
Silver and silent



9 Years
07-21-2015, 10:54 PM
The silver-eyed hellion had traveled far from his home to come here. Though he enjoyed the cold north, it was a welcome breath of fresh air to be amongst the trees. He drew in the scents around him with a long, deep inhale through flared nostrils. The dark shadows and mist that clung to the tree trunks reminded him of the land where he was born. His paws caught in the thick undergrowth with each step, and it made him feel close to the earth. He trotted at an easy pace, hopping over gnarled tree roots and treading carefully around thick tangles of bramble. The mouth-watering scent of prey was thick around here, and he licked his lips hungrily. The north was still scarce, so it would be worth the trip to these woods to restore his energy a little.

Moments later he crouched carefully, spotting a hare nibbling at the newly budding growth. It wouldn't be much to fill him, but it would be better than a sharp stick in the eye. Ever so slowly he crept forward, holding his breath as he fixated on his target. When the creature had strayed far enough from its burrow, Xephyris lunged, the desperation of hunger lending strength to his efforts. The hare bolted too late - the wolf was upon it, his paw coming down on its shoulders, his jaws coming down on its neck. With one swift bite the prey animal was dead, but he picked up the body and thrashed it roughly for good measure. He let it flop to the ground, then dug in hungrily. Though he was satisfied with the meal, he hoped he would meet someone interesting out here. He'd felt an itch lately, he didn't know what it was, but he needed to meet just the right someone to find out what exactly was gnawing at him...