belly as she awaited what he wished of her. Right now she doubted pleasant conversation.

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07-19-2015, 11:49 PM

She was a little thing, quite a bit shorter than he was at least, and he was almost sure than if he leaned into her too hard he could break her in half. All her pretty markings and hazel eyes had his attention though as she cowered a bit under his gaze. Of course he was used to that reaction from women so it didn't occur to him that it wasn't exactly normal. However she didn't back up from him like most did so that already made him like her more. While his expression wouldn't change much, a little amusement would touch his gaze and he'd lean forward to nose one of her ears up off her head. "You're prettier with your ears up," he stated matter of factly, his voice its typical low rumble.

He leaned back just enough to have his gaze meet hers again as he peered down at her. For a moment his brother and their whole situation was pushed to the back of his mind with this little woman taking his attention. Gethin let his gaze stray from hers for a brief moment just to glance down her back to all those spots on her hips for a moment before bringing his ruby gaze back to hers again. He liked her hazel eyes, almost as much as he liked the rest of her. "What's your name?"

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
07-20-2015, 12:08 AM

He was much bigger than she was, and he was right he probably could have broken her in half if he had the will to do so. Her breath quickened as well, she was nervous, and couldn't do anything about his presence. She had no hope of fighting him off. The last time she'd been face to face with a similarly sized brute she had been forced into slavery. She'd find herself shaking slightly as he leaned forward to nose at her ear. She'd shiver under his touch, the compliment oddly unexpected. He had been full of surprises so far. Her ears would perk up slightly, her nerves obvious in their posture, but they were not slicked back any longer.

He'd capture he gaze once more, keeping her still and holding her captive with invisible chains. She was sure if she ran he would take off after her. Surely he wanted something from her, why else would he have approached? He seemed curious though, she could feel his eyes wandering her form before he requested her name. "Isolde Everlyse, Again her voice was soft and sweet, but held her nervous tone. "Who are you?" She'd question him back, unsure if she wanted to ask him what it was he wanted. Maybe he'd leave her alone once he had her name?

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07-20-2015, 02:49 PM

He watched her tremble, but wouldn't make any move to back away or avert his gaze. Why would he? He liked her and he couldn't see a reason to waste any second of their meeting being away from her. Her ears would perk back up at his prompting and the slightest smile could touch his lips for just a moment before his expression would return to his signature deadpan stare. She gave him her name and he liked the sound of it. It was a dainty name for a dainty woman. "Isolde," he repeated back softly, testing out the feel of her name on his tongue.

She returned the question to him and he would answer easily. He knew well enough that hiding his identity did him no good if he wanted her to not go running off. It was never fun chasing women down like that. "Gethin Zatol. He leaned forward again, brushing his nose across her cheek and scruff as he took in her scent. He wondered if all of the ladies around here were this pretty or if he just so happened to run across a gem here in the middle of this willow forest. "What brings a little lovely like you out here in the middle of the night?" he asked as he brought his muzzle up to her ear and gently tugged on the delicate skin between his teeth.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
08-10-2015, 10:16 PM

She felt even more nervous as he repeated her name, causing her to tremble that much more. Her ears fell back to her head upon hearing it, but she wouldn't stop asking his name. He didn't hesitate and she had no doubt this was his true name, not a name. She couldn't help but close her eyes as he leaned forward to caress her, the feeling of him brushing against her fur reminded her all too much of Soliloquy's delicate touch. She wanted to freeze, but she missed him so much.. she couldn't help but lean into this stranger's touch. It made her want to scream and cry, but she couldn't. His whisper reached her ear before his teeth found their way to the sensitive appendage. Isolde whimpered softly at the touch, "chasing the dreams of my past." She had little future to look forward to, her children and mate were gone. What did she have but the once dysfunctional, but happy life she'd once lived?

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08-12-2015, 08:21 PM

An ever so slight grin touched his lips as she leaned into his touch. So she liked that kind of touch then? The whimper she gave in response to his teeth on her ear confirmed that, at least so it seemed. He liked doing what ladies liked, they always seemed happier that way. Her response was intriguing and not really what he had expected. "And have you chased them down? Or are they still running from you?" he asked with a quiet chuckle. His muzzle moved down toward her cheek again and would brush against the soft fur there before making his way down across her neck. He took a step closer and ran his nose through the thick fur along her scruff, breathing her scent in deep. His ruby gaze drifted down along her back and as he was taking in the gentle curves of her form he noticed the unique spotted markings again. "Your spots are quite lovely and interesting. Just like the rest of you."

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
08-14-2015, 09:33 PM

His question wouldn't receive much of an answer, or one that was any less cryptic than her first words. Soliloquy was gone from her forever, her family would never be complete again. That fact tore at her heart and didn't help her if she wanted to resist the company so easily offered to her. She could have easily run back to her mother and siblings, and if she had been smart she would have. But her feet were restless, and her heart yearned for her children and their sire. "I'll never catch them." She'd whisper, the solemnity in her voice would show how forlorn she really was. Isolde would try to put them all from her mind. Her children, Sol, her parents.. Gethin was the only one here, the only one she could lean on in that lonely moment. In her broken state she'd easily yield to his advances, and accept his embrace. He was very close, she could feel the heat of him as he leaned closer and nuzzled into her strawberry blonde scruff. His compliment would reach her ears as she leaned into his chest, "Thank you." Her voice was soft and she blinked back a couple of tears before he could see her face again. It sounded like he really thought she was both lovely and fascinating, and the compliment did a lot to help her stray from more troubling thoughts. "You're sweet to say so."

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08-30-2015, 09:15 PM

A pleased grin would touch his muzzle when she leaned into his touch. Her upset state wouldn't go past him, but he also didn't pay any special attention to it... although perhaps she would like it if he at least said something. "I'm sorry to hear that," he would comment in response to her saying she would never catch them. His words sounded believable to his own ears even if they were only an after thought. Her appreciation for his compliment was much more interesting to his ears. He was quickly beginning to see that compliments and nice words were the easiest way to put this woman at ease. He was more than happy to play this game with her.

He chuckled softly at her calling him sweet. That was a new one for him. "Sweet words for a sweet lady I guess," he replied, a small smirk playing on his lips even though the smile didn't quite reach his eyes. It never did. "Perhaps I could help put your troubles out of your mind for a moment?" he'd ask in a quiet rumble. His chest would press gently to hers again as he leaned his neck around hers to nuzzle and nibble at her scruff teasingly. Her scent was intoxicating, and to think she wasn't even in heat, he liked when women went along with his plans willingly. He had always thought that it was much more fun for both of them if they did, but he was certainly not above taking what he wanted... but, perhaps, he might go easy on miss Isolde this evening. Maybe.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
10-31-2015, 06:49 PM

He was very close, his scent swirled all around her as he pressed himself against her. She'd been more than lonely recently and even found comfort in his presence, however forced it might be beneath. All he offered her were those sickly sweet words, a shoulder to lean on, and companionship in her solitude.There was little reason for her to deny his company.

He'd chuckle at her assessment of her, and while it should have put her further on edge it only made her feel more special. She was the one to call him sweet. He was quick to shift their conversation back to her though, could he be any help in relieving her mind of its taxing burden? She'd feel him press closer, taking her into an embrace as he leaned around her neck. His teeth would play with the fur and flesh of her scruff, she'd realize more clearly how he intended to do so as shivers ran down her spine. "Only for a moment?" She'd ask in a low whisper as she leaned further into him.

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11-01-2015, 01:55 PM

A low rumble echoed in his chest when her very simple but incredibly telling response left her lips. "One moment at a time, beautiful," he whispered in her ear before gently nibbling on the delicate piece of skin. "We can have as many moments as you'd like, but right now we just have this one to focus on." He really amazed himself sometimes with the words he could weave. He wasn't entirely lying of course, but they had a certain sweetness that wasn't entirely true to his persona. Not that she seemed to care and he cared even less.

She pressed into him and that was the only permission he needed. He breathed in her intoxicating scent and nuzzled into her scruff as he shifted to envelop her smaller form. He showered her with small licks and kisses all over her neck and scruff as he settled over those eye catching spots. He might not be the sweetest or kindest of wolves, but he absolutely liked to reward any woman that was as willing as Isolde was. "Just clear your mind and relax," he whispered to her softly, placing soft kisses on the backs of her ears and down the back of her neck.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
11-01-2015, 08:49 PM

He was very much pleased with her answer, and he'd not hesitate to offer as many moments as she wished. She couldn't help but smile softly. Reminded again of Soliloquy and the family she was never getting back. She wanted to forget them though, this moment was all she needed to focus on the here and what was happening to her now. Isolde was willingly giving herself up to this almost stranger. He'd nuzzle into her softly before she felt his warmth on her lower back. Her dark gaze would slip closed as he showered her in eager affections and held her closely against him. "...relax," He'd whisper to her quietly as he kissed the soft fur on the backs of her ears. The Adrevendi girl didn't realize how tense she'd been. Consciously relaxing her form she'd lean back into him, letting go of her inhibitions as well as the dark thoughts that clouded her mind. She was already lost, how much trouble could she find in losing herself in him?

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11-02-2015, 03:53 PM

Gethin could feel the difference in her body as her muscles relaxed and her form molded more snugly into his. He wouldn't say a single word more after that. His only focus now was devouring this unexpected prize and rewarding his newest treat for letting him have her so easily. He hated forcing them to do what he wanted, that was no fun. He wanted his women to give into him completely. When they did that he made sure they were rewarded for it.

-fade out and back in? lol-

"Come with me," he rumbled quietly once it was all said and done. Even once he had slipped off of her back he didn't let her form part from his very much. She was his now, it was decided. His words were not a question as he breathed them and nibbled at her ear, they were a statement that he dared her to disobey. His shoulder was gently brushing against hers and his muzzle ran through the thick fur on her scruff.

He led her away, into the darkness of the night. He knew morning wouldn't be too far away, but he was sure she would like to rest. He walked in silence, his shoulder and side brushing against hers with every few steps, making sure she wasn't straying too far from him and emphasizing to her that he was very aware of her presence. A few minutes later he found the den he had spotted in his scouting earlier that evening. "Here we are," he stated simply, nodding for her to go in first and he slipped in behind her.

He gently nudged her shoulder for her to lay down and he settled himself around her, curling his larger frame around hers. He set to work then grooming from the backs of her ears all the way down the back of her neck and scruff in gentle, thoughtful licks. "Are you hungry? I can go get you something," he offered as he finished, lifting his muzzle back up toward her face to press a soft kiss onto her forehead.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
11-03-2015, 12:05 PM (This post was last modified: 11-10-2015, 11:55 AM by Isolde.)

He did not leave her disappointed, her mind had been able to concentrate on absolutely nothing the whole time they'd been together. He wouldn't leave her side as his form disentangled from her own, the affections he'd offered before would not desist. "Come with me," the words left no room for argument, but she wasn't going to resist either. She was lonely, being with him for those moments was not going to help her after. In answer the she wolf remained quiet, leaning into his touch and following as he led her where it was he wished her to be.

Their journey was silent, but Isolde didn't have much use for words then. She was tired and didn't wish to explore the contents of her mind anymore that night. Her focus was on their closeness, and the obvious possessiveness she'd found in this new companion. His touch didn't hold the same love that Soliloquy's did, but he was warm and pleased her expertly. With winter coming on she would do well to have someone to depend on through the cold season.

The much larger wolf led her to an old den, she wouldn't hesitate as he waited her to slip inside first. With little coaxing needed her legs would fold beneath her as she lowered herself to the cave's floor. Almost unexpectedly Gethin wrapped himself around her protectively and began to groom her ruffled fur. She'd sigh contentedly into his bigger form, as he moved down her neck she'd lower her head to his paws. "Are you hungry?" He'd ask if he could get her anything but she was already on her way to sleep. She'd manage to shake her head 'no' as she snuggled further into his large form.

Though she'd closed her golden tinted gaze as he tended her fur she'd feel the sweet kiss he placed on her fur and again her eyes would open as she peered up at him. There was a curiosity in her gaze, like she was trying to figure him out. It wouldn't last long though, her brain was too tired, and questions would have to wait until the morning. Mumbling contentedly as she closed her gaze again she'd manage a soft, "Goodnight, Gethin." She'd sigh and her body would sink into him, perfectly relaxed as she drifted to sleep.

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11-09-2015, 12:29 AM

Gethin nodded quietly when she responded that she wasn't hungry. Saved him the trip out into the night he guessed. He thought breifly of his brother, but it wasn't the first time he didn't come home after a night of scouting. His brother could look after himself for a day. Or two. His train of thought was derailed when his ruby gaze met her curious glance she shot his way at his kiss. His eyes wouldn't waver as he waited in silence for her to close her eyes again. He wouldn't respond to her goodnight wishes with anything more than a soft rumbling sound in his chest. He tightened his form around hers slightly as he settled his head down and let his eyes close as well.

The next morning he awoke unceremoniously and lifted his head, peering down at her small, curled up, sleeping form. He didn't think he was quite done with her just yet so he carefully uncurled himself from her so he wouldn't wake her and slipped out of the den. He took a moment to stretch and shake out his fur before trotting off out into the trees. He returned some time later with four rabbits dangling from his jaws. Sat them down just outside of the den's entrance and slipped back inside, settling himself on his stomach next to her since there wasn't much room for him to stand in the small den. "Isolde," he said softly, gently nudging her cheek with his nose and placing a few kisses on her ears and forehead. "Wake up. I have breakfast."

Once she was awake he would climb out of the den again, taking one of the rabbits and settling down with it between his forepaws. "Eat as much as you want." As he ate his rabbit he glanced up at her periodically, carefully noting how she moved and taking in the curves of her form how that there was daylight for him to see her by. He decided that he had done pretty well for himself, finding such a lovely little thing to be his new companion.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
11-10-2015, 12:29 PM

She wouldn't dream that night, and for that she was thankful. She'd fall into a deep sleep like none she'd experienced since before she'd been separated from Soliloquy. His gentle affections and soft voice were what woke her finally, she'd stir softly and followed him out of the den to four plump rabbits. He'd tell her to eat as much as she wished and sank into his own carcass. Isolde would pick out her own, and almost timidly came to sit close beside him. Again she'd relax as she touched him, finding she could eat with ease beside him. Her chocolatey gaze would glance towards him occasionally as she consumed her meal. She'd continue to question him silently, the future was cloudy even more so now. Did she ask him what his intentions for her were? Did she want to know..

Isolde would focus more heavily on her meal, feeling her uncertainties return as clearly as the noon time sun. She was still with out her children, and she didn't know where to go. Maybe it would just be easier for her to follow Gethin and just do what she was told. There would be no more questions, and he'd already promised to be a distraction for as many moments as she wished. Becoming Gethin's companion would not be distasteful. "Thank you," she'd tell him, "For breakfast, and last night." Her eyes would find him again as she wondered what kind of relationship they'd started.

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11-13-2015, 08:31 PM

The faintest grin would curl at the corners of Gethin's lips when she came to sit beside him on her own accord. He could even feel her relaxing as their sides touched, pulling even more of a smile to his lips. He wouldn't comment on it, but he would curl his tail around her flanks possessively while they ate. It wasn't often that he came across a woman as easily persuaded as she had been. He could only immagine what it was that had brought her to this state. As someone who had his fair share of demons he could sympathize. That didn't keep him from using hers to his advantage though.

He let his gaze come back to rest fully on Isolde once again when she spoke her thanks. "No need to thank me," he replied, his voice rumbling with its naturally bass tones. "I always take care of my queens." He dipped his head to nuzzle into her neck and nibble gently at the edge of her jaw, trailing little nips and kisses up across her cheek till he reached her ear. For a few moments he just savored his new prize and everything that she was in silence. He was insatiable and he knew it.

"Come on," he instructed her softly after a little while of nibbling lightly at her soft fur and covering her in gentle licks. He pulled himself up to his paws, his ruby gaze on her to make sure she followed his lead. "My brother will be waiting on me, I've got to get back to him." It wasn't uncommon for him to find a woman to have some fun with, nor was it uncommon for him to stay out all night with whoever he had chosen to make his for the night. It was a little more unusual for him to bring his girls back home with him, where ever "home" might be that day. He didn't explicitly tell Isolde to come with him, but he was sure she would.

He walked over to the two remaining rabbits from his hunt and picked up one to take to Seneca. The last he would leave for some random passer by to find and take. He come back over to her to brush his side against hers before leading the way to the den that he had left Seneca in the night before. It wasn't a long walk and for the ten minutes or so that they were walking he would remain in silence, mostly because of the rabbit that was dangling from his jaws.

As soon as they got near the den Gethin could tell something was out of place. His eyes narrowed and his shoulders tensed. His brother's scent was still heavy here, but it was stale. He picked up his pace, no longer concerned with keeping his side even with Isolde's. He hurried forward toward the den, dropping the rabbit a few feet away from the den and leaving it forgotten. He stuck his head in the den and his dark-gray tipped ears fell back against his head with a frustrated growl. His brother was gone. He had no way to know how long he had been gone and from what he could tell from what scent still lingered he was sure it was far too long for him to try and track him now. "Damn it, Sen, I tell you to do one thing," he growled, his hackles bristling. He turned away from the den to face Isolde again, anger rolling off of him in waves. Protectiveness, frustration, and helplessness fueled his furious energy. A heavy sigh passed his lips before he grit his teeth and forced himself to sit back on his haunches.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
11-14-2015, 06:13 PM
Isolde would smile as the brute curled his tail around her hips. He was sweet with his simple gestures and easy affections. She could appreciate his company, and wouldn't hesitate to thank him for it. Not that Gethin would accept her thanks, he'd brush it off while calling her his queen. Or one o them at least. Isolde had been aware that Soliloquy had slept with other she wolves during their time together, but she also knew that she has been his favorite. Being another in a line up of women was nothing new to the spotted she wolf. So she'd take the compliment with a smile and wouldn't hesitate to follow after him as he bid her to do.

Their walk was not a long one, but as Gethin slowed she would halt, watching the man as he searches the abandoned hole in the earth. She was curious, but as the larger man grew more obviously angry her ears would fold and her tail would lower submissively. His attention would eventually return to her, he wouldn't strike out in anger though. As he grit his teeth and sat back Isolde would approach timidly. Carefully she would try to push her head up underneath his chin and situate her form between his two front paws.
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11-14-2015, 10:16 PM

Gethin's eyes tracked Isolde as she moved toward him. It wasn't till then that he noticed the change in her stance, her lowered ears and tail, the timidness in her approach. It wouldn't change his anger, but he did feel the smallest, most insignificant twinge of guilt for her since she was here to take his anger instead of his wayward brother. He watched her curiously, wondering why she could possibly want to be close to him right now with his hackles bristling and every muscle in his body tensed. Suddenly she pressed her smaller frame to his chest, her head tucking under his head and her body sitting perfectly between his front paws.

His ears folded back against his skull and he blinked, the sudden gesture surprising him and snapping him out of his furious state. Slowly, the fur on his back laid flat again and his jaw relaxed. A heavy sigh passed his lips and he lifted one foreleg to wrap it around her and hold her tight to him. "I don't know where my brother has gone," he commented dryly after the quiet surrounded them for a short while. He sighed again and tipped his head down to peer at her. He studied her face curiously, his blood-red gaze lingering on her warm brown gaze. "No one has wanted to be close to me like you before." His voice was a quiet rumble has he confessed this bit of information to her, still studying her face like it would hold all of the secrets to what made her like this.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
11-16-2015, 04:04 PM
She hadnt really thought about her actions, it could go two ways though. His anger really would transfer to her instead of the cause of said anger. If he attacked her, Isolde would be unable to trust him until he released her. Where as the actual reception she got was much different. He'd relax, letting her close and even putting a paw around her. She'd lean into him further, nuzzling into his neck fur as they remained in silence for a long few moments. He'd reiterate that his brother was not where he was supposed to be.

Isolde would remain silent, finding his gaze as he tipped his crown to peer at her. The statement he'd give was an unexpected confession, he'd question her silently as her sweet gaze lingered on his. Isolde wasn't sure what to say. She was lonely, she wanted to be close to someone. He was filling a void. "It's been too long since I was close to someone." shed answer simply, nuzzling into him further.
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