
This Tree It Will Die


08-02-2015, 01:32 PM

The man would settle inside the den he shared with Arian, feeling the sting of his wounds. He felt like absolute trash, his heart aching more than the physical wounds that he bore. It was more the sense of failure in bringing Hakku home as well. But Cy... he couldn't risk getting taken too. He had to come home for the sake of Arian and his children. His little babies. He would glance at the sleeping bundles, his heart giving a harder pang. What was worse... losing and uncle or a father?

Cy would take a deep breath, letting his gaze turn to Arian. He couldn't imagine her worry, or what her state of mind could be right now. Noticing his state, and the fact that Hakku had not returned with him had to be obvious that something had happened. Cy would swallow hard, his voice quiet when he began.

"We were ambushed by another hunting party, Arian... a party looking not for prey but slaves. Hakku and I fought them, but these wolves were of the size that Amachi is. I'd never seen so many of that size together in one place... I... I'm sorry... I saw the opportunity to run and took it. But Hakku... they took him..." Cy could no longer look at her, letting his gaze fall to the ground. "I just... I'm sorry..." His voice was a whimper, betraying the guilt he felt.




4 Years
08-02-2015, 01:47 PM

Many things had happened in cypress' absence. Perhaps they weren't the best of things to happen but they did. She didn't mind if the kids saw their father all beat up, it was a part of life after all. She would silently move through her herb supply to treat her husband. Crystal eyes staying calm as he explained. Right now after she had yelled at the other members, told them the new things there was no telling who wouldn't like her any longer. Friendships fell apart, it was as simple as that. As he explained, it did strike her in a sensitive part of her heart. They were probably the same mud slave traders that got her and Vereux. Just thinking about Vereux however sent shivers down her spine that she would rather not have. Arian lost so many things, it was becoming a regular occurrence that she actually expected rather than moped over.

"Well at least you're back." she would say as she dressed his wounds. In all honesty, she didn't know her brother that well therefore the sting was not as worse as it should have been. "I honestly would have rather you come back than him. He may have been my brother but.... I didn't know him very well." would Cypress ever leave her behind. At this point she was tired of hiding behind herself. "It's not something you should upset yourself over, please take a deep breath and compose yourself. I'm glad that your home, regardless of the things that have been happening." Arian sighed. "I'm starting to wonder why you love me in the first place." she muttered have to herself.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


08-16-2015, 01:24 PM

Cypress could not suppress the guilt he felt as she dressed his wounds. Yes, at least he was back. At least he could be there for his family. But still, family was family. He would take a deep breath, looking to Arian as the subject seemed to shift. Why did he love her? The man would shift, rising up so that he could gently nuzzle her. “Come now, why would you say such things, Arian?” The man would ask gently. “I love you because I see your inner strength... Someone with the courage to be more than they are, to stand up and take life by the horns and yell in it’s face. Then, to top it all of you’re beautiful. How could I not fall in love with such a woman?” Cy would gently try to smile. “Come now my love, smile, it suits you far better.”




4 Years
08-16-2015, 07:30 PM
Arian would finish patching up cypress wounds. Her crystal eyes moving over him for a moment. She didn't smile. "But. I can do devilish things cypress. I find no problem in striking down wolves I see as a threat." She would mutter shaking her head. "My strength can only go so far yfir our neighbors are a threat so sin the wolf you saw is our new beta. Please keep this a secret cypress but he will be taking the pack when I think the time is right." Right now what she needed was support no matter how stupid it was.

"There's a lot of difficult things in this world I want our children to be well prepared for that. Sin provides us with the protection we need." Then again she couldn't help but to feel he was going to betray her in the end. She didnt want to see it happen but she wasn't going anywhere. Now, she would die in the north rather than leave it alone.
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


08-20-2015, 06:22 PM

Cypress would frown deeply. “Perhaps so, but all of us have light and dark in our hearts. It’s what makes us who we are.” He would continue to listen on as Arian spoke, giving a heavy sigh. “If you think that is what is best, my love, then we’ll do that. I just... I don’t want you to make a mistake you end up regretting.” The man would gently nuzzle his mate, trying to offer another smile.

“I know you want to do what’s best for us, and I appreciate that, Arian. More than you realize. I just don’t want to see you hurt. You are stronger than you realize... And you’re willingness to do what is right in your eyes is the best think we could hope for. Come on... Let’s not talk of this anymore... Let’s just sleep together and start again when we wake with fresh minds.”

Cy didn’t want to upset her by dragging the conversation out, so it was better that they just lay it to rest now.




4 Years
08-22-2015, 03:04 AM

Arian would settle herself for a moment, she would go silent looking at the sleeping children. Her crystal eyes would glimmer before she returned her gaze to Cypress. "Okay." she would take in a deep breath before letting it out again. Pressing her head gently against Cypress' chest maybe for her own comfort. "I want them to grow up to be strong, I don't want them to be fearful of themselves like I am." she would whisper as she curled up in the den leaving space for Cypress to come up next to her. Tail wiggling back and forth, he needed rest anyway she supposed. "Promise me if it turns out one of them has a mental disease from my side of the family.... we'll still love them." she questioned for a moment.

It wasn't really a nice chance of subject, but it was better than what they had been speaking about before. Tomorrow she would make her rounds and think farther into things. Maybe separate out what she needed to do, as a leader as everyone's guider. She needed to make them understand that she was doing it for the best of them. She regretted making the rule of them being unable to leave, she was going to void it out. She had made it out of fear, and it would no longer be out of fear that it stuck around.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


08-22-2015, 02:28 PM

Cypress would gently nuzzle the top of Arian’s head as she set her head against his chest. “I know my love. I want them to grow up strong and fearless as well, but... Even if they have their flaws, we’ll love them all the same. We’ll help them through it.” He would rise, moving up beside her and snuggling close. He would give a loving lick to her cheek, his words continuing to flow forth gently. “No matter what happens, no matter how they act, what problems may occur, we’ll always love them all the same. They’re still our babies Arian... I would never, ever treat them different for something they can’t control.”

The young man wasn’t entirely thrilled with the change of subject, though it was a slightly lighter tone than the one before. He would breathe out, speaking softly. “Arian... I know you’re afraid. I don’t want you to be. I want you to do what you feel is right but... I think you’re strong enough to lead the pack. To lead our family. I know you brought in Sin because you’re worried about Yfir... But I believe that if you just put your faith in us we’ll bond together and do our best against them. I’m not afraid to fight, to give my all for our cause, but Arian... Please trust us more.” He would whisper, shifting the subject again.

“No matter what I’ll support you. Good decision, bad decision... And I’ll be there to help you sort out the consequences. If you second guess bringing in Sin I’ll deal with him myself if I must. If you want him to stay then that’s fine too. Don’t feel trapped in your decisions.” The man would set his paw over hers. “You’ve got this. When I said you’re stronger than you know I meant it. I can see the potential inside you. Just keep fighting against those doubts, those fears...” He’d smile. “Because when it gets hard I’m here for you. No matter what.”
