
Just A Friendly Face...



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-03-2015, 12:25 AM

He moved from North to East, his search in his endeavors broadening as he sought out others who might potentially follow him...or claim. He had one slave already, he would take another if he needed to. Maybe collect a few more so each of his children could have their own and not fight about Squirrel. He turned to see the pathetic thing following him, instructions clear to the other that he was not to interfere when Sin was on business unless otherwise notified. After all, he planned on the next season to begin what he so desired. So time could no longer be wasted on hopes and pleases and begging for mere promises that could potentially be broken. He was not a man to take empty promises, and would deal punishment should someone break their word to him. That was how his world worked. He did favors, yes. But only to claim a prize, an eye for an eye of sorts.

Claws dug into the earthy soil with each step, his gleaming white pelt didn't match the scenery, though he supposed his blood red markings might. If anything, from a distant glance, he might look like a splatter of blood on a backdrop of snow. Amber gaze looked at the passing scenery, seeking out something of interest. In this case, he was quite thirsty. So with a flick of his tail he signaled to his shadow as he led the way towards water. He'd scented not far off, and soon he would find a decent puddle among the roots of a tree. It rained occasionally in the Eastern lands, and before he'd come down the mountains to get here he'd seen the clouds heavy with rainfall. He'd chosen the perfect moment to come here. He'd lower his muzzle to drink, the water clear and fresh, satiating his thirst. When finished, he decided he'd rest for a moment to gather his thoughts about his family, and his future plans...everything so far, was going quite smoothly.

Talk like this

Mercy I


5 Years

08-03-2015, 01:10 AM

Mercy had grown bored of waiting around for something to happen, so she went out to go and look for it herself. Rolling her scared shoulders she made her way to the Redbud Nook, far enough away from her pack that she knew that she wouldn't run into anyone she knew. She was craving a fresh face and new stories, perhaps more pretty things to look at. Smirking, she made her way to the trees and wove herself around them. It had been quite awhile since she had run into another pretty being...

She watched him approach her tree, purple eyes gazing at his white and red form as he made her way to the base of a tree. She had hopped up to a low hanging branch and was standing on it, elongated tail straight out behind her to aid in balance. Ah, so the little man had not seen her yet, had he? Mercy let out a chuckle, flopping down on the branch and allowing her front paws to stretch towards him, tail hanging limply from the wood. "My my, what do we have here?" she asked in a coy voice, her black marked face gazing down at him. She did not move from her perch, dangling much like a cat before the male. Her head dropped down towards him, keeping herself elevated above him. He seemed shorter than her 38 inches, but it was hard to tell in her current condition. She tilted her marked face slightly, waiting for the stranger to speak. Mercy did not offer her name, nor did she say anything else. She just... waited, very much like a poised cat ready to pounce.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-04-2015, 02:46 PM
Sin Hellstrom

Amber gaze focused on everything and nothing at the same time. His thoughts on Forsaken, who had decided to leave their family meeting early. He knew his children were upset with him for leaving, but it also seemed they were getting over it. But Forsaken had always been a grudge holder, and it seemed he had not yet forgiven him. No matter, his boy would come around the meantime, Sin needed to fill the space that opened up. Else it ruin his plans come next season. Such a shame...he'd make an elite warrior. Still, his hopes remained high for his children. Ears twitched then as he glanced side to side...he could feel something, and it caused him to stand at be a bit more cautious. He was being watched, he could feel the eyes lurking somewhere nearby.

He scented the air, and as soon as he'd detected someone else's scent, a feminine voice touched him. Gazing upwards, he spotted a woman perched on a tree. He removed himself from standing directly beneath her, amber gaze taking a good look at the wannabe feline. "I could say the same." His voice was cool, though his eyes spelled intrigue. She was pure white, save for the black around her eyes but it made her appearance all the more prominent. What else got him, was the unusually long tail upon her form. Well, she was certainly attractive. He'd yet to find a pretty woman such as her, the world seemed marred by various colors and leaving no room for purity such as he and her. "It seems, I've found myself a divine being. There's not many of us left, as the world has been wrought with impurity." He purred to her, tail swaying slightly at hip level, a small smile gracing his inky lips. "My name is Sin, who might you be?"

Mercy I


5 Years

08-04-2015, 11:24 PM

She let out a rumbling purr as her tail swept along the branch, dangling down not far from the man's face. Watching his form move from under her branch, she rose once more to her paws and balanced on the beam she was given, grace a poise keeping her from falling. From her taller height she appraised the man's features, he seemed to be pure white like herself, save for the stains that dotted his coat. Was that... blood? Ha, she should think about doing that. Tail tip quivered as her first encounter with Kyarst crossed her mind, how they had bit at each others coats and painted macabre patterns on each other with their own blood. Lids grew heavy as the thrill of the memory shot down her spine, the warmth spreading to her toes. Mercy was drawn out of her thoughts by the strangers baritone, saying that he could say the same for her. Letting out a snort she shrugged her elegant shoulders, leaping down from her perch to land neatly before the male. Ah, perfect landing. She was light on her feet, her training as a warrior aided in that. The girl realized that she still stood taller than the man before her, two inches of height she had over him. Not much really, but it was still nice to feel tall every once in awhile. Her pack of giants had her feeling short for the first time in her life.

Purple eyes roamed his face as her black nose stuck out close to him, sniffing at the blood markings on his face. She pulled back with a smirk, brow raised as he began to talk again. Divine being? Well now, that was a new one. Go on, Mercy's huge ego could really use some fanning. Thoughts of questioning his markings was long gone as he kept on talking, speaking of impurity. Ha, Mercy? Pure? She would have laughed in his face if she knew what he was pointing at. Her gears turned in her mind as she tried to place it, before she thought of her white coat. White was considered pure, was it not? Ah, so this beast was calling the coloured ones impure. Like Dione, what had Valentine called her? A booger? Lip quivered slightly, but she stayed it quickly. Now was not the time for thoughts like this. It would seem that she had a purist on her hands. Plus, being called a 'divine being' still had the heat on her cheeks. "And yet you taint your so called purity with the markings of blood on your coat?" she asked with a coo, moving from her stationary position to circle tightly around him -- that is if he allowed it. Nose poked slightly at his markings, pulling out the different scents in the blood. Ah, more than one victim then? Interesting... very interesting. The scars down her back pulled slightly as she curved around him, elongated tail coming under his chin if he had not moved. Letting out a giggle Mercy took a few steps back, leaving a mere foot between them. He introduced himself as Sin, asking her own name. "Name's Mercy, but don't let its meaning fool you." She said thoughtfully, her lips tugging up into an almost manic grin. Oh yes, Mercy's name held lots of irony.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-10-2015, 12:32 AM

He watched her as she leaped from her perch to stand neatly before him. His head pulled back slightly as her perfume came to him. Tempting him, goading him to do an action that he was keeping to himself for the moment. Amber gaze searched her purple one as she cooed to him about staining his pelt. Why, what kind of man would he be if he didn't show others how dangerous he could be? The blood remains of his enemies a symbol of his sinful deeds. Every fight he got in, every wolf he killed would become a remnant, a trophy of his accomplishments. The blood too, was always fresher then the last victim. Though it had a tendency to wash off once in a while, he never had trouble finding replacement "ink" for his sinister appearance. "Why, I mark my pelt with those who have wronged me or gotten in my way. They atone for their sins, and in turn I mark my pelt with the blood of my enemies." A rather dark chuckle emanated from his core as he quietly watched her circle around him, peering from the corner of his eye as she checked out his unique way of adorning himself. Unlike others who stained themselves with paint or berries, he went the extra mile and adorned himself with something real.

"Like what you see?" He murmured as she came to stand before him. He did not withdraw, but was rather interested in her more then he'd been interested in anyone. He would love to have her, to add her among his most prized trophies...but alas, on closer inspection it seemed she belonged to another. Was that Imperium he smelled? That pack scent seemed to be all over most he came across as of late. The king must be popular. He offered a genuine grin laced with a certain devious touch as she offered her name. "A pretty name for a pretty girl." He chuckled as his head tipped forward till they were almost nose to nose, her aroma beneath the imperium scent intoxicating. "So what's an angel like you doing out here so far from home?" He purred, amber gaze full of interest and perhaps...desire.


Mercy I


5 Years

08-11-2015, 12:11 PM

There was something alight in his eyes that was all too familiar to the female. Want, lust, desire. It was nothing new to the pale girl, she often got what she wanted out of looks like that. It made her hum thoughtfully as her head tilted, purple eyes locked on his own gaze. There was something else there that she couldn't quite read, but it didn't matter at the moment. Her long tail swished idly behind her as she studied the male, her paws tingling at the promises that he held in his face. But not yet, there was always a game to these things. Dance steps that must be followed until the big finale. Mercy listened to his explanation of his marred coat, and a soft giggle left her lips. "And I have maimed and fought, yet I do not feel the need to display my actions on my coat. Well... there was one time but the act was oh so much more than just flashes of teeth and drawing of blood." She said back softly, the implications of what had transpired clear in her silky voice. They had drawn each others blood for the sheer pleasure of it, an exciting mix of pain and pleasure. Her body shuttered delicatly at the memory, her tongue flicking out to lick her chops. He had laughed at his words, and she had a feeling that others might be scared by this man. But her? Oh no, she had run into way worse before. There was no fear in her bodice at all, only curiosity. He seemed to be a man who was on the lookout for one specific thing, and she wanted to know what that was...

After she circled him he asked if she liked what she saw, and she let out another small burst of laughter. "I've seen better," she teased, gaze alight with humor and her growing hunger. Mercy was a rather simple girl, it didn't take too much to make her happy. Fighting, blood, pleasures. A grin crossed her black lips, blinking those stunning purple eyes at the man. When she offered her name his line that came after made her shake her head slowly, grin spreading. "A rather cheesy line sir, you must have something better in that big head of yours." Mercy said, head pulling to one side. She had heard many lines before, but that was going to go on her list of top cheesy lines. She blinked slowly as he leaned forward, nose almost brushing across her own. She didn't pull back, but sat in her leveled state. Jaws parted slowly as she softly bit the air that rested between them, gaze twinkling at him. She couldn't help but toss a wink at him, another laugh rumbling from her throat. He asked what she was doing so far from home, and Mercy shook her head again. Angel, that was a new one. She quite liked it... "I am far from an angel, unless you add 'dark' somewhere in there," she mused softly, the need to speak loudly was gone at their close proximity. "but I do like to wander. My paws get tired walking the same path for too long."

Walk "Talk" Think

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-15-2015, 10:30 PM

A light smile and a rumbling chuckle tickled his tongue when she spoke. "Shame, I think it would suit you well." He watched her carefully, hungrily, as the proximity between them grew less and less. His brow rose at her remark, this woman was quite the fascination. She was witty too, he liked that in a woman. He wondered about the possibilities of adding her to his collection, but as it was, he would have to go through a great deal of trouble to get her considering she belonged to a pack already. Oh how the world was full of dilemmas and decisions that needed to be made, but for now he'd cross that off his list of things to do at the moment, and perhaps indulge in a bit of fun instead.

"Hmph, I'd figure you'd be the type to accept such compliments no matter the status they are. I only tell it like I see it, and what I see before me is a queen of beauty." He didn't care whether it was cheesy or cliche, he had but one thing on his mind and he had a feeling he'd get it, the two of them satiating each others desires on this fine night. He drew closer to her slowly, head slightly tilted forward as her breath brushed his whiskers. Her eyes were certainly entrancing, and her perfume was enveloping his senses. He was sure he wouldn't be able to control himself if this teasing act went on a bit longer, but why kill the prey when you could torture it instead? With deliberate slowness, he decided to approach further. She seemed to be in a rather playful mood, so he'd gently nip at her cheek as fur brushed against fur. An invitation of sorts.


Mercy I


5 Years

09-01-2015, 01:45 PM

He made a comment about blood looking good on her coat, and she couldn't help but laugh along with him. "The only time I paint my coat red is with the blood of wolves I fuck, macabre paintings of lust and pain." She whispered dangerously, her voice dropping into a dark and sultry tone. No, the blood of her enemies would only mar her pretty coat. But at the turning point of lust and pain, oh the feeling of warm, sticky blood clinging to her pale fur then. Her body shivered with a delicate grace, eyes half lidded with old memories of such paintings. It didn't always happen with everyone that she had coupled with, but the number was still tipped in her favor. Not all appreciated her turn on, but pain only brought her need for a release even higher, more of a hot and heavy demand. Mercy's claws dug into the earth, her excitement quite palatable. The electricity was in the air between them, making the air seem heavier around her.

At his words her laugh was almost breathless, her ego was big enough already, it didn't need to be fed any more. "Mmm, but I receive so many different compliments, its rare to hear something that is new. I don't dash them away, but I do like to be rather... lippy." Mercy teased, his face now very close to her own. There was no need to speak above a whisper, his hot breath tickling the fur around her face. He nipped at her cheek and a low growl rumbled in her throat, her own teeth flashing as she attempted to bite on his cheek, an inch below his eye. It was hard enough to draw blood, to fuel on her aggressive lust. She wasn't one for gentle touches and lovers caresses, only when it came to her brother. Her teeth then tried to drag delicately towards his ear, before her sharp teeth tried to nip at the sensitive appendage. She was far from a lady with the desire to have long walks on the beach at sunset, she wanted blood.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-04-2015, 12:55 AM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2015, 11:44 AM by Sin.)

The pale man's head jerked slightly at the sudden contact of her teeth, a grin curling his lips at the intensity of the situation. So she wanted to play rough? That he could do. It had been a long time since he'd had a rough encounter with a woman, Arietta being more on the delicate side and Ylva not as daring either despite her claims. His fur bristled in excitement, a thin line of blood spilling down the side of his visage, intermixing with the paint that already stained his flesh. His loins grew hot, legs jittery in excitement as if he were a wild stallion in the presence of a heated mare. He couldn't wait to get a taste of her, perhaps steal her mind away from her Imperium king...oh how that thought sent a shiver up his spine. It would be amusing as all hell, too...but time would tell. A second nip would bring him closer to the edge, head rearing back this time as her teeth connected with his ear. He hissed in excitement, body shivering at the violent contact as he drew closer to her.

He sought to press his chest close to her shoulder, neck arching as canines aimed to trail down her neck and draw his own marks from her. If she wanted it rough, then he could play rough. Slowly, roughly, he'd drag his canine down her neck just towards her chest. Nibbling a bit as he went, egging her violent fetish on. "If you wanted to play rough, all you had to do was ask babe."

talk, think

Mercy I


5 Years

09-14-2015, 01:55 PM

He pulled away fast when she bit into him, his blood tainting her pale muzzle with its ember smear. Her salmon tongue snaked out of her mouth to lap it up, a shiver running through her form as she thought of the other times this had happened, all the other times that blood had been drawn to fuel on her pleasure. Sin hissed at her, and she did not miss the shiver that ran though his own pale body. A velveteen laugh left her maw, purple eyes blinking slowly as her own fur bristled in anticipation. It had been awhile, and she knew that she would enjoy every single moment of it.

His chest fur brushed against her own, the intensity of the sudden contact making her gasp softly. He stretched around her and bit down her spine, a whisper of a moan leaving her open maw. Small wells of blood pooled on the surface of her skin, his bites only hard enough to draw a tiny pinch of her blood. But it would be enough for him to get a taste, to push them closer to each other as well as the edge of this whole ordeal. Letting out a rumble of a growl, her ears flickered at his words. But her open jaws were already seeking more of his flesh, teeth aiming to sink into his right shoulder. Her tongue flickered out to coat the skin in soft kisses, replaced only by her teeth seeking more and more of his blood. Mercy's taller body shivered again and again, her need growing quickly for this man. She wanted oh so much more then just this, these bites were too much of a tease for her. "I never ask for permission." she rumbled darkly, elongated tail flicking behind her a few times. His teeth left her back and dragged down her chest, sending Mercy's head heavenwards to give him better access to the tender flesh that lay there. Her purple eyes were pressed closed, her claws digging into the ground. All her muscles quivered, asking for more with a needy whine.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
10-06-2015, 07:44 PM

The beast allowed the contact offered from the Ivory babe, shuddering and squirming within as she drew more blood from his body. Her words murmured to him would be responded with a short grunt, his own teeth seeking to nip a little harder as he trailed beneath her neck as she offered it to him. The anticipation was too great, so with a whisper of a hiss he began to roughly brush against her side, teeth trailing back over to her back as he sought to enhance their little private game.

He could tell she couldn't hold much longer, just as he felt too. His body was ready, anticipating what it might feel like to take this precious woman. He was respectful of her, her ivory from acting like his kryptonite for it was only those of purity he would devour with such bloodlust, while setting them on a pedestal that they so deserved. His tongue would swipe across her form, tasting the blood he drew as he moved further down the base of her back, down her thigh, towards her tail...he was hungry for her, and he was sure that he was hungry for him as well. "Ready?" It wasn't so much a question as it was a statement, he would give a sharp nip to her inner thigh, indicating that he would begin whenever she so desired.