
New Keno Plots


08-01-2015, 09:13 PM
Keno’s Character Plotting

Will Take All Possible Plots Into Consideration

Allen Walker

Age:: 7 Years {Spring}
Gender:: Male
Rank and Pack:: Azat of Abaven
Mate:: Nona
A Little About:: Allen is my calico gentleman. He has a good head on his shoulders and a good heart. He cares deeply for his fellow Abavens and making sure that all is well within. He could definitely use some more friends, and I’d also like to get him out and about to seek alliances with other packs and such.

Arietta Lore

Age:: 4 Years {Summer}
Gender:: Female
Rank and Pack:: Citizen of Sonticus
Mate:: Sin Armada
A Little About:: Arietta is primary mate and faithful follower of Sin. She has developed Stockholm Syndrome leading her to believe she loves Sin and can’t live without him. She is currently pregnant, going to give birth to three babies to be played by Dragon, Azzy, and myself. She currently has three older children also played by us. She could definitely use some friends, and maybe someone who could continue to challenge her to be a stronger wolf as well.

Akemi Miu Hróðvitnisdottir

Age:: 4 Years {Summer}
Gender:: Female
Rank and Pack:: Citizen of Sonticus
Crush:: Ravine
A Little About:: In her older age Akemi is not as quick to be a spitfire as she was before. She is more settled down and ready to live pack life. She needs some drama though! She already has her one son in denial that he’s hers. Hit me up for plot ideas! {No babymaking though.}

Sequoyah Cypress Dominique-Netonya

Age:: 3 Years {Autumn}
Gender:: Male
Rank and Pack:: Cabinet Member of Sonticus
Mate:: Arian Adravendi
A Little About:: Cypress is a knight. He believes in doing the right things and is without a doubt a lawful being. He is a seeker of justice and truth, as well as a new father! He is going to be spending a lot of his time handling his new babies, but he could definitely make some friends around Sonticus /The North if anyone is interested.

Félicien Ambroise Desgroire

Age:: 2 Years {Summer}
Gender:: Male
Rank and Pack:: Mystery of Threar
Crush:: Tacheté
A Little About:: Félicien is a very family and pack oriented wolf. Currently fighting off the invading Yfir, it seems like his pack is on the losing end of the battle. At one point had strong doubts about his abilities and what he could do for the pack, he now leads the hunters of Threar as the Mystery. Could always use more friends, maybe even a rival. Not to mention like Sorrel he has his own companion now!

Forsaken Armada-Lore

Age:: 2 Years {Spring}
Gender:: Male
Rank and Pack::
Crush:: None. Love Plots Open.
A Little About:: Currently in a miserable state. His parents are having another litter and the young man is feeling rather down and neglected about the whole situation. Currently just wandering, not ready to reunite with his family. He’s down for one night stands and all, but nothing solid just yet. He could definitely use a friend, and maybe a spar or two.

Hypnos Olympus

Age:: 2 Years {Spring}
Gender:: Male
Rank and Pack:: Karl of Yfir
Mate:: Mystic Savvil
A Little About:: Hypnos is my abandoned child of the Natios pairing. He is a wannabe viking, despite how his interest contradict his lover’s wishes. Even knowing that Mystic was once taken a slave by the wolves he looks to as family he still stands with Yfir. He could use all sorts of things to spice up his plots. Friends, enemies, rivals... Currently having a thread with Kapra where he tells the truth about Mystic. What will become of it? We’ll see.

Marina Agatsuma

Age:: 3 Years {Autumn}
Gender:: Female
Rank And Pack:: Loner
Mate:: --
A Little About:: Broken but loving, this female could really use some more friends and interacting. She is slowly getting into a more natural state rather than her murderous state. Easily lonely, she mated with Nako in hopes of producing children which have just been born. She has reunited with her brother and will eventually be meeting with Arvandor to hopefully form a relationship


Age:: Pup
Gender:: Male
Rank and Pack:: Servus of Imperium
Crush:: Everyone {Innocent I tell you.}
A Little About:: Mieu is a slave of Imperium and well, doesn’t quite understand the fact that he’s a slave. All this happy-go-lucky little lad knows is that he’s able to stay with his friend Ash. Sweet, loving, and completely innocent he could use some corrupting. Maybe he shall go poke a Hati or something.

Naoise Sorrell-Sotakiu

Age:: 1 Year {Summer}
Gender:: Male
Rank and Pack:: Seeking A Pack
Crush:: Open
A Little About:: A little on the bitter side about his parents having another litter, he is a bit of a lonely soul. He has distanced himself from a family who truly loved him, thinking that they did not. Very bad with expressing himself, he definitely needs a understanding soul to take him under their wing. Currently seeking a pack, he is drifting apart from his family to make a new life for himself.

Ritselli Sotakiu-Silenci

Age:: 1 Year {Spring}
Gender:: Female
Rank and Pack:: Heading Towards Threar
Crush:: None.
A Little About:: Ritselli is the adopted daughter of Athena and Amalia, but in excitement for being reunited for her sisters and wanting them to find their own space {and not overcrowd Fiori} she is going to try and convince them to head toward Threar. Definitely open for plots.

Shrike Destruction

Age:: 1 Year {Winter}
Gender:: Male
Rank and Pack:: Paluni of Abaven
Mate / Crush:: OPEN
A Little About:: Shrike is my loud, kind of energetic boy. He likes to flop, have fun, and generally run around like an idiot. He is very family oriented but could definitely use some more friends both in and out of Abaven. He doesn’t have a lot going for him at the moment so some plots are definitely welcome!

Sunniva Jarvela

Age:: 3 Years {Spring}
Gender:: Female
Rank and Pack:: Loner
Crush:: Vrel
A Little About:: Sunniva has reunited with her siblings and has been threading mainly with Vrel. She needs some more interaction with others of any sort! She will be becoming mates with Vrel at some point, so love plots are out of the question. However spar partners and miscellaneous plots are definitely open.

Svetlana Xanilov

Age:: 2 Years {Spring}
Gender:: Female
Rank and Pack:: Heading To Fiori
Crush:: Leo
A Little About:: Once broken, Svetlana has come a long way in picking up the pieces of her life and becoming a stronger wolfess. She needs new challenges, new friends, new rivals, and perhaps more! I know that there are plans to solidify Sveo, so couple things are off the market, but you are welcome to throw any plot ideas you might have at me.

Thanatos Adravendi

Age:: 2 Years {Spring}
Gender:: Male
Rank and Pack:: Loner
Crush:: Shiki
A Little About:: Adopted child of Natalya and Helios, he chose to bear the last name of his father as a form of honoring him. Currently wandering Ala, seeking a purpose. Will run into Shiki again soon but could definitely use some shenanigans and fun in the mean time!

Zenkai Sorrell-Savvil

Age:: Pup {Summer}
Gender:: Male
Rank and Pack:: Loner
Crush:: Open
A Little About:: A serious young man who is more like an adult than a child. He is very loyal to his family and will likely step up in his father’s place when Kar is someday gone. He is adventurous and intelligent, definitely up for meeting others. I’m down for just about any plot except kidnapping and going to a pack {at the moment.}

Upcoming Characters

--Kaitlyn Agatsuma
--Noen Walker
--Ganta Hellstrom-Lore


08-13-2015, 03:54 PM
Semi updated!