
Do you have a sense of humor?



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-02-2015, 10:50 AM
OOC: No Imperium wolves please.

I don't want to rest in peace
I'd rather be the ghost that annoys you

Imperium had been quiet lately. Too quiet. Not even her little challenge had shaken anything up. Cascade was dissatisfied and fed up with her packmates, their laziness, their... their whatever. She'd always thought that being part of a pack was stupid and putting yourself deliberately under someone else's authority was weak. She'd always - still did - value her independence and prided herself on being more than capable of surviving alone without some pack looming over her and curtailing her. But Valentine had showed her that being in a pack could be... so rewarding, so life changing. It baffled her that so many of the other wolves in the pack would just drift aimlessly through the world that she had come to see by being in Imperium. Maybe it was because she'd spent so much of her life alone while they'd grown up in packs and never experienced the desolation and desperation of being alone, so they took it for granted. They were too comfortable in their little personal bubbles. Life was stale and boring, and the only way to make it less so was to take matters in your own hands and do something. Maybe that's a lesson they'd never learned since they had always had someone there to clean up after them and feed them. Well, she'd help Valen shake things up.

For now, though, the ebony female was on a mission of another sort. One could call it information gathering, or spying, or any number of things to dress it up and make it sound more important, but really she was just on the prowl for a fresh face to talk to. New wolves, new places, new experiences. She wasn't exempt from the "too comfortable and growing lazy" label she'd plastered over Imperium's wolves, after all, and she needed to start by setting a good example for the pack. She didn't have any defined plans beyond that, so as she bopped along the curved ridge encircling the land she simply enjoyed the view it afforded her of the bright spring green of the grasses peeking up through last year's remains. There were a few deer of some sort in the distance nibbling on the tender shots, though she just gave them a cursory glance since they were too far away to bother with and she was alone.

I hope you can make me laugh
Six feet down when we're bored of each other
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



6 Years
08-23-2015, 07:32 PM
The west was the most desolate place these lands had to offer. There were rarely any wolves wandering around here, and possibly because of the Summer heat. Something, he had never been fond of. However, just because he didn't like something didn't mean he could deal with it for gaining the information he was in need of. With all the things Liar was expected of, there was never a dull day of the strange decisions he may have made. He left his sons and daughters in good hands, so it was expected of him to start new elsewhere. The question was would he reign here as well or remain one of those underlings that seemed to quake in fear most of the time. As the man carried himself across the grass, about ten feet away would stand a female. It made Liar stop, wrecking his mind about how he would approach her. His nose filled with a scent he could only assume was that of a pack.

With his posture, he never did look like he cared about much. Expressionless and emotionless eyes staring at the woman. If he did choose to speak with her, she could provide him with some sort of information as to the pack she was in. It could be placed on the back burner for further notice, or he could just wait for her to notice him instead and let her engage in whatever conversation she wanted. Liar was a bit blunt though, oblivious to jokes and possibly a bit boring to most. Unless he did something odd, which was what he did at times. Liar would shut his eyes for a moment before opening them again. He was not trying to hide his presence, so he would appear to be in plain sight.

Do you have a sense of humor? with Cascade

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.