
It's cold outside[Cyrian fambam]



4 Years
08-05-2015, 11:27 AM

Today was the day, her children were old enough to step outside of the warm den and embrace the cold. Whether they liked it or not, well, they'd have to grow used to it. Because of their young age, they'd be able to adjust so easily and get stronger that way. Arian couldn't help the smile on her face though, she knew they'd already be up the most of them. Rivaxorus was indefinitely boundless with energy but he was so keen on trying to follow the rules that Arian had set for the pups. They could go outside, but they could not go far from the ship without a member of the pack with them.

"Everyone ready?" she shot a glance at Cypress as she pulled herself up onto the deck of the ship through the hole in the hull. The spring wind hitting her fur was still colder than the inside of the ship. Walking along the wood until she was down the ramp and onto the snow. Looking behind her where the ocean was located, listening to the waves hit up on the shore. "This is our home, it may not look like much, but it's pretty and will help you grow up to be strong." they would have to learn one day that life was not all fun and games. For now though she supposed that playing around would do them just fine.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


08-05-2015, 09:53 PM
Being the little adventurer she was, Juniper was the first to charge head on after her mother and out of the den. Over-sized paws struggled to keep the girl from tripping, but she managed, her little jaws trying to nip at Arian's tail along the way. Once off the vessel the girl wasted no time in bounding past her mother and charging right for a pile of snow, and with one hard push of her back legs she would be sent nose first like a fox pouncing for prey, her butt and tail wiggling in the air and her laughter muffled by the snow.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

08-05-2015, 10:16 PM
Rivaxorus watched as his siblings bounded into the snow. His first expression when stepping off the ship was for how cold it was. He remember mother telling them that the cold would be much different from the warmth. His two different colored eyes widening as he looked at the white expanse. Along with the ocean he had only seen through windows in the ship. Juniper had rushed passed him, making the pup nearly lose his footing. He decided to stick by mother mostly, but a smile forming on his face because of his sister. "Juniper you can get hurt that way you should be more careful." He would say as he hopped carefully over to her. His stumbling huge paws something even he was trying to get used to. His tail started to wag back and forth though, he took some snow up with his nose and flicked it at Juniper. He could play too if he wanted, even if the flick of a snowball was pathetic in that try for the fluffy small animal.


08-06-2015, 02:22 PM
Not long after Juniper and Rivaxorus, a bundle of fluffy fur darted past Arian, mismatched eyes gleaming as Jasha jumped into the snow with no thought of how cold it would be. Instantly, a wail escaped his jaws, and he stared over at his mother. "It's cold, mom." It was; the snow was biting at his paws, and the bundle of russet ebony, and white seemingly pranced around, raising one front paw after the other in an effort to escape the stuff on the ground. The cold wouldn't stop his excitement, though; as he pranced too close to his mother, his ears pricked at the sound of water. He had heard it before, very faintly, but he had no image to connect with what his mother had called it. O-cean, maybe? Creeping forwards, Jasha looked at the edge of the water he could see. It looked fun; he wanted to go over there, but a glance at his mother would make him think otherwise. Still, that didn't stop him from calling for the two siblings that were already outside. "Juniiiiiiiii. Riiiiiiiiiv. Come look at the o-cean!" His tail was wagging wildly behind him as he stared at the ocean.


08-06-2015, 03:18 PM
The little boy would slowly walk out of the den to stand beside his mother, he looked around him at the snow and in the distance a large body of water. The sun made it all sparkle a bit and it looked beautiful , but there was an ever present question in the boy’s mind that he tended to ask of everything. “Is it dangerous?” he would ask his mother, “I mean I assume you wouldn’t let us go anywhere that was dangerous, but I’d just like to make sure.” He looked at his siblings warily, how could they just go out there carelessly without thinking of what might happen. Sure he himself didn’t quite know what would happen but he wasn’t going to find out the hard way.


08-06-2015, 03:38 PM

"Everyone ready?" As Arian gave him a look Cy would flash a small smile. Was he? No, not really. He wasn't ready for the children to be out about in the world. His gaze would sweep over each child, from his daughter to his sons. Goodness gracious they were already jumping out and about into the snow! Panic filled him as he darted to Juniper's side, gently grabbing his daughter by the scruff and pulling her up out of the snow. He'd set her back on the ramp, glancing around frantically to make sure all the other little ones were still in tact. Thank the gods. Cypress would breathe out let his gaze turn to Arian, speaking up gently. "Are you sure we can't keep them inside? ...Forever...?" He would lower his ears, glancing over at Jasha. Gods give him strength.




08-06-2015, 09:10 PM
Woken from her slumber by her mother, the minuscule phoenix staggered mournfully to her feet. They were going outside? Big deal, couldn't it wait until tomorrow? She had been up all night stargazing through the crack in the wall, and was still exhausted. Yawning widely, she watched her siblings all go bounding out of the den. Even her father left before she did, as she busily stretched the stiffness from her youthful limbs. Everyone was so excited, but she couldn't imagine why. What could possibly be so good about outside that wasn't even better in the warmth and solitude of the den? Shaking out her russet pelt, the young damsel traipsed after her family. She couldn't bring herself to worry about being left behind. Any of her ability to worry had probably been given to Riv. Her claws clacked loudly across the warped wooden floorboards of the decrepit vessel in which they made their home. She could hear her mother's voice dimly, explaining this and that to her siblings. She listened to it, and made careful note of the important stuff.
Delicate paws thumped casually through the trail in the snow after her siblings, using the paths they'd already gone through the trouble of cutting on their own. It was far easier to move that way. The cold bit into the soft flesh of her pads, and she decided she wanted to go back into the den as soon as possible. This wasn't pleasant at all. The huge footsteps of her parents gave her a wide track to follow, and eventually she caught up with them. Examining the scene with an expression that could only be called curious by a far stretch, she let out a soft breath. Plodding closer to the group, she flopped over in a drift of snow. "Mom, the coldness makes my feet feel bad. My nose stings, too." She complained, driving her pitch up to a falsetto so her whining was sure to be heard. "You're the boss lady, make it better!" She continued to gripe, flailing her feet for emphasis. She rolled onto her back, the coolness feeling strange against her narrow spine as she held her feet up in the air for all to see. The odd whorls of rose and ebony upon her pads and nose were a source of great amusement to some of her siblings, but she didn't care.
The soot faced girl gazed up at the sky, watching patterns in the clouds make themselves known. They were kinda interesting, but not like the stars. The stars were pretty and blinked in and out of being at night. Brilliant violet optics stared out from oculars encircled in ivory and ebony, while she waited for her mom to solve her problems. The petite lass had no idea what to do, and instead left her charcoal muzzle pointed up at the sky in a neutral expression bordering on grumpy. Mom would fix it. Or Dad would fix it. Someone would solve the issue, or tell her how to do it herself. Maybe mom would take them home, back to the den. Then, everything would be okay. The den was a good place. It was warm and dark, she could take naps there at her discretion.



4 Years
08-14-2015, 04:15 PM

Arian would laugh as her children darted out into the snow, some more than others. It seemed Cedric was terrified of everything and Opium just didn't want her feet getting cold. As Cypress tried to grab Juniper Arian would calmly settle herself down to answer him. "They'll be fine cypress, they need to know how to live a little." as young as they were if kept in a warm place like that. Exactly as Katja had thought they'd turn out to be mushy pieces of prey. She then turned to opium. "Even if I am a boss lady I cannot control the weather. People still have to do things for themselves. Even is Itsume gets angry at those who mistreat us." she would speak of the goddess name as she gently picked Opium out of the snow. Her attention towards Jasha as she looked at the sea.

"When you are all a bit older, we can go to the shore and teach you how to swim, but for now. Don't go too far away from the ship without an adult." Arian explained to them as she walked in the snow to stretch her three good legs. It felt nice to be out and about and now she had five young ones to look after. With how oddly calm she was, on the inside she was just hoping things worked out for her plans in the future. Unless, she was going something wrong again.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


08-15-2015, 10:30 AM
Her butt wiggled in the air a few times before Cypress quickly came over to rescue his daughter, grabbing her by the scruff and pulling her out and setting her down. "Thank you daddy!" She barked, licking him on the leg with a grin, tail thumping against the ground. Riv decided to come and join her too, telling her she should be careful because she could get hurt. "Don't worry, I'm just having fun!" She barked, flinching when her brother threw some snow at her. "H-hey! Imma get you!" She growled playfully, quickly standing up and lunging forward, aiming to tackle the boy, jaws trying to nom on his neck while her paws went to wrap around his shoulders to keep him close.

Jasha called them then, making the girl stand up and look over to her brother. "O-she-n?" She questioned, face scrunching up as she tried to pronounce the word. "I wanna see too Jasha! Come on Riv!" With one good push to Riv, just to be a little butt and to make sure she would be first, the girl quickly ran over to join her brother to look out at the water. "Woah! There is so much!" She gasped, tail wagging behind her. Their mother told them how when they were older they could all go to the shore and teach them how to swim, but for now they shouldn't go too far without an adult. Juniper already knew she would try it without an adult, but right now she nodded to her mother. "Okay momma."